A case of spinal cord injury Quizlet

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Jonathan Begay, a 22-year -old man of the Navajo Nation, is playing football with some of his friends in the park. He jumps up in the air to catch the football and is hit by another player. Jonathan flips in midair and feels something pop in his neck as he lands hard on the ground. He does not have any pain, but when he tries to get up, he cannot move his legs or arms. Jonathan is alert and is talking to his friends.

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A case of spinal cord injury Quizlet

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A case of spinal cord injury Quizlet

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What should Ryan's friends do while waiting for emergency personnel to arrive?

a) Help Ryan move his legs and assist him to sit up.

b) Place a blanket over Ryan and make sure no one moves him.

c) Attempt to stabilize his neck with any type of soft material.

d) Carefully put Ryan in the back of a truck with one man holding his neck.

e) Ensure that the scene around Ryan is safe and that he is not in any immediate danger.

b) Place a blanket over Ryan and make sure no one moves him.

e) Ensure that the scene around Ryan is safe and that he is not in any immediate danger.

If respiratory compromise occurs, what action should the nurse take to keep the airway open without compromising Ryan's spine further?

a) Logroll to side while maintaining neutral alignment.

b) Perform the jaw-thrust technique.

c) Flex the neck with a wedge pillow.

d) Use the chin-lift/head-tilt technique.

b) Perform the jaw-thrust technique.

Which intervention has highest priority when assessing Ryan?

a) Palpate the lower abdomen for any signs of urinary retention.

b) Assess sensation by gently pinching the skin distal to proximal.

c) Assess Ryan's breathing pattern and his ability to cough.

d) Monitor the client's vital signs, especially a tympanic temperature.

c) Assess Ryan's breathing pattern and his ability to cough

Ryan is scheduled to have an open CT scan with contrast procedure. What questions should be asked prior to administering the intravenous contrast through Ryan's saline lock?

a) What happens when he eats shellfish (crustaceans)?

b) Has he ever been allergic to peanuts?

c) Does he have an allergy to iodine?

d) Does he have any metal piercings on his body or metal implants?

a) What happens when he eats shellfish (crustaceans)?

c) Does he have an allergy to iodine?

After the CT scan is complete, Ryan is transported to the MRI scan. What questions are appropriate for to ask Ryan prior to beginning the procedure?

a) Has he ever been told he is allergic to iodine?

b) Is he claustrophobic or afraid of closed-in, small places?

c) When was the last time he ate or drank anything?

d) Does he have any metal piercings on his body or metal implants?

e) Does he have any allergies to eggs?

b) Is he claustrophobic or afraid of closed-in, small places?

d) Does he have any metal piercings on his body or metal implants?

Which assessment data warrants immediate intervention by the ED nurse?

a) Ryan complains of a loss of sensation and reflexes below his elbows. His skin is flushed and his extremities are warm to touch.

b) Ryan is not able to demonstrate deep breaths when asked to breathe in deep and cough

c) Ryan's respirations are 20 breaths/min and he is talking without difficulty

d) Ryan's blood pressure is 80/45 mmHg and his pulse is 48 beats/min

e) Ryan appears to have bladder distention

a) Ryan complains of a loss of sensation and reflexes below his elbows. His skin is flushed and his extremities are warm to touch.

d) Ryan's blood pressure is 80/45 mmHg and his pulse is 48 beats/min

e) Ryan appears to have bladder distention

Which intervention should the nurse implement first?

a) Assess Ryan for symptoms of paralytic ileus

b) Notify the ED HCP immediately

c) Assist the ED HCP in inserting an endotracheal tube

d) Prepare to administer the vasoconstrictor dopamine

b) Notify the ED HCP immediately

Which nursing intervention is included in the care plan when managing a client with Gardner-Wells tongs?

a) Do not remove the traction weights and ensure they hang freely.

b) Ensure that an extra set of drill bits are available in case a new set of predrilled holes must be made in Ryan's skull.

c) Place the velcro binders securely around Ryan's head.

d) Apply a halo vest when Ryan is in the upright position.

a) Do not remove the traction weights and ensure they hang freely.

Which intervention should be implemented for a paralytic ileus?

a) Encourage Ryan to eat a high-calorie, high-fiber diet.

b) Turn Ryan every 2 hours in the kinetic bed.

c) Obtain an order to insert a nasogastric tube and set the siphon drainage to a low, intermittent suction.

d) Continue to assess Ryan, but take no action at this time.

c) Obtain an order to insert a nasogastric tube and set the siphon drainage to a low, intermittent suction.

Which nursing diagnosis has priority at this time?

a) Self-care deficit.

b) Disturbed sensory perception.

c) Risk for impaired skin integrity.

d) Risk for ineffective coping.

c) Risk for impaired skin integrity.

Which outcome should the nurse use for evaluation of the efficacy of interventions designed for this nursing diagnosis?

a) The client's family inspects the skin for reddened areas daily.

b) The client exhibits no reddened areas or breaks in the skin.

c) The nursing staff rotates the client's kinetic bed per unit protocol.

d) The physical therapist performs passive range of motion exercises.

b) The client exhibits no reddened areas or breaks in the skin.

Which intervention should the nurse implement?

a) Reassure Ryan that everything will be fine and encourage him not to think like that.

b) Encourage Ryan to talk to the chaplain about his feelings as soon as possible.

c) Request the hospital ethics committee to meet and discuss Ryan's wishes.

d) Arrange a meeting with Ryan, his family, and the healthcare team to discuss Ryan's concerns.

d) Arrange a meeting with Ryan, his family, and the healthcare team to discuss Ryan's concerns.

Which action should the nurse implement at this time?

a) Allow Ryan's mother to cry and do not disturb her.

b) Ask the hospital chaplain to come and see Ryan's mother.

c) Sit down beside Ryan's mother.

d) Discuss this situation with Ryan as soon as possible.

c) Sit down beside Ryan's mother.

To evaluate the teaching, the nurse asks Ryan to explain his understanding of all instructions given. Which statements indicate Ryan's understanding?

a) "It is important to drinking hot fluids prior to defecation."

b) I will plan bowel evacuation at the same time every day."

c) "I should empty my bladder at least every 2 to 3 hours."

d) "Daily enemas will be needed to help achieve a bowel movement."

e) "If I have a pounding headache, I should move to a sitting position."

a) "It is important to drinking hot fluids prior to defecation."

b) I will plan bowel evacuation at the same time every day."

c) "I should empty my bladder at least every 2 to 3 hours."

e) "If I have a pounding headache, I should move to a sitting position."

How do you deal with a spinal cord injury?

In the video above, Richard shares the following tips on how to cope with a spinal cord injury..
Don't Deny Your Feelings. “Don't deny your feelings,” says Richard. ... .
Try Hard. ... .
Connect With Others. ... .
Don't Abuse Substances To Deal With Your Injury. ... .
Talk It Out. ... .
Get Into A Routine. ... .
Be Patient. ... .
Try New Things..

Is spinal cord injury life threatening?

People with spinal cord injury are 2 to 5 times more likely to die prematurely than people without SCI.

What are causes of autonomic dysreflexia?

The most common cause of autonomic dysreflexia (AD) is spinal cord injury. The nervous system of people with AD over-responds to the types of stimulation that do not bother healthy people.

What is the functional anatomy of the spinal cord?

Your spinal cord is the long, cylindrical structure that connects your brain and lower back. It contains tissues, fluids and nerve cells. A bony column of vertebrae surrounds and protects your spinal cord. Your spinal cord helps carry electrical nerve signals throughout your body.