libertarian là gì - Nghĩa của từ libertarian

libertarian có nghĩa là

A libertarian is someone who wants to take America back to the way it was run in the 1800s, regardless of how much the world has changed since then. Libertarians also have mean hard-ons for unregulated capitalism, believing that the "Invisible Hand" will erase poverty and create a utopia instead of what ACTUALLY happens when you let companies do whatever they want, which is:

-Children working in factories and mines
-Corporate monopolies
-Workplaces where death is likely
-Low, low wages
-Shit in your food (Read Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle")
-Even more extreme corporate corruption and political pawns than we have now.
-Getting the living fuck stomped out of you by company-hired goons for trying to organize a union (Battle of the Overpass)


"God I've got such a mean hard-on for capitalism!" *fapfapfapfapfap*

-Typical libertarian

libertarian có nghĩa là

1. Someone who thinks Somalia is a nice place to live.
2. One who thinks Ayn Rand is a good writer and isn't crazy.
3. Delves into the archives of history to base an ideology off of Industrial Age Europe in much the same way conservatives do medieval England.
4. One who thinks the free market should decide whether or not it's okay to force your children to work in African mines doing backbreaking labor, inhaling toxic fumes and whatnot for eight cents an hour.


The Dark Lord Cthulhu
Prince of Darkness
Michael Badnarik
Ayn Rand

^ each and every one a proud Libertarian

libertarian có nghĩa là

One who follows a Utopian political ideology which claims to support individual freedoms in all areas socially and economically. Ironically, while they advocate "small" government, (i.e. reduction of government in all areas except those which protect the domination of the capitalist class) if the libertarian ideology were to actually be put into effect, it would more than likely lead to an extremely oppressive society, dominated even more than now, by a wealthy few. Because of this, libertarianism can be described as a form of corporatism in disguise. Libertarianism is popular among rebellious high schoolers who in actuality know little of politics or the real world.


"The mistake of the libertarian ideology is that it fails to recognize that big business is just as oppressive as big government."

libertarian có nghĩa là

a person who thinks that they have all the answers to the US government. In actuality their ideas would cripple the US, ans we would never be able to be part of the world economy again. libertarians believe there should be no taxes, which would end the government and structure and economy of the United States

also, they support vouchers, giving money to kids to go to private schools. if there is the money to send these kids to private schools, why not use that money to improve the public schools?


Libertarians crippled California's education system by pushing through prop 13

libertarian có nghĩa là

Libertarians are nothing more than economic
conservatives (Privatize all government services, end public schools,
screw the poor) who are simply not religious fuck-tards. They can be
anywhere from mainstream christian to atheist, but the only thing they
have in common is that they do not want to pay any taxes for anything,
and they would rather have the government just cater to business.

A typical libertarian is someone who doesn't care about religious or
moral issues, but who wants to eliminate public schools, because
education is "not a right under the constitution", and who wants to
eliminate all government regulations on business, because "businesses
can just police themselves"

In other words, they are amoral sociopaths who don't give a fuck about
humanity, or about using government to build a fair, just, equitable
society that serves all the people equally.

I bought into the whole libertarian thing a while back, but when it
came down to regulations, I realized they had a serious disconnect.
Most of the libertarian literature I've seen, and most of the
libertarians I've talked to believe in "business self-regulation" like
a religion. They seem to think that businesses always have the best
interests of the people in mind, and that we don't need minimum wages,
zoning regulations, safety regulations, or any regulations, because
"the market must be free to go in whatever direction it goes in", "let
workers decide which businesses have the best policies by not working
for bad companies", and "taxes only inhibit growth and prosperity".

It's all total bullshit. Everyone knows that self regulation is
bullshit -- it ALWAYS has resulted in corporate aliances that
deliberately screw customers. Just look how the self-regulation of the
stock brokers and auditors, and energy companies ended up -- MCI, Tyco,
Enron, Anderson-Little, and others. If a company has an opportunity to
get away with screwing it's customers without accountability, THEY
WILL. If a company is allowed to operate a facility with dangerous
practices that endanger workers or the surrounding community, IT WILL.

Regulations were invented for very good reasons -- to protect workers,
to protect communities, and to make people and companies accounatable
when things go horribly wrong. Libertarians want us to forget our past
run-ins with monopolies and industry self-regulation.


Barry Goldwater is a libertarian.

libertarian có nghĩa là

See definition of asshole


Alice: So you're voting for the asshole?
Bob: Yes! This country needs a vapid asshole who's true to the ideals of libertarianism!

libertarian có nghĩa là

A person who enters into the political dialogue for the first time having never exhibited any particular prior interest in the human condition or society at large outside the welfare of his own family or close personal friends.


How libertarian of you to dedicate your life to serving yourself!

libertarian có nghĩa là

Anyone who doesn't believe that the government should be used for control and oppression, but firmly believes in the right of walmart-style corporations and the wealthy to do so.


Libertarians scare me.

libertarian có nghĩa là

A person that dresses up their desire to get pot legalized into a quasi political party. No matter what they say or do all they want is dope legalized.


All you need to do to get rid of the Libertarian party is legalize dope.

libertarian có nghĩa là

Libertarians are a bunch of failed Reagan-era Republicans and Conservatives who despise the poor and working classes while constantly praising the ground that the so-called "free market" walks on. At their best, they're conservatives, at their worst, they're anarcho-capitalists who want to see the poor suffer and eventually die off. Libertarians constantly praise the free market and seem to believe that companies are somehow incapable of any form of wrongdoing and that everybody should go to them for help. They want to privatize everything from law enforcement (mercenary police) to even national defense (private armies). They also want to dispose of any and all forms of social welfare, an action that will kill many people, make many more homeless, and leave countless without any form of health insurance. They want to see society return to its original tribalist form, where no civilization existed and there were no forms of organization, basically turning back the clock on human social progression.


Libertarians have a disdain for the social contract