Stop dead in your tracks là gì

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Thông tin về to stop dead in your tracks tương đối ít, có thể xem truyện song ngữ để thư giãn tâm trạng, chúc các bạn một ngày vui vẻ!

Đọc song ngữ trong ngày

  • A woman walks into a pet shop and sees a cute little dog. She asks the shopkeeper, "Does your dog bite?"
  • Một người phụ nữ bước vào cửa hàng thú cưng và nhìn thấy một chú chó nhỏ dễ thương. Cô ấy hỏi người bán hàng, "Con chó của bạn có cắn không?"
  • The shopkeeper says, "No, my dog does not bit."
  • Người bán hàng nói: "Không, con chó của tôi không cắn."
  • The woman tries to pet the dog and the dog bites her.
  • Người phụ nữ cố gắng cưng nựng con chó và con chó đã cắn cô.
  • "Ouch!" She says, "I thought you said your dog does not bite!"
  • "Ầm ầm!" Cô ấy nói, "Tôi tưởng bạn nói con chó của bạn không cắn!"
  • The shopkeeper replies, "That is not my dog!"
  • Người bán hàng trả lời: "Đó không phải là con chó của tôi!"
  • Hơn

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From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishstop/halt (dead) in your tracksstop/halt (dead) in your tracksSTOP MOVINGto suddenly stop, especially because something has frightened or surprised you trackExamples from the Corpusstop/halt (dead) in your tracksIt had been stopped in its tracks by the Railway Inspectorate and a public outcry.The people had stopped in their tracks, women were making their children stand behind them.I stopped dead in my tracks, unsure of what to do next.People stop in their tracks and stare.Petey stopped dead in his tracks at the question.Blue speaks her name, in a voice that seems strange to him, and she stops dead in her tracks.A dreadful thought struck Jean, and she stopped in her tracks, right in the middle of the pavement.An hour later they were halted in their tracks by a cataract not marked on the map.

stop (dead) in (one's) tracks Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

make tracks

hurry, move quickly, vamoose We better make tracks or we'll be late for dinner.

stop you in your tracks

cause you to stop, prevent you from going further You know what will stop you dead in your tracks? A bear, that's what.

the wrong side of the tracks

Idiom(s): the wrong side of the tracks


the poor part of a town.
• They said that Bob was from the wrong side of the tracks, but that it didn't matter.
• We went to a school that was on the wrong side of the tracks, and we all got a fine education.

the other side of the tracks

Idiom(s): the other side of the tracks


the poorer section of town or the richer section of town, depending on perspective.
• He is from a wealthy family and I am from a very humble background, but he is the first boy I have met from the other side of the tracks, and I want to marry him.
• I hear he is dating someone from the other side of the tracks.

follow in one's tracks

Idiom(s): follow in someone's tracks AND follow in someone's footsteps


to follow someone's example; to assume someone else's role or occupation.
• The vice president was following in the president's footsteps when he called for budget cuts.
• She followed in her father's footsteps and went into medicine.

drop in one's tracks

Idiom(s): drop in one's tracks


to stop or collapse from exhaustion; to die suddenly.
• If I keep working this way, I'll drop in my tracks.
• Bob was working in the garden and dropped in his tracks, dead as a doornail.

dead in one's or sth's tracks

Idiom(s): dead in one's or sth's tracks

Theme: STOP

exactly where someone or something is at the moment; at this instant. (This does not usually have anything to do with death. The phrase is often used with stop.)
• Her unkind words stopped me dead in my tracks.
• When I heard the rattlesnake, I stopped dead in my tracks.
• The project came to a halt dead in its tracks.

cover one's tracks

Idiom(s): cover one's tracks (up)


to conceal one's trail; to conceal one's past activities.
• She was able to cover her tracks up so that they couldn't find her.
• It's easy to cover up your tracks if you aren't well known.
• The robber failed to cover his tracks.

cover one's tracks|cover|cover up one's tracks|tra

v. phr. 1. To hide and not leave anything, especially foot marks, to show where you have been, so that no one can follow you. The deer covered his tracks by running in a stream. 2. informal To hide or not say where you have been or what you have done; not tell why you do something or what you plan to do. The boys covered their tracks when they went swimming by saying that they were going for a walk.
Compare: COVER UP1.

in one's tracks|tracks

adv. phr., informal 1. Just where one is at the moment; abruptly; immediately. The hunter's rifle cracked and the rabbit dropped in his tracks. Mary stopped dead in her tracks, turned around, and ran back home.

make tracks|make|track|tracks

v. phr., informal To go fast; get a speedy start; hurry. Man, it's time we made tracks! The boys made tracks for home when it began to get dark.

the tracks|tracks

n. The line between the rich or fashionable part of town and the poor or unfashionable part of town. The poor children knew they would not be welcome on the other side of the tracks. Mary's mother did not want her to date Jack, because he came from across the tracks.

stop (dead) in (one's) tracks

1. To stop at the exact spot where one is and hold motionless. We stopped dead in our tracks when we heard rustling in the bushes just off the trail. I stopped in my tracks at the sight of a police officer standing by my desk.2. To cause one to stop in such a manner. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "stop" and "(dead) in." The sound of Samantha's angelic voice on the radio stopped me dead in my tracks. The kids were running along the lawn when the sound of a loud motorcycle stopped them in their tracks.3. To cease progressing or performing completely and very abruptly. The talk show host, who was right in the middle of his opening monologue, stopped dead in his tracks when an audience member stumbled out onto the stage. The economy stopped dead in its tracks as a result of the global pandemic.4. To cause someone or something to halt progression in such a way. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "stop" and "(dead) in." The boss stopped everyone in the office in their tracks so that we could all focus on an important new project. This injunction from the courts will stop construction of the contentious hotel dead in its tracks.See also: stop, track

stop dead in one's tracks

Fig. to stop completely still suddenly because of fear, a noise, etc. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard the scream. The deer stopped dead in its tracks when it heard the hunter step on a fallen branch.See also: dead, stop, track

stop one (or something) dead in one's (or something's) tracks

Fig. to stop someone or something suddenly and completely. The gunshot stopped the killer dead in her tracks. The arrow stopped the deer dead in its tracks.See also: dead, one, stop, track

stop someone in their tracks


stop someone dead in their tracks

COMMON If something stops you in your tracks or stops you dead in your tracks, it makes you suddenly stop what you are doing because you are very surprised or frightened. Seen across wide fields of corn this magnificent church cannot fail to stop you in your tracks. Note: You can also say that someone stops in their tracks or stops dead in their tracks. They stopped in their tracks and stared at him in amazement. They turned round. And then they stopped dead in their tracks, their hearts beating fast. Somebody was behind them.See also: someone, stop, track
See also:
  • stop dead in tracks
  • stop one dead in tracks
  • stop someone in their tracks
  • dead in (someone's or something's) tracks
  • dead in one's tracks
  • dead in or an animal's tracks
  • play dead
  • hold steady
  • in unison
  • hold still