progression là gì - Nghĩa của từ progression

progression có nghĩa là

A term that former liberals co-opted when they discovered that their delusional beliefs didn't fit any recognized definition of the word liberal. These fools are frequently self-loathing, unsuccessful losers who can only feel better by projecting their failures onto their opponents. A "Progressive" is identified by the following behaviors/beliefs: - Knows what is best for everybody else
- Claims to be well-informed even though they get their news/talking points from the Daily KOS and/or MSNBC - Believes that personal wealth is evil yrt they fawn over wealthy celebrities and limousine liberals - Believes corporations and profit are evil, and will tweet about this 24/7 on their fancy iPad - Thinks name-calling and demonizing opponents is the same as debate - Accuses every person with a dissenting view of being a racist - Supported Occupy Wall Street from the comfort of their living room, not the rape tent - Drives a Prius with a COEXIST bumper sticker
- Believes in the rights of everyone, except those who disagree - Thinks the Constitution is flawed because they can't control all 3 branches of government - Believes YOUR success could only have come at THEIR expense - Believes Al Gore is right about global warming, even though his carbon footprint 100X of the average person - Thinks voter identification is racist, because it discriminates against dead people


Conservative: I believe in personal responsibility and smaller government Progressive: You racist hate-monger Conservative: You said you believed in equal rights for everybody Progressive: Racist! You should die!

progression có nghĩa là

n. One who advocates greater government regulation of just about anything. Progressives claim to want to help out the average Joe but really want everyone to live according to their politically correct, elitist socialist agenda. Progressives are also much nastier people than liberals, and are often hypocrites


If you claim to be such a progressive, then why do you send your kids to a private school?

progression có nghĩa là

A word left-wingers now use to describe themselves, because the word liberal has gained a negative connotation.

Once the term progressive has been dragged through the mud by right-wing pundits, a new term will again be chosen.


"Whoa man, who are you calling a 'liberal'? I support alternative fuels and the work of Bono and Al Gore. I'm a progressive."

progression có nghĩa là

1. The new Derogatory term for "Libtard" aka "Liberal" aka "Commie" or "Socialist".Because Republicans have ruined & destroyed the name "Liberal". When people think of them as "Liberals", it is the equivalent to 'Rapist' or 'Child Molester'. Hence, the name-change. 2. Someone terrified by the idea that someone, somewhere, might be earning money. 3. Someone who wants to move the country progressively closer to Socialism or Communism. See Marxist, Communist or Socialist. They call themselves "Progressives" because using "Communist" would give them a negative connotation in the public eye. 4. Liberal + Communist/Socialist beliefs = Progressive


whoa... no I'm not a liberal... I'm a Communi-
I mean....... uh.. (think fast... they're on to me!)
I'm a progressive!

progression có nghĩa là

What we humans claim we are making as we consume non-renewable resources and generally make each other miserable.


Bill - "I heard 14 men died during the construction of the Empire State Building."
Tom - "A small price to pay for progress!"

progression có nghĩa là

A process that miraculously produces a product that appears well done to a fractional minority of people.


"Microsoft really made progress with Office 2007!"

progression có nghĩa là

Slowing down the rate at which one is falling behind.


Boss, I'm making progress on your project. I should have last week's deliverable to you by next month.

progression có nghĩa là

Member of a group who believe conformity is the way to Morality


The Progressive Instructor gave the questioning student a poor grade.
The Progressives burned down the town to protest the President.
Progressive thinking says there are many different types of truths.

progression có nghĩa là

1. The epic and unparalleled event of taking multiple alcoholic shots, the number of which is significant (ie. years of marriage, number of V-cards taken, etc.), in order to expedite the process of pregaming. The use of a theme song is highly recommended, though not required. 2. The act of progressing.


"Dood, Timmy just took a 13 shot progression for his frat's 13th anniversary and now he's puking in the bathtub."

progression có nghĩa là

1. favoring meaningful progress in addressing a problem without having to follow an ideological bias or loyalty
2. dedicated to ignoring unproductive political posturing or infighting and getting to a reasonable solution


I can't help being a progressative, because I'm hungry for intelligent change, and I'm so tired of listening to those politicians that talk nothing but conservative or progressive purity and accomplish nothing that helps people improve their futures.