Homeplus pro iOS 14 alternative

Longtime jailbreakers will remember that one of the most popular pastimes would have been customizing the Home Screen layout with an arbitrary number of rows and columns to fit the growing number of apps we use on our handsets these days. Some liked higher app icon density on each page, while others preferred to lighten things up.

Last year, iOS developer Kritanta released HomePlus Pro, which offered granular Home Screen layout customization on demand for jailbroken iOS 13 devices. Now that unc0ver has picked up support for iOS 14.0-14.3, it may not come as much of a surprise that HomePlus Pro is available for jailbroken iOS 14 devices as well.

Just like last years iteration of the tweak, HomePlus Pro allows iOS 14 users to pinch the Home Screen to reveal an editor interface where users can then adjust the number of rows and columns independently, tweak app icon sizing and alpha levels, and adjust app icon spacing, among other things:

HomePlus Pro works dynamically and quick on its feet, dodging the need for relentless resprings while adjusting the appearance of your Home Screen one setting at a time. Best of all, the What You See Is What You Get editor shields users from going into the Settings app, then back out to the Home Screen, and then back into the Settings app again to make fine-tuned adjustments.

Users can also create and save multiple layouts with HomePlus Pro, so if you have more than one way of enjoying your Home Screen, then you can save those individually and apply them whenever you feel like it.

Once installed, HomePlus Pro adds a dedicated preference pane to the Settings app where users can configure the tweak to their liking:

Here, users can:

  • Toggle HomePlus Pro on or off on demand
  • Enable or disable the gesture to invoke HomePlus Pro
  • Enable support for IconSupport
  • Enable or disable pagebar extension
  • Choose a preferred Activation Gesture:

HomePlus Pro with iOS 14 support is now available for $2.49 from the Chariz repository via your favorite package manager. If you just jailbroke your shiny new iPhone on iOS 14.0-14.3 with unc0ver or have had a jailbroken iOS 14 device by way of checkra1n, then this tweak is for you. HomePlus Pro is also open source on the developers GitHub page.

Will you downloading the new HomePlus Pro tweak? Let us know why or why not in the comments section down below.