Which of the following represents the most important reason why infant and toddler professionals should care about reducing poverty quizlet?

The Social Work Reinvestment Act is primarily focused on which of the following?

Question options:
- expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit to reduce poverty among working families
- establishing the Congressional Social Work Caucus
providing student loan forgiveness for social workers with debt
- supporting recruitment, retention, recognition, and adequate
- compensation for professional social workers

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Terms in this set (102)

Which of the following more accurately describes what the acronym KWL means?

b. What learners already KNOW about a topic/lesson, what learners WANT to learn about a topic/lesson, and what learners LEARNED about a topic/lesson.

Which of the following does your text consider to be one of the three most important teacher professional roles?

Creating productive learning environments

Which of the following is, according to your text, a characteristic of professionalism?

Specialized body of knowledge
-Content knowledge
-Pedagogical knowledge
-Knowledge of developmental appropriateness
-Knowledge of learners and learning
-Knowledge of the profession

The four major areas of pedagogy and professional responsibilities standards for Texas teachers include which of the following?


A "code of ethics" is most accurately described as

c. guidelines that affirm common values and commitments of a profession, while providing guidelines for decision-making when there are conflicting obligations andresponsibilities in their line of work

Technology has impacted today's classroom environments in which of the following ways?

Answer: E. A,B &C

a. revolutionized the way we communicate.
b. revolutionized the way we find information.
c. introduced new issues that schools must address.
d. a & b
e. a, b, & c

extrinsic rewards

salaries, benefits, and work schedule

intrinsic rewards

knowing you can impact the future by making a difference in the lives of learners


many varied individual tasks besides teaching


ability to deal with a variety of tasks at the same time


when things demand sudden unexpected need for decision-making


inconsistencies in circumstances/different teachers respond differently


being "on stage" where others are "sizing you up" all the time

first-year teachers

need for support in developing a sense of self-efficacy

experienced teachers

frustration with incompetent and/or unmotivated colleagues

Which of the following is knowledge NAEYC identifies as critical to the decision making processes involved in developmentally appropriate practices?

Answer: E. A, B, & C

a. knowledge about how children develop and learn.
b. knowledge about the individual children in a group.
c. knowledge of the social and cultural context in which children live and learn.
d. a & b
e. a, b, & c


testing designed to identify those candidates who have demonstrated the level of professional and subject-matter knowledge required to perform satisfactorily in their teaching field


an appraisal instrument used within the state of Texas that is designed to assess the level of teacher effectiveness and professional development within the educational setting


standardized learner outcomes that describe what learners in Texas are to know and be able to do.


standardized assessments used in the state of Texas to assess the effectiveness of the teaching/learning process

The NAEYC Code of Ethics addresses which of the following area(s) of professional relationships that is not addressed by most other professional organizations' codes of ethics?

Answer: e. b & d

b. relationships with families
d. relationships with community and society

Which of the following is a characteristic of today's classrooms?

Answer: d. a & b

a. Classrooms are becoming more culturally, ethnically, linguistically and religiously diverse.
b. Accountability and high-stakes testing are a way of life in today's classrooms.

Which of the following represents a legitimate State Board for Educator Certification approved "route to becoming certified" as an educator in Texas?

Answer: e. a, b, & c

a. traditional university-based programs
b. alternative certification programs
c. certification based on credentials from outside Texas.

Chapter 2.


Which of the following is a change in American society that is reflected in today's learner population?

Answer: d. a & b

a. A little over 5% of today's learners come from traditional families (father as breadwinner, mother who is at home, and one sibling).
b. Many of today's learners live in poverty.

Poor-quality child care has the opposite effects.


According to your text, which of the following is a true statement with regard to today's adolescent school population?

Answer: e. a, b, & c

a. U.S. has the highest rate of teen pregnancy and births in the industrialized world.
b. Suicide is now the third leading cause of teen death.
c. More than 40% of today's teens have consumed alcohol.

Which of the following is a true statement with regard to the student population of today?

Answer: f. a, b, & c

a. Childhood obesity has tripled in proportions since 1980.
b. Bullying has become a significant issue that has the potential to put teachers at risk for legal action if ignored.
c. Previous retention in a grade is a risk factor for dropout before graduation.

Which of the following is seen as a contributor placing student at-risk for dropping out?

Answer: e. a, b, & c

a. living in low-income households.
b. participating in substance abuse
c. retention

Which of the following reflects a way that a teacher's role changes in a "full-service school"?

Answer: e. a, b, & c

a. changes from one of instructor to partner with the community.
b. expected to serve on community councils that attempt to link schools with their surrounding communities
c. expected to be proactive in making contacts with parents and other caregivers.

Which of the following most accurately describes what is known as the "self-fulfilling prophecy?

a. learners' tendency to live up to the potential reflected in the teacher's expectations of them.

According to your text, which of the following is a true statement with regard to children's early experiences?


Which of the following is a true statement with regard to the effects of socioeconomic status on learners' school success?

Answer: e. a, b, & c

-a. Low SES elementary students are more than twice as likely as their higher SES peers to fall below basic levels of reading.
-b. Poor nutrition associated with low SES can negatively affect attention and memory and even lower intelligence test scores.
-c. Low SES parents tend to have lower expectations with regard to school success that can have a negative impact on learning for low SES learners.

According to your text, which of the following accurately relates dropout rate statistics?

Answer: e. b & c

-b. Nearly 1/3 of students entering 9th grade won't graduate in 4 years.
-c. Dropout increases to approximately 50% for cultural minorities.

Which of the following is a way teachers can promote student resilience?


Which of the following is a true statement with regard to schools' and teachers' responsibilities toward students?


Which of the following most accurately relates the overarching mindset change that is needed to help alleviate some of today's education-related problems that was suggested by your instructor?

b. We need to move from a culture of what to blame to a culture of how to fix the problems faced by today's schools.

chapter 3



the knowledge, attitudes, values, customs, and behavior patterns that characterize a social group


the way in which a person identifies with the nation from which he/she or his/her ancestors came

Cultural minority

a term often used to refer to various non-White cultural groups (does not necessarily agree with "more/less" in terms of numbers)

Culturally responsive teaching

instruction that acknowledges and capitalizes on cultural diversity

Bilingual Maintenance Programs

emphasizes using & sustaining child's first language while learning English

Immersion Programs

Child is placed in classroom where English is only language used


pull-out programs designed to supplement English instruction/modify instruction

Transition Programs

first language is maintained until sufficient English is learned to succeed

Which of following is a true statement with regard to gender issues in schooling?

Answer: D. a&c

a. Boys outnumber girls in remedial English and math classes.
b. Girls are more likely to drop out of school than boys.
c. Girls outperform boys on the majority of academic measures.
d. a & c


the capacity to acquire knowledge, the ability to think and reason in the abstract, and the ability to solve problems

Multiple intelligences

Gardner's & Sternberg's theories that suggest overall intelligence is composed of many different intelligence dimensions

Ability grouping

the practice of placing students of similar aptitude and achievement histories together in an attempt to match instruction to the needs of different groups


the practice of ability grouping that places students in a series of different classes or curricula on the basis of ability and career goals

Learning styles

students' personal approaches to learning, problem solving, and processing information


students' awareness of the ways they think and learn most effectively and their ability to control these factors.

Which of the following is a true statement with respect to addressing learning styles in the classroom?

Answer: E. a, b, & c

a. By encouraging students to think about how they learn best, teachers provide a powerful learning tool students can use throughout their lives.
b. Increased sensitivity to differences in the way students learn makes it more likely that you will vary your teaching approach accordingly.
c. No single instructional approach will work with all students.
d. b & c
e. a, b, & c

Exceptional learners

learners who have special or unusual characteristics

Gifted and talented learners

learners at the upper end of the continuum who require additional classroom support.


functional limitations or inability to perform a certain act


possession of abilities at the upper end of the continuum that require support beyond usual classroom instruction (typically enrichment or acceleration)


practice of placing students with exceptionalities in general education classrooms, often for selected activities only


comprehensive approach to educating students with exceptionalities that includes a total, systematic, and coordinated web of services

Special education

instruction designed to meet the unique needs of students with exceptionalities

Enrichment Program

Provides curriculum content through strategies that supplement usual grade-level work

Acceleration Programs

keeps the curriculum the same but allows students to move through it more quickly

IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan)

targets developmentally delayed preschool children with provisions that specify services for those children.

IEP (Individualized Education Program)

devised by special education and general education teachers, resource professionals, parents, and administrators to specify services for children with special needs.

LRE (Least Restrictive Environment)

students are placed in as normal an educational setting as possible while still meeting their special needs

School success can be enhanced for all by

Answer: E. a,b, & c

a. considering the cultural implications of differences between the school workforce and learner population.
b. Keeping in mind that attitudes and values can enhance or detract from school success ("self-fulfilling prophecy").
c. Remembering that developmentally appropriate practices include considering culture.
d. b & c
e. a, b, & c

Asian American students

typically value hard work, perseverance and pride.

Native American students

perhaps aren't used to the fast-paced give-and-take patterns that characterize American classrooms.

Teachers need to help learners learn about the culture of schooling, the norms, procedures, and expectations necessary for success in school.


Schools need to move from the assimilationist and deficit model of addressing cultural differences to an approach that is learner-centered and demonstrates a value of diversity.


Inclusive instructional intervention strategies include which of the following?

Answer: E. a,b, &c

a. Provide differentiated instruction to meet a variety of ability levels/learning styles.
b. Use open-ended activities to the extent possible.
c. Carefully design scaffolding steps where need is indicated.
d. a & c
e. a, b, & c

Significant demographic trends that need to be addressed in education today include which of the following?

Answer: D. a &c

a. Less than 50% of today's U.S. 3-year-old population is white.
b. By 2050 it is predicted that Latinos will be the majority among adults.
c. More recent immigrants are predominantly from Latin America and Asia.
d. a & c

gender-role identity

differences in expectations and beliefs about appropriate roles and behaviors of the 2 sexes.


a rigid simplistic, caricature of a particular group of people.

gender bias

discrimination based on gender that limits the growth possibilities of either boys or girls.

Chapter 4


Southern Colonies

characterized by the English tradition of education for the wealthy few.

Middle Colonies

characterized by diversity that resulted in creation of parochial schools that emphasized religion and the three R's

New England Colonies

characterized by cultural and religious homogeneity that gave rise to the Old Deluder Satan Act mandating towns of 50 or more provide for education emphasizing scripture-literate students.

Becoming a nation with a Constitution gave rise to educational controversies in which of the following ways?

Answer: D. a & c
a. It established the principle of separation of church and state.
b. It firmly placed the federal government in total control of education rather than the states.
c. It established a role for the federal government in public education with the passage of the Land Ordinance of 1785.
d. a & c

The Common School Movement during the 19th century was characterized by which of the following?

Answer: D. a,b,& c
a. States developed education departments and state and local taxes were collected to support public schools.
b. Educators attempted to open school attendance to underrepresented groups such as the urban poor and freed slaves.
c. Schools were organized by grade level with standardized curriculum.
d. a, b, & c

NEA's Cardinal Principles (1914-1918)

actually during WWII, came up with some common goals for public education

English Classical School (1821):

focused on needs of boys not attending college

Boston Latin Grammar School (1635):

prepared boys for ministry/law

Native American

from assimilation to boarding schools to tribal control of schools to public schools

African Americans

from exclusion to "separate but equal" to Civil Rights Movement and integrated public schools

Hispanic Americans

from Catholic mission schools to assimilation to ELL efforts

Asian Americans

initially welcomed to segregated schools to post-WWII internment camps to today's assimilated "model majority"

Progressive Education Movement (early 1950's)

schooling as compulsory was questioned and Dewey's emphasis on process over product emerged in some educational circles.

Cold War and Russia's launch of "Sputnik" (1957)

led to National Defense Education Act with big-time emphasis on need for academic rigor, especially in math, science and foreign language.

War on Poverty (1960's)

enter the need for compensatory education and the Head Start and Title I programs.

Vietnam War (1959-1975)

cultural backlash against pushing the "establishment" values on the young and the questioning of curriculum that favored esoterical, intellectual subjects rather than topics of more immediate personal concern

PL 94-142 (1975)

law aimed at providing for more inclusive public schools

"A Nation at Risk" publication (1983)

called for public accountability for learner success, more rigorous teacher training, and more emphasis on academic rigor.

No Child Left Behind (NCLB - 2001)

called for all states to have rigorous curriculum standards in place, to have standardized assessments in place, and to perform interventions to help learners who need extra help.

Some current initiatives to address school equity issues include which of the following?

Answer: D. a,b, & c
a. magnet schools
b. charter schools
c. Title IX's impact on gender discrimination
d. a, b, & c

Which of the following does your text consider to be an educational legacy of the Colonial Period?

Answer: E. a,b, & c
a. With few exceptions, educational opportunities excluded poor Whites, females, and minorities.
b. It laid the foundation for public support of education and local control of schools with the Old Deluder Satan Act.
c. It laid the foundation for the contentious issues related to religion and education that continue to be debated today.
d. a & b
e. a, b, & c

According to your text, which of the following represents an issue that arose during the Common School Movement and remains an issue today?

Answer: E. a & c.
a. Inequitable funding of education from state to state and district to district.
b. School quality suffered when larger elementary schools began to separate students into grade levels.
c. The question of what constitutes a well-qualified teacher.
d. a & b
e. a & c

According to your text, high schools in response to the National Education Association's "Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education" issued in its 1918 report, began to reflect which of the following characteristics?

Answer: D. a &b
a. A broadened curriculum to include not only college preparation courses of study, but also addressed teaching basic skills, vocational education, and civic responsibility.
b. Proposed that comprehensive high schools have different tracks for different students.
c. Different tracks were designed to standardize education for all students.
d. a & b

According to your text, which of the following was a result of NEA's attempt to customize high school education?

Answer: D. a& b
a. There was a tendency to result in low teacher expectations and rote learning techniques for the non-college-bound students.
b. There was a tendency to make high schools very large, particularly in urban areas.
c. There was a tendency to result in more students preparing for college.
d. a & b

According to your text, which of the following is characteristic of the philosophical rationale for transitioning from Jr. High to Middle Schools organizational patterns prevalent in many school systems today?

Answer: E. a & b, c
a. Jr. High Schools, though initially aimed at addressing the unique developmental needs of adolescents, emerged as imitations of High Schools.
b. Middle Schools provide more opportunities for teachers to get to know students by creating student and teacher teams, thus allowing teachers to target the unique developmental needs of adolescents.
c. Teacher teaming in Middle Schools allows for sharing information about learner progress and integrating topics to make them more relevant and meaningful to learners.
d. a & c
e. a, b, & c

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