Which of the following function returns the number downwards to its nearest integer value?

Which of the following function returns the number downwards to its nearest integer value?

It's one of the articles from our Java Tutorial for Beginners.

There is a Math class in the package java.lang, which contains 3 methods of rounding of numbers with a floating point to the nearest integer:




Which of the following function returns the number downwards to its nearest integer value?

The names of these methods are self-explanatory.

Which of the following function returns the number downwards to its nearest integer value?

Let’s take a look at the example below and see how these methods work:

Example №1









If you run this code on your computer, you will see the following in the console:



1. Math.round () - this method rounds a number to the nearest integer.

And indeed, at first we have 5.25, but the method gives us 5, because 5 is the closest integer number to 5.25. If we rounded 8.75 with this method, we would get 9, because 9 is the closest integer number to 8.75.

Please note that this method returns a value of the int type (i.e. an integer). At first, we have 5.25 and the method gives us 5 instead of 5.0.

2. Math.floor ()- this method rounds a number downward to the nearest integer.

At first, we have 5.25, and the nearest number downward is 5.0. If we rounded the number 8.75 with the help of this method, we would get 8.0, because it 8.0 is the nearest number downward.

You probably now understand why this method is called floor.

Also, please note that this method returns a double-type value. At first, we have the number 5.25, and after rounding we have 5.0: a double type.

3. Math.ceil() - this method rounds a number upward to its nearest integer. At first, we have 5.25, and then this method gives us 6.0. Even if we had 5.01, this method would still return 6.0, because it is the nearest number upward.

That’s why this method is called ceil, which comes from the word "ceiling." Also, please note that this method returns a double-type value.

Below is a table where everything is written schematically:

Which of the following function returns the number downwards to its nearest integer value?

Next, you should learn about the methods Math.random(), Math.max (), and Math.min(). You can read about them in the following articles:

1.Random number generation in Java

2.How to display the lowest and highest value in Java

You can find more articles in our Java Tutorial for Beginners. 


let x = Math.floor(1.6);

Try it Yourself »

let a = Math.floor(0.60);
let b = Math.floor(0.40);
let c = Math.floor(5);
let d = Math.floor(5.1);
let e = Math.floor(-5.1);
let f = Math.floor(-5.9);

Try it Yourself »

Definition and Usage

The Math.floor() method rounds a number DOWN to the nearest integer.



Parameter Description
x Required.
A number.

Return Value

Type Description
Number The nearest integer to the number, rounding DOWN.

Browser Support

Math.floor() is an ECMAScript1 (ES1) feature.

ES1 (JavaScript 1997) is fully supported in all browsers:

Chrome IE Edge Firefox Safari Opera
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Which function returns the number downwards to nearest integer value?

ROUNDDOWN behaves like ROUND, except that it always rounds a number down. If num_digits is greater than 0 (zero), then number is rounded down to the specified number of decimal places. If num_digits is 0, then number is rounded down to the nearest integer.

Which of the following functions returns the number downwards to its nearest?

The ROUNDDOWN function behaves like the ROUND function, except that it always rounds a number down.

Which of the following function returns the integer value?

Returns the integer portion of a number.

Which function is used to ROUND the number to the nearest integer?

The Math.round() function returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer.