Low involvement hierarchy là gì

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Dziubek K see Lach H
Dzvonkevich ND see Shevtsova NF

Eagle RC Jr, Font RL, Yanoff M, Fine BS: Proliferative Dziubek Z Patogeneza zaburzeń funkcji płciowych u Dzvonyár J see Pápa L

endotheliopathy with iris abnormalities. The iridocorneal męczyzn z przewlekłą brucelozą. Przegl Epidemiol 1980; Dzwillo G see Lode H

endothelial syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol 1979 Nov; 34(1):1-9 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Pol) Dzwonczyk PJ: Staphylococcal endocarditis: a review. 97(11):2104-11 Dziubko Nla see Grinevich IuA

Del Med J 1980 Feb;52(2):81-6, 91

Eagle RC Jr, Font RL, Yanoff M, Fine BS: The iris naevus Dziubko Nla see Kokhanevich EV Dzwonkowski J, Lipiński M: Guz mieszany skóry.

(Cogan-Reese) syndrome: light and electron microscopic Dziuk E, Czaplicki S, Ostrowski M, Borkowski P, Konieczny Wiad Lek 1980 May 1;33(9):749-50

(Pol) observations. Br J Ophthalmol 1980 Jun;64(6):446-52 W, Wróblewska M: Ocena frakcji wyrzutowej i ruchomości Dzwonkowski S see Hornowski S

Eagle RC Jr see Nichols CW ścian lewej komory serca za pomocą radioizotopowej Dzys' lep, Moroz AD, Skrypnychenko LS: Pro Eagle RJ see Noshkin VE angiokardiografii ilościowej. Pol Przegl Radiol 1979 simeino-spadkovyi hipoparatyreoz.

Eagles J, Fenwick GR, Self R: Remote group derivatives: Sep-Oct;43(5):288-90


Pediatr Akush Ginekol 1979 Jul-Aug;(4):21-3 (Ukr) limitations on the effectiveness of pyrrolidide derivatives Dziuk E, Czaplicki S, Borkowski P, Konieczny W, Ostrowski

of oxygen-containing fatty acids. M: Iościowa angiokardiografia radioizotopowa w ocenie


Biomed Mass Spectrom 1979 Oct;6(10):462-4 pozawałowych zaburzeń ruchomości ścian lewej komory

Eaglesome MD, Henry JN, McKnight JD: Equine herpesvirus serca. Kardiol Pol 1980;23(2):175-81 (Eng. Abstr.) (Pol)

1 infection in

vaccinated with a live-virus Eachus HT see Heward WL Dziuk E see Baltrukiewicz Z Eacott SE see Damas Mora JM

rhinopneumonitis vaccine attenuated in cell culture. Dziuk E see Czaplicki S Ead H see Stephens J

Can Vet J 1979 May;20(5):145-7 Dziuk E see Konieczny W Ead RD see Anderson JA

Eaglesome MD, Garcia MM: Contagious equine metritis: a Dziuk E see Siekierzyńska A Dziuk Z see Klukowski K

Eaddy C see Regan TJ

review. Can Vet J 1979 Aug;20(8):201-6 (43 ref.) Eade A, Richardson G: Rheumatic diseases in immigrants.

Eaglesome MD see Betteridge KJ Dziukas LJ see Becker GJ Dziukowa J: Mikroradiograficzna symptomatologia

Rep Rheum Dis 1979 Jul;(69):1-2

Eaglesome MD see Garcia MM Eade AW, Morris IM, Nicol CG: A health centre survey

Eagleson GW, McKeown BA: Factors affecting the larval przemiany złośliwej i proliferacji W osteosarcoma of rheumatism. Rheumatol Rehabil 1979 Aug;18(3):148-52

growth and development of laboratory-reared Ambystoma powstającym na tle dysplazji włóknistej kości. Eade NR see Chang TM

gracile (Baird) from natural populations of different Nowotwory 1979;Suppl:85-9 (Eng. Abstr.) (Pol) Ende OE, Smith CL, Alexander JR, Whorwell PJ; Pulmonary Eagleson GW see Jäckle H

temperature regimes. Biochem Exp Biol 1978;14(4):299–304 Dziura BR, Bonfiglio TA: Needle cytology of the breast. A quantitative and qualitative study of the cells of benign

function in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Am J Gastroenterol 1980 Feb;73(2):154-6

Eagleson JA see Chatigny MA and malignant ductal neoplasia. Acta Cytol (Baltimore) Eade OE, Moulton C, MacPherson BR, Andre-Ukena SS,

Eaglestein WH, Ginsberg LD, Mertz PM: Ultraviolet 1979 Jul-Aug;23(4):332-40 Dziuron P see Hepp M

Albertini RJ, Beeken WL: Discordant HLA haplotype

irradiation-induced inflammation: effects of steroid and Dziwisz M see Frankowska K

segregation in familial Crohn's disease. Gastroenterology

nonsteroid anti-inflammatory agents. Arch Dermatol 1979 1980 Aug;79(2):271-5

Dec;115(12):1421-3 Dzizenko SN, Veretennikov AL, Zubkov OB, Synovets AA, Eade OE see Corina DL

Eagleton LE, Rosher RB, Hawe A, Bilinsky RT: Radiation Levitski1 AP: Vsasyvanie tripsina i ego ingibitorov iz Eade OE see Force T

therapy and mechanical dilation of endobronchial bruishnoi polosti pri éksperimental'nom peritonite. Eade OE see Hodges JR

obstruction secondary to Wegener's granulomatosis. Klin Khir 1980;(1):57–8

Eade OE see Holdstock G

Chest 1979 Nov;76(5):609-10 Dzizinskis AA: Differentsial'naia diagnostika Esde OE see Wright R

Eagleton LE see Deepe GS Jr serdechno-bolevogo sindroma. Ter Arkh 1980;52(5):142-6

Ender L see Hampar_B

Eaglstein WH, Taplin D, Mertz P, Smiles KA: An all-day (Rus) Dzizinskis AA, Shchepotin luB: Reaktivnost' sosudov i Eades S, Corbel MJ: Experimental cerebral lesions produced

test for the evaluation of a topical sunscreen. by inoculation with Basidiobolus strains.

J Am Acad Dermatol 1980 Jun;2(6):513-20 gipertonicheskaia bolezn'. Kardiologiia 1980 Jun; 20(6):109-16 (70 ref.)

Mycopathologia 1979 Jul 16;67(3):187-92

Eaglstein WH, Mertz PM: 'Inert' vehicles do affect wound (Rus) Eades SM see Corbel MJ

healing. J Invest Dermatol 1980 Feb;74(2):90–1 Dzizinskiñ AA, Ianovskit GV: Sovremennye printsipy i Eadie DG: Post-traumatic ischaemia (editorial]

Eaglstein WH see Geronemus RG metody rannei diagnostiki ishemicheskoi bolezni serdtsa. Vrach Delo 1980 May;(5):24—7 (Eng. Abstr.)

Eagon PK, Fisher SE, Imhoff AF, Porter LE, Stewart RR, (Rus)

J Bone Joint Surg (Br] 1979 Aug;61-B(3):265-6 Eadie GG see Cool DA

Van Thiel DH, Lester R: Estrogen-binding proteins of male Deneladze LT see Komakhidze ME Dzneladze Cho see Meladze GD Eadie JA, Magian V de C: Early identification of impaired

rat liver: influences of hormonal changes. Dzolijic MR see Vincent JE

hearing (letter) Can Med Assoc J 1980 Jan 26; 122(2):157,

Arch Biochem Biophys 1980 May;201(2):486-99 159

Eagon RG, Hodge TW 3d, Rake JB, Yarbrough JM: The Dzoljic MR, van der Poel-Heisterkamp AL: The role of the nucleus accumbens and nigrostriatum in Eadie MJ: Chronic facial pain. Aust Fam Physician 1980

effect of phenazine methosulfate-ascorbate on bacterial May;9(5):353-7

active transport and adenosine triphosphate formation: enkephalin-induced myoclonus. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1980 Jul;13(1):103-6 Eadie MJ, Bochner F, Hooper WD, Tyrer JH: Preliminary

inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and stimulation of Droljic MR, van

Escherichia coli. Can J Microbiol 1979 Jul;25(7):798-802 der Lely AJ, von Mourik JB:

observations on the pharmacokinetics of Enkephalin-induced myoclonic twitches blocked by methylphenobarbitone. Clin Exp Neurol 1978;15:131-44

Eagon RG see Yarbrough JM

Eaker D see Halpert J ergometrine and potentiated by haloperidol. Eadie MJ: The pharmacology of anticonvulsant drugs.

Eaker E see Benfari RC

Clin Exp Neurol 1978;15:51-84 (152 ref.)
Psychopharmacology (Berlin) 1979 Nov;66(2):111-6 Eadie MJ see Ross-Lee LM

Eakin D, Jackson SJ, Hannigan GG: Consumer health
Dzsinich C, Soltész L, Tóth L, Szabó I: A felső végtag Eadie MJ see Smith MT

information: libraries as partners. Bull Med Libr Assoc 1980 mélyvénáinak acut thrombosisa. Orv Hetil 1979 Nov 11; Eadie T see Morton SG

Apr;68(2):220-9 120(45):2727-9

(Hun) Dzsinich C see Somogyi E Eady RA: Letterer-Siwe disease in an elderly patient:

Eakin DJ, Schroeder LA, Whanger PD, Weswig PH:

Cadmium and nickel influence on blood pressure, plasma Dzubow LM see Haydey RP

histological and ultrastructural findings. Danbow LM see Lebovits PE

Clin Exp Dermatol 1979 Dec;4(4):413–20

renin, and tissue mineral concentrations. Am J Physiol 1980

Jan;238(1):E53-61 Džudža D, Džudža M: Praćenje likvorskih proteina kao metod Eady RA see Davies MG Eady RA see Black AK

Eakin R see Nail PA odredivanja i prekidanja antiepileptične terapije. Eady RA see Hawk JL

Eakin RM, Brandenburger JL: Method for observing the Med Ach 1979 Jan-Feb;33(1):117-20 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ser) Džudža M see Džudža D Eady RA see Rodeck CH

interior of biological specimens by scanning electron Eady RR see Dixon R

microscopy. Mikroskopie 1980 Feb;36(1-2):33-4 Dzugrev KG see Matveev VF Eady RR see Imam S

Eakins KE see Bhattacherjee P Dzagaev SG see Rustamov AA Drumedzei NV see Bazarova OV Eagan JW see Schwartz MM

Eakins KE see Higgs GA

Eakins KE see Mufson RA Daumedzel NV see Kucher RV

Eagan JW Jr see Maxwell KD Eagan RT, Fleming TR, Schoonover V: Evaluation of response

Eakins KE see Srinivasan BD Diurak W, Woynarowski M, Gietka J: Częstość

Eakins KE see Whittle BJ występowania niektórych nieprawidłowości

criteria in advanced lung cancer. Cancer 1979 Sep; 44(3):1125-8

Eakins MN: Some investigations using 14C-labelled anatomicznych kręgosłupa lędźwiowego u chorych?

compounds into the design of radiopharmaceuticals suitable dyskopatią lędźwiową. Wiad Lek 1979 Jul 15;32(14):981-6 Esgan RT, Frytak $, Creagan ET, Ingle JN, Kvols LK, Coles (Eng. Abstr.)

for the evaluation of myocardial metabolism. (Pol)

DT: Phase II study of cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, and Dżurak W, Adamus J, Kaszyński H: Porównawcza ocena

cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum (II) by infusion in patients

Int J Appl Radiat Isot 1979 Aug;30(8):459-61 wielkości lewego przedsionka na podstawie rutynowego

with adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma of the lung.

Eakins MN: The distribution of 75Se-adenosyl badania radiologicznego i echokardiograficznego. Cancer Treat Rep_1979 Sep-Oct;63(9-10):1589-91

selenomethionine in the rat with observations on its Eagan RT, Lee RE, Frytak S, Fleming TR, Cregan ET, Ingle

potential as a prostate scanning agent. Eur J Nucl Med Pol Przegl Radiol 1979 Nov-Dec;43(6):367-71 (Eng. JN, Kvols LK: Randomized trial of thoracic irradiation plus Eakins MN: Oscillations in tissue uptake of

1979 Apr 1;4(2):101-3 Abstr.)

(Pol) Dżurak W see Aleksandrow W

combination chemotherapy for unresectable adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma of the lung.

75Se-L-selenomethionine in rats and mice adapted to Džurba A, Okoličany J, Ziegelhöffer A, Tribulová N, Holec

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1979 Aug;5(8):1401-5

controlled feeding schedules. J Nutr

1979 Nov; V, Michajlovskij N, Ponec J, Lichardus B: Adeninové

109(11):1865-73 nukleotidy a (Na+ + k +) Atpáza ako možné kritérium

Eagan RT, Fleming TR, Frytak S, Creagan ET, Ingle JN, Kvols LK: A role of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) in

Eakins MN, Palmer AJ, Waters SL: Studies in the rat with životaschopnosti vhypotermicky konservovaných obličkách psa. Bratisi Lek Listy 1980 Jan;73(1):52-60 (Eng. squamous cell lung cancer. Cancer Treat Rep 1980 Jan;

18F-4-fluoro-oestradiol and 18F-4-fluoro-oestrone as 64(1):87-91

potential prostate scanning agents: comparison with Abstr.)

(Slo) Džurba A see Michajlovskij N Eagan RT see Ames MM

1251-2-iodo-oestradiol and 1251-2,4-di-iodo-oestradiol. Eagan RT see Britell JC

Int J Appl Radiat Isot 1979 Nov;30(11):695-700 Džurba A see Tribulová N Dzúrik R, Spustová V, Cernáček P: Inhibitor of renal Eagan RT see Creagan ET

Eakins MN, Waters SL: The synthesis of 77Br-labelled 5 Eagan RT see Edmonson JH

alpha-dihydrotestosterone and a comparison of its gluconeogenesis (IGN): additional physiological modulator? Int J Biochem 1980;12(1-2):103-6 Eagan RT see Kovach JS

distribution in rats with 77Br-bromide. Dzúrik R see Božek P Eagan RT see Rubin J

Int J Appl Radiat Isot 1979 Nov;30(11):701-3 Dzúrik R see Daněková H Eagen DA see Crittenden LB

Eales FA, Small J: Determinants of heat production in
Eagen K see Flomenbaum N

newborn lambs. Int J Biometeorol 1980 Jun;24(2):157-66 Dzárik R see Dzáriková V Dzúrik R see Gerová z Eagland D, Pilling G: Studies of the collagen fold formation

Eales L, Disler P, Day RS: The diagnosis of pulmonary in aqueous solutions of alpha-gelatin. II. Biopolymers 1980

tuberculosis (letter) S Afr Med J 1980 Aug 23;58(8):308 Dzúrik R see Strec V


Eales L: Porphyria and the dangerous life-threatening drugs. Dzúriková V, Niederland TR, Krechňáková A, Dzúrik R: Eagle GR see Clarke RG

S Afr Med J 1979 Nov 24;56(22):914–7 Potenciálna nefrotoxicita amoxiciínu u pacientov s

Eales L see Blekkenhorst GH Eagle J see Coleman JV obmedzenou renálnou funkciou. Bratisl Lek Listy 1980 Jan; Eagle M: George Klein's 'Psychoanalytic theory' in

Eales L see Day RS 73(1):84-92 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Slo) Dzurillay E see Jeney A

perspective. Psychoanal Rev 1980 Summer;67(2):179-94

Ealy GT see Fan VS Eagle PF, Marcos LR: Factors in medical students' choice

Eamens GJ see Claxton PD Dzvonkevich ND see Shcherbak AB

Eames RA see Hess K of psychiatry. Am J Psychiatry 1980 Apr;137(4):423–7

Page 3

J Pharm Sci 1980 Jul;69(7):838-42

Edmonson B, McCombs K, Wish J: What retarded adults 10(2-3):354-5 Edman P see Sjöholm I

believe about sex. Am J Ment Defic 1979 Jul;84(1):11-8 Edsall G: Toxoides diftérico y tetánico. SPM 1979 May-Jun; Edman TR see Strange W Edmonson JH, Green SJ, Ivins JC, Gilchrist GS, Cregan ET, 21(3):299-305

(Spa) Edmeads J: The headache of ischemic cerebrovascular Pritchard DJ, Smithson WA, Dahlin DC, Taylor WF: Edsall G: Re: 'The swine flu affair: decision-making on a disease. Headache 1979 Sep;19(6):345-9

Methotrexate adjuvant treatment for primary slippery disease' (letter) Am J Epidemiol 1979 Oct; Edminson PD see Trygstad OE

osteosarcoma (letter) N Engl J Med 1980 Sep 11; 110(4):522-4 Edmiston A see Morimoto I


Edsall JT: Marcel Florkin, August 15, 1900--May 3, 1979.
Edmiston CE Jr, Hulsey TK, Scott HW Jr, Hoyumpa AM Edmonson JH, Frytak S, Letendre L, Kvols LK, Eagan RT: Isis 1980 Jun;71(257):286-8

Jr, Wilson PA: Microbial colonization and hepatic Phase II evaluation of dianhydrogalactitol in advanced Edsall JT: Some early history of cold-insoluble globulin. abnormalities in jejunoileal bypass with resection, ileal head and neck carcinomas. Cancer Treat Rep 1979 Ann NY Acad Sci 1978 Jun 20,312:1-10 mucous fistula, and ileocolostomy. J Infect Dis 1979 Sep; Nov-Dec;63(11-12):2081-3

Edsall JT: Hemoglobin and the origins of the concept of 140(3):358-69 Edmonson JH see Ahmann DL

allosterism. Fed Proc 1980 Feb;39(2):226–35 Edmiston CE Jr, Gordon RC: Evaluation of gentamicin and Edmonson JH see Creagan ET

Edsall JT: Aspects of the history of biochemistry. penicillin as a synergistic combination in experimental Edmonson JH see Decker DA

Introduction. Fed Proc 1980 Feb;39(2):208-9 murine listeriosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1979 Edmund J see Scherfig E

Edsall JT: Confidentiality: rights and responsibilities (letter) Dec;16(6):862-3

Edmunds AT, McKenzie S, Baillie E, Tooley M, Godfrey S: Science 1980 Jun 20;208(4450):1319, 1320 Edmiston LK: An indwelling instrument for relief of chronic A comparison of oral choline theophyllinate and Edsmyr F, Berlin T, Boman J, Duchek M, Esposti PL, bloat in cattle. VM SAC 1979 Oct;74(10):1497-9

beclomethasone in severe perennial asthma in children. Gustafsson H, Wijkström H, Collste LG: Intravesical Edmiston S see Peoples SA

Br J Dis Chest 1979 Apr;73(2):149-56

therapy with adriamycin in patients with superficial bladder Edmiston SH see Mount DW Edmunds AT see McKenzie SA

tumors. Eur Urol 1980;6(3):132-6 Edmiston WA, Bornheimer J, Takiff H: Serum enzyme Edmunds HN, Sachdev K: A simple implantable system for Edsmyr F see Eksborg S

changes after cardiac catheterization and angiographic delivery of halothane. Anesthesiology 1979 Oct;51(4):334–5 Edson CM see Thorley-Lawson DA procedures. Angiology 1980 Jan;31(1):39-44

Edmunds HN, Baden JM, Simmon VF: Mutagenicity studies Edson JR see Bos! GJ Edmiston WA see Ishimaru T

with volatile metabolites of halothane. Anesthesiology 1979 Edson JR see Lau So Edmiston WA see Vogelbach KH


Edson M: Testis cancer: the pendulum swings. Experience Edmond E, Morton P, Moffat M, Urquhart GE: Rubella Edmunds JP: Post-traumatic rupture of the extensor pollicis in 430 patients. J Urol 1979 Dec;122(6):763-5

epidemic: Scotland 1978. Comments on the rubella longus tendon. J R Coll Surg Edinb 1980 Jul;25(4):268–70 Edson M, Kossow AS: Retained suture. Postprostatectomy immunisation programmes. Health Bull (Edinb) 1980 Mar; Edmunds LH see Zapol WM

complication. NY State J Med 1980 Mar;80(4):650–1 38(2):54-6

Edmunds LH Jr, Wagner HR, Heymann MA: Aortic Edson M see Johnsonbaugh RE Edmond E see Timbury MC

valvulotomy in neonates. Circulation 1980 Feb;61(2):421-7 Edson RS, Van Scoy RE, Leary FJ: Gram-negative Edmond J see Popják G

Edmunds LÅ Jr, Stephenson LW, Gadzik JP: The bacteremia after transrectal needle biopsy of the prostate. Edmonds CH see Fuhrman TM

Blalock-Taussig anastomosis in infants younger than 1 Mayo Clin Proc 1980 Aug;55(8):489-91 Edmonds CH see Holub DA

week of age. Circulation 1980 Sep;62(3):597-603

Edström A, Hanson M, Wallin M, Cederholm B: Inhibition Edmonds CH see Trono R Edmunds LH Jr see Addonizio VP Jr

of fast axonal transport and microtubule polymerization Edmonds CJ, Smith T: Epithelial transport pathways of rat Edmunds LH Jr see Hoffman WS

in vitro by colchicine and colchiceine. colon determined in vivo by impulse response analysis. Edmunds LH Jr see Horowitz LN

Acta Physiol Scand 1979 Nov;107(3):233-37 J Physiol (Lond) 1979 Nov;296:471-85 Edmunds LH Jr see Macoviak J

Edström A see Dahlgren BE Edmonds CJ see Pipe NG

Edmunds LN Jr, Apter RI, Rosenthal PJ, She WK, Edstrón see Kanje M Edmonds CJ see Veall N

Woodward JR: Light effects in yeast: persisting oscillations Edström A see Wallin M Edmonds EW see Hynes DM

in cell division activity and amino acid transport in cultures Edström A see Wieslander A Edmonds HL Jr, Hegreberg GA, van Gelder NM, Sylvester of Saccharomyces cerevisiae entrained by light-dark Edstrom JP, Phillis JW: A cholinergic projection from the

DM, Clemmons RM, Chatburn CG: Spontaneous cycles. Photochem Photobiol 1979 Nov;30(5):595-601 globus pallidus to cerebral cortex. Brain Res 1980 May convulsions in beagle dogs. Fed Proc 1979 Sep; Edmunds LN Jr see Adlakha RC

12;189(2):524-9 38(10):2424–8 (39 ref.) Edmunds M: Developing a marketing portfolio.

Edstrom JP see Phillis JW Edmonds HL Jr see Consroe P

Nurse Pract 1980 May-Jun;5(3):41,43,46

Edström K: Techniques of induced abortion, their health Edmonds J see Geczy AF

Edmunds MW: 'Junior doctoring'. Nurse Pract 1979 implications and service aspects: a review of the literature. Edmonds JF see Conn AW Sept-Oct;4(5):38, 4-1, 46

Bull WHO 1979;57(3):481-97 Edmonds JF see Pollock JC

Edmunds MW: Conflict. Nurse Pract 1979 Nov-Dec;4(6):42, Edstrom KE see Cheng MC Edmonds JP see Geczy AF


Edström L: Muskelbiopsiundersökning vid neuropatier. Edmonds JW see Cox JC Edmunds SM see Williams V

Scand J Rheumatol (Suppl) 1979;(30):129-34 (Swe)
Edmonds JW see Shepherd RC

Edmunds SW: Economic measures of toxic substance Edström L: Kan muskelfibermönstret Edmonds L see Brockman J

regulation. Ecotoxicol Environ Safety 1979 Jun;3(2):101-10 förändras?-Histokemiska synpunkter på förändringar efter Edmonds LD see Goldberg MF Edmundson AB see Abola EE

träning och vid centralnervösa motorikrubbningar. Edmonds LD see Layde PM Edmundson AB see Peabody DS

Scand J Rheumatol (Suppl) 1979;(30):48–54 (Swe) Edmonds ME, Sturrock RD: Autonomic neuropathy in the Edmunson E see Gordon RE

Edström L see Wroblewski R Guillain-Barré syndrome. Br Med J 1979 Sep 15; Edner G: Stereotactic biopsy in tumours of the sellar region Edstrom LE, Hopp D, Robson MC, Surgeon JW: The use 2(6191):668

other than adenomas. Acta Neurochir (Suppl) (Wien) 1979; of a rapid new technique in the demonstration of cutaneous Edmonds ME see Holt DW


catecholamines. J Surg Res 1979 Oct;27(4):219-27 Edmonds MJ, Welsh JA: The prevention of summer mastitis Edo JS, Sinjovich E, Jordán E: Síndrome de la triada. Edstrom LE, Dawson PJ, Kohler J, De Meester TR: Malignant

in dry cows by intramammary infusions of ampicillin and Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 1979 Nov-Dec;36(6):1073-87 mesothelioma: a metastasis to the face. J Surg Oncol 1980, cloxacillin. Vet Rec 1979 Jun 16;104(24):554-5

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Spa) 14(3):251-4 Edmonds MJ: Preliminary investigations into the use of Edo K, Katamine S, Kitame F, Ishida N, Koide Y, Kusano Edstrom LE see Dibbell DG

allergy skin testing solutions and desensitizing vaccines in G, Nozoe S: Naphthalenecarboxylic acid from Edström S see Lundholm K dogs. J Small Anim Pract 1980 Mar;21(3):153-67

neocarzinostatin (NCS). J Antibiot (Tokyo) 1980 Mar; Eduah SB: Postoperative Schmerzbehandlung mit Nefopam. Edmonds NR see Hodgson ES


Fortschr Med 1980 Feb 28;98(8):(293-7)

(Ger) Edmonds OP see Thompson JS Edo K see Koide Y

Eduarte CE see Villarejos VM Edmonds PD, Stolzenberg SJ, Torbit CA, Madan SM, Pratt Edo K see Matsubara S

Edungbola LD: Water utilization and its health implications DE: Postpartum survival of mice exposed in utero to Edoga J see Goldstein WZ

in Ilorin, Kwara state, Nigeria. Acta Trop (Basel) 1980 ultrasound. J Acoust Soc Am 1979 Aug;66(2):590-3 Edouard C see Meunier PJ

Mar;37(1):73-81 Edmonds PD see Glick D Edouard C see Reeve J

Edvabnaia LS, Stanislavskis ES, Kolker II, Grishina IA, Edmonds PD see Sommer FG

Edouard D, François P, Langlois B: Anesthésie et réanimation Zarubina EK: Immunologicheskoe izuchenie Edmonds PD see Stolzenberg SJ

des diabétiques. Utilisation de l'insuline par voie veineuse iskusstvennykh komplekenykh antigenov, poluchennykh iz Edmonds SR see Corry JM

à bébit constant au cours de la période péri-opératoire. lipopolisakharidov P. aeruginosa. Edmonds VE see Tator CH

Nouv Presse Med 1980 Mar 15;9(13):943–6 (Eng. Abstr.) Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol 1979 Sep;(9):36-41 Edmonds-Seal J, Mitchell JV: The Oxford Training Scheme

(Fre) (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) in Anaesthesia and other matters. Anaesthesia 1979 Sep; Edouard L, Harris FT: On the pattern of responses to Edvardsen S see Nygaard-Ostby P 34(8):776-83

multiple choice questions. Med Educ 1980 May;14(3):202–3 Edvardsson N, Olsson SB: Poliklinisk elregularisering av Edmonds-Seal J, Paterson GM, Loach AB: Local nerve Edouard-Lorenzelli L see Buxtorf JC

förmaksflimmer. Lakartidningen 1979 Oct 10,76(41):3525-6 blocks for post-operative pain. Acta Anaesthesiol Belg Edoute Y, Kotzé JC, Lochner A: Oxidative phosphorylation (Eng. Abstr.)

(Swe) 1979;30 Suppl:233-40

rate: an index for evaluation of mitochondrial function in Edvardsson N see Khalsa A Edmonds-Seal J see Rawlinson WA

myocardial ischaemia. J Mol Cell Cardiol 1979 Aug; Edvinsson A see Nilsson S Edmondson AS, Cooke EM: The production of antisera to 11(8):831-3

Edvinsson L, McCulloch J: Cerebral circulatory and the Klebsiella capsular antigens. J Appl Bacteriol 1979 Jun; Edoute Y see Markiewicz W

metabolic effects of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide 46(3):579-84 Edqvist LE see Forslund K

[proceedings) J Physiol (Lond) 1979 Jun;291:42P-43P Edmondson AS, Cooke EM: Antigenic variation in Klebsiella. Edqvist LE see Hughes JP

Edvinsson L, Krause DN: Pharmacological characterization Zentralbl Bakteriol (Orig A) 1979 Dec;245(4):485-9 Edqvist LE see Kindahl H

of GABA receptors mediating vasodilation of verebral Edmondson AS see Cooke EM Edqvist LE see Neely DP

arteries in vitro. Brain Res 1979 Sep 7;173(1):89-97 Edmondson DE, James TL: Covalently bound non-coenzyme Edrich J, Jobe WE, Cacak RK, Hendee WR, Smyth CJ, Edvinsson L, Owman C: Neurovascular aminergic and

phosphorus residues in flavoproteins: 31P nuclear magnetic Gautherie M, Gros C, Zimmer R, Robert J, Thouvenot P, peptidergic functions in brain and the possible resonance studies of Azotobacter flavodoxin.

Escanye JM, Itty C: Imaging thermograms at centimeter pathophysiological role in cerebral vasospasm. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1979 Aug;76(8):3786-9

and millimeter wavelengths. Ann NY Acad Sci 1980; Adv Neurol 1979;25:23-38 Edmondson DE see McIntire W


Edvinsson L, Larsson B, Skärby T: Effect of the GABA Edmondson DE see Singer TP Edrich J: Centimeter- and millimeter-wave

receptor agonist muscimol on regional cerebral blood flow Edmondson F see Sawaya C

thermography--a survey on tumor detection.

in the rat. Brain Res 1980 Mar 10;185(2):445-8 Edmondson HA see Craig JR

J Microwave Power 1979 Jun;14(2):95-104 (33 ref.) Edvinsson L, Lacombe P, Owman C, Reynier-Rebuffel AM, Edmondson HT see Rissing JP Edrich J see Gautherie M

Seylaz J: Quantitative changes in regional cerebral blood Edmondson NA see Lewis DJ Edrich J see Robert J

flow of rats induced by alpha- and beta-adrenergic Edmondson P, Nellen M, Ross DN: Aortic valve replacement Edrich M, Delannoy J: La résection endoscopique 'en stimulants. Acta Physiol Scand 1979 Dec; 107(4):289-96

in a case of Ehlers Danlos syndrome. Br Heart J 1979 Jul; gouttière'. Acta Urol Belg 1979 Jul;47(3):493-7 (Eng. Edvinsson L, Fahrenkrug J, Hanko J, Owman C, Sundler F, 42(1):103-5


(Fre) Uddman R: VIP (vasoactive intestinal Edmondson RA see Basker MJ

Edrise BM, Smith RH: Absorption and secretion in the polypeptide)-containing nerves of intracranial arteries in Edmondson RS see Flowers MW

omasum of the young steer. Ann Rech Vet 1979; mammals. Cell Tissue Res 1980;208(1):135–42

Page 4

Egami N see Ijiri K Egashira Y see Kojima A

1979 Dec;21(6):411-6 (46 ref.) Egami T, Sando 1, Black FO: Hypoplasia of the vestibular Egashira Y see Tamura S

Egekeze JO, Oehme FW: Inorganic and organic fluoride aqueduct and endolymphatic sac in endolymphatic Egawa J, Ishioka K, Ogata T: Vascular structure of concentrations in tissues after the oral administration of

hydrops. Otolaryngology 1978 Mar-Apr;86(2):ORL327–39 experimental tumours. Appearances in scanning electron sodium monofluoroacetate (Compound 1080) to rats.
Egami T, Sando I: (Graphic reconstruction of the vestibular microscope. Acta Radiol Oncol Radiat Phys Biol 1979; Toxicology 1979 Dec;15(1):43-53 aqueduct (author's transl)]


Egekeze Jo, Oehme FW: Cyanides and their toxicity: a Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho 1979 Sep 20;82(9):895-8 Egawa J, Ishioka K, Ogata T: Effect of irradiation and literature review. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 1980 Apr 15; (Eng. Abstr.)

(Jpn) chemotherapeutic agents on the capillaries of Ehrlich 105(8):suppl 2:104-14 (78 ref.) Egami T see Nakajima S

ascites carcinoma of mice.

Egel AL see Applebaum E Egami T see Sando I

Acta Radiol Oncol Radiat Phys Biol 1979;18(6):535-43 Egel AL see Koegel RL Egan AF see Campbell RJ Egawa K see Ishimura K

Egel R: The lac-operon for lactose degradation, or rather Egan AF see Hitchener BJ Egawa T see Yonenobu K

for the utilization of galactosylglycerols from galactolipids? Egan AR, Macrae JC: Amino acid catabolism and Egbe PC see Wray SR

J Theor Biol 1979 Jul 7;79(1):117-9 gluconeogenesis in sheep. Ann Rech


1979; Egberg DC: Semiautomated method for niacin and Egeland B, Breitenbucher M, Rosenberg D: Prospective study 10(2-3):376-8 niacinamide in food products: collaborative study.

of the significance of life stress in the etiology of child Egan AR: Host animal--rumen relationships.

J Assoc Off Anal Chem 1979 Sep;62(5):1027-30

abuse. J Consult Clin Psychol 1980 Apr;48(2):195-205 Proc Nutr Soc 1980 Feb;39(1):79-87 (31 ref.)

Egberg DC: Semiautomated method for riboflavin in food Egeland B see Vaughn B Egan B, Waxweiler RJ, Blade L, Wolfe J, Wagoner JK: A products: collaborative study. J Assoc Off Anal Chem 1979 Egeland BR see Waters E preliminary report of mortality patterns among foundry Sep;62(5):1041-4

Egelberg J see Cole RT workers. J Environ Pathol Toxicol 1979 May-Jun; Egberg DC see De Vries JW

Egelston EM: New JCAH standard on quality assurance. 2(5):259-72

Egbers HJ, Gerner HJ: Die frühfunktionelle Behandlung der Nurs Res 1980 Mar-Apr;29(2):113-4 Egan CM see Scrutton MC

Fersenbeinbrüche und ihre Ergebnisse.

Egelston EM see Vanagunas A Egan DF: A suggested child-health clinic form (letter) Hefte Unfallheilkd 1979;133:174-7

(Ger) Egelston RL see Johnson JI Arch Dis Child 1980 Feb;55(2):163 Egbert B see Baden JM

Egelund B, Hansen GL, Larsen P, Rasmussen HB, Wermuth Egan E see Albert DM Egbert B see Fajardo LF

L: Efterundersøgelse af 302 vasektomerede maend bosat Egan EA, Nelson RM, Beale EF: Lung solute permeability Egbert BM, Kraft JK, Perkash I: Undifferentiated sarcoma i Fyns amt. Ugeskr Laeger 1980 Jul 21;142(30):1950–3 and lung liquid absorption in premature ventilated fetal arising in an augmented ileocystoplasty patch. J Urol 1980 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Dan) goats. Pediatr Res 1980 Apr;14(4 Pt 1):314-8

Feb; 123(2):272-4

Egemen A, Bertan M: A study of oral rehydration therapy Egan EA see Albert DM

Egbert E: Concept of wellness. J Psychiatr Nurs 1980 Jan; by midwives in a rural area near Ankara. Bull WHO 1980, Egan EA see Smith AB


58(2):333-8 Egan EL see Long K

Egbert JR, Katona PG: Development of autonomic heart rate Egens De Sasso M see Kobel HR Egan H: Analytical testing procedures: a critical review. control in the kitten during sleep. Am J Physiol 1980 Jun; Eger AV see Mizauscher BA Ecotoxicol Environ Safety 1980 Mar;4(1):77-84 (16 ref.) 238(6):H829-35

Eger AV see Mizansbev BA Egan JD, Ring BL, Reding MJ, Wells IC, Shuman RM: Egbert PR see Chan CC

Eger EI see Koblin DD Reticulum cell sarcoma and progressive multifocal Egbert PR sec Donaldson SS

Eger EI 2d see Forbes AR leukoencephalopathy following renal transplantation. Egbert PR see Rosenbaum JT

Eger EI 2d see Harper MH Transplantation 1980;29(1):84-6

Egbert SD, May RS: A spectral unfolding method to Eger EI 2d see Horrigan RW Egan JJ: Services for the hearing-impaired: the case for determine source depth distribution. Phys Med Biol 1980 Eger EI 2d see Koblin DD audiologic intervention. Ear Nose Throat J 1979 Aug; May;25(3):453-61

Eger EI 2d see Steffey EP 58(8):326–7 Egberts J see Duifhuizen M

Eger H see Wilde J Egan JJ: Audiology. Impedance: its present and full potential. Egbring R see Gropp C

Eger J see Bitter J Ear Nose Throat J 1979 Oct;58(10):409-10 Egbring R see Klingemann HG

Eger MJ: The 'why' of sports vision care results (editorial] Egan JJ: Békésy audiometry. Ear Nose Throat J 1980 Jan; Egbue MO see Nwafo DC

J Am Optom Assoc 1980 Jul;51(7):651 59(1):3-4

Egbuna WO: Strokes in Nigerian children. Niger Med J 1979 Eger MJ: The age of gimmickry in eye care (editorial] Egan JJ: Audiology: defining hearing impairment. Mar;9(3):311-5

J Am Optom Assoc 1979 Jun;50(6):663 Ear Nose Throat J 1980 Mar;59(3):6–7 Egbuna Wo see Ajasin MA

Eger MJ: The paranoia of optometry (editorial] Egan JJ see Peerschke EI

Egbunike GN, Steinbach J: Seasonal changes in sow fertility J Am Optom Assoc 1979 Jul;50(7):783 Egan JJ see Rodan SB

in a humid tropical environment.

Eger MJ: Optometric care of children (editorial] Egan JN see Gulko CS

Zentralbl Veterinaermed (A) 1980 Apr;27(2):109-17 J Am Optom Assoc 1979 Nov;50(11):1197-8 Egan M see Corash L

Egbunike GN: The relative importance of dry- and wet-bulb Eger MJ: Professionalism in optometry (editorial] Egan MC: Nutrition and school health. J Sch Health 1979 temperatures in the thermorespiratory function in the J Am Optom Assoc 1979 Dec;50(12):1333-4 Nov;49(9):516-8

chicken. Zentralbl Veterinaermed (A) 1979 Sep;26(7):573-9 Eger MJ: The commercialization of the contact lens Egan ML see Levitt D

Egbunike GN: Development of puberty in Large White boars (editorial] J Am Optom Assoc 1980 Mar;51(3):201-2 Egan PA see Nunn WD

in a humid tropical environment. Acta Anat (Basel) 1979; Eger MJ: A new direction for optometry (editorial] Egan PA see Simons RW


J Am Optom Assoc 1980 Apr;31(4):313-4 Egan RM see Kremer AB

Egbunike GN, Dede Tl: The influence of short-term exposure Egerer 1: Klinische Erfahrungen bei fistulierenden Egan RS see Kurath P

to tropical sunlight on boar seminal characteristics.

Glaukom-operationen mit Silikonkathetern. Egan RS see Prasad RN

Int J Biometeorol 1980 Jun;24(2):129-35

Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 1979 Mar;174(3):434 41 (Eng. Egan RW, Gale PH, Vanden Heuvel WJ, Kuehl PA Jr: Egbunike GN: Genetic and influences the Abstr.)

(Ger) Peroxidase reactions during prostaglandin biosynthesis and histomorphometric characteristics of porcine adrenals Egerer 1: Experimentelle und klinische Erfahrungen mit their relationship to inflammation.

under hot humid climatic condition. Acta Anat (Basel) Silikonkathetern bei fistulierenden Glaukomoperationen. Agents Actions (Suppl) 1979;(6):39-49. 1980; 107(3):324-9

Wien Med Wochenschr 1979;129(60):1-16 (Eng. Abstr.) Egan RW, Gale PH, Vanden Heuvel WJ, Baptista EM, Kuehl Egbunike GN see Iramain CA

(Ger) PA Jr: Mechanism of oxygen transfer by prostaglandin Egdahl RH: Promising approaches to cost containment: an Egerer I, Kletter K, Dudczak R: Quantitative Bestimmung

hydroperoxidase. J Biol Chem 1980 Jan 25;255(2):323-6 industry view. Bull NY Acad Med 1980 Jan-Feb; des Kammerwasserabflusses nach fistulierender Egan RW, Gale PH, Beveridge GC, Marnett LJ, Kuehl FA 56(1):157-63

Glaukomoperation mittels Sequenzszintigraphie. Jr: Direct and indirect involvement of radical scavengers Egdahl RH see Dennis RC

Albrecht Von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 1979 during prostaglandin biosynthesis. Egdahl RH see Whitten RH

May 7;210(3):193-201 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Res 1980;6:153-5 Egdell HG see Bennett JA

Egerer I: Combined therapy (corneal abrasion and Vidarabin Egan RW see Humes JL

Ege GN, Bronskill MJ: Lymphoscintigraphy with antibodies ointment) in the treatment of herpes simplex keratitis. Egan RW see Kuehl FA Jr

to CEA [letter) J Nucl Med 1980 Aug;21(8):804_7 Adv Ophthalmol 1979;38:116–24 Egan TA see Cassileth BR

Ege GN: Radiocolloid lymphoscintigraphy in neoplastic Egerer I see Freyler H Egan TJ, Neiman HL, Herman RJ, Malave SR, Sanders JH: disease. Cancer Res 1980 Aug;408 Pt 2):3065-71 Egermark-Eriksson I, Carlsson GE, Ingervall B: Function and Computed tomography in the diagnosis of aortic aneurysm Ege P: Den gravide stofmisbruger. En oversigt.

dysfunction of the masticatory system in individuals with
dissection or traumatic injury. Radiology 1980 Jul; Ugeskr Laeger 1980 May 5;142(19):1241-5 (22 ref.) (Eng. dual bite. Eur J Orthod 1979;1(2):107-17 136(1):141-6


(Dan) Egerton JR, Birnbaum J, Blair LS, Chabala JC, Conroy J, Egan W, Tsui FP, Schneerson R: Structural studies of the Ege T see Hernandez-Verdun D

Fisher MH, Mrozik H, Ostlind DA, Wilkins CA, Campbell Haemophilus influenzae type f capsular polysaccharide. Egeberg J see Deckert T

WC: 22, 23--dihydroavermectin B1, a new broad-spectrum Carbohydr Res 1980 Mar;19(2):271-7

Egeberg K, Helgeland L: Vitamin K epoxidase activity of antiparasitic agent. Br Vet J 1980 Jan-Feb;136(1):88-97 Egan W see Engle TW

rough and smooth microsomes from rat liver.

Egerton JR: Treatment of ovine foot-rot by vaccination with Egan W see Fraser BA

Biochim Biophys Acta 1980 Feb 7;627(3):225-9

the specific aetiological agent Bacteroides nodosus. Egan W see Janicak PG

Egeberg RO: The needs and qualifications of physicians. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis 1979;2(1):61-7 Egan-Mitchell B see McNicholl B

West J Med 1980 Mar;132(3):249-51

Egerton-Vernon J see Bernstein RM Egart FM, Korotkova VD: Primenenie preparata teronak v Egeblad H, Wennevold A, Berning J, Lauridsen P: Mitral Egeskjold EM see Schiøtz PO lechenii bol'nykh ozhireniem i pri sochetanii ozhireniia s valve replacement in infective endocarditis as prophylaxis Egg D, Herold M, Rumpl E, Günther R: Prostaglandin F2 sakharnym diabetom. Probl Endokrinol (Mosk) 1980 against embolism. Identification of patients at risk by alpha levels in human cerebrospinal fluid in normal and Mar-Apr;26(2):16–20 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) 2-dimensional echocardiography. Eur J Cardiol 1979 Nov; pathological conditions. J Neurol 1980;222(4):239-48 Egart FM see Atamanova TM


Egg D see Günther R Egashira K: Biphasic response to noradrenaline in the guinea Egeblad H see Berning J

Egg D see Tuschl H pig liver cells. Jpn J Physiol 1980;30(1):81-91 Egeblad H see Boysen G

Egge H see Dabrowski J Egashira T, Yoshii Y, Maki Y: (An adult case of Egeblad H see Steiness E

Egge H see Kriesten K Arnold-Chiari malformation wity syryngobulbia diagnosed Egeblad K, Krasilnikoff PA, Halkier E: Aspiration af Egge H see Leiss O by CT (author's transl)] No Shinkei Geka 1979 Nov; fremmedlegemer til luftvejene i barnealderen.

Egge H see Yamada A 7(11):1083-7 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Jpn) Ugeskr Laeger 1979 Oct 8;141(41):2809-12 (Eng. Abstr.) Egge K, Lyng G, Maltau JM: Retinal haemorrhages in the Egashira T, Kamijo K: Synthetic rates of monoamine oxidase

(Dan) newborn. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh) 1980 Apr;58(2):231-6 in rat liver after clorglyine or deprenyl administration. Egeblad M see Brun B

Egge K see Maltau JM
Jpn J Pharmacol 1979 Aug;29(4):677-80 Egeblad M see Klarskov P

Eggelte TA see Huikeshoven H Egashira T, Nose T, Ono Y, Maki Y: (A case with dystopic Egede F see Nielsen KB

Eggen DA see Bhattacharyya AK os odontoideum (author's transl)] No Shinkei Geka 1980 Egedorf J see Blichert-Toft M

Eggen S see Larheim TA May;8(5):489-93 (Eng. Abstr.) (Jpn) Egedorf J see Lindahl F

Eggena P, Barrett JD, Wiedman CE, Sambhi MP: Studies Egashira Í see Fowler CJ

Egekeze JO, Oehme FW: Sodium monofluoroacetate (SMFA, on renin activation in normal human plasma. Egashira T see Yoshii Y

compound 1080): a literature review. Vet Hum Toxicol Hypertension 1979 Sep-Oct;1(5):523-8

Page 5

Ehlers CL, Killam EK: The influence of cortisone on EEG Ehni G: Relief of back pain (letter) JAMA 1980 Jul 11; :198-224 and seizure activity in the baboon Papio papio.


Ehret M see Kleihues P Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1979 Oct; Ehni G see Benner B

Ehret MC see Renaud RL 47(4):404-10 Ehni G see Dorsen M

Ehrgott FJ Jr see Klioze SS Ehlers CL, Clifton DK, Sawyer CH: Facilitation of amygdala Ehrbar DM see Kaufman SJ

Ehrhardt AA, Grisanti G, McCauley EA: Female-to-male kindling in the rat by transecting ascending noradrenergic Ehrenberg A see Dresdner G

transsexuals compared to lesbians: behavioral patterns of pathways. Brain Res 1980 May 5;189(1):274-8 Ehrenberg A see Gräslund A

childhood and adolescent development. Ehlers CL, Killam EK: Circadian periodicity of brain activity Ehrenberg A see Petersson L

Arch Sex Behav 1979 Nov;8(6):481-90 and urinary excretion in the epileptic baboon.

Ehrenberg A see Skotland T

Ehrhardt AA see Meyer-Bahlburg HF Am J Physiol 1980 Jul;239(1):R35-41 Ehrenberg A see Tangerés A

Ehrhardt JC see Brown RC (Ehlers EH), Hawkins H: Transatlantic discipleship: two Ehrenberg A see Undeman O

Ehrhart H see Hartenstein R American biologists and their German mentor. Isis 1980 Ehrenberg B see Kelly JJ

Ehrhart IC, Bond GC, Ginsburg JM: Indomethacin increases Jun;71(257):197-210 Ehrenberg L see Hogstedt C

renal vascular resistance after adrenergic interruption in Ehlers KH, Levin AR, Markenson AL, Marcus JR, Klein AA, Ehrenberg L see Hussain S

the dog. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1979 Oct;162(1):112-5 Hilgartner MW, Engle MA: Longitudinal study of cardiac Ehrenberg M, Rigler R, Wintermeyer W: On the structure Ehri LČ, Ryan EB: Performance of bilinguals in a function in thalassemia major. Ann NY Acad Sci 1980; and conformational dynamics of yeast

picture-word interference task. J Psycholinguist Res 1980 344:397-404

phenylalanine-accepting transfer ribonucleic acid in May;9(3):285-302 Ehlers N, Bramsen T: Central corneatykkelse ved solution. Biochemistry 1979 Oct 16;18(21):4588-99 Ehri LC see Schaffer TM dystrofisk-degenerative hornhindesygdomme. Ehrenberger K see Brix R

Ehrich B see Rösen P Ugeskr Laeger 1980 Jun 16;142(25):1611-2 (Eng. Abstr.) Ehrenberger K see Schenk P

Ehrich JH, Stoeppler L, Offner G, Brodehl J: Evidence for (Dan) Ehrenböck ME see Fritsch R

cerebral involvement in nephropathic cystinosis. Ehlers N, Kissmeyer-Nielsen F: Corneal transplantation and Ehrenböck R: Rehabilitation nach Herzinfarkt und nach Neuropaediatrie 1979 May;10(2):128–37

HLA histocompatibility. A preliminary communication. Herzoperation im Alter. Wien Med Wochenschr 1979 Nov Ehrich JH, Wolff G, Stoeppler L, Heyer R, Offner G, Brodehl Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh) 1979 Oct;57(5):738-41


(Ger) J: Psychosozial-intellektuelle Entwicklung bei Kindern mit Ehlers N See Axelsen I

Ehrenböck R: Wertigkeit und Erfolge der aktiven infantiler Zystinose und Hirnatrophie. Klin Paediatr 1979 Ehlers N see Bentzen O Rehabilitation. ZFA (Stuttgart) 1979 Oct 10;55(28):1579 Sep;191(5):483-92 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Ehlers N see Damgaard-Jensen L

(Ger) Ehrich JH, Foellmer HG, Klöpper JW, Barmeier FW, Sterzel Ehlers P see Haase W Ehrenböck R see Habeler G

RB: Experimental postinfectious glomerulonephritis in Ehlers RE, Jarrett PB, Kaplan AM: Mixed bacterial and Ehrendorfer F: Polyploidy and distribution. Basic Life Sci rodents. Contrib Nephrol 1980;19:95-100 fungal meningitis in a neonate. Dev Med Child Neurol 1979 1979;13:45-60

Ehrich M, Van Tassell RL, Libby JM, Wilkins TD: Oct;21(5):643-7

Ehrenfeld E, Manis S: Inhibition of 80S initiation complex Production of Clostridium difficile antitoxin. Ehlers SM see McCoy HG

formation by infection with poliovirus. J Gen Virol 1979 Infect Immun 1980 Jun;28(3):1041-3 Ehlert F see Overstreet DH


Ehrich M, Aswell JE, van Tassell RL, Wilkins TD, Walker Ehlert F see U'Prichard DC Ehrenfeld E see Brown BA

AR, Richardson NJ: Mutagens in the feces of 3 Ehlert FJ, Roeske WR, Rosenberger LB, Yamamura HI: The Ehrenfeld E see Brown D

South-African populations at different levels of risk for influence of guanyl-5’-yl imidodiphosphate and sodium on Ehrenfeld E see Helentjaris T

colon cancer. Mutat Res 1979 Aug;64(4):231-40 muscarinic receptor binding in the rat brain and Ehrenfeld EN see Maschler I

Ehrich M, Carlson GP: Hepatic microsomal enzyme longitudinal muscle of the rat ileum. Life Sci 1980 Jan 21; Ehrenfeld EN see Tur-Kaspa R

induction by trifluoromethyl compounds and 26(3):245-52 Ehrenfeld J see Cereijido M

halogenated and nonhalogenated analogs. Ehlert FJ, Yamamura HI, Triggle DJ, Roeske WR: The Ehrenfeld M see Bar-Eli M

Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 1979 Aug; influence of guanyl-5-yl imidodiphosphate and sodium Ehrenfeld M see Levo Y

25(2):333-42 chloride on the binding of the muscarinic agonist, (3H] Ehrenfeld M see Tur Kaspa R

Ehrich M see Hixson SH cis methyldioxolane. Žur J Pharmacol 1980 Feb 8; Ehrenfeld M see Zlotnick A

Ehrig G, Mettler L: Das Auftreten von 61(3):317-8 Ehrenfeld WK see Effeney DJ

spermagglutinierenden und sperimmobilisierenden Ehlert FJ, Kokka N, Fairburst AS: Altered (3H]quinuclidinyl Ehrenford PA see Boebel FW

Antikörpern bei Sterilitäts-Patientinnen und die benzilate binding in the striatum of rats following chronic Ehrengruber H see Greiner R

Lokalisation der relevanten Antigene mit der cholinesterase inhibition with diisopropylfluorophosphate. Ehrengut J see Ehrengut W

Immun-Peroxidase-Methode. Arch Gynecol 1979 Jul 20; Mol Pharmacol 1980 Jan;17(1):24–30 Ehrengut W: Nebenwirkungen von


(Ger) Ehlert FJ, Dumont Y, Roeske WR, Yamamura HI: Muscarinic Influenzaschutzimpfungen. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 1979 Ehrig H see Toro-Goyco E receptor binding in rat brain using the agonist, (3H]cis Dec 28;104(52):1836

(Ger) Ehring F: Der Nabelstein. Hautarzt 1979 Sep;30(9):494-6 methyldioxolane. Life Sci 1980 Mar 24;26(12):961-7 Ehrengut W, Lennartz H: Wirksamkeit der

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Ehlert FJ, Kokka N, Fairhurst AS: Muscarinic receptor Cendehill-Vakzine in der Prophylaxe der

Ehring GR, Hondeghem LM: Structural simularities and subsensitivity in the longitudinal muscle of the rat ileum Rötelnembryopathie. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 1980 Feb cardiac electrophysiological differences between lidocaine following chronic anticholinesterase treatment

with 1;103(5):153-4 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) and procainamide. Proc West Pharmacol Soc 1980, diisopropylfluorophosphate. Biochem Pharmacol 1980 May Ehrengut W, Ehrengut J: Convulsions following oral polio 23:163-6 15;29(10):1391-7

immunisation. Dev Biol Stand 1979;43:165-71

Ehring R, Beyreuther K, Wright JK, Overath P: In vitro and Ehlert FJ see Fairhurst AS

Ehrengut W, Sarateanu DE, Rutter G: Influenza A antibodies in vivo products of E. coli lactose permease gene are Ehlert J see Diamond MC

in Cervine animals. Infection 1980;8(2):66-9

identical. Nature 1980 Feb 7,283(5747):537-40 Ehling UH see Kratochvilova J Ehrengut W see Sarateanu DE

Ehringer H, Berger G, Ingerle H, Konecny U, Wöns A: Acute Ehlken R, Pfeffer H: Untersuchunger über das Verhalten Ehrenhaft JL see Brandt B 3d

action of guanfacine on peripheral circulation in von Hartgipsen nach Wasserlagerung. ZWR 1979 Dec 15; Ehrenhaft JL see Richardson JV

hypertensive patients: measurements of arterial flow of the 88(23-24):1074–8 (Ger) Ehrenkaufer RL see Bida GT

calf and of the forefoot, of venous capacity of the calf, Ehm I see Fey F

Ehrenkranz RA, Ablow RC, Warsbaw JB: Prevention of of the blood pressure and of the heart rate. Ehmann C see Wolf DH

bronchopulmonary dysplasia with vitamin E administration Br J Clin Pharmacol 1980:10 Suppl 1:115S-1215 Ehmann G, Gerber A: Für ein hohes Niveau in der during the acute stages of respiratory distress syndrome. Ehringer H see Müller M Weiterbildung zum Facharzt und Fachzahnarzt.

J Pediatr 1979 Nov;95(5 Pt 2):873-8

Ehrinpreis MN, Giambrone MA, Rojkind M: Liver proline Stomatol DDR 1979 Jul;29(7):506-8 (Ger) Ehrenreich TH see Camerini-Davalos RA

oxidase activity and collagen synthesis in rats with cirrhosis Ehmann G, Gerber A, Seefeld G: Die Entwicklung der Ehrensberger A see Stalder H

induced by carbon tetrachloride. Biochim Biophys Acta Weiterbildung stomatologischer Hochschulkader in der Ehrensing RH see Kastin AJ

1980 Apr 17;629(1):184-93 DDR. Stomatol DDR 1979;29(10):738-43 (Ger) Ehrenspeck G see Brodsky WA

Ehrke MJ see Tomazic Ehmann UK see Moustacchi E

Ehrensperger F, Pohlenz J: Infektiöse Bovine Rhinotracheitis Ehrl PA: Die Bedeutung der Röntgendiagnostik beim Ehmke A, Flossdorf J, Habicht W, Schiebel HM, Schulten bei Kälbern. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 1979;121(12):635–42 Vorliegen einer Mund-Antrum-Verbindung. ZWR 1979 HR: A new technique for determining the hydride transfer (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Jun 10,88(11):499-503

(Ger) stereospecificity of nicotinamide adenine Ehrensperger F see Hösli J

Ehrlein HJ: Motility of the forestomachs in goats. dinucleotide-linked oxidoreductases: electron impact and Ehrensperger J: Die Nabelaffektionen. Ther Umsch 1980 Apr; Ann Rech Vet 1979;10(2-3):173-5 field desorption mass spectrometry. Anal Biochem 1980 37(4):261-5 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Ehrlein HJ see Deswysen A Jan 15;101(2):413-20

Ehrensperger T: Das Allgemeine wichtiger als das Besondere. Ehrler P: Der 'totale Tubenverschluss und die 'intramurale' Ehmke A see Scheid HW

Med Welt 1980 Mar 28;31(13):III

(Ger) Tubenanastomose. Ampullouterine und isthmouterine Ehn L, Carlmark B, Höglund S: Iron status in athletes Ehrenstein G see Huang LY

Anastomose als Alternative zur Implantation: involved in intense physical activity. Ehrenthal W see Paul H

Sammelstatistik 1962--1978. Gynaekol Rundsch 1979; Med Sci Sports Exercise 1980 Spring;12(1):61-4 Ehrenwerth J see Brodsky JB

19(3):145-9 Ehn L see Beran M

Ehresmann B, Backendorf C, Ehresmann C, Millon R, Ebel Ehrler P: Chirurgie tubaire. Oblitération proximale et Ehnhage A see Afzelius LE

JP: Effect of ultraviolet irradiation on 30-S ribosomal problèmes opératoires de la partie distale de la trompe. Ehnholm C, Schröder T, Kuusi T, Bång B, Kinnunen P, Kahma subunits. Identification of the RNA region crosslinked to Nouvelles acquisitions concernant de vieux problèmes.

K, Lempinen M: Studies on the effect of hepatectomy on protein S7. Eur J Biochem 1980 Feb; 104(1):255-62 Rev Med Suisse Romande 1979 Sep;99(9):577-86 (Fre) pig post-heparin plasma lipases. Biochim Biophys Acta Ehresmann B see Carbon P

Ehrlers D see Möritz KU 1980 Jan 18;617(1):141-9

Ehresmann C, Stiegler P, Carbon P, Ungewickell E, Garrett Ehrlich BE, Diamond JM, Kaye W, Ornitz EM, Gosenfeld Ehnholm C see Applebaum-Bowden D

RA: The topography of the 5' end of 16-S RNA in the L: Lithium transport in erythrocytes from a pair of twins Ehnholm C see Brunzell JD

presence and absence of ribosomal proteins S4 and 520. with manic disorder. Am J Psychiatry 1979 Nov; Ehnholm C see Cantell K

Eur J Biochem 1980 Feb;103(3):439-46

136(11):1477-8 Ehnholm C see Goldberg AP Ehresmann C see Carbon P

Ehrlich BE, Diamond JM: Lithium, membranes, and Ehnholm C see Huttunen JK Ehresmann C see Ehresmann B

manic-depressive illness. J Membr Biol 1980;52(3):187-200 Ehnholm C see Kuusi T Ehresmann DW see Schaffer FL

(133 ref.) Ehnholm C see Lehtonen A

Ehret CF, Sacher GA, Langsdorf A, Lewis RN: Exposure and Ehrlich BE, Diamond JM, Braun LD, Cornford EM, Ehnholm C see Miettinen TA

data-collection facilities for circadian studies of electric Oldendorf WH: Effects of lithium on blood-brain barrier Ehnholm see Sistonen P

field effects upon behavior, thermoregulation, and transport of the neurotransmitter precursors choline, Ehni G: Stenosis and cervical myelopathy [letter]

metabolism in small rodents.

tyrosine and tryptophan. Brain Res 1980 Jul 14; J Neurosurg 1980 Feb;52(2):290–1

In: Hanford life sciences symposium, 18th, Richland, 193(2):604-7 Ehni G: Primary cranioplasty after removal of infected bone Wash., 1978. Biological effects of extremely low frequency Ehrlich CE see Roth LM flaps (letter) Neurosurgery 1979 Dec;5(6):771

electromagnetic fields. Springfield, Va.: Technical Ehrlich CE see Young PC Ehni G: Craniopharyngioma surgery in children (letter) Information Center, U.S. Dept. of Energy, 1979. (DOE Ehrlich DH: Professionalism. J Am Coll Dent 1979 Jul; J Neurosurg 1980 Mar;52(3):439-40

symposium series; 50) W3 HA213 18th 19786.

PP. 46(3):152–5

Page 6

Sudan. Vet Rec 1980 Mar 8;106(10):225-7

Eisen P, Tonge B, Kaminski Z, Bornstein D, Mushin D: black lipid membranes. Ann NY Acad Sci 1977 Dec 30; Eisa M, Karrar AE, Abdel Rahim AH: Probable occurrence Maternal deprivation: can its ghost be laid?--Neil 303:281-94 of infections due to adenoviruses and parainfluenza 3 virus McConaghy, A.N.Z.J.P. September 1979 (letter]

Eisenberg M, Gresalfi T, Riccio T, McLaughlin S: Adsorption in residents of Khartoum Province in the Sudan. Aust NZJ Psychiatry 1980 Mar;14(1):81-2

of monovalent cations to bilayer membranes containing Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1980;74(2):262–3 Eisen V see Binysh SG

negative phospholipids. Biochemistry 1979 Nov 13; Eisa M see el-Sanousi SM Eisen V see Walker DI

18(23):5213-23 Eisbach KJ, Bardach J: Effect of lip closure on facial growth Eisenach KD see Jacobs RF

Eisenberg M, Bergner L, Hallstrom A, Pierce J: Evaluation in the surgically induced cleft rabbit. Otolaryngology 1978 Eisenbach GM see Riedel H

of paramedic programs using outcomes of prehospital Sep-Oct;86(5):ORL-786-803

Eisenbach M, Caplan SR, Tanny G: Interaction of purple resuscitation for cardiac arrest. JACEP 1979 Nov; Eisdorfer C, Cohen D: Serum immunoglobulins and cognitive membrane with solvents. I. Applicability of solubility 8(11):458-61

status in the elderly: 2. An immunological-behavioral parameter mapping. Biochim Biophys Acta 1979 Jul 5; Eisenberg M see Calman HI relationship? Br J Psychiatry 1980 Jan;136:40-5


Eisenberg MA see Prakash O Eisdorfer C, Wilkie FL: Stress and behavior in the aged. Eisenbach M, Caplan SR: Interaction of purple membrane Eisenberg MM see Dunn DH Gynaekol Rundsch 1979;19 suppl 2:45-56 (68 ref.)

with solvents. II. Mode of interaction.

Eisenberg MM see Nomiyama S Eisdorfer C see Cohen D

Biochim Biophys Acta 1979 Jul 5;554(2):281-92

Eisenberg MS, Copass MK, Hallstrom A, Cobb LA, Bergner Eisdorfer C see Doerr HO

Eisenbarth GS, Wilson PW, Ward F, Buckley C, Lebovita L: Management of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Failure Eisdorfer CE see Gross RJ

H: The polyglandular failure syndrome: disease inheritance, of basic emergency medical technician services. JAMA Eisele B, Bates SR, Wissler RW: Interaction of low density HLA type, and immune function. Ann Intern Med 1979 1980 Mar 14;243(10):1049-51 lipoproteins from normal and hyperlipemic Rhesus Oct;91(4):528-33

Eisenberg MS, Bergner L, Hearne T: Out-of-hospital cardiac monkeys with arterial smooth muscle cells in culture. Eisenbarth GS, Walsh FS, Nirenberg M:Monoclonal antibody arrest: a review of major studies and a proposed uniform Atherosclerosis 1980 May;36(1):9-24 to a plasma membrane antigen of neurons.

reporting system. Am J Public Health 1980 Mar; Eisele G see Butt H

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1979 Oct;76(10):4913–7

70(3):236-40 (27 ref.) Eisele G see Dick W

Eisenbarth GS, Haynes BF, Schroer JA, Fauci AS: Production Eisenberg MS, Bergner L, Hallstrom A: Epidemiology of Eisele GR, Kopp WJ: Adjustable metabolism units for swine. of monoclonal antibodies reacting with peripheral blood cardiac arrest and resuscitation in a suburban community. Lab Anim Sci 1979 Aug;29(4):538-41 mononuclear cell surface differentiation antigens.

JACEP 1979 Jan;8(1):2-5 Eisele GR see Walburg HE

J Immunol 1980 Mar;124(3):1237-44

Eisenberg MS, Bergner L, Hallstrom A: Out-of-hospital Eisele J see Lunn JK Eisenbarth GS see Haynes BF

cardiac arrest: improved survival with paramedic services. Eisele JH see Fung DL Eisenbarth GS see Schneider MD

Lancet 1980 Apr 12;1(8172):812-5 Eisele JH Jr see Ainslie SG Eisenbarth GS see Walsh FS

Eisenberg MS, Copass MK, Hallstrom AP, Blake B, Bergner Eisele JW see James TN

Eisenberg A, Robinson MJ: Fetal deformity and death L, Short FA, Cobb LA: Treatment of out-of-hospital Eisele R see Reinhardt HW

associated with amniotic bands and looping of umbilical cardiac arrests with rapid defibrillation by emergency Eiseman B: Surgical management of civilian gunshot wounds. cord. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1980 Apr;104(4):206–7 medical technicians. N Engl J Med 1980 Jun 19; Acta Chir Scand (Suppl) 1979;(489):199-204

Eisenberg AD, Bender GR, Marquis RE: Reduction in the 302(25):1379-83 Eiseman B: Casualty care planning (editorial] J Trauma 1979 aciduric properties of the oral bacterium Streptococcus Eisenberg PD see Mohandas N Nov;19(11):848–51

mutans GS-5 by fluoride. Arch Oral Biol 1980;25(2):133-5 Eisenberg RA, Thor LT, Dixon FJ: Serum-serum interactions Eiseman B, Karran S: Measuring liver growth.

Eisenberg AD, Marquis RE: Uptake of fluoride by cells of in autoimmune mice. Arthritis Rheum 1979 Oct; World J Surg 1979 Nov;3(6):781-2

Streptococcus mutans in dense suspensions. J Dent Res 22(10):1074-81 Eiseman B, Sloan R, Hansbrough J, McIntosh R: Multiple 1980 Jul;59(7):1187-91

Eisenberg RA see Izui S organ failure: clinical and experimental. Am Surg 1980 Jan; Eisenberg BL see Boddie AW Jr

Eisenberg RA see Theofilopoulos AN 46(1):14–9

Eisenberg BR, Gilai A: Structural changes in single muscle Eisenberg RJ, Hydrean-Stern C, Cohen GH: Structural Eiseman B, Hansbrough J, Weil R: New approaches for fibers after stimulation at a low frequency.

analysis of precursor and product forms of type-common immunosuppression. Am Surg 1980 Jan;46(1):24–7 J Gen Physiol 1979 Jul;74(1):1-16

envelope glycoprotein D (CP-1 antigen) of herpes simplex Eiseman B see Hansbrough JF Eisenberg BR see Pencek TL

virus type 1. J Virol 1979 Sep;31(3):608–20 Eiseman B see Moore EE Eisenberg C see Sheth KJ

Eisenberg RJ see Cohen GH Eiseman B see Yamaoka Y Eisenberg D see Anderson D

Eisenberg RJ see Pizer LI Eiseman JL, Alvares AP: Heme metabolism in the Eisenberg D see Knöppel E

Eisenberg RL, Hedgcock MW: Pseudoperforation of the iliac fetoplacental unit and neonatal livers during lactation: Eisenberg E, Greene LE: The relation of muscle biochemistry and femoral arteries: arteriographic appearance of catheter effect of gold sodium thiomalate.

to muscle physiology. Annu Rev Physiol 1980;42:293–309 passing through thrombus. AJR 1979 Oct;133(4):735–7 J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1980 Aug;214(2):250-6

(56 ref.)

Eisenberg RL, Akin JR, Hedgcock MW: Single, well centered Eiseman JL see Alvares AP Eisenberg E see Adelstein RS

lateral view of lumbosacral spine: is coned view necessary? Eisemann JH, Pond WG, Thonney ML: Effect of dietary zinc Eisenberg E see Frishman W

AJR 1979 Oct;133(4):711-3 and copper on performance and tissue mineral and Eisenberg E see Greene LE

Eisenberg RL, Hedgcock MW, Shanser JD, Brenner RJ, cholesterol concentrations in swine. J Anim Sci 1979 May; Eisenberg E see Hill TL

Gedgaudas RK, Marks WM: lodine absorption from the 48(5):1123-8 Eisenberg E see Piecuch JF

gastrointestinal tract during hypaque-enema examination. Eisemann M see Perris C Eisenberg E see Shklar G

Radiology 1979 Dec;133(3 Pt 1):595-9 Eisemann ML, Sharma GK: The Wildervanck syndrome: Eisenberg E see Stein LA

Eisenberg RL, Montgomery CK, Margulis AR: Colitis in the cervico-oculo-acoustic dysplasia. Eisenberg ES see Buiumsohn A

elderly: ischemic colitis mimicking ulcerative

and Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1979 Nov-Dec;87(6):892-7 Eisenberg GH Jr, Osterman JV: Gamma-irradiated scrub granulomatous colitis. AJR 1979 Dec;133(6):1113-8 Eisen A, Odusote K: Amplitude of the F wave: a potential typhus immunogens: broad-spectrum immunity with Eisenberg RL, Bank WO, Hedgcock MW: Renal failure after

means of documenting spasticity. Neurology (Minneap) combinations of rickettsial strains. Infect Immun 1979 Oct; major angiography. Am J Med 1980 Jan;68(1):43-6 1979 Sep;29(9 Pt 1):1306-9


Eisenberg RL, Akin JR, Hedgcock MW: Optimal use of Eisen A, Odusote K: Central and peripheral conduction times Eisenberg GH Jr, Osterman JV, Stephenson EH: portable and stat examination. AJR 1980 Mar;134(3):523-4 in multiple sclerosis.

Gamma-irradiated scrub typhus immunogens: analysis for Eisenberg RL, Hedgcock MW, Gooding GA, DeMartini WJ, Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1980 Mar; residual, replicating rickettsiae. Infect Immun 1980 Apr; Akin JR, Ovenfors CO: Compensation examination of the 48(3):253-65 28(1):295-7

cervical and lumbar spines: critical disagreement in Eisen A see Odusote K

Eisenberg GJ: Children and aggression after observed film radiographic interpretation. AJR 1980 Mar;134(3):519-22 Eigen AZ see Bauer EA

aggression with sanctioning adults. Ann NY Acad Sci 1980; Eisenberg RL: Cerebral angiography: conflicting testimony Eisen AZ see Gordon JM


(editorial) AJR 1980 Mar;134(3):615-7 Eisen AZ see Koob TJ Eisenberg H see Gong H Jr

Eisenberg KL see Hedgcock MW Eisen AZ see Uitto J Eisenberg H see Sacks BA

Eisenberg RM, Sparber SB: Changes in plasma corticosterone Eisen AZ see Welgus HG Eisenberg HA see Haertzen CA

levels as a measure of acute dependence upon levorphanol Eisen D see Franson RC

Eisenberg HM, Suddith RL: Cerebral vessels have the in rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1979 Nov;211(2):364-9 Eisen EJ, Leatherwood JM: Effects of pregnancy and mating capacity to transport sodium and potassium. Science 1979 Eisenberg RM: Effects of naloxone on plasma corticosterone age on protein and fat deposition in polygenic obese mice. Nov 30,206(4422):1083-5

in the opiate-naive rat. Life Sci 1980 Mar 24;26(12):935-43 J Anim Sci 1979 Apr;48(4):810-22 Eisenberg HM see Fonseca-Costa A

Eisenberg RM see Knych ET Eisen EJ, Durrant BS: Genetic and maternal environmental Eisenberg HM see Kelly PJ

Eisenberg RS, Mathias RT, Rae JS: Measurement, modeling, factors influencing litter size and reproductive efficiency Eisenberg J see Kruis W

and analysis of the linear electrical properties of cells. in mice. J Anim Sci 1980 Mar;50(3):428-41

Eisenberg JM: Curricula and organization of primary care Ann NY Acad Sci 1977 Dec 30;303:342-54 Eisen EJ, Nagai J, Bakker H, Hayes JF: Effect of litter size residencies in internal medicine. J Med Educ 1980 Apr; Eisenberg RS: Structural complexity, circuit models, and ion at birth on lactation in mice. J Anim Sci 1980 Apr; 55(4):345-53

accumulation. Fed Proc 1980 Apr;39(5):1540-3 50(4):680–8

Eisenberg JM, Nicklin D: Ambulatory medical care (letter Eisenberg RS, Valdesuso C: Middle lobe syndrome secondary Eisen EJ see Cartwright AL N Engl J Med 1980 Jun 5;302(23):1317

to allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Ann Allergy Eisen EJ see Hayes JF Eisenberg JM see Garg ML

1980 Apr;44(4):217-9 Eisen GS: The suicide of Seymour Glass.

Eisenberg L: Adolescent suicide: on taking arms against a Eisenberg RS: A new airway for tracheal or esophageal Suicide Life Threat Behav 1980 Spring;10(1):51-60 sea of troubles. Pediatrics 1980 Aug;66(2):315-20

insertion: description and field experience. Eisen H see Babu VS

Eisenberg L: What makes persons 'patients' and patients 'well? Ann Emerg Med 1980 May;9(5):270-2 Eisen H see Poteete AR

Am J Med 1980 Aug;69(2):277-86

Eisenberg S, Scott JF, Kronberg A: Enzymatic replication Eisen HJ see Hannah R

Eisenberg L: Disease and illness. Distinctions between of phiX174 duplex circles: continuous synthesis. Eisen HJ see Okey AB

professional and popular ideas of sickness.

Cold Spring Harbor Symp Quant Biol 1979;43(1):295–302 Eisen HN see Chang TW

Cult Med Psychiatry 1977 Apr;1(1):9-23

Eisenberg S, Olivecrona T: Very low density lipoprotein. Fate Eisen HN see Lob D Eisenberg L: Is health a state of mind? (editorial]

of phospholipids, cholesterol, and apolipoprotein C during Eisen HN see Sakato N N Engl J Med 1979 Dec 6;301(23):1282–3

lipolysis in vitro. J Lipid Res 1979 Jul;20(5):614–23 Eisen JS, Youssef NN: Fine structural aspects of the Eisenberg L: Failures in learning and failures in teaching. Eisenberg S, Patsch JR, Sparrow JT, Gotto AM, Olivecrona developing compound eye of the honey bee, Apis mellifera Pediatrics 1980 Feb;65(2):361-2

T: Very low density lipoprotein. Removal of L. J Ultrastruct Res 1980 Apr;71(1):79-94 Eisenberg L see Bagadia VN

A polipoproteins C-II and C-III-1 during lipolysis in vitro. Elsen M, Ware JE Jr, Donald CA, Brook RH: Measuring Eisenberg L see Gomez MR

J Biol Chem 1979 Dec 25;254(24):12603-8 components of children's health status. Med Care 1979 Sep; Eisenberg L see Taub HA

Eisenberg S, Stein Y: (Atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia and 17(9):902-21

Eisenberg LR, Migeon BR: Enrichment of human clofibrate (editorial)] Harefuah 1979 Jun 15;96(12):677-8 Eisen M, Macri N, Mehta J: Microfluorometry analysis II. heterokaryons by Ficoll gradient for complementation

(Heb) A Bayesian approach. J Theor Biol 1979 May 7;78(1):43-9 analysis of iduronate sulfatase deficiency.

Eisenberg S: Plasma lipoprotein conversions: the origins of Elsen P: Children under stress. Aust NZ J Psychiatry 1979 Somatic Cell Genet 1979 Nov;5(6):1079–89

low-density and high-density lipoproteins. Sep;13(3):193–207

Eisenberg M, Kleinberg ME, Shaper JH: Channels across Ann NY Acad Sci 1980;348:30-47 (62 ref.)

Page 7

diagnosis and treatment of malocclusions. Int J Orthod 1980 acetylcholine receptor antibodies in the pathogenesis of Eling TE see Ali AE Jun;18(2):7-12

myasthenia gravis. Trans Am Neurol Assoc 1978;103:134-8 Eling TE see Chaudhari A Elias AD, Elias ER: Matching of couples in the NRMP Elias SB see Appel SH

Eling TE see Crutchley DJ [letter) N Engl J Med 1980 Jun 19;372(25):1425–6 Elias SF see Dixon PN

Eling TE see Mason RP
Elias AM see Ferrer-Roca 0 Elias SF see Sigelman CK

Eling TE see Wilson AG
Elias AN, Gwinup G: Effects of some clinically encountered Elías de Alonso A see Lanaro AE

Eling WM: Plasmodium berghei: premunition, sterile drugs on steroid synthesis and degradation. Metabolism Elias Kater C see Maciel RM

immunity, and loss of immunity in mice. Exp Parasitol 1980 1987 Jun;29(6):582-95 (184 ref.)

Eliaschar I, Lavie P, Halperin E, Gordon C, Alroy G: Sleep Feb;49(1):89-96 Elias CA see Esteves MJ

apneic episodes as indications for adenotonsillectomy. Eling WM see van Zon AA Elias D see Martinon F

Arch Otolaryngol 1980 Aug;106(8):492–6

Elings VB see Hill SL Elias E, Boyer JL: Chlorpromazine and its metabolites alter Eliasen P, Vejlsted H, Hjelms E, Djernes M, Elings VB see Lewis FR polymerization and gelation of actin. Science 1979 Dec Winther-Rasmussen S: Dopaminbehandling af

Elinov NP: 60 let Leningradskomu 21;206(4425):1404-6 hjerteopererede patienter med pumpesvigt.

khimiko-farmatsevticheskomu institutu. Farmatsiia 1979 Elias E, Boyer JL: Mechanisms of intrahepatic cholestasis. Ugeskr Laeger 1980 Feb 4;142(6):368-70 (Eng. Abstr.) Nov-Dec;28(6):49–56

(Rus) Prog Liver Dis 1979;6:457–70 (96 ref.)

(Dan) Elinov NP see Pronina MI Elias E, Hruban Z, Wade JB, Boyer JL: Phalloidin-induced Eliasen P, Brünner S: Termografi til diagnose af dyb Elinson L See Morgan RW

cholestasis: a microfilament-mediated change in junctional venetrombose på underkstremiteterne. Ugeskr Laeger 1980 Elinson L see Vakil DV complex permeability. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1980 Apr; Mar 10;142(11):689-91 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Dan) Elinson P, Neustadter LM, Moncman MG: Nutritional 77(4):2229-33 Eliasen P see Klemp P

osteomalacia (letter) Am J Dis Child 1980 Apr;134(4):427
Elias E see Lake-Bakaar G Eliasen P see Skagen K

Elinson RP see Cross NL Elias E see Potter BJ Eliashar S see Ebstein RP

Elion GB see Colby BM Elias EG: The surgical oncologist (editorial) El'iashevich AM see Slonitskii SV

Elion GB see de Miranda P Surg Gynecol Obstet 1980 Jan;150(1):83-4

Eliason JA, Maurice DM: An ocular perfusion system. Elion GB see Furman PA Elias EG see Auda SP

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1980 Jan;19(1):102-5

Elion GB see Krenitsky TA Elias EG see Grage TB

Eliason JF, Testa NG, Dexter TM: Erythropoietin-stimulated Elion GB see Nelson DJ Elias EG see Morris DM

erythropoiesis in long-term bone marrow culture.

Elion GB see Zimmerman TP Elias EG see Wolf GT

Nature 1979 Oct 4;281(5730):382-4

Elion J see Dode C Elias ER see Elias AD

Eliassen E see Wisnes AR

Elion J see Rabiet MJ Elias J see Auda SP

Eliassen G see Melsom H

Elion J see Wajcman H Elias J see Král B

Eliasson AC see Carlson TL

Elion-Gerritzen WE: Analytic precision in clinical chemistry Elías JC see Juri J

Eliasson B, Backman L, Hallberg D, Sundblad L: The value and medical decisions. Am J Clin Pathol 1980 Feb;
Elias JM: A rapid, sensitive myeloperoxidase stain using of preoperative S-LD 5 isoenzyme determination in 73(2):183-95

4-chloro-1-naphthol. Am J Clin Pathol 1980 Jun; predicting the risk of serious liver injury after bypass Eliopoulos G, Andre S, Anagnou NP, Meletis J, Halpern B:
73(6):797-9 operations for treatment of obesity.

Action du Corynebacterium parvum sur les taux de Elias JW, Winn FJ Jr, Wright LL: Age, sex, and hemisphrere Scand J Gastroenterol 1979;14(5):599-603

lysozyme (muramidase) sérique. Experientia 1979 Jul_15; asymmetry differences induced by a concurrent memory Eliasson E see Skog S

35(7):908-9 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) processing task. Exp Aging Res 1979 Jun;5(3):217-37 Eliasson K see Boman G

Eliopoulos GD, Andre S, Anagnou NP, Fessas P: Prolonged Elias JW see Dippel RL Eliasson K see Carenfelt C

effect of Corynebacterium parvum stimulation Elias KA, Blake CA: Effect of prior gonadotrophin injection Eliasson K see Hjemdahl P

granulopoiesis. Scand J Haematol 1979 Nov;23(5):353-9 on the rising phases of simulated preovulatory surges of Eliasson R see Afzelius BA

Eliot BW, Howat RC, Mack AE: A comparison between the luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone in Eliasson R see Reichard P

effects of nystatin, clotrimazole and miconazole on vaginal the plasma of phenobarbitone-blocked, pro-oestrous rats. Eliasson R see Waldeck W

candidiasis. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1979 Jul;86(7):572–7 J Endocrinol 1979 Dec;83(3):331-7 Eliasson S see Björk N

Eliot G see Teutsch SM Elias KA, Blake CA: A change in basal FSH release Elíasson ST, Holte NO: Rubber-base impression material as Eliot J see Crook T

accompanies the onset of the second or selective phase a foreign body. Report of a case. Oral Surg 1979 Oct; Eliot J see Elsner CW of increased serum FSH in the cyclic rat. Life Sci 1980 48(4):379-80

Eliot J see Magyar DM Mar 10;26(10):749-55

Eliastam M, Rose E, Jones H, Kaplan E, Kaplan R, Seiver Eliot RJ, Lam Ř, Leake RD, Hobel CJ, Fisher DA: Plasma Elias KA see Blake CA

A: Utilization of diagnostic radiologic examinations in the catecholamine concentrations in infants at birth and during Elias L Shaw MT, Raab So: Reinduction therapy for adult emergency department of a teaching hospital. J Trauma the first 48 hours of life. J Pediatr 1980 Feb;96(2):311-Š acute leukemia with adriamycin, vincristine, and 1980 Jan;20(1):61-6

Eliot RS, Todd GL, Pieper GM, Clayton FC: Pathophysiology prednisone: a Southwest Oncology Group study. Eliastam M see Sternbach G

of catecholamine-mediated myocardial damage. Cancer Treat Rep 1979 Aug;63(8):1413-5

Eliceiri GL: Formation of low molecular weight RNA species J SC Med Assoc 1979 Nov;73(11):513-8 Elías LG see Navarrete DA

in HeLa cells. J Cell Physiol 1980 Feb; 102(2):199-207 Eliot RS: Summation: the Second National Conference on Elias MC see Hartman L Eliceiri GL see Scolnik PA

emotional stress and heart disease. J SC Med Assoc 1979 Elias MF see Burns JE Elich MS see Burchfield SR

Nov;75(11):602-4 Elias MF see Pentz CA 3d

Elicio N, Boletto N, Pronzato P, Sturaro R, Vatteroni B: Eliot RS see Buell JC Elias MF see Wood WG

Regolazione neurovegetativa della secrezione gastrinica. Eliot RS see Todd GL Elias MJ: Helping emotionally disturbed children through Arch Sci Med (Torino) 1979 Oct-Dec;136(4):523-9 (46 Eliraz A, Abrams WR, Meranze DR, Kimbel P, Weinbaum prosocial television. Except Child 1979 Nov;46(3):217-8 ref.) (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) G: Development of an animal model of functional alpha Elias MM, Comin EJ, Rodríguez Garay A: Tubular Elidan J, Brama I, Gay I: A large tonsillolith simulating 1-antiprotease deficiency. Chest 1980 Feb;77(2 Suppl):278

reabsorption of 14C-unconjugated bilirubin in isolated tumor of the tonsil. Ear Nose Throat J 1980 Jul;59(7):296-7 Eliraz A see Schattner A
perfused rat kidney. Medicina (B Aires) 1979 May-Jun; Elie G, Vazel P, Renaud-Salis JL, Guibert-Tranier F, Le Elis J, Heinige A: Klinické zkoušení nových léčiv a jejich 39(3):357-61

Treut A, Caillé JM: Tumeurs malignes primitives du cavum registrace v CSSR. Zdrav Aktual 1979;191:139-43 (Cze) Elias P see Samuelsson T

en tomodensitométrie (TDM). J Radiol 1980 May; Elis J, Stika L: Spotřeba tetracyklinových antibiotik v Elias PM, Friend DS, Goerke J: Membrane sterol 61(5):337-41 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) dětském věku v pražských obvodech. Cesk Pediatr 1980, heterogeneity. Freeze-fracture detection with saponins and Elie G see Bergeron JL

35(2):96-9 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Cze) filipin. J Histochem Cytochem 1979 Sep;27(9):1247–60 Elie G see Bruneton JN

Elis J see Hykes P Elias PM, Brown BE, Fritsch P, Goerke J, Gray GM, White Elie G see Diard F

Elis J see Kameníková L RJ: Localization and composition of lipids in neonatal Elie G see Drouillard J

Elis J see Sechserová M mouse stratum granulosum and stratum corneum.

Elie H see Borel B

Elis J see Stika L J Invest Dermatol 1979 Nov;73(5):339-48 Elie R see Cooper SF

Elisabetsky E, Vendite DA, Izquierdo I: Memory channels Elias PM, Brown BE, Ziboh VA: The permeability barrier Elie R see Gagnon MA

in the rat: effect of post-training application of potassium in essential fatty acid deficiency: evidence for a direct role Elie R see Lussier A

chloride on the hippocampus. Behav Neural Biol 1979 Nov; for linoleic acid in barrier function. J Invest Dermatol 1980 Elies W: Oesophageale Komplikation nach zervikaler 27(3):354–61 Apr;74(4):230-3

ventraler Fusionsoperation. HNO 1979 Nov;27(11):380–1 Elisabetsky E see Izquierdo I Elias PM, Grayson S, Caldwell TM, McNutt NS: Gap (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Elisabetsky E see Souza DO junction proliferation in retinoic acid-treated human basal Elies W, Plester D: Basilar impression. A differential Elisberg BL see Attallah AM cell carcinoma. Lab Invest 1980 Apr;42(4):469-74

diagnosis of Menier'es disease. Arch Otolaryngol 1980 Apr; Elischer Z, Dénes J: Progénia mütéti korrekciója utáni sínezés Elias PM see Nemanic MK


immediát hídpótlással. Fogorv Sz 1979 Jul;72(7):203-5 Elias PS: The wholesomeness of irradiated food. Eligulashvili RM see Gal'perin EI

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Hun) Ecotoxicol Environ Safety 1980 Jun;4(2):172-83 Elihu CT see Faling LJ

Elischer Z, Bótyik M: A dysostosis cleidocranialis kombinált Elias RY see Iskander RM Eliian EN see Pogosian AS

ortodonciai, sebészi és protetikai kezelése. Esetismertetés. Elias S, Martin AO, Simpson JL: Stability of sex chromosome Elijovich F, Krakoff LR: Effect of converting enzyme Fogorv Sz 1980 Jun;73(6):161-9

(Hun) mosaicism. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1980 Feb 15; inhibition on glucocorticoid hypertension in the rat. Elischerová K see Babala J 136(4):509-12

Am J Physiol 1980 Jun;238(6):H844-8

Eliscu EH, Haire HM, Tew FT, Newton LW: Control of Elias S, Gerbie AB, Simpson JL: Amniocentesis for prenatal Elijovisch F, Krakoff LR: Captopril associated

malignant renovascular hypertension by percutaneous diagnosis in twin gestation (letter) Clin Genet 1980 Apr; granulocytopenia in hypertension after renal

transluminal angioplasty and therapeutic renal 17(4):300_1

transplantation (letter) Lancet 1980 Apr 26;1(8174):927-8 embolization. AJR 1980 Apr;134(4):815-7 Elias S, Mazur M, Sabbagha R, Esterly NB, Simpson JL: Elin RJ: Clinical utility of the Limulus test with blood, CSF Eliseev AT see lumashev GS

Prenatal diagnosis of harlequin ichthyosis. Clin Genet 1980 and synovial fluid. Prog Clin Biol Res 1979;29:279-92 Eliseev LN see Strelkova MV
Apr;17(4):275–80 Elin RJ see Lawrie DJ

Eliseev OM: Arterial'naia gipertoniia pri beremennosti. Elias S: The role of fetoscopy in antenatal diagnosis. Elin RJ see Papadopoulos NM

Ter Arkh 1979;51(8):134-9

(Rus) Clin Obstet Gynaecol 1980 Apr;7(1):73-82 Elin RJ see Robertson EA

Eliseev VF: Ustroistvo dlia vosstanovleniia podvizhnosti v Elias S see Ciechanover A

Elinder CG, Pannone M: Biliary excretion of cadmium. kolennom sustave. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1980 Jun;(6):52 Elias S see Gerbie AB

Environ Health Perspect 1979 Feb;28:123-6

(Rus) Elias S see Malinak LR

Elinder CG, Jonsson L Sternström T, Piscator M, Linnman Eliseev VV, Khudolei VV: Opukholi slizistykh zhelez kozhi Elias S see Simpson JL

L: Water hardness in relation to cadium accumulation and u beskhvostykh amfibii Vopr Onkol 1980;26(7):70–1 Elias S see Wilson L microscopic signs of cardiovascular disease in horses.

(Rus) Elias SB, Butler I, Appel SH: Neonatal myasthenia gravis Arch Environ Health 1980 Mar-Apr;35(2):81-4

Eliseev VV, Vlasov NN: Induktsiia opukholei molochnykh in the infant of a myasthenic mother in remission. Elinder CG see Nordberg M

zhelez u krys N-nitrozo-N-metilmochevinoi i Ann Neurol 1979 Jul;6(1):72-5 Elinder CG see Nwankwo JN

N-metil-N1-nitro-N-nitrozoguanidinom. Vopr Onkol Elias SB, Butler I, Deshmukh VD, Appel SH: The role of Eling T see Sivarajah K

1980;26(2):62-5 (Eng. Abstr.)


Page 8

Elliott GR, Townsend MG, Odam EM: Assay procedure for black lipid bilayer membranes. Biochim Biophys Acta 1979 Elliott WH see Shaw R the vitamin K1 2,3-epoxide-reducing system.

Oct 19,557(1):259-63

Elliott WH see Srivastava G
Methods Enzymol 1980;67:160-5 Elliott JR see Emery CA Jr

Elliott WH see Tabe LM Elliott GR see Berger PA Elliott KR see Craik JD

Elliott-Blake H: May 31, 1940. Dunkirk ablaze. Elliott HL, Trash DB: Intravascular coagulation induced by Elliott KR see Houslay MD

Practitioner 1979 May;222(1331):731 guinine. Unexpected hazard of 'bitter lemon'. Elliott KR see Smith SA

Ellis A, Woodrow JC: HLA and duodenal ulcer. Gut 1979 Scott Med J 1979 Jul;24(3):244-5

Elliott LL: Performance of children aged 9 to 17 years on Sep;20(9):760_2 Elliott HL: Thrombophlebitis migrans: a further systemic a test of speech intelligibility in noise using sentence Ellis A see Back DJ complication of ulcerative colitis. Postgrad Med J 1980 material with controlled word predictability.

Ellis A see Webb DJ Mar;56(653):207-8

J Acoust Soc Am 1979 Sep;66(3):651-3

Ellis AK, Klocke FJ: Effects of preload on the transmural Elliott HL see Campbell BC

Elliott LL, Connors S, Kille E, Levin S, Ball K, Katz D: distribution of perfusion and pressure-flow relationships Elliott HR see Makanji HH

Children's understanding of monosyllabic nouns in quiet in the canine coronary vascular bed. Circ Res 1980 Jan; Elliott J: Moves beginning to approve new indications for and in noise. J Acoust Soc Am 1979 Jul;66(1):12-21 46(1):68-77

aspirin use [news] JAMA 1979 Oct 19;242(16):1711-2 Elliott LL, Katz DR: Children's pure-tone detection. Ellis AK see Klocke FJ Elliott J: Little consensus on prescribing of estrogens for J Acoust Soc Am 1980 Jan;67(1):343-4

Ellis B: Energy situation is precarious. Hospitals 1979 Oct postmenopausal women (news) JAMA 1979 Nov 2; Elliott LP: Radiologic differentiation of the common 16;53(20):73-5 242(18):1951-2

congenital malformations of the heart and great vessels. Ellis B: Winds of change sweep nursing profession. Elliott J: Orthopedist is pioneer in prosthetic design. Cardiovasc Clin 1979;10(1):91-118

Hospitals 1980 Jan 1;54(1):95–8 JAMA 1979 Oct 26;242(17):1831-3, 1837 Elliott LP see Tonkin IL

Ellis B: Nurses told of need for more influence. Hospitals Elliott J: Consensus on amantadine use in influenza A (news] Elliott M, Goodfriend TL: Attenuation of 1- 125 radiation 1980 Feb 1;54(3):57-8

JAMA 1979 Nov 30;242(22):2383, 2387

by chloroform and other dense solvents, and its relevance Ellis B: Environmental sanitation: practices are being Elliott J: Intraocular lenses survive sharp criticism. to radioimmunoassays: concise communication.

changed and tested. Hospitals 1980 Apr 1;54(7):65-8 JAMA 1979 Nov 9,242(19):2047-8, 2053

J Nucl Med 1980 Aug;21(8):738-40

Ellis B: Health care industry's concentration on curing Elliott J: Experts clash on nutrition policy (news) JAMA Elliott M see Morales A

regarded as hindrance to health promotion (news] 1979 Dec 14;242(24):2645–6, 2653

Elliott ME, Goodfriend TL: Angiotensin and bradykinin Hospitals 1980 Jun 1;54(11):24, 26 Elliott J: Experts cite paralysis of asbestos exposure control interactions with phospholipids. Biochim Biophys Acta Ellis B, Al-Nakash S, Lamb DJ: The composition and efforts (news) JAMA 1980 Jan 18;243(3):211-3, 219 1979 Aug 22;586(2):357-73

rheology of denture adhesives. J Dent 1980 Jun;8(2):109-18 Elliott J: FDA restricts use of one intraocular lens type Elliott ML see Sbordone RJ

Ellis B, Faraj SA: The structure and surface topography of [news] JAMA 1980 Jan 4;243(1):12–3 Elliott MW see Sehgal PK

acrylic denture base materials. J Dent 1980 Jun;8(2):102-8 Elliott : Many questions, fewer answers, about pot (news) Elliott P: Therapeutic evaluation of Elase as adjunctive Ellis B see Faraj SA JAMA 1980 Jan 4;243(1):15, 18

therapy in the treatment of monilial vaginitis.

Ellis B see Kleinman JG Elliott J: More support for refusing medical treatment (news] Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 1979 Feb;19(1):56–8 Ellis BW: Symptomatic treatment of primary pneumatosis JAMA 1980 Feb 8;243(6):506-7 Elliott P see Baird PJ

coli with metronidazole. Br Med J 1980 Mar 15; Elliott J: Clinical trial of laetrile may soon get under way Elliott P see Tough H

280(6216):763-4 [news] JAMA 1980 Feb 8;243(6):505-6

Elliott PA, Barlow F, Hooper A, Kingerlee PE: Maintaining Ellis BW see Goode AW Elliott J: Presidential address: 42nd annual meeting of the patients improvements in a token economy.

Ellis C see Fidler J American Association of Public Health Dentists, Dallas, Behav Res Ther 1979;17(4):355–67

Ellis C see Hanson RF October 20, 1979. J Public Health Dent 1980 Winter; Elliott PJ see Reeves DS

Ellis CG: The berg adder: a unique snake. Practitioner 1979 40(1):70_3

Elliott PM, Korda AR: Tubal anastomoses by means of Oct;223(1336):544-7
Elliott J: Squaring off over total parenteral nutrition (news) modified microsurgical technique. Med J Aust 1980 Jun Ellis CG see Schneiderman G JAMA 1980 Apr 25;243(16):1610-1, 1616


Ellis CJ: How should we use metronidazole? Elliott J: Vertebral osteomyelitis often goes undiagnosed. Elliott PN: The effect of combination of aspirin and sodium J Antimicrob Chemother 1980 May;6(3):305-7 JAMA 1980 Apr 11;243(14):1410

salicylate on the rat stomach (proceedings)

Ellis CJ, Geddes AM, Davey PG, Wise R, Andrews JM, Elliott J: Electrical stimulation of bone growth wins clinical Br J Pharmacol 1979 Nov;67(3):484P-485P

Grimley RP: Mezlocillin and azlocillin: an evaluation of acceptance (news) JAMA 1980 Apr 11;243(14):1401-3 Elliott PR, Powell-Tuck J, Gillespie PE, Laidlow JM, two new beta-lactam antibiotics. Elliott J: Blame it all on brown fat now (news) JAMA 1980 Lennard-Jones JE, English J, Chakraborty J, Marks V: J Antimicrob Chemother 1979 Sep;5(5):517-25 May 23-30,243(20):1983-5

Prednisolone absorption in acute colitis. Gut 1980 Jan; Ellis CJ: The afferent pupillary defect in acute optic neuritis. Elliott J: Spinal prothesis patient dies; new therapies spurred 21(1):49-51

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1979 Nov;42(11):1008-17 [news] JAMA 1980 Jun 13;243(22):2276-7

Elliott PR, Lennard-Jones JE, Hathway N: Simple index of Ellis CJ, Walter PH: Pseudomonas meningitis treated with Elliott J: Donald Fredrickson, MD: 'high priest'. JAMA 1980 Crohn's disease activity (letter) Lancet 1980 Apr 19; azlocillin. Br Med J 1979 Sep 29;2(6193):767 Jun 6;243(21):2129-30


Ellis CJ see Levitt MD Elliott J: Greater use of fibrinolytic agents urged (news Elliott R see Gilman HE

Ellis CK see Ellis EF JAMA 1980 Jun 13;243(22):2275-6

Elliott RA, Hoehn JG, Stayman JW: Management of the Ellis CL see Salthouse TA Elliott J: Protecting and informing human research subjects viable soft tissue cover in degloving injuries. Hand 1979 Ellis CN, Mitchell AJ, Beardsley GR Jr: Tar gel interaction (news) JAMA 1980 May 23-30;243(20):1984-5 Feb;11(1):69-71

with disulfiram. Arch Dermatol 1979 Nov;115(11):1367-8 Elliott J: Better artificial arms under development (news) Elliott RA see Szwed JJ

Ellis CP see Donnelly J
JAMA 1980 Jun 13;243(22):2277, 2281 Elliott RB see Brown KJ

Elis D: Chronic renal failure in children. Effect of Elliott J: Consensus on 'rational approach to therapy of Elliott RB see Chase HP childhood febrile seizures (news) 'JAMA 1980 Jul 11; Elliott RC: Contractures elicited by tetraethylammonium in rationale. NY State J Med 1979 Oct;79(11):1719-25 244(2):111-2

avian muscle treated with methohexitone.

Ellis D see Deitmer JW Elliott J, Blanchard SG, Wu W, Miller J, Strader CD, Hartig Br J Pharmacol 1979 Jul;66(3):391-5

Ellis DA, Gillies TM: Evaluation of the paralyzed face. P, Moore HP, Racs J, Raftery MA: Purification of Torpedo Elliott RC see Donaldson JC

J Otolaryngol 1979 Dec;8(6):473-6 californica post-synaptic membranes and fractionation of Elliott RD see Bennett LL Jr

Ellis DA see Bernal JE their constituent proteins. Biochem J1980 Mar 1; Elliott RD see Dick DE

Ellis DA see Leitch AG
185(3):667-77 Elliott RD see Montgomery JA

Ellis DA see Tarlow MJ Elliott J see Blanchard SG Elliott RD see Szeto DW

Ellis DB see Meyerson LR Elliott J see Check WA

Elliott RJ, Gardner DL: Changes with age in the Ellis DG, Lampman RM: Lightweight remotely actuated Elliott J see Jhamundas K

glycosaminoglycans of human articular cartilage.

switching valve for rebreathing exercise studies. Elliott J see Johnson W

Ann Rheum Dis 1979 Aug;38(4):371-7

J Appl Physiol 1980 Feb;48(2):386-8 Elliott J see Miach A Elliott RL see Chung CH

Ellis DR see Day FT Elliott J see Raftery MA Elliott RL see Starling MB

Ellis DS, Stamford S, Troey DG, Lloyd G, Bowen ET, Platt Elliott JA, Bromage NR, Whitehead C: Effects of Elliott RW see Dewar PJ

GS, Way H, Simpson DI: Ebola and Marburg viruses: II. oestradiol-17 beta on serum calcium and vitellogenin levels Elliott S: Extending ETV in special education.

Thier development within Vero cells and the extra-cellular in rainbow trout (proceedings) J Endocrinol 1979 Oct; Spec Educ Forward Trends 1979 Sep;6(3):17

formation of branched and torus forms. J Med Virol 1979; 83(1):54P-55P Elliott SL see Margolis HS

4(3):213-25 Elliott JA see Darrow JM

Elliott ST: X-linked ichthyosis: a metabolic disease. Ellis DS, Stamford S, Lloyd G, Bowen ET, Platt GS, Way Elliott JA see Kutz SA

J Am Acad Dermatol 1979 Aug;1(2):139-43

H, Simpson DI: Ebola and Marburg viruses: I. Some Elliott JC see Dowker SE

Elliott ST, Hanifin JM: Lymphocyte response to ultrastructural differences between strains when grown in Elliott JC see Miller A

phytohemagglutinin in atopic dermatitis. Arch Dermatol Vero cells. J Med Virol 1979;4(3):201-11 Elliott JE, Krueger JC, Kearns JM: Update on nursing 1979 Dec;115(12):1424–6

Ellis DS, Evans DA, Stamford S: The penetration of the research in the West. Nurs Res 1980 May-Jun;29(3):184-8 Elliott TE, Albertazzi VJ, Danto LA: Pancreatic liposarcoma: salivary glands of Rhodnius prolixus by Trypanosoma Elliott JG, Lachance PA: Effects of vitamin A and ascorbic case report with review of retroperitoneal liposarcomas. rangeli. Z Parasitenkd 1980;62(1):63–74 acid on in vitro cholesterol biosynthesis in the rat. Cancer 1980 Apr 1;45(7):1720_3

Ellis DS see Evans DA J Nutr 1980 Jul;110(7):1488-96

Elliott WA, Timbury GC, Walker MM: Compulsory Ellis E see Posner MR Elliott JH see Meyers-Elliott RH

admission to hospital: an operational review of the Mental Ellis EA, Anthony DW: A method for removing precipitate Elliott JJ see Falk RJ

Health (Scotland) Act 1960. Br J Psychiatry 1979 Aug; from ultrathin sections resulting from Elliott JL see Austin MA


glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixation. Stain Technol Elliott JM, Simpson FO: Cigarettes and accelerated Elliott WA see Guthrie A

1979 Sep;54(5):282-5 hypertension. NZ Med J 1980 Jun 25;91(662):447-9 Elliott WB see Fletcher JE

Ellis EF, Morris HG, Kiechel F 3d, Pollock JD, Strand LJ: Elliott JM: The central noradrenergic control of blood Elliott WB see Kumar V

Short-term efficacy and side effects of cloprednol in pressure and heart rate. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 1979 Elliott WB see Malviya AN

children with asthma. J Clin Pharmacol 1979 Oct; Sep-Oct;6(5):569-79 (77 ref.) Elliott WB see Nair BC

19(10):675-83 Elliott JM see Peters JR Elliott WB see White GA

Ellis EF: Allergic emergencies. Pediatr Clin North Am 1979 Elliott JP, Evans JW, Gordon JO, Platt LO: Profile of the Elliott WC, Parker RA, Houghton DC, Gilbert DN, Porter Nov;26(4):903-8

renal colic patient. J Miss State Med Assoc 1980 Aug; GA, DeFehr J, Bennett WM: Effect of sodium bicarbonate Ellis EF, Jones PS, Wright KF, Richardson DW, Ellis CK: 21(8):163-6

and ammonium chloride ingestion in experimental Effect of oral aspirin dose on platelet aggregation and Elliott JP, Evans JW, Gordon JO, Platt LO: Butorphanol gentamicin nephrotoxicity in rats.

arterial prostacyclin synthesis: studies in humans and and meperidine compared in patients with acute ureteral Řes Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 1980 Jun; rabbits. Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Res 1980;6:313-5 colic. J Urol 1979 Oct;122(4):455-7


Ellis EF, Wright KF, Jones PS, Richardson DW, Ellis CK: Elliott JP see Ricke PS Elliott WC see McCarron DA

Effect of oral aspirin dose on platelet aggregation and Elliott JP see Szilagyi DE Elliott WC see Rein MF

vascular prostacyclin(PGI2) synthesis in humans and Elliott JR, Haydon DA: The interaction of n-octanol with Elliott WH see Riemann HP

rabbits. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1980 Jul-Aug;2(4):387-97

Page 9

Schaffalitzky de Muckadell OB: Development of vasoactive of Conus magus and Conus striatus on the contractile of hypocholesterolemic activity in normal animals. intestinal polypeptide (VIP) containing neurones in the rat response and electrical activity of guinea-pig cardiac Biochim Biophys Acta 1979 Nov 21;575(2):266–76 brain. Brain Res 1979 Nov 30;177(3):437-44

musculature. Toxicon 1979;17(4):381-95

Endo A: Monacolin K, a new hypocholesterolemic agent that Emson PC, Hunt SP, Rehfeld JF, Golterman N, Fahrenkrug Endean R see Erspamer V

specifically inhibits 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme J: Cholecystokinin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide Endean R see Nakajima T

À reductase. J Antibiot (Tokyo) 1980 Mar;33(3):334-6 in the mammalian CNS: distribution and possible Endeman HJ see Prenen JA

Endo A see Watanabe T physiological roles. Adv Biochem Psychopharmacol 1980; Endemann G see Tinoco J

Endo A see Yamamoto A 22:63–74 (32 ref.)

Ender A: Indikationen und Methoden zur operativen Endo H, Kiyoki M, Kawashima K, Naruchi T, Hashimoto Emson PC see Arregui A

Behandlung des Plattfusses. Beitr Orthop Traumatol 1979 Y: Vitamin D3 metabolites and PTH synergistically Emson PC see Fields HL


(Ger) stimulate bone formation of chick embryonic femur in vitro. Emson PC see Iversen LL

Ender A, Hesse B: Beitrag zu den Erfolgen der Nature 1980 Jul 17;286(5770):262-4 Emson PC see Lorén I

Kurbehandlung bei degenerativen Veränderungen des Endo H see Asano S Emson PC see Quik M

Skelettes. Beitr Orthop Traumatol 1979 Sep;26(9):512-4 Endo H see Baba S Emson PC see Wharton J

(Ger) Endo H see Kawasaki T Emswiler BS see Kotula AW

Ender A, Wendt H: Analyse der verspäteten Erkennung der Endo H see Nakada T Emswiler-Rose BS, Johnston RW, Harris ME, Lee WH: Luxationshüfte. Beitr Orthop Traumatol 1979 Jul;:403-6 Endo H see Obata T Rapid detection of staphylococcal thermonuclease on

(Ger) Endo H see Watanabe A casings of naturally contaminated fermented sausages. Ender HG: Spätergebnisse nach konservativer Behandlung Endo J, Tabata M, Okada S, Murachi T: Use of immobilized Appl Environ Microbiol 1980 Jul;40(1):13-8

von Talusfrakturen. Hefte Unfallheilkd 1979;133:25-9 enzymes in automated clinical analysis: determination of Emtage JS, Tacon WC, Catlin GH, Jenkins B, Porter AG,

(Ger) uric acid and glucose using immobilized enzymes in column Carey NH: Influenza antigenic determinants are expressed Ender LA see Sazonov AM

form. Clin Chim Acta 1979 Jul 16;95(2):411-7 from haemagglutinin genes cloned in Escherichia coli. Ender LA see Tsuman VG

Endo J see Ikeda F Nature 1980 Jan 10;283(5743):171-4

Enderby DH, Boylett A, Parker DJ: Methyl prednisolone Endo J see Kono T Emtage JS see Porter AG

and lung function after cardiopulmonary bypass. Thorax Endo K, Amano M, Sano H: Effects of the host matrix on Emtage S see Hallewell RA

1979 Dec;34(6):720-5

the 57Fe-species produced through EC-decay in Emtage S see Jou WM

Enderby P: How does speech therapy work? Practitioner 57Co-labelled tris(phenanthroline) cobalt (II) perchlorate. Emtage S see Tacon W

1979 Dec;223(1338):796-9

Radioisotopes 1979 Apr;28(4):215-9 Emtseva TV see Danilova MV Enderby P see David RM

Endo K: (Studies on the radioreceptor assay of TSH: the Emudianughe TS see Caldwell J

Enderer G see Fricke U

properties of TSH-binding inhibitor immunoglobulins Emura I see Yanagizawa S

Enderer G see Schlensker KH

(TBII) in patients with Graves' disease (author's transl)] Emura M, Richter-Reichhelm HB, Matthei S, Mohr U: Enderer K see Fricke U

Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi 1979 Oct 20, Effects of serum concentrations on the clonal growth of Enderle A see Willert HG

55(10):1261-74 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Jpn) Syrian golden hamster fetal lung cells. Enderlin FE see Brown JP

Endo K: (Studies on the radioreceptor assay of TSH: the
Exp Pathol (Jena) 1979;17(6):340-6 Enderlin FE see Halladay SC

binding of 1251-TSH to the human thyroid receptor and Emura M see Mohr U Enderlin FE see Wingard RE Jr

the interaction of LATS-IgG (author's transl)] Emura M see Richter-Reichhelm HB Enderlin N see von Planta M

Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi 1979 Oct

20, Emura S see Isono H


AC, Schlafke S: Comparative aspects of 55(10):1249-60 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Jpn) Emura T see Fukuda K

blastocyst-endometrial interactions at implantation. Endo K: (Studies on the radioreceptor assay of TSH: the Emuzov SKh see Kushkhabiev VI

Ciba Found Symp 1978;(64):3-32

properties of TSH-binding inhibitor immunoglobulins Emuzov SKh see Mizaushev BA Enders AC see Given RL

(TBII) in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (author's Emyanitoff RG, Wright BE: Effect of intracellular Enders AC see Karim KB

transl)] Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi 1979 Oct 20; carbohydrates on heat resistance of Dictyostelium Enders AC see Leiser R

55(10):1275-85 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Jpn) discoideum spores. J Bacteriol 1979 Dec;140(3):1008-12 Enders I see Kirchner H

Endo K, Koizumi M, Kanazawa Y, Yoshida S, Miun M, Ena LM see Tokar' AV Enders N see Schmidt GM

Kanno T, Koizumi F, Gotoh Y: (Plasma secretin level and Ena laM see Lavrik NS Enders NT see Bross KJ

exocrine pancreatic secretion in response to intraduodenal Ena LaM see Peleshchuk AP Enderstein O see Ames FR

infusion of l-phenyl-1-hydroxy-n-pentane and HCL by Enache F see Poppa C

Endert E: Determination of noradrenaline and adrenaline in using new four lumen tube (author's transl)] Enaka K, Umeda M: Cultivation of cells on glass-fiber filters. plasma by a radioenzymatic assay using high pressure liquid Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi 1979 Oct; Jpn J Exp Med 1979 Jun;49(3):213-6

chromatography for the separation of the radiochemical 76(10):2017-23 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Jpn) Enaleeva DSh, Kharin GM, Lakovlev Mlu: Nekotorye products. Clin Chim Acta 1979 Sep 3;96(3):233-39 Endo K, Kasagi K, Kousaka T, Shindo T, Konishi J, Torizuka

pokazateli sokratiteľnoř sposobnosti i metabolizma Endert G, Ritter H, Schumann E: Nuklearmedizinische K, Mori T: (Radioimmunoassay of thyroxine-binding miokarda pri eksperimental'nom toksiko-infektsionnom Untersuchungsverfahren in der radiologischen

globulin (author's transl)] Kaku Igaku 1979 Aug; shoke. Patol Fiziol Eksp Ter 1979 Sep-Oct;(5):69-70 Venendiagnostik. III. Indikationen und Stellenwert.

16(5):677-84 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Jpn) (Rus) ROEFO 1979 Oct;131(4):408-13 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ger) Endo K, Taguchi T, Taguchi F, Hikino H, Yamahara J, Enami J see Yang J

Endert G, Ritter H, Schumann E: Die Venographie mit Fujimura H: Antiinflammatory principles of Atractylodes Enami M see Ishihama A

Radionukliden--Methoden und Ergebnisse.

rhizomes. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 1979 Dec; Enander A, Sköldström B, Holmér I: Reactions to hand Radiobiol Radiother (Berl) 1979 Jun;20(3):305–10 (Eng. 27(12):2954-8 cooling in workers occupationally exposed to cold. Abstr.)

(Ger) Endo K, Koizumi M, Tadokoro K, Kanazawa Y, Yoshida A: Scand J Work Environ Health 1980 Mar;6(1):58-65 Endert G, Ritter H, Schumann E: Nuklearmedizinische [Effect of cimetidine on pancreatic exocrine secretion in Enander LK, Gustavsson S: Colonoscopic appendectomy. Untersuchungsverfahren in der radiologischen

conscious dogs (author's transl)] Report of two cases. Acta Chir Scand 1979, 145(8):575-6 Venendiagnostik. I. Methoden der

Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi 1980 Mar;77(3):462 Enander LK see Adami HO Radionuklidvenographie. ROEFO 1979 Sep;131(3):300-3

(Jpn) Enanoza RM see Mosher CW

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Endo K see Konishi J Enari TM see Nummi M

Endert G, Ritter H, Schumann E: Nuklearmedizinische Endo K see Matsuura N Enăsescu R see Crauciuc R

Untersuchungsverfahren in der radiologischen

Endo M, Namiki 0, Yosizawa Z: Fractionation with ethanol Enat R see Pollack S

Venendiagnostik. II. Ergebnisse der

of human urinary glycosaminoglycans. Enatsu A see Nakanishi H

Radionuklidvenographie. ROEFO 1979 Sep;131(3):304-8 Tohoku J Exp Med 1980 May;131(1):23-8 Enay G see Chouvet B

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Endo M, Namiki o, Munakata H, Yosizawa Z: Heterogeneity Enbiyaoğlu G see Onat T

Endert G, Ritter H, Schumann E: Recognition of systemic of human urinary glycosaminoglycans. Enchev D see Dimitrov D

portal shunts by lower extremity radionuclide venography. Tohoku J Exp Med 1980 Jun;131(2):167-75 Enchev S see Gamovski D

Eur J Nucl Med 1980 Apr;5(2):131-4

Endo M, Katsumata K: Metabolic response to postoperative Encheva Iu see Planski B

Endert G, Ritter H, Schumann E: 99m Tc-Markierung von parenteral nutrition in infants. ŠPEN 1979 Sep-Oct; Encica MA: Hipertrofia şi dilatarea--factori de disfuncție ai Gelatineschwamm für die Katheterembolisation.

3(5):360-5 cordului insuficient. Rev Med Interna (Med Interna] 1979 ROEFO 1979 Dec;131(6):600-3 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ger) Endo M, Hiyama N: Isolation and characterization of Nov-Dec;31(6):511-7 (Eng. Abstr.) (Rum) Endicott J see Spitzer RL

L-fucose dehydrogenase from rabbit liver. Enck RE: Cancer in married couples. Milit Med 1979 Sep; Endl J see Lingard W

J Biochem (Tokyo) 1979 Nov;86(5):1559-65 144(9):603-5

Endler AT, Aberham R, Wider GW, Widhalm K, Zyman H, Endo M, Yosizawa Z: A method for micro-scale isolation End DW, Carchman RA, Ameen R, Dewey WL: Inhibition Bayer PM, Gabl F: Bestimmung von

of sulfated glycopeptide from tissue. of rat brain mitochondrial calcium transport by HDL-Cholesterin--Ein Methodenvergleich.

Tohoku J Exp Med 1979 Nov;129(3):225-31 chlordecone. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 1979 Oct; Med Lab (Stuttg) 1980 Jan;33(1):16–26

(Ger) Endo M, Kitazawa T, lino M, Kakuta Y: Effect of 'viscosity' 51(1):189-96 Endler AT see Abel-Telkes B

of the medium on mechanical properties of skinned skeletal End E see Neubauer RA Endler AT see Menzel EJ

muscle fibers. Ende CW: Recurrent canine gastric dilation corrected by Endler AT see Zielinski C

In: International Symposium on the Current Problems of gastropexy and pyloroplasty. Can Vet J 1980 Feb;21(2):60 Endler AT see Zielinski CC

Sliding Filament Model and Muscle Mechanics, Tokyo, Ende M, Pfeifer P, Spiteller G: Uber das Einschleppen von Endler GC: Conduction anesthesia in obstetrics and its effects 1978. Cross-bridge mechanism in muscle contraction. Verunreinigungen bei verwendung von

upon fetus and newborn. J Reprod Med 1980 Feb; Baltimore: Univ Park Press, 1979. WE 500 162c 1978. Extrelut-Fertigsäulen. J Chromatogr 1980 Jul 11;183(1):1-7 24(2):83-91

pp.:365–76 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Endler M, Spernol R, Gruber W, Fröhlich H, Coradello H, Endo M, Matsue H, Sato S, Majima M, Hiyama N: Enzymic Ende M, Spiteller G, Remberg G, Heipertz R: Urinary Seidl A: Fetale Komplikationen nach

determination of urinary free L-fucose. Clin Chim Acta metabolites of clomethiazole. Detection and structural Fetalelektrokardiographie und Mikroblutgasanalyse.

1980 May 9;103(3):269-75 analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Zentralbl Gynaekol 1979;101(23):1495-8 (Eng. Abstr.) Endo M see Arai H Arzneimittelforschung 1979;29(11):1655-8

(Ger) Endo M see Ikawa H Ende M, Warren RH: Dialysis and alcohol don't mix? (letter) Endler S see Banzhaf E

Endo M see Iritani N
Va Med 1980 May; 107(5):341-2 Endler S see Scholle HC

Endo M see Morishima T
Ende M see Remberg G Endlich B see Rosamond J

Endo M see Nakae S
Ende N, Pierce JC, Westervelt F Jr, Williams M, Lee HM, Endlina OV see Buianov VM

Endo M see Nakata S Stickel DL, Wombolt DG, Chandler JT, Johnson KH, Endman M see Trebub SE

Endo M see Sugiura K Currier CB, Light JA, Barry AM: Restrospective Endo A: Monacolin K, a new hypocholesterolemic agent Endo M see Suzutani T correlation of clinical and histologic findings of 189 produced by a Monascus species. J Antibiot (Tokyo) 1979 Endo M see Takaya M exchanged kidneys. Kidney Int 1979 May;15(5):559–66 Aug;32(8):852-4

Endo M see Tanaka K Ende-Visser MP see van der Heide D

Endo A, Tsujita Y, Kuroda M, Tanzawa K: Effects of Endo M see Tanaka T Endean R, Gyr P, Surridge J: The effects of crude venoms ML-236B on cholesterol metabolism in mice and rats: lack Endo M see Wada J

Page 10

Enstrom J, Davies J: Lapboard modification to help support adults simulating a vascular neoplasm. Cancer 1979 Dec; Sov Med 1979 Sep;(9):102-5

(Rus) a flaccid upper extremity. Phys Ther 1980 Jun;60(6):195-6 44(6):2147-57

Epifanova Ol: Metabolizm proliferiruiushchikh i Enstrom JE: Cancer mortality among low-risk populations. Enzinger FM see Chung EB

pokoiashchikhsia kletok. Tsitologiia 1979 Dec; CA 1979 Nov-Dec;29(6):352-61 Enzinger FM see Lauer DH

21(12):1379-96 (54 ref.) (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Enstrom JE see Breslow L Enzinger RM see Harrison SJ

Epikeeva NB see Komarov FI Entenmann AH, Parl FF, Jungblut PW: Studies on the Enzler MA, Waelchli-Suter C, Perren SM: Prophylaxe der Epishin AV: Nekotorye pokazateli

B-sistemy immuniteta pri involvement of lysosomes in estrogen action, II. Seasonal Pseudarthrose durch magnetische Stimulation?

éndemicheskom zobe. Probl Endokrinol (Mosk) 1980 variation in the sedimentation patterns of endometrial Experimentelle Uberprüfung der Methode nach Bassett an May-Jun;26(3):6–9 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) lysosomes from prepuberal pigs.

Beagle Hunden. Unfallheilkunde 1980 May;83(5):188-94 Epishin AV: Pokazateli gumoral'nogo immuniteta u bol'nykh Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem 1979 Nov;360(11):1651-5 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) éndemicheskim zobom. Klin Med (Mosk) 1979 Aug; Entenmann AH, Sierralta W, Jungblut PW: Studies on the Enzmann D, Young SW: Applications of perfluorinated 57(8):50-3 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) involvement of lysosomes in estrogen action, III. The compounds as contrast agents in computed tomography. Epishin AV, lakimishina MM: Oftal'mopatiia i syvorotochnye dehydrogenation of estradiol to estrone by porcine Comput Assist Tomogr 1979 Oct;3(5):622-6

immunoglobuliny pri toksicheskom zobe. Vrach Delo 1979 endometrial lysosomes. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem Enzmann D see Yeates A

Oct;(10):100-2 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) 1980;361(6):959-68 Enzmann D see Young SW

Epishin NM: Primenenie izlucheniia gelii-neonovogo lazera Enterline D see Salisbury RE

Enzmann DR, Brant-Zawadzki M, Britt RH: CT of central dlia lecheniia povrezhdenii pochek. Urol Nefrol (Mosk) Enterline DS, Salisbury RE: An adherence tensiometer for nervous system infections in immunocompromised patients. 1980 Jul-Aug;(4):11-5 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) evaluation of burn dressings. Plast Reconstr Surg 1980 Feb; AJR 1980 Aug;135(2):263–7

Epivatianos AA see Papanayotou PH 65(2):177-81

Enzmann DR: Support and bolusing device for scanning small Epker BN, Fish LC: Surgical superior repositioning of the Enterline DS see Salisbury RE

objects. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1979 Oct;3(5):703-5 maxilla: what to do with the mandible? Am J Orthod 1980 Enterline HT, Lowry LD, Richman AV: Does malignant Enzmann DR, Donaldson SS, Kriss JP: Appearance of Aug;78(2):164-91

hibernoma exist? Am J Surg Pathol 1979 Jun;3(3):265-71 Graves' disease on orbital computed tomography. Epker BN, Schendel SA: Total maxillary surgery. Enterline JP see White JE

J Comput Assist Tomogr 1979 Dec;3(6):815-9

Int J Oral Surg 1980 Feb;9(1):1-24 (46 ref.) Enterline PE: Lymphomas and benzene [letter) Lancet 1979 Enzmann DR, Miller DC, Olcott C, Mehigan Carotid Epker BN see Gallagher DM Nov 10;2(8150):1021

back pressures in conjunction with cerebral angiography. Epker BN see Schendel SA Enterline PE see Henderson VL

Radiology_1980 Feb; 134(2):415-9

Epker BN see Wessberg GA Enterline PE see Marsh GM Enzmann DR see Britt RH

Epler GR, Saber FA, Gaensler EA: Determination of severe Enthoven AC see Luft HS Enzmann DR see Donaldson SS

impairment (disability) in interstitial lung disease. Entian KD, Zimmermann FK: Glycolytic enzymes and Enzmann DR see London DA

Am Rev Respir Dis 1980 Apr;121(4):647-59 intermediates in carbon catabolite repression mutants of Enzmann DR see Silverberg GD

Epler GR see Petusevsky ML Saccharomyces cerevisiae. MGG 1980 Jan;177(2):345-50 Enzmann F see Efendic S

Epler JL see Hsie AW Entian KD: Genetic and biochemical evidence for hexokinase Enzmann F see Geiger R

Epler JL see Larimer FW PII as a key enzyme involved in carbon catabolite Enzmann G see Lutsch G

Epler JL see Rao TK repression in yeast. MGG 1980; 178(3):633-7

Enzmann H: Cellular allergy

way to ozena?

Epler JL see Weeks CE Entin A see Finch AJ Jr

Rhinomanometry and histology in animal experiments Epley JM: Singular neurectomy: hypotympanotomy Entin E see Natale M

compared with clinical aspects. Rhinology 1979 Sep; approach. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1980 May-Jun; Entine G see Mauderli W


88(3):304–9 Entine G see Umbarger CJ

Enzmann H: Allergische Spätreaktion in der Mase Epley JM: Air-caloric delivery tube adapter. Entine SM see Friedman RB

(Synonyma: Typ IV nach Coombs und Gell, Delayed Otolaryngology 1978 Nov-Dec;86(6 Pt 1):ORL-932-3 Entman ML, Keslensky SS, Chu A, Van Winkle WB: The hypersensitivity, Allergie vom Tuberkulin- und Ekzemtyp) Epley RJ see Hoelter JW sarcoplasmic reticulum-glycogenolytic complex in

Untersuchungen zur Morphologie und Pathogenese. Epova SV see Zherlov GK mammalian fast twitch skeletal muscle. Proposed in vitro Fortschr Med 1980 May 22;98(19):745-51 (Eng. Abstr.) Epp C see Vüllers R counterpart of the contraction-activated glycogenolytic

(Ger) Epp O see Ladenstein R pool. J Biol Chem 1980 Jul 10;255(13):6245-52

Enzmann PJ, Weiland F: Separation of alphavirus Eppel H see Danneberg E Entman ML see McMillin-Wood J

nucleocapsids from envelope fragments.

Eppel ML, Mackay X, Oliver JS, Ramsay LE: Factors Entman ML see Michael LH Z Naturforsch (C) 1980 Jan-Feb;35(1-2):145-9

influencing the dose of oral aminophylline (proceedings) Entman ML see Pinsky WW

Enzmann PJ: Quantitative and rapid assays of togaviruses Br J Clin Pharmacol 1979 Oct;8(4):384P Entman ML see Van Winkle WB

by immunofluorescence. Acta Virol (Praha) 1979 Jul; Eppel ML see Mackay A Entner N: Emetine binding to ribosomes of Entamoeba 23(4):329-34

Eppel MS see Korostyshevskis MA histolytica--inhibition of protein synthesis and amebicidal Eon F see Fortier P

Eppel W see Salzer H action. J Protozool 1979 May;26(2):324–8 Eon JY see Ardouin M

Eppenberger HM see Billeter R Entrican JH, Williams H, Cook IA, Lancaster WM, Clark Epel D: Ionic triggers in the fertilization of sea urchin eggs. Eppenberger HM see Bogenmann E JC, Joyner LP, Lewis D: Babesiosis in man: a case from Ann NY Acad Sci 1980;339:74–85

Eppenberger HM see Heizmann CW Scotland. Br Med J 1979 Aug 25;2(6188):474

Epelbaum J, Arancibia LT, Kordon C, Ottersen OP, Ben-Ari Eppenberger HM see Mähr R Entrican JH see Dawson AA

Y: Regional distribution of somatostatin within the Eppenberger HM see Strehler EE Entringer M see Mangalik A

amygdaloid complex of the rat brain. Brain Res 1979 Sep Eppenberger U, Biedermann K, Handschin JC, Fabbro D, Entringer MA see Joshi JH


Küng W, Huber PR, Roos W: Cyclic AMP-dependent Entringer MA see Robinson WA

Epelbaum J, Tapia-Arancibia L, Besson J, Rotsztejn WH, protein kinase type I and type II and cyclic AMP binding Entsch B, Parker CW, Letham DS, Summons RE: Preparation Kordon C: Vasoactive intestinal peptide inhibits release of in human mammary tumors. and characterization, using high-performance liquid somatostatin from hypothalamus in vitro.

Adv Cyclic Nucleotide Res 1980;12:123-8 chromatography, of an enzyme forming glucosides of Eur J Pharmacol 1979 Oct 15;58(4):493-5

Eppenberger U, Salokangas A, Huber P, Roos W: cytokinins. Biochim Biophys Acta 1979 Sep 12; Epelbaum J see Drouva SV

CAMP-Bindungsproteine als Marker für hormonabhängige 570(1):124–39 Epelbaum J see Rorstad OP

Mamma-Tumore. Arch Gynecol 1979 Jul 20; Entsch B, Husain M, Ballou DP, Massey V, Walsh C: Oxygen Epelbaum J see Tapia-Arancibia L


(Ger) reactivity of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase containing Epeldimov LS see Dol’nikov Iula

Eppenberger U see Handschin JC 1-deaza-FAD. J Biol Chem 1980 Feb 25;255(4):1420-9 Epenetos AA: Sunshine and malignant melanoma (letter) Eppenberger U see Richter R Entsch B see Husain M

Br Med J 1980 Jan 12;280(6207):112-3

Epper M, Maurer R: Gutartiges Larynxchondrom unter dem Entwisle DR see Doering SG

Epenetos AA, Collis CH: Seminoma in Marfan's syndrome. Bild rezidiverierender Asthmaanfälle. Entwistel HJ see Meakins SJ Postgrad Med J 1979 Oct;55(648):762-4

Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1980 Mar 15;110(11):416-21
Entwistle CC see Avakian H Epenetos AA, Rohatiner A, Slevin M, Woothipoom W: (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Entwistle L see Finer NN

Ankylosing spondylitis and Waldenström's

Epperlein I see Fassauer H Entz RC see Parris GE

macroglobulinaemia: a case report. Clin Oncol 1980 Mar; Eppig JJ: FSH stimulates hyaluronic acid synthesis by Entzeroth R see Abdel Ghaffar F 6(1):83-4

oocyte-cumulus cell complexes from mouse preovulatory Entzeroth R see Scholtyseck E Epenetos AA see Ballantyne FC

follicles. Nature 1979 Oct 11;281(5731):483-4 Entzian W see Böker DK

Eperon IC, Anderson S, Nierlich DP: Distinctive sequence Eppig JJ: A comparison between oocyte growth in coculture Enulescu O see Stoica E

of human mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes. Nature with granulosa cells and oocytes with granulosa Enver F see Richards BW

1980 Jul 31;286(5772):460–7

cell-oocyte junctional contact maintained in vitro. Enweani CC see Yates WD

Epggena P, Barrett JD, Sambhi MP: The influence of plasma J Exp Zool 1979 Aug;209(2):345-53 Enwright L see Jarvis JD

lipoproteins on the renin reaction in normal human plasma. Eppig JJ: Role of serum in FSH stimulated cumulus Enyong P see Ripert C

Biochem Med 1979 Jun;21(3):347-51

expansion by mouse oocyte-cumulus cell complexes in Enzi G, Cagnoni G, Baritussio A, De Biasi F, Favaretto L, Ephraim KH see Prenen JA

vitro. Biol Reprod 1980 Apr;22(3):629-33 Inelmen EM, Crepaldi G: Effects of fat mass reduction by (Ephrussi B), Boris Ephrussi and the study of neoplasia Eppig JJ see Handel MA dieting and by lipectomy on carbohydrate metabolism in (editorial] Somatic Cell Genet 1979 Nov;5(6):675-6 Eppig JJ see Leiter EH obese patients. Acta Diabetol Lat 1979 Apr-Jun; Ephrussi B: Mendelism and the new genetics.

Epping J, Fuchshofen M, Richter E: Enterohepatischer 16(2):147-56 Somatic Cell Genet 1979 Nov;5(6):681-95

Kreislauf bei Lebererkrankungen. Med Klin 1980 Feb 1; Enzi G, Inelmen EM, Caretta F, Villani F, Zanardo V, DeBiasi (Ephrussi B), Lwoff A: Recollections of Boris Ephrussi. 75(3):116-21

(Ger) P: Development of adipose tissue in newborns of Somatic Cell Genet 1979 Nov;5(6):677-9

Eppinger-Helft M, Pavlovsky S, Hidalgo G, Muriel FS, gestational-diabetic and insulin-dependent diabetic Epifanov NS, Al'gin NS, Lupinskii MI, Beresnev VS, Suárez A, Garay G, Russo C, Santos M, Macchi A, Lein mothers. Diabetes 1980 Feb;29(2):100-4

Kardovskis AG: Opyt snizheniia letal'nosti pri ostrykh J: Chemoimmunotherapy with Corynebacterium parvum Enzi G, Inelmen EM, Caretta F, Rubaltelli F, Grella P, khirurgicheskikh zabolevaniiakh organov briushnoi polosti. in acute myelocytic leukemia. Cancer 1980 Jan 15; Baritussio A: Adipose tissue development'in utero'. Zdravookhr Ross Fed 1979;(12):29-31

(Rus) 45(2):280_4 Relationships between some nutritional and hormonal Epifanov NS: Vydaiushchissia master plasticheskoi khirurgii Eppinger-Helft M see Pavlovsky S factors and body fat mass enlargement in newborns. (k 150-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia lu. K. Shimanovskogo). Epple A, Kühn HA, Leveringhaus M, Liehr H: Diabetologia 1980;18(2):135-40

Stomatologija (Mosk) 1980 Jun;59(3):75-7

(Rus) Untersuchungen über Atiologie, Komplikationen und Enzi G see Baritussio A

Epifanov VA: Vliianie fizicheskikh uprazhnenii na sostoianie Prognose der Leberzirrhose an einem unausgewählten Enzi G see Björntorp P

gemodinamiki u bol'nykh s travmol sheinogo otdela Krankengut von 917 Patienten. II. Todesursachen und Eazi G see Dorigo P

pozvonochnika i spinnogo mozga.

Prognose der Leberzirrhose. Enzie FD, Rew RS, Colglazier ML: Chemoprophylaxis with Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult 1980 May-Jun; Lebensversicherungsmedizin 1979 Sep;31(5):117-22 (Eng. diamfenetide against experimental infections of Fasciola (3):54–7 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Abstr.)

(Ger) hepatica in ruminants. Am J Vet Res 1980 Feb;41(2):179-82 Epifanov VA: Sotsial'naia readaptatsiia bol'nykh Epple L see Rogers MC Enzinger FM: Angiomatoid malignant fibrous histiocytoma: posledstviiami povrezhdeniia sheinogo otdela

Epplen JT, Diedrich U, Wagenmann M, Schmidtke J, Engel a distinct fibrohistiocytic tumor of children and young pozvonochnika i spinnogo mozga v usloviiakh statsionara. W: Contrasting DNA sequence organisation patterns in

Page 11


Erecińska M, Oshino R, Wilson DF: Binding of cytochrome Erenshteín RKh_see Dubovitski Zla Erdélyi V see Pollák Z

c to cytochrome c-oxidase in intact mitochondria. A study Ereshchenko IuR see Poluéktov LV Erdem G, Göğüş s, Yeğinsu A: A case report of hyaline with radioactive photoaffinity-labeled cytochrome c. Eresue J see Le Treut A membrane disease with rare complications.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1980 Feb 12;92(3):743-8 Eretescu-Golopentia S see Mihăilescu L Turk J Pediatr 1978 Jan-Apr;20(1-2):51-7

Erecińska M: The use of photoaffinity labels in the study Erez A, Shitzer A: Controlled destruction and temperature Erdem S see Aksoy M

of mitochondrial function. Ann NY Acad Sci 1980; distributions in biological tissues subjected to monoactive Erdem S see Dinçol G


electrocoagulation. Ĵ Biomech Eng 1980 Feb; 102(1):42-9 Erdman AG see Hultgren BW Erecińska M see Kilpatrick L

Erez I see Hauben D Erdman JW Jr: Bioavailability of nutrients from foods. Erecińska M see Nishiki K

Erez M see Manoach M Am Pharm 1979 Aug;19(9):42–3 Erecińska M see Rafałowska U

Erfan F: Gingival myiasis caused by (sarcophaga). Erdman JW Jr see Forbes RM Erecińska M see Sussman I

Oral Surg 1980 Feb;49(2):148-50 Erdman JW Jr see Gerber LE Erecińska M see Waring A

Erfle JD see Mahadevan S Erdman JW Jr see Solomon LW

Ereciński J, Bielińska B, Aleszewicz-Baranowska J, Erfle V, Hehlmann R, Marquart KH, Büscher H, De Fries Erdman LH, Boggs HW Jr, Slagle GW: Electrical ileal Dymnicka S: Przydatność badania elektrokardiograficznego E, Strubel L, Luz A: C-type RNA viruses as possible

perforation: an unusual complication of colonoscopy. w rozpoznawaniu zespołu Ebsteina. Pediatr Pol 1979 Oct; predictors of radiation-induced bone oncogenesis. Dis Colon Rectum 1979 Oct;22(7):501-2

54(10):1179-86 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Pol) In: Late biological effects of ionizing radiation. Vol. I. Erdman RA, Botts RL, Hemken RW, Bull LS: Effect of Eremeev NL see lukasheva EV

Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1978. WN dietary sodium bicarbonate and magnesium oxide on Eremeev NS see Gofman MA

620 S993L 1978 v.1.:471-81 production and physiology in early lactation. Eremeer V see Sliusarev A

Erfling W see Kern F Jr į Dairy Sci 1980 jun;63(6):923–30

Eremeev VS, Rumiantsev AG, Akimova GV, Viadro MM, Ergaliev AE see Kelimbetov ZhK Erdman ŘA, Hemken RW, Bull LS: Effect of dietary calcium Volkova IN: 0 Irchenii ostrogo leikoza u detei preparatami Erger BD: A case for diagnosis; examination a bit incomplete.

and sodium on potassium requirement for lactating dairy spetsificheskikh antitel v kombinatsii s prednizolonom. NY State J Med 1980 Apr;80(5):825-6 cows. J Dairy Sci 1980 Apr;63(4):538-44

Pediatriia 1979 Aug;(8):36-9 (Eng. Abstr.) (Rus) Ergetowski R: Uzupełniające studia H. Kadyi'ego w Erdman S see Engelberg M

Eremeev VS, Rumiantsev AG, Akimova GV, Osipov SG, uniwersytecie lipskim w 1879 r. Erdman WJ 2d see Bouman HD

Kisliak NS: Khimioimmunoterapija ostrogo limfoidnogo Arch Hist Med (Warsz) 1979;42(3):309-15 (Eng. Abstr.) Erdman YJ see Pitt TL leikoza u detei. Sov Med 1980;(2):54-7 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Pol) Erdmann A see Riesenberg D

(Rus) Ergin MA, Wetstein L. Griepp RB: Temporary diverting Erdmann AJ 3d see Ohtaka M Eremeev VS see Osinov SG

cervical esophagostomy. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1980 Jul; Erdmann AJ 3d see Vaughan TR Jr Eremeev VS see Semeniutin VB

151(1):97-8 Erdmann DS see Kwoh DY Eremeeva AS see Deshchekina MF

Ergun DL see Kruger RA Erdmann E, Krawietz W, Philipp G, Hackbarth I, Schmitz Eremeeva LS: Opyt raboty po 5-gruppovoi dispanseriztasii Ergun DL see Strother CM

W, Scholz H, Crane FL: Purified cardiac cell membranes v rabochem poselke. Zdravookhr Ross Fed 1979;(11):32–4 Ergün H, Wolf BH, Hissong SL: Obstructive jaundice caused with high (Na+ + K+)ATPase activity contain

(Rus) by polycystic liver disease. Radiology 1980 Aug; significant NADH-vanadate reductase activity. Nature Eremeeva TP see Dmitrieva TM

136(2):435-6 1979 Nov;282(5736):335-6

Eremeeva VD: Spatiotemporal organization of the Ergün H, Howland WJ: Postradiation atrophy of mature Erdmann E see Hackbarth I

electroencephalogram in children during tactile perception bone. CRC Crit Rev Diagn Imaging 1980 Jan;12(3):225-43 Erdmann E see Krawietz W

of objects. Hum Physiol 1979 Jan-Feb;5(1):83-9

(55 ref.) Erdmann E see Kuhlmann J Eremeishvili AV see Borisevich AI

Erhan S: Protein signatures--a novel way to classify proteins. Erdmann E see Werdan K Eremenko AE see Nikolaevski VV

Int J Biomed Comput 1980 Jul;11(4):295-304 Erdmann G, van Lindern B: The effects of beta-adrenergic Eremenko EI see Zinger FKh

Erhan S, Marzolf T, Cohen L: Amino-acid neighborhood stimulation and beta-adrenergic blockade on emotional Eremenko NS: Sodruzhestvennoe kosoglazie u bliznetsov. relationships in proteins. Breakdown of amino-acid reactions. Psychophysiology 1980 Jul;17(4):332-8

Oftalmol Zh 1979;34(5):282-4 (Eng. Abstr.) (Rus) sequences into overlapping doublets, triplets and Erdmann G see Seiler N

Eremenko SI, Budker VG, Bekker ZhM: Izmenenie quadruplets. Int J Biomed Comput 1980 Jan;11(1):67-75 Erdmann JB: Killing the messenger (editorial]

poverkhnostnoi plotnosti zariada mitokhondrii i

Erhan S: A unique method to represent proteins. J Med Educ 1980 Apr;55(4):379-81

submitokhondrial'nykh chastits pri énergizatsii. Biofizika Int J Biomed Comput 1980 Jan;11(1):77-82 Erdmann JB: Validating the MCAT (editorial)

1980 Mar-Apr;25(2):294-8 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Erhan S: Probable mechanism of enzyme evolution: how did J Med Educ 1980 May;55(5):463-4 Eremenko SI see Lyakhovich W

EBG of E. coli originate? Med Hypotheses 1979 Nov; Erdmann K see Arendt R

Eremin AN, Usanov SA, Mterlitsa DI: Immobilizatsiia 5(11):1263-71 Erdmann K see Becker J

vysokoochishchennogo tsitokhroma P-450 iz mikrosom Erhard P see Kuhnert PM Erdmann K see Lanz E

pecheni krolika. Prikl Biokhim Mikrobiol 1979 Nov-Dec; Erhard PJ see McRipley RJ Erdmann T see Günther M

15(6):861-8 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Erhard U see Wemmer U Erdmann T see Seemann B

Eremin AN, Metelitsa DI, Usanov SA, Akhrem AA: Erhardson S, Carlsson J, Wictorin L: Brottmekanisk Erdmann T see Templin R

Termicheskaia inaktivatsiia tsitokhroma P-450. Biofizika dimensionering av dentala guldlödningar. Erdmann VA: Collection of published 5S and 5.8S rRNA 1980 Jan-Feb;25(1):71-4 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Swed Dent J (Suppl) 1980;(5):1-62 (Eng. Abstr.) (Swe) sequences and their precursors. Nucleic Acids Res 1980 Eremin AN, Metelitsa DI, Usanov SA, Akhrem AA: Erhardt A see Chamley WA Jan 11;8(1):r31-r47 (61 ref.)

Immobilizatsiia tsitokhroma P-450 iz mikrosom pecheni Erhardt CC, Mumford P, Maini RN: The association of Erdmann Vå see Appel B

krolika na sefaroze-2B, modifitsirovannoi albuminom. cryoglobulinaemia with nodules, vasculitis and fibrosing Erdmann W, Salt P, Agoston S, Langrehr D: The importance Prikl Biokhim Mikrobiol 1980 Mar-Apr;16(2):206–11 (Eng. alveolitis in rheumatoid arthritis and their relationship to of new microphysiological methods in determining cellular Abstr.)

(Rus) serum Clq binding activity and rheumatoid factor. oxygen metabolism in anesthesia. Eremin AN see Akhrem AA

Clin Exp İmmunol 1979 Dec;38(3):405-13 Acta Anaesthesiol Belg 1979;30 Suppl:51-64

Eremin GF, Tsivkina LP, Tarasova NI, Bishevskis KM: Erhardt CC see Venables PJ Erdmann W, Salt PJ, Agoston S, Langrehr D. Antagonism Kliniko-eksperimental'naia otsenka nekotorykh novykh Erhardt G see Senft B

of the cardiovascular effects of ketamine by diazepam in laboratorynkh kriteriev raspoznavanija trombogennogo Erhardt H see Hofer H volunteers. Acta Anaesthesiol Belg 1979 Dec;30(4):239-45 riska i vnutrisosudistogo svertyvaniia krovi. Ter Arkh 1980; Erhardt L see Orth-Gomér K Erdmann W see Agoston S

52(1):84–8 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Erhardt LR, Sederholm M, Gertz I: Emergency room Erdmann W see Newton DE

Eremin 0, Wilson AB, Coombs RR, Plumb D, Ashby J: resuscitation of patients with cardiac arrest outside hospital. Erdmann W see Sia RL

Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity in the rat, rabbit, Outcome and immediate prognosis in 319 patients. Erdös A see Arató M

and guinea pig: relationship of killer (K) cell activity with Acta Med Scand 1979;206(1-2):55-9 Erdös E see Löcsey L

the presence of Fc+ C3- and Fc+ C3+ lymphocytes. Erhardt LR see Biörck G Erdös EG: Inhibitors of kininases. Fed Proc 1979 Dec; Cell Immunol 1979 Oct;47(2):332–46

Erbardt LR see Lindvall K 38(13):2774-7

Eremin 0, Roberts P, Plumb D, Stephens JP: Human regional Erhardt PW, Gorczynski RJ, Anderson WG: Conformational Erdös EG: Enzyme inhibitors of the kallikrein and renin tumour lymph nodes: alterations of micro-architecture and analogues of dopamine. Synthesis and pharmacological

systems: introduction. Fed Proc 1979 Dec;38(13):2751-2 lymphocyte subpopulations. Br J Cancer 1980 Jan; activity of (E), and Erdos EG see Johnson AR


(Z)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)cyclopropylamine Erdös EG see Klauser RJ

Eremin VA: Eksperimental'naia pristavka k apparatu hydrochlorides. J Med Chem 1979 Aug;22(8):907-11 Erdös EG see Nishimura K

‘polius-1'. Nov Med Tekh 1977;(3):71-3 (Eng. Abstr.) Erhardt R, Offner H, Schlipf W, Schwarzmann P: Fast and Erdös EG see Ward PE

(Rus) economic conversion of images to a tactile presentation Erdos G: Sex differences in feedback: effects Eremin IuN, Mukhorina KV, Ishutinov VI, Tocharina MG: for blind people. Med Prog Technol 1979 Jun 15;

Rod-and-Frame performance. Percept Mot Skills 1979 O potentsirovanii delstviia strumigenov nitritami, 6(3):123-30
Jun;48(3 Pt 2):1279-85

postupaiushchimi s pishchel. Vopr Pitan 1980 Mar-Apr; Erhardt R, Reinhardt ER, Schlipf W, Bloss WH: FAZYTAN: Erdos J, Abele M: Software balancing of multiple detectors (2):65-7 (Eng. Abstr.)

Rus) a system for fast automated cell segmentation, cell image during CT scanning. Med Phys 1980 Jan-Feb;7(1):35-42 Eremin IuP see Broér BA

analysis and feature extraction based on TV-image pickup Erdos JJ see Maguire ME Eremina GV see Rabkin IKh

and parallel processing. Anal Quant Cytol 1980 Mar-Apr; Erdös L, Kiss L: Ismétlödö, masszív vérzést okozó ischaemiás Eremina LA see Chizhevskaia VI

2(1):25-40 colitis. Orv Hetil 1980 Apr 27;121(17):1019-20 (Hun) Eremina LA see Klenova AV

Erhardt R see Reinhardt ER
Erdös Z see Póder G Eremina LV see Rapoport SI

Erhardt S see Kaul R Erdreich J see Keim RJ Eremina SA see Kondrukh TV

Erhardt W, Wriedt-Lübbe I, Schmeller ML, Neumann G, Erdreich LJ see West KM Eren M see Noguchi A

Pfeiffer C, Pfeiffer U, Tölle W, Blümel G: Erdreich LS, Asal NR, Hoge AF: Morphologic types of breast Erenberg A see Keech RV

Anaesthesiologische Erfahrungen in der experimentellen cancer: age, bilaterality, and family history. Erenberg A see Merkow AJ

Chirurgie. Anaesthesist 1979 Aug;28(8):359-67 (105 ref.) South Med J 1980 Jan;73(1):28-32 Erenberg G see Cruse RP

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Erdreich LS see West KM Erenberg G see Kinast M

Erhardt W see Fritsch R Erdtmann B see Lawrence DN

Erenberg G see Modic MT

Erhardt W see Krieglsteiner P Erdtmann B see Moraes JC

Erendt A see Prusiński A

Erhardt W see Lohninger A Erdtmansky PE see Park GB

Erenpreisa EA, Enkuzens AK: Uluchshennaia metodika Erhardt W see Petrowicz O Erdwins C, Small A, Gross R: The relationship of sex role okraski polutonkikh srezov toluidinovym sinim.

Erhardt W see Schön H to self-concept. J Clin Psychol 1980 Jan;36(1):111-5 Arkh Patol 1980;42(8):82–3 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Erhardt W see Strigl R Erdwins C see Small A

Erenpreisa EA, Zirne RA: Metodika spetsificheskogo usileniia Erhardt W see von Clarmann M Erecińska M, Davis JS, Wilson DF: Regulation of respiration kontrasta DNK-soderzhashchikh struktur na ultratonkikh Erhardt W see von Denffer H

in paracoccus denitrificans: the dependence on redox state srezakh. Biull Eksp Biol Med 1980 Jun;89(6):747-8 (Eng. Erhardt W see Wirtzfeld A of cytochrome c and (ATP)/(ADP](Pi).


(Rus) Erhart M, Andermann G, Mergel D: Dispositif automatique Arch Biochem Biophys 1979 Oct 15;197(2):463-9 Erenshtein RKh see Andreev NA

de prévèvement pour le contrôle bactriologique.

Page 12

Erixson E see Westerlund D

Vattenreningsproblematik. Lakartidningen 1980 Jun 25; Ermakov EV see Chernov AP Erjavec F: Histamine release and mast cell alteration in the 77(26-27):2420

(Swe) Ermakov EV see Kirillov VA cat submandibular gland. Agents Actions 1980 Apr;10(1 Erlanson P, Fritz H, Jagenburg R, Tibbling G: Principer för Ermakov EV see Preobrazhenski VN Pt 2):173-4

hematuriutredning. Lakartidningen 1980 Apr 9;

Ermakov NP see Krylov VS Erjomin AN see Metelitza DI


(Swe) Ermakov SA see Vorontsov IM Erk FC see Bener A Erlanson P see Berg B

Ermakov VS: Apparat dlia zakrytoi repozitsii kostei goleni Erk I see Zalokar M Erlanson P see Brönnestam R

pri diafizarnykh perelomov. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1979 Erkan I, Remzi D, Ciliv G: Tissue acid and alkaline Erlanson-Albertsson C: Measurement of the binding of Dec;(12):53-4

(Rus) phosphatase in prostatic carcinoma. J Surg Oncol 1980; colipase to a triacylglycerol substrate.

Ermakov VV, Devyatova LN: The experience and the stages 13(4):341-5 Biochim Biophys Acta 1980 Mar 21;617(3):371-82

of development in USSR of the WHO English International Erkan I see Remzi D Erlanson-Albertsson C see Borgström B

Courses for epidemiology (1969-1978). Erkan NV see Gal P Erlbaum AI see Davidson MB

Sante Publique (Bucur) 1980;23(1):3-14 Erkelens DW, Albers JJ, Hazzard WR, Frederick RC, Erle TV see Kholodnyi Ala

Ermakov VV see Kurmanov IA Bierman EL: High-density lipoprotein-cholesterol in Erlebacher JA: Transmural myocardial infarction with Ermakova GA see Penkovich AA survivors of myocardial infarction. JAMA 1979 Nov 16; 'normal' coronary arteries. Am Heart J 1979 Oct; Ermakova GL see Martynova VA 242(20):2185-9

98(4):421-30 (60 ref.)

Ermakova GL see Umbetkulova EK Erkelens DW: Eerst minder vet, dan ander vet.

Erlendsson J, Lung HT: Ampicillin i megadoser som Ermakova GN see Nefelova MV Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1980 Jan 12;124(2):48-9 (Dut) standardbehandling af purulent meningitis og

Ermakova II: O reguliatsii po tsentral'nol i perifericheskoi Erkelens DW see de Jong PE

meningokoksepsis hos børn over 2 måneder. Opgørelse af temperaturam pri teplovykh vozdeistviiakh (issledovanie Erkelenz I see Schuster R

et patientmateriale. Ugeskr Laeger 1979 Nov 26; na matematicheskoi modeli). Fiziol Zh SSSR 1980 Mar; Erkell LJ, De Medio GE, Haglid K, Porcellati G: Increased 141(48):3295-8 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Dan) 66(3):394-9

(Rus) activity of a phospholipid base-exchange system by the Erlenmaier T, Müller H, Seyberth HW: Combined capillary Ermakova IP see Bazhanova IM differentiation of neoplastic cells from the nervous system. column gas chromatography-mass spectrometric method Ermakova IT, Miuller P, Finogenova TV, Lozinov AB: J Neurosci Res 1980;5(2):137-41

for the quantitative analysis of urinary prostaglandins. Kinetika rosta drozhzhei Candida lipolytica i biosintez Erkell L, Walum E: Differentiation of cultured J Chromatogr 1979 Jul 21;163(3):289-93

alpha-ketokislot pridefitsite tiamina v sredakh s razlichnymi neuroblastoma cells by urea derivatives. FEBS Lett 1979 Erlenmaier T see Seyberth HW

istochnikami ugleroda. Mikrobiologiia 1979 Sep-Oct; Aug 15;104(2):401-4 Erlenmaier T see Trefz FK

48(5):849-53 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) ErkelLJ: Differentiation of mouse neuroblastoma cells Erler W see Flossmann KD

Ermakova IT, Finogenova TV, Lozinov AB: Vliianie uslovi under increased oxygen tension. Exp Cell Biol 1980; Erlich B see Messer G

kul'tivirovaniia na rost drozhzhei Candida lipolytica i 48(5):374–80 Erlich DH see Marques A

biosintez alpha-ketokislot v usloviiakh defitsita tiamina. Erkens-Versluis ME see Wilschut IJ

Erlich HA, Levinson JR, Cohen SN, McDevitt HO: Filter Mikrobiologiia 1979 Nov-Dec;48(6):1004–10 (Eng. Abstr.) Erker EF, Baker T: Development of a cardiac antiarrhythmic affinity transfer. A new technique for the in situ

(Rus) screening test utilizing theophylline in the rat.

identification of proteins in gels. J Biol Chem 1979 Dec Ermakova IT see Akimenko VK Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 1980 Jan;243(1):86-96


Ermakova MP see Zemlianitskaia EP Erker EF see Baker T

Erlich HA, Cohen SN, McDevitt HO: Immunological Ermakova NG see Vasil'eva EV Erkes EL see Skvirskaia AA

detection and characterization of products translated from Ermakova TA see Barabash RD Erking W, Lücker PW, Metz G, Specker M, Wetzelsberger cloned DNA fragments. Methods Enzymol 1979;68:443-53 Ermakova TV see Vesselkin NP K: Relative Bioverfürgbarkeit einer

Erlich HA, Cox EC: Interaction of an Escherichia coli Ermakova VP see Golubtsova VM Vincamin-Retard-Zubereitung. Pharmakokinetische

mutator gene with a deoxyribonucleotide effector. Erman A, Raz A: Effects of bivalent cations on prostaglandin Untersuchungen an gesunden Versuchspersonen. MGG 1980; 178(3):703-8

biosynthesis and phospholipase A2 activation in rabbit Arzneim Forsch 1978;28(12):2332–6 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ger) Erlich HA see Chang AC

kidney medulla slices. Biochem J 1979 Sep 15;182(3):821-5 Erking W, Lücker PW, Stöcker KP, Wetzelsberger K: Erlichman C, Strong JM, Wiernik PH, McAvoy LM, Cohen Erman A see Raz A Relative Bioverfügbarkeit einer neuen

MH, Levine AS, Hubbard SM, Chabner BA: Phase I trial Erman BA see Belkin LaB Spironolacton-Zubereitung. Arzneim Forsch 1979; of N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate. Cancer Res 1979 Oct; Erman JE, Vitello LB: The binding of cytochrome c 29(8):1184-9 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ger) 39(10):3992-5

peroxidase and ferricytochrome c. A spectrophotometric Erkinger S see Koidi B

Erlichman C, Strong JM, Chabner BA: Application of a determination of the equilibrium association constant as a Erkinjuntti M see Puhakka H

simple competitive protein-binding assay technique to the function of ionic strength. J Biol Chem 1980 Jul 10; Erkkilä H, Laatikainen L: Characteristics of optic disc in pharmacokinetics of N-(phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate in 255(13):6224-7 healthy school children. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh) 1979 humans. Cancer Res 1980 Jun;40(6):1902-6

Erman JE see Cannon JB Oct;57(5):914–21

Erlichman C, Meakin JW, Simpson WJ: Review of 154 Erman JE see Vitello L Erkkilä H, Tarkkanen A, Haltia M, Paetau A, Kaakinen K, patients with non-functioning pituitary tumors.

Erman MG see De Titta GT Vaheri A, Donner M, Holmström T: Fluoroangiographic Înt Radiat Oncol Biol Phys' 1979 Nov-Dec; Erman MG see Langs DA picture of the acute stage in measles retinopathy [letter] 5(11-12):1981-6

Erman MK, Welch CA, Mandel MR: A comparison of two Ophthalmologica 1979;179(1):70

Erlichman C, Donehower RC, Chabner BA: The practical unilateral ECT electrode placements: efficacy and Erkkilä H see Laatikainen L

benefits of pharmacokinetics in the use of antineoplastic electrical energy considerations. Am J Psychiatry 1979 Oct; Erkkola R, Lammintansta R, Liukko P: Maternal and fetal agents. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1980 Aug; 136(10):1317-9 plasma renin activity during ritodrine infusion to the 4(3):139-45 (77 ref.)

Erman MK, Murray GB: A case report of anorexia nervosa mother. Biol Neonate 1979;35(5-6):268–72 Erlichman C see Karle JM

and Gaucher's disease. Am Š Psychiatry 1980 Jul; Erkkola R, Lammintausta R, Pannonen R, Rauramo L: The Erlichman J, Schubart U, Fleischer N: Sulfhydryl 137(7):858-9

effect of estriol succinate therapy on plasma renin activity reagent-induced insulin release and 45Ca + + fluxes in Ermann D, Aronoff R: A study of central-city hospital and urinary aldosterone in postmenopausal women. Syrian hamster insulinoma cells. Endocrinology 1979 Nov; changes. Med Care 1980 Jul;18(7):745–53 Maturitas 1978 Jun;1(1):9-14


Ermann M: Gemeinsame Funktionen therapeutischer
Erkkola R see Kangas L Erlichman J see Schubart UK

Beziehungen bei stationärer Anwendung der
Erkkola R see Lammintausta R Erlick BJ see Fuscaldo KE

Psychoanalyse. Z Psychosom Med Psychoanal 1979 Erkkola R see Lieb SM Erlicki M, Shochet S, Eliachar I: Tracheobronchial cast--a Oct-Dec;25(4):333-41 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Erkkola R see Liukko P

rare complication of tracheostomy. J Laryngol Otol 1980 Ermans AM, Piepsz A, Lenaers A, Ham HR, Vandevivere Erkman-Balis B see Gatti WM


J, Verelst J: Nouvelles méthodes radioisotopiques dans Erkrath KD, Weiler G, Adebahr G: Zur Aortenverletzung Erlik Y see Meldrum DR

l'exploration non invasive du poumon, du rein, du coeur bei Laparoskopie in der Gynäkologie.

Erling U, Olow B, Tham G: Psykosocial situation före och et de l'oesophage. Brux Med 1979 Oct;59(10):413-8 Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 1979 Aug;39(8):687-9 (Eng. efter operation för obesitas. Lakartidningen 1980 May 7;

(Fre) Abstr.) (Ger) 77(19):1850-2

(Swe) Ermans AM see Bonnyns M Erkrath KD see Weiler G Erlinger R see Mittmeyer HJ

Ermans AM see Bourdoux P Erlandsen M see Rønne M

Erlinger S, Degott C: Classification et pronostic des hépatites Ermans AM see Delange F Erlandsen SL, Parsons JA, Rodning CB: Technical parameters chroniques. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 1979 Aug-Sep; Ermans AM see Delcourt E of immunostaining of osmicated tissue in epoxy sections. 3(8-9):673-82 (60 ref.)


Ermans AM see Glinoer D
J Histochem Cytochem 1979 Sep;27(9):1286–9 Erlinger S see Dumont M

Ermel AE, Devooght H, Carton H: Clinical and ultrastructural Erlandsen SL see Baskin DG Ermachenko AB see Grin' NV

study of a sporadic case of hereditary sensory neuropathy. Erlandsen SL see Lopez-Lewellyn J

Ermak TH, Rothman SS: Large decrease in zymogen granule Morphological evidence for a slow rate fiber degeneration. Erlandsen SL see Notani GW

size in the postnatal rat pancreas. J Ultrastruct Res 1980 J Neurol 1979 Jan 5;220(4):241-9 Erlandsen SL see Parsons JA


Ermentrout GB, Cowan JD: A mathematical theory of visual Erlandsen SL see Rodning CB

Ermakov EV, Chernov AP, Kononov IN, Tsozik Al, Kheifets hallucination patterns. Biol Cybern 1979 Oct;34(3):137-50 Erlandson BE see Fall M

EI: Kliniko-anatomicheskaia kharakteristika

Ermers HJ: Oogaandoeningen bij ouderen. Erlandson EE see Graham LM revmaticheskikh klapannykh porokov. V sochetaniis Ned Tijd Gerontol 1979 Aug;10(3):124-5

(Dut) Erlandson EE see Zelenock GB

ishemicheskoľ bolezn'iu serdtsa. Ter Arkh 1980;52(6):125-7 Ermidou-Sazeidis C see Spiers AS Erlandson R see Dickersin GR

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Ermili A see Balbi A Erlandson RA see Patnaik AK

Ermakov EV, Barannik VA, Chernov AP, Kozlov VA: Ermilov LP, Kuleshova EV: Retsidiv infarkta miokarda posle Erlandson RA see Wang TY

Voenno-vrachebnaia ekspertiza bol'nykh jazvennoi vnezapnoi otmeny beta-adreno-blokatorov. Erlandsson B, Håkanson H, Ivarsson A, Nilsson P, Wersäll bolezn'iu zheludka i dvenadtsatiperstno kishki.

Klin Med (Mosk) 1980 Jun;58(6):92-4

(Rus) J: Hair cell damage in the guinea pig due to different kinds Voen Med Zh 1980 Jul;(7):41-3

(Rus) Ermilov LP, Kuleshova EV, Astaf'eva SD, Safronnikov LV, of noise. Acta Otolaryngol (Suppl) (Stockh) 1980;Suppl Ermakov EV, Barski RL: Lechenie bol'nykh s dykhatel'noi Tokarevich KK: Kliniko-patogeneticheskaia kharakteristika 367:1-43

nedostatochnost'iu na étapakh meditsinskoi évakuatsii. stenokardii Printsmetala. Klin Med (Mosk) 1979 Oct; Erlandsson B, Håkanson H, Ivarsson A, Nilsson P: Voen Med Zh 1979 Jul;(7):13-8

(Rus) 57(10):31-6 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Comparison of the hearing threshold measured by manual Ermakov EV, Chernov AP, Tsozik AI, Gretskaia TV, Chernov Ermilov LP, Kuleshova ÉV, Treshkur TV, Andreeva IV: pure-tone and by self-recording (Békésy) audiometry. SA: Analiz gospital'noi letal'nosti pri infarkte miokarda. Vliianie odnokratnogo priema beta-adrenoblokatorov i Audiology 1979;18(5):414_29

Sov Med 1979 Sep;(9):8-12 (Eng: Abstr.)

(Rus) nitratov prolongirovannogo deistviia na perenosimost' Erlanger BP see Eastman EM

Ermakov EV, Barskit RL: Giperbaricheskaia oksigenatsiia v fizicheskikh nagruzok u bol'nykh ishemicheskoi bolezn'iu Erlanger BF see Kahana ZE

lechenii khronicheskikh nespetsificheskikh zabolevanii serdtsa. Klin Med (Mosk) 1980 Apr;18(4):77-81 (Rus) Erlanger BF see Lester HA

legkikh. Ter Arkh 1980;52(3):48-52

(Rus) Ermilov MA see Tsatsanidi KN Erlanger M see Kopp SJ

Ermakov EV, Chernov AP, ononov IN, Kherfets EI, Tsozik Ermilov VV see Rabkin IKh Erlanger M see Perry HM

AI: Trudnosti diagnostiki sevmaticheskikh porokov serdtsa Ermilov luV see Litasova EE Erlanger MW see Perry HM Jr

v pozhilom vozraste. Vopr Revm 1980 Jan-Mar;(1):32-6 Ermilova LK, Korobov MV, Smirnova NE: Sravnitelnaia Erlanson P: Dialysutvecklingen i Sverige

(Rus) otsenka stepeni napriazhenija organizma zdorovykh

Page 13

Esko JD, Raetz CR: Mutants of Chinese hamster ovary cells Esnouf MP see Rose K

13(4):389-400 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Spa) with altered membrane phospholipid composition. Esnouf MP see Smith JF

Espinola LG, Beaucaire J, Gottschalk A, Caride VJ: Replacement of phosphatidylinositol by Esom VC see Singh A

Radiolabeled liposomes as metabolic and scanning tracers phosphatidylglycerol in a myo-inositol auxotroph. Espada J, Dorado M, Brandan NC, Fernández LM: Estructura in mice. II. In-111 oxine compared with Tc-99m DTPA, J Biol Chem 1980 May 25;255(10):4474-80

y dosaje de eritropoyetina. Acta Physiol Lat Am 1977; entrapped in multilamellar lipid vesicles. J Nucl Med 1979 Eskola J, Soppi E, Ruuskanen o, Fräki JE: In vitro 27(6):357-8

(Spa) May;20(5):434-40 thymosin- and levamisole-induced increase of lymphocyte Espada J, Otazú C, Dorado M, Brandan NC: Aislamiento Espinos D, Alba J, Alvarez-Sala JL, Urban MA, Sicilia JJ, transformation in psoriatic patients. Arch Dermatol Řes de antígenos de Ancylostoma duodenale y produccion de Fernández Mendieta F, Nistal M: Afectación intestinal en 1978 Dec 1;263(3):335-7

inmunosueros. Rev


Argent Microbiol 1978 el síndrome del histiocito azul marino. Sangre (Barc) 1979; Eskola J see Csapo AI

May-Aug;10(2):54–60 (Eng. Abstr.) (Spa) 24(5):600–6 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Spa) Eskola J see Lassila 0 Espada R see Whisennand ÉH

Espinos D see Alvarez-Sala JL Eskola J see Martin C

Espagno C, Tremoulet M, Gigaud M, Bousigue JY, Espagno Espinos D see Alvarez-Sala JL Jr Eskola J see Ruuskanen O

J: Répercussion axiale des lésions supratentorielles Espinós D see Rico H Eskola J see Salo M

post-traumatiques. Neurochirurgie 1979;25(4):206-8 (Fre) Espinos D see Villegas A Eskola J see Soppi E Espagno C see Tremoulet M

Espinós Pérez D see Alvarez-Sala Walther JL Eskola J see Toivanen Espagno J see Delcour J

Espinos Pérez D see Díaz Mediavilla J Eskola P see Tolan JW Espagno J see Espagno C

Espinós Pérez D see Escribá Polo A Eskola P see Vandenheuvel WJ Espagno J see Tremoulet M

Espinos Perez D see Millán Núñez-Cortés J Es'kov AP see Aref'ev IM

España P, Chang P, Wiernik PH: Increased incidence of brain Espinós Pérez D see Rico Lenza H Es'kov EK, Toroptsev AI: Sravnitel'naia analiz

metastases in sarcoma patients. Cancer 1980 Jan 15; Espinos Pérez D see Sánchez Sánchex ML termoreguliatsii v gnezdakh nekotorykh vidov 45(2):377-80

Espinos Pérez D see Sánchez Sánchez ML obshchestvennykh nasekomykh. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol Espana P, Figuera D, Fernandez de Miguel JM, Anaya A, Espinós Santairene MA, Sanchis Calvo A, Marqués Zaragoza 1979 Sep-Oct;15(5):500-7 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Menendez J, Durantez A: Membranous obstruction of the M, Boronat Tormo C, Montserrat Soler C: Osteopetrosis, Es'kova-Soskovets LB, Sautin AI, Rusakov NV: Ob inferior

and hepatic veins. Budd-Chiari forma congénita. An Esp Pediatr 1980 Feb;13(2):169-72 allergennykh svolstvakh nekotorykh syndrome? A treatable disease. Am J Gastroenterol 1980 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Spa) poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv. Gig Sanit 1980 Feb; Jan;73(1):28-32

Espinosa C see Gómez-Lus R (2):14-7 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Español T, Compte J, Alvarez C, Tallada N, Laverde R, Espinosa G see Donahue PE Es'kova-Soskovets LB see lurasova OI

Peguero G: Reticular dysgenesis: report of two brothers. Espinosa L see Parra A Eskow RN see Wagenberg BD

Clin Exp Immunol 1979 Dec;38(3):615-20

Espinosa M, Pérez-Ureña MT, García E, Portoles A: Eskra JD see Carty TJ

Esparza DC, Schum GM, Phalen RF: A latex-sponge collar Variaciones en la competencia de Bacillus subtilis por Eskra L see Zarling JM

for partial-body plethysmography using anesthetized adenilico cíclico. Microbiol Esp 1977-1978;30–31:49-57 Eslami A, Meydani M, Maleki S, Zargarzadeh A: rodents. Lab Anim Sci 1979 Oct;29(5):652-5

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Spa) Gastrointestinal nematodes of wild sheep (Ovis orientalis) Esparza I, Brock JH: The effect of trypsin digestion on the Espinosa M see López P from Iran. J Wildl Dis 1979 Apr;15(2):263-5

structure and iron-donating properties of transferrins from Espinosa M see Pérez Ureña MT Eslami B, Paine T: Coronary artery aneurysms. Report of several species. Biochim Biophys Acta 1980 Apr 25; Espinosa ML see Lopez-Llera M seven cases and review of the pertinent literature. 622(2):297-307

Espinosa Ayala J, Castañeda Castañeyra E, Martínez-Cairo Jpn Heart J 1980 Mar;21(2):185-96 Esparza I see Brock JH

S, Rodríguez D: Efecto comparativo entre el sulfato de Eslami M, Seigel E: The HMO movement in Connecticut. Esparza J, Gorziglia M, GIF, Römer H: Multiplication of terbutalina y la adrenalina en el tratamiento del asma Conn Med 1979 Oct;43(10):645-7

human rotavirus in cultured cells: an electron microscopic bronquial infantil. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 1980 Eslava R see Berberich SN

study. J Gen Virol 1980 Apr;47(2):461-72

May-Jun;37(3):375-81 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Spa) Esler EJ see Chang A Esparza J see Gorziglia M

Espinosa de los Monteros A see García Cázares SJ Esler M, Jackman G, Bobik A, Kelleher D, Jennings G, Esparza J see Lobato RD

Espinosa-Larios EL see Ruíz-Gómez J Leonard P, Skews H, Korner P: Determination of Esparza J see Novo E

Espinosa-Meléndez E, Lal S, Nair NP, Chang TM: Plasma norepinephrine apparent release rate and clearance in Espeche ME, Fraile ER: Grupos bacterianos predominantes beta-endorphin levels in chronic schizophrenic patients humans. Life Sci 1979 Oct 22;25(17):1461-70

en la flora aerobia de dos capturas de 'krill' antartico normal controls. Artif Organs 1979 Nov;3(4):375-7 Esler M, Jackman G, Kelleher D, Skews H, Jennings G, Bobik (Euphausia superba Dana). Rev Asoc Argent Microbiol Espinosa-Meléndez E, Forbes RD, Hollomby DJ, Ahuja J, A, Korner P: Norepinephrine kinetics in patients with 1978 Sep-Dec;10(3):133-6

(Spa) Katz MG: Goodpasture's syndrome treated with idiopathic autonomic insufficiency. Circ Res 1980 Jun;46(6 Espejo E see González Bethencourt JV

plasmapheresis. Report of a case. Arch Intern Med 1980 Pt 2):147-8

Espejo R, Martínez E, López S, Muñoz 0: Different Apr;140(4):542-3 Esler M see Jennings G

polypeptide composition of two human rotavirus types. Espinosa-Meléndez E see Chang TM Esler MD see Jennings GL

Infect Immun 1980 Apr;28(1):230_7

Espinosa Said L see García Hernández N Esmail Z see Heimel R

Espejo RT, Muñoz O, Serafin F, Romero P: Shift in the Espinosa-Turcott J see Wulson JB Esman AH: Some reflections on boredom.

prevalent human rotavirus detected by ribonucleic acid Espinouse D, Touraine JL, Schmitt D, Revol L: Specific J Am Psychoanal Assoc 1979;27(2):423-39

segment differences. Infect Immun 1980 Feb;27(2):351-4 anti-hairy cell and anti-B cell antisera: characterization of Esman AH: On evidence and inference, or the babel of Espejo Castro E see González Bethencourt JV

surface antigens and origin of hairy cells. tongues. Psychoanal Q 1979 Oct;48(4):628-30

Espelid I: Xeroradiografi--et alternativ til røntgenfilmen? Clin Exp Immunol 1980 Mar;39(3):756–67 Esmann V see Borregaard N

Nor Tannlaegeforen Tid 1980 Apr;90(6):181-5 (Eng. Espinouse D see Fiere D Esmann V see Juhl H


(Nor) Espinoza CG see Espinoza LR Esmann V see Schønheyder H Espelid I see Rasmussen P

Espinoza G see Spigos DG Esmay JB, Wertheimer AI: A review of over-the-counter Esperança Pina J, Sampaio Tavares A: Comparative Espinoza J see Cheng AH

drug therapy. J Community Health 1979 Fall;5(1):54–66 morphological study of the epicardial ventricular Espinoza LR, Espinoza CG: Temporal arteritis with normal Esmen N: Retrospective industrial hygiene surveys.

lymphatics in the dog before and after ligature of the ESR [letter] Arch Intern Med 1980 Feb;140(2):281-2 Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 1979 Jan;40(1):58-65

superficial veins. Acta Anat (Basel) 1980; 107(1):72-9 Espinoza LR, Germain BF, Vasey FB: HLA, juvenile Esmen N, Corn M, Hammad Y, Whittier D, Kotsko N: Esperben ME see Marquillo CL

rheumatoid arthritis and other disease associations. Summary of measurements of employee exposure to Esperov BN, Savchenko luP: Postkholetsistéktomicheskii Adv Pediatr 1979;26:93-118 (141 ref.) airborne dust and fiber in sixteen facilities producing sindrom. Khirurgiia (Mosk) 1980;1:12–5 (Eng. Abstr.) Espinoza LR, Gaylord SW, Vasey FB, Osterland CK: man-made mineral fibers. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 1979 Feb;

(Rus) Cell-mediated immunity in psoriatic arthritis. 40(2):108-17 Espersen C see Levinsky L

J Rheumatol 1980 Mar-Apr;7(2):218-24 Esmen NA, Corn M, Hammad YY, Whittier D, Kotsko N, Espersen E: Kortikosteroider og lungetuberkulose. Espinoza LR see Bocanegra TS

Haller M, Kahn RA: Exposure of employees to man-made Aktivering af fem tilfaelde. Ugeskr Laeger 1979 Sep 10; Espinoza LR see Bridgeford PH mineral fibers: ceramic fiber production. Environ Res 1979 141(37):2536–8 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Dan) Espinoza LR see Dorval G Aug;19(2):265-78

Espersen T: Cancer tubae. Et tidligt diagnosticeret tilfaelde. Espinoza LR see Germain BF Esmen NA, Kahn RA, LaPietra D, McGovern EP:Generation Ugeskr Laeger 1980 Mar 3; 142(10):646 (Eng. Abstr.) Espinoza LR see Lauter SA of monodisperse fibrous glass aerosols.

(Dan) Espinoza-Morales ML see Díaz de León-Ponce M Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 1980 Mar;41(3):175-9 Espevik S, Oilo G, Lodding A: Oxidation of noble metal alloys Espir ML see Twomey

JA Esmen NA, Lee TC: Distortion of cascade impactor measured for porcelain veneer crowns. Acta Odontol Scand 1979; Espiritu MB, Medina JE: Complications of heroin injections size distribution due to bounce and blow-off. 37(6):323-8

of the neck. Laryngoscope 1980 Jul;90(7 Pt 1):1111-9 Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 1980 Jun;41(6):410-9 Espevik S see Haugen E

Esplin B, Capek R: Effects of cyclobenzaprine on spinal Esmen NA see Corn M Espevik S see Mjör IA

synaptic transmission. Neuropharmacology 1979 Jun; Esmen NA see Lee TC

Espey LL: Ovulation as an inflammatory reaction--a 18(6):559-64 Esmer N, Galgüner M, El Hayderi I, Uzun KH: Tuberculous hypothesis. Biol Reprod 1980 Feb;22(1):73-106 (248 ref.) Esplugas E, Amer R, Barthe JE, Jara F: Distribución de las mastoiditis. A case report. Ann Soc Belg Med Trop 1979 Espili J see Ickes WÅ

lesiones coronarias signifcativas en los pacietes con Jun;59(2):155-8

Espín G, Palacios R, Mora J: Glutamine metabolism in valvulopatía reumática. Estudio de 300 casos consecutivos. Esmon BE, Kensil CR, Cheng CH, Glaser M: Genetic analysis nitrogen-starved conidia of Neurospora crassa.

Med Clin (Barc) 1980 Jul 15;75(3):112-4 (Eng. Abstr.) of Escherichia coli mutants defective in adenylate kinase J Gen Microbiol 1979 Nov;115(1):59-68

(Spa) and sn-glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferase. J Bacteriol Espin G see Dixon R

Esplugas E, Barthe JE, Perea M, Jara F, Bros R: Diagnóstico 1980 Jan; 141(1):405-8 Espín G see Hansberg W

angiográfico cuantitativo del prolapso valvular mitral Esmon CT see Comp PC Espina Fidalgo P see Navarrete Guijosa F

posterior. Rev Esp Cardiol 1979;32(4):385-9 (Eng. Abstr.) Esmon CT see Walker FJ Espindola ES see Tilbery CP

(Spa) Esnault C see Beloeil JC

Espinel CH, Gregory AW: Differential diagnosis of acute Esplugas EBarthe JE, Jara F, Sabate J: Heparinización e Esnault R see Tessier L renal failure. Clin Nephrol 1980 Feb;13(2):73-7

incidencia de tromboembolias en el cateterismo cardiaco Esnault S see Laffont F Espinel-Ingroff A see Kerkering TM

izquierdo por técnica percutánea femoral. Esnouf MP, Green MR, Hill HA, Irvine GB, Walter SJ: Espiner EA, Donald RA: Aldosterone regulation in primary Rev Esp Cardiol 1979;32(6):571-5 (Eng. Abstr.) (Spa)

Dioxygen and the vitamin K-dependent synthesis of aldosteronism:_influence of salt balance, posture and Esplugas E, Granja R, Barthe JE, Jara F, Sabaté J: Estado

prothrombin. Ciba Found Symp 1978 Jun 6–8;(65):187-97 ACTH. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1980 Mar;12(3):277–86 del árbol coronario y de la función ventricular izquierda Esnouf MP: The vitamin K-dependent proteins. Espiner EA see Lun

en los pacientes con lesiones coronarias significativas. Biochem Soc Trans 1979 Aug;7(4):624-7 Espiner EA see Metcalf MG

Med Clin (Barc) 1980 Apr 10;74(7):249-51 (Eng. Abstr.) Esnouf MP, Green MR, HiN HA, Walter SJ: The inhibition Espiner EA see Rankin J

(Spa) of the vitamin K-dependent carboxylation of glutamyl Espiner EA see Scott RS

Esplugas E, Sabate J, Barthe JE, Jara F, Perea M: Nuevo residues in prothrombin by some copper complexes. Espiner EA see Smith R

método angiográfico para el diagnóstico de la insuficiencia FEBS Lett 1979 Nov 1;107(1):146-50

Espino de Alayo S: La salud comunitaria como eje integrador tricuspidea, mediante cavografia superior. Esnouf MP see Green MR

del currículo de enfermería. Educ Med Salud 1979; Rev Esp Cardiol 1980;33(1):51-6 (Eng. Abstr.) (Spa)

Page 14

Evain D, Anderson WB: Inhibitory effect of guany! female rats including effects on the fetus.

Evans DJ see Bhuyan UN nucleotides toward adenylate cyclase activity of Chinese J Reprod Fertil 1979 Jul;56(2):715-24

Evans DJ see Christoe JR hamster ovary cell membranes activated in vitro by cholera Evans BK, Heath JW, Burnstock G: Reinnervation following Evans DJ see Cooper BT toxin. J Biol Chem 1979 Sep 25;254(18):8726–9

guanethidine-induced sympathectomy of adult rats. Evans DJ see Giddings JC Evain D, Klee C, Anderson WB: Chinese hamster ovary cell J Neurocytol 1979 Jun;8(3):381-400

Evans DJ see Lewis PD population density affects intracellular concentrations of Evans BK see Rees WD

Evans DJ see Uff JS calcium-dependent regulator and ability of regulator to Evans BM: Heart studies in association with Evans DJ Jr, Clegg S, Evans DG: Fimbrial antigens and inhibit adenylate cyclase activity.

electroencephalography (EEG) as a means of assessing the pathogenic Escherichia coli. Lancet 1980 Jan 26; Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1979 Aug;76(8):3962–6 progress of head injuries.

1(8161):201 Evain D see Pinkett MO

Acta Neurochir (Suppl] (Wien) 1979;28(1):52-7

Evans DJ Jr see Clegg S
Evalli G see Genoni E Evans CA, Nathanson D: Indications for

Evans DJ Jr see DuPont HL Evan A, Huser J, Bengele HH, Alexander EA: The effect orthodontic-prosthodontic collaboration in dental

Evans DJ Jr see Evans DG of alterations in dietary potassium on collecting system treatment. J Am Dent Assoc 1979 Nov;99(5):825-30 Evans DL, Martin W: Lithium carbonate and psoriasis. morphology in the rat. Lab Invest 1980 Jun;42(6):668-75 Evans CA see Dziegielewska KM

Am J Psychiatry 1979 Oct;136(10):1326-7 Evan AP, Gardner KD Jr: Nephron obstruction in Evans CA see Reynolds ML

Evans DL, Garner BW:

Neurotoxicity at therapeutic lithium nordihydroguaiaretic acid-induced renal cystic disease. Evans CA see Sauer GJ

levels (letter) Am J Psychiatry 1979 Nov;136(11):1481-2 Kidney Int 1979 Jan;15(1):7-19 Evans CA see Stricker G

Evans DL: Pain insensitivity in psychotic patients (letter) Evan AP, Gardner KD Jr, Bernstein J: Polypoid and papillary Evans CC: Management of pulmonary disorders caused by Am J Psychiatry 1980 Apr;137(4):507-8 epithelial hyperplasia: a potential cause of ductal the inhalation of aspergillus spores.

Evans DL see Cotes JE obstruction in adult polycystic disease. Kidney Int 1979 J Antimicrob Chemother 1979 Jul;5(4):335-6

Evans DM: Early vascular repair of ring injury (letter) Dec;16(6):743-50 (Evans CD), Warin RP: Clifford D. Evans.

J Hand Surg 1980 May;5(3):294 Evan AP see Avasthi PS

Br J Dermatol 1979 Jul;101(1):116-7

Evans DM, Guenther AM, Keith TD, Lazarus HL: Pharmacy Evan AP see Hay DA Evans CE see Billington D

practice in an operating room complex. Evan AP see Klingler EL Jr Evans CE see Mills DA

Am J Hosp Pharm 1979 Oct;36(10):1342-7
Evan AP see Omdahl JL
Evans CH: Is the A(GO) state time-independent?

Evans DM, Cleary BK: The sites of origin of gastric cancers Evancho G see Bodmer EJ

I Theor Biol 1979 Jul 21;79(2):259-62

and ulcers in relation to mucosal junctions and the lesser Evander A, Fredlund P, Hoevels J, Ihse I, Bengmark S: Evans CJ see Austen BM

curvature. Invest Cell Pathol 1979 Apr-Jun;2(2):97-117 Evaluation of aggressive surgery for carcinoma of the Evans CM, Clarke TK, Barnouti H, Crosby AC, Holmes S, Evans DM see Andrews HJ

extrahepatic bile ducts. Ann Surg 1980 Jan;191(1):23-9 Kulatilake AE: A controlled trial of different treatment Evans DM see Crim LW Evandt O see Sandven P

regimens in patients with urinary tract infections after Evans DM see Khoo CT Evangelist FA see Taylor FH

lower urinary tract surgery. Curr Med Res Opin 1980, Evans DP: Extended-heel shoes. Rheumatol Rehabil 1980 Evangelista A see Cambielli M


May;19(2):103-8 Evangelisti G see Camarri E

Evans CW, Thornton DH: Stability studies on the British Evans DP, Burke MS, Newcombe RG: Medicines of choice Evangelopoulos AE see Cazianis CT

Standard for infectious bronchitis vaccine (live).

in low back pain. Curr Med Res Opin 1980;6(8):540-7 Evangelopoulos AE see Oikonomakos NG

J Biol Stand 1979 Jul;7(3):199-201

Evans DR, Lipscomb WN: The modification of the catalytic Evangelopoulos AE see Sotiroudis TG

Evans D, Pringle CR, Szilágyi JF: Temperature-sensitive chain sulfhydryl group of aspartate transcarbamylase with Evanich MJ see Lopata M

mutants of complementation group E of vesicular stomatitis mercurinitrophenols. J Biol Chem 1979 Nov 10, Evanich MJ see Onal E

virus New Jersey serotype possess altered NS polypeptides. 254(21):10 9-85 Evanov FA see Misra PS

J Virol 1979 Aug;31(2):325–33

Evans DR see Baron MH Evans A see Coben GH

Evans D, Lane DS: Long-term outcome of smoking cessation Evans DS see Mitchell NJ Evans A see Nesbit M

workshops. Am J Public Health 1980 Jul;70(7):725-7 Evans DV see Craft IL Evans A see Pesce AJ Evans D see Casscells W

Evans DW, Lum LC: Chest pain with normal coronary Evans AD, Ullom-Morse AT, Engle CM: Speech Evans D see Cox KO

arteries [letter) Lancet 1980 Feb 9;1(8163):311 compression: options for speeding nursing education. Evans DA, Fletcher KA, Baty JD: The urinary excretion of Evans DW, Lum LC: Cardiac transplantation (letter) JNE 1980 May;19(5):20–6 chloroquine in different ethnic groups.

Lancet 1980 Apr 26;1(8174):933-4 Evans AE: Staging and treatment of neuroblastoma.

Ann Trop Med Parasitol 1979 Feb;73(1):11-7

Evans DW see Close JB Cancer_1980 Apr 15;45(7 Suppl):1799-1802

Evans DA, Miao L, Hennekens CH, Kass EH: Clearance of Evans DW see Fitzgerald WR Evans AE see D'Angio GJ

bacteriuria on discontinuing oral contraception.

Evans DW see Holcomb JD Evans AE see Hann HW

Br Med J 1980 Jan 19;28076208):152

Evans DW see Wang PY Evans AF, Eyes B: Head injuries in children--aetiology, Evans DA: Cyclical transmission of Trypanosoma brucei Evans EA, Skalak Ř: Mechanics and thermodynamics of

symptoms, physical findings and X-ray wastage [letter) rhodesiense and Trypanosoma congolense by tsetse flies biomembranes: part 2. CRC Crit Rev Bioeng 1979 Nov; Br Radiol 1979 Aug;52(620):671 infected with culture-form procyclic trypanosomes.

3(4):331-418 (100 ref.) Evans AF see Cheek WR

J Protozool 1979 Aug;26(3):425-7

Evans EA, Skalak R: Mechanics and thermodynamics of Evans AJ, Morrison GD, Price DJ: Prolonged use of the Evans DA, Ellis DS, Stamford S: Ultrastructural studies of biomembranes: part 1. CRC Crit Rev Bioeng 1979 Oct; Greenland method of treatment of gonorrhoea.

certain aspects of the development of Trypanosoma 3(3):181-330 (100 ref.) Br J Vener Dis 1980 Apr;56(2):88-91

congolense in Glossina morsitans morsitans. J Protozool Evans EA: Mechanical calorimetry of red cell membranes. Evans AK see Abildskov JA

1979 Nov;26(4):557-63

Biorheology 1979;16(4-5):279-83 Evans AL: An Eriksonian

of personality Evans DA, Mahgoub A, Sloan TP, Idle JR, Smith RL: A Evans EB, Pollock TM, Cradock-Watson JE, Ridehalgh MK: development in child-abusing mothers. Psychol Rep 1979 family and population study of the genetic polymorphism Human anti-chickenpox immunoglobulin in the prevention Jun;4473 Pt 1):963-6

of debrisoquine oxidation in a white British population. of chickenpox. Lancet 1980 Feb 16;1(8164):354-6 Evans AL see Brewster GM

J Med Genet 1980 Apr;17(2):102-5

Evans EB see Farah MG Evans AL see Pitkeathly DA Evans DA see Aljeboori TI

Evans EF: Peripheral auditory processing in normal and Evans AN, Brooke OG, West RJ: The ingestion by pregnant Evans DA see Ellis DS

abnormal ears: physiological considerations for attempts women of substances toxic to the foetus. Practitioner 1980 Evans DB, Parham CS, Laffan RJ: Non-specific myocardial to compensate for auditory deficits by acoustic and Mar;224(1341):313-9

depression by beta-adrenergic receptor blockers in normal electrical prostheses. Scand Audiol (Suppl) 1978;(6):9-47 Evans AN, Smith JA: Melatonin in the maternal and umbilical and compromised myocardium.

Evans EF, Palmer AR; Dynamic range of cochlear nerve circulations during human parturition (letter)

Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 1979 Aug;240(2):240-8 fibres to amplitude modulated tones (proceedings] Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1979 Oct;86(10):831 Evans DB see Calne RY

J Physiol (Lond) 1980 Jan;298:33P-34P Evans AS, Wells AV, Ramsay F, Drabkin P, Palmer K: Evans DB see Harkiss GD

Evans EF, Harrison RV: Neuroleptanaesthesia: an ideal Poliomyelitis, rubella, and dengue antibody survey in Evans DB see Marni A

anaesthetic procedure for physiological studies on the Barbados. A follow-up study. Int J Epidemiol 1979 Sep; Evans DE, Kobrine Al, Rizzoli HV: Cardiac arrhythmias guniea-pig [proceedings] j Physiol (Lond) 1980 Jan; 8(3):235-41

accompanying acute compression of the spinal cord. 298:13P-14P Evans AS, Cook JA, Kapikian AZ, Nankervis G, Smith AL, J Neurosurg 1980 Jan;52(1):52-9

Evans EF: An electronic analogue of single unit recording West B: A serological survey of St Lucia. Evans DE see Kobrine AI

from the cochlear nerve for teaching and research Int J Epidemiol 1979 Dec;8(4):327-32 Evans DF see Hosking DJ

(proceedings] J Physiol (Lond) 1980 Jan;298:6P-7P Evans AS see Kasl SV

Evans DG, Evans DJ Jr, Clegg S, Pauley JA: Purification Evans EF see Harrison RV Evans AT see Riebold TW

and characterization of the CFA, antigen of Evans EF see Vance RM Evans AT see Thayer GW

enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Infect Immun 1979 Aug; Evans EH, Rush JD, Johnson CE, Evans MC: Mössbauer Evans AT 3d, Gaffey TA, Malkasian GD Jr, Annegers JF: 25(2):738-48

spectra of photosystem-l-reaction centres from the Clinicopathologic review of 118 granulosa and 82 theca Evans DG see Boyce JM

blue-green alga Chlorogloea fritschii. Biochem J 1979 Sep cell tumors. Obstet Gynecol 1980 Feb;55(2):231-8 Evans DG see Clegg S

15;182(3):861-5 Evans AW, Butcher RG: A quantitative histochemical study Evans DG see DuPont HL

Evans EH see Gregory RP of the optimal incubation conditions for certain oxidative Evans DG see Evans DJ Jr

Evans EH see Homer JR enzymes in hamster cheek pouch epithelium.

Evans DH, Barrie WW, Asher MJ, Bentley S, Bell PR: The Evans EJ Jr see Boyce JM Arch Oral Biol 1979;24(1):27-33

relationship between ultrasonic pulsatility index and Evans EP: Cytological methods for the study of meiotic Evans B: Management of non-specific urethritis in men proximal arterial stenosis in a canine model. Circ Res 1980 properties in mice. Genetics 1979 May;92(1 Pt 1 [letter) Br J Vener Dis 1979 Aug;55(4):305 Apr;46(4):470-5

Suppl):197-103 Evans B: Learned responses to movement in neonates. Evans DH: Kinetic studies of ion transport by fish gill Evans EP see Bradley DJ Dev Psychobiol 1980 Jan;13(1):95-101

epithelium. Am J Physiol 1980 Mar;238(3):R224-30 Evans EP see Papaioannou VE Evans B see Nuttall ID

Evans DH, Quin RO, Bell PR: The significance of blood Evans FE, Kaplan NO: Probing the sensitivity of 31P NMR Evans BA: Non-specific genital infection [letter]

pressure measurements in patients with peripheral vascular chemical shifts to hydrogen bonding and to Br Med J 1979 Aug 18;2(6187):441 disease. Br J Surg 1980 Apr;67(4):238-41

stereochemistry. FEBS Lett 1979 Sep 1;105(1):11-4 Evans BA: Metronidazole for non-specific vaginitis (letter] Evans DH See Morgan AR

Evans FE, Wright JM: Proton and phosphorus-31 nuclear Lancet 1980 May 10;1(8176):1029-30

Evans DI, Shaw A: Attitudes of Haemophilia carrier to magnetic resonance study on the stabilization of the anti Evans BA see Drake SM

fetoscopy and amniocentesis [letter] Lancet 1979 Dec conformation about the glycosyl bond of 8-alkylamino Evans BB see Palomar JM


adenyl nucleotides. Biochemistry 1980 May 13; Evans BD see Collins J Evans DI see Hann IM

19(10):2113-7 Evans BE: The role of the dentist in the comprehensive Evans DI see Kumar S

Evans FE see Beland FA management of hemophilia.

Evans DJ: Spontaneous recovery from rapidly progressive Evans FJ, Schmidt RJ: An assay procedure for the Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1979 Jun; glomerulonephritis (letter) Br Med s 1979 Oct 13; comparative irritancy testing of esters in the tigliane and 10(2):285-94 Ž(6195):936

daphnane series. Inflammation 1979 Jul;3(3):215-23 Evans BK, Burnstock G: Chronic guanethidine treatment of Evans DJ see Baltz ML

Evans FJ: Contextual forgetting: posthypnotic source

Page 15

cyclic AMP level. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 1979 Jan; of reorganization in the visual system of adult cats: lateral diabetes on body composition, liver enzymes and 237(1):119-27

geniculate neurons with displaced receptive fields after metabolism and serum metabolites and hormones of fetal Eyer H: Fango-Packungen. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 1980 lesions of the nasal retina. Brain Res 1980 Jan 13; pigs. Horm Metab Res 1980 Apr;12(4):136-9 May 2;105(18):633 (Ger) 181(2):285-300

Ezekwe MO see Martin R Eyer P see Illig L

Eysenck HJ: The origins of violence. J Med Ethics 1979 Ezell R see Herrick SS Eyerly RC see Grammes CF


Ezeokoli CD see Tignor GH Eyers AA, Thomson JP: Pruritus ani: is anal sphincter Eysenck HJ: Behavioral therapy and the philosophers. Ezepchuk luV see Bugrova VI dysfunction important in aetiology? Br Med J 1979 Dec Behav Res Ther 1979;17(5):511-4

Ezepchuk Yu V, Bondarenko VM, Yakovleva EA, Koryagina 15;2(6204):1549-51

Eysenck HJ: Crime and personality. Med Leg J 1979; IP: The bacillus cereus toxin: isolation of permeability Eyes B see Evans AF


factor Zentralbl Bakteriol (Orig A) 1979 Jul; Eygonnet JP: Tolérance de l'albumine placentaire.

Eysenck HJ: A unified theory of psychotherapy, behaviour 244(2-3):275-84 Dev Biol Stand 1979;44:89

(Fre) therapy and spontaneous remission. Z Psychol 1980; Ezer P see Farkas S Eygonnet JP see Laffont F


Ezer S see Pinkerton PH Eykyn S see Humble MW

Eysenck HJ see Grabow L

Ezerman SG see Lebedev VN
Eykyn SJ, Jackson BT, Lockhart-Mummery HE, Phillips I: Eysenck HJ see Iwawaki S

Ezerskaia LV see Kruchinskiy GV Prophylactic peroperative intravenous metronidazole in Eysenck MC see Eysenck MW

Ezerski RF, Belykh IN, Bazhenov lua: Porazhenie pochek elective colorectal surgery. Lancet 1979 Oct 13; Eysenck MW, Folkard S: Personality, time of day, and pri tuberkuleze. Pediatriia 1980 Feb;(2):72–4 (39 ref.) 2(8146):761-4 caffeine: some theoretical and conceptual problems in

(Rus) Eykyn SJ see Beach RC

Revelle et al. J Exp Psychol (Gen) 1980 Mar;109(1):32-41 Ezhov VA: Izuchenie sorbtsii kisloi ribonukleazy Penicillium Eykyn SJ see Shirley JA

Eysenck MW, Eysenck MC: Effects of processing depth, Brevi-compactum razlichnymi ionitami. Eylan E, Cohen S: Resistance transfer factor in E. coli strains distinctiveness, and word frequency on retention.

Prikl Biokhim Mikrobiol 1979 Jul-Aug;15(4):564-9 (Eng. isolated from human and water sources. Br J Psychol 1980 May;71(2):263-74


(Rus) Contrib Microbiol Immunol 1979;6:210-21 Eysenck SB see Griffith JH

Ezhov VA, Prikhod’ko AG: Vydelenie i ochistka preparatov Eylan E see Barber C Eysing B see Beerwerth W

razlichnykh vnekletochnyky nibnukleaz Brevi-compactum Eylan E see Yaron M

Eyskens E: De gastro-colische en gastro-jejuno-colische v edinom tekhnologicheskom tsikle. Eylar EH, Ishaque A, Szymanska I: Guillain-Barre syndrome fistel van peptische oorsprong:

Prikl Biokhim Mikrobiol 1980 Mar-Apr;16(2):191-8 (Eng. and allergic neuritis: is the P2 protein a common Verh K Acad Geneeskd Belg 1979;41(4):307–33 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) denominator. Prog Clin Biol Res 1980;39:337-56 (42 ref.) Abstr.)

(Dut) Ezhov VG see Seniukov MV Eylar EH, Szymanska I, Ishaque A, Ramwani J, Dubiski S: Eysker M, Ogunsusi RA: Observations on epidemiological Ezhova LS, Zheleznov BI, Antipova NB: Vlijanie

Localization of the P2 protein in peripheral nerve myelin. and clinical aspects of gastrointestinal helminthiasis of vnutrimatochnykh kontratseptivov na mitoticheskiñ rezhim J Immunol 1980 Mar;124(3):1086-92 sheep in northern Nigeria during the rainy season.

éndometrija. Akush Ginekol (Mosk) 1980 Mar;(3):39–40 Eylar EH see Ishaque A

Res Vet Sci 1980 Jan;28(1):58-62

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Eyler JM: The conversion of Angus Smith: the changing Eyssen GE see McDonald JC

Ezhova LS see Zheleznov BI role of chemistry and biology in sanitary science, Eyssen H see Adriaens P

Ezigbo JC, Storey DM: Effect of storage at various 1850-1880. Bull Hist Med 1980 Summer;54(2):216–34 Eyssen H see Monnens L

temperatures on the activity of cotton rat serum enzymes. Eyler WR: Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted Eyssen HJ see Parmentier GG

Indian J Exp Biol 1980 Jan;18(1):96–7 to biomedical journals (editorial] Radiology 1980 Apr; Eyster G see Hearn TC

Ezimokhai M see Davison JM 135(1):239-43

Eyster ME see Dvorchik BH

Ezoe H see Furuichi K Eyler WR see Gross SC Eytan E see Eytan GD

Ezoe H see Mak I Eyler WR see Hricak H Eytan E see Moran A

Ezold H see Geserich G Eyler WR see Kattan KR

Eytan GD, Eytan E: Fusion of proteoliposomes and cells. Ezra D, Molho M, Rosenthal T: Atenolol in hypertension: Eyles E see Beaglehole R

ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake into erythrocytes catalyzed a cardioselective drug. Chest 1980 May;77(5):662-5 Eyles EF see Beaglehole R

by Ca2+-ATPase from skeletal muscle. J Biol Chem 1980 Ezra D see Menczer J Eyles EF see Waite DA

Jun 10;255(11):4992-5

Ezra DB: Neovasculogenesis. Triggering factors and possible Eylon BS see Wollman W Eytan GD see Gad AE

mechanisms. Surv Ophthalmol 1979 Nov-Dec;24(3):167-76 Eyman E, Brzozowska-Jurkowska AM,

Eyzaguirre C, Monti-Bloch L: Similarities and differences in (40 ref.) Weryńska-Przybylska J, Kawenoki-Minc E: Wpływ the physiology and pharmacology of cat and rabbit carotid Ezra E, Salomon Y: Mechanism of desensitization of naproxenu na ataki dny. Reumatologia 1980;18(1):1-4 (Eng. bodies. Fed Proc 1980 Jul;39(9):2653-6

adenylate cyclase in lutropin. GTP-dependent uncoupling Abstr.) (Pol) Eyzaguirre C see Monti-Bloch L

of the receptor. J Biol Chem 1980 Jan 25;255(2):653-8 Eyman E see Husted RF Eyzaguirre J see Bazaes S

Ezra FS see Cheng DM Eyman E see Weryńska-Przybylska J

Ezagui L see luchtman M

Ezrachi O see Weinberg J Eyman LD see Trabalka JR

Ezaki K, Ohno R, Kamiya T, Kawashima K, Kodera Y, Ogata Ezrin C: Clinical pituitary disorders. Eyman RK see Chaney RH

K, Kobayashi M, Takeyama H, Morishima Y, Kato Y, Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc 1977;42(3–4):81-91 Eyman RK see Lei T

Watanabe E, Suzuki H, Tanimoto M, Yamada K, Minami Ezrin C see Kovacs K Eymard P see Croizat B

S, Sako F, Imamura K: (Treatment of infection in the Ezrin C see Shewchuk AB Eymeri JC see Lebarbier P

patients of acute leukemia with

Ezrokhi VL, Grechushnikova LS, Manianin II, Iurkevich Llu, Eymontt M see Desai A

sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (author's transl)]

Frolov AA: Vliianie mikroélektroda na formu Eynan N see Toledo E

Rinsho Ketsueki 1979 Sep;20(9):1124–31 (Eng. Abstr.) vnekletochnogo potentsiala deistviia. Fiziol Zh SSSR 1980 Eynard AR see Monis B

(Jpn) Apr;66(4):591-4

(Rus) Eyo ES see Abel H

Ezaki K: Extraction of leukemia associated antigen (LAA) Ezrokhin VL, Grechushnikova LS: Elementaryne Eyquem A see Osnos MC

and active specific immunization with LAA in acute transkallozal'nye sviazi sensomotornoi kory krolika. Eyquem A see Telvi L

leukemia. Nagoya J Med Sci 1980 Mar;42(3-4):55-68 Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat 1979 Sep-Oct;29(5):1042-51 (Eng. Eyraud JP see Baudet JH Ezaki K see Morishima Y


(Rus) Eyraud S see Junien-Lavillauroy C Ezaki K see Ohno R

Ezrow L, Saceanu C, Dabydeen H: Range of antibacterial Eyre DP: Beginning psychoanalysis of a 16 year old autistic Ezaki M see Suematsu H

activity of antibiotics at subminimal inhibitory girl: the first three months. Can J Psychiatry 1979 Nov; Ezaki N, Miyadoh S, Hisamatsu T, Kasai T, Yamada Y: concentrations: the ratio of minimal inhibitory 24/7):652-60

BN-183B, a new antitumor antibiotic produced by concentration to minimal antibiotic concentration. Eyre DR: Biochemistry of the intervertebral disc.

Pseudomonas. Taxonomy, isolation, physico-chemical and Rev Infect Dis 1979 Sep-Oct;1(5):821-4 Int Rev Connect Tissue Res 1979;8:227-91 (139 ref.) biological properties. j Antibiot (Tokyo) 1980 Feb; Ezsely F see Sápy P Eyre DR: Collagen: molecular diversity in the body's protein 33(2):213-20

Ezura H see Ito K scaffold. Science 1980 Mar 21;207(4437):1315-22 Ezaki N see Inouye S

Ezzat A see Ramadan AA Eyre DR, Oguchi H: The hydroxypyridinium crosslinks of Ezaki N see Itoh J

Ezzat S see Alsharif H skeletal collagens: their measurement, properties and a Ezaki T see Kotani M

Ezzat S see Awwad HK proposed pathway of formation. Ezaki Y see Mori T

Ezzat W see Hassan HA Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1980 Jan 29;92(2):403-10 Ezcurdia J see Tobalina JP

Ezzati T, McLemore T: The national ambulatory medical care Eyre DR see Dickson IR Ezdanian BA see Manvelian KR

survey. 1977 summary. United States, January-December Eyre DR see Floman Y Ezdekov BKh see Antonov OS

1977. Vital Health Stat [13] 1980 Apr;13(44):1-61 Eyre DR see Furukawa T Ezdinli E: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (letter]

Ezzell JW see Dobrogosz WJ Eyre HJ: Chemotherapy of ovarian carcinoma.

N Engl J Med 1980 Mar 13;302(11):635-6

Ezzell JW see Kloos WE Clin Obstet Gynecol 1979 Dec;22(4):957-65

Ezdinli EZ, Costello WG, Icli F, Lenhard RE, Johnson GJ, Ezzell JW see Pasculle AW Eyre HJ see Cheng DS

Silverstein M, Berard CW, Bennett JM, Carbone PP: Ezzell RM, Szego CM: Luteinizing hormone-accelerated Eyre HJ see Kitahara M

Nodular mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic lymphoma (NM): redistribution of lysosome-like organelles preceding Eyre HJ see Rossof AH

response and survival. Eastern Cooperative Oncology dissolution of the nuclear envelope in rat oocytes maturing Eyre P see Arowolo RA

Group. Cancer 1980 Jan 15;45(2):261-7

in vitro. J Cell Biol 1979 Jul;82(1):264–77 Eyre P see Arowolo RO

Ezdinli EZ, Costello WG, Silverstein MN, Berard C, Hartsock Ezzer JB see Golan R Eyre P see Chand N

RJ, Sokal JE: Moderate versus intensive chemotherapy Ezzet F see Dorazio RA Eyre P see Hanna CJ

of prognostically favorable non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a Eyre P see Hanna J progress report. Cancer 1980 Jul 1;46(1):29-33

F Eyre P see Kleinstiver PW

Ezdinli EZ see O'Sullivan DD Eyre P see Mirbahar KB Ezdinli EZ see Raghuprasad PK

Faa G see Dessy E Eyre P see Perron RJ Eze LC, Аnosike EO, Ugochukwu EN: Urinary alkaline

Faa G see Zucca G Eyre P see Reinhart ME

phosphatase & lactate dehydrogenase activities in Nigerian Faaborg LL see Smith ML Eyre P see Wanner A

pregnant women. Indian J Exp Biol 1979 Sep;17(9):957–8 Paal HB see Ayanru JO Eyrich K: Kriterien der Operabilität aus anaesthesiologischer Eze LC, Monanu MO: Total & esterified plasma cholesterol Sicht. Chirurg 1980 Mar;51(3):134-9 (Ger) in a Nigerian population. Indian J Exp Biol 1979 Sep;

Faanes RB, Merluzzi VJ, Williams N, Tarnowski GS, Ralph Eyring G, Curry B, Mathies R, Fransen R, Palings 1, 17(9):955-7

P: Matching of chemotherapy to mouse strain and lymphoid tumor

to Lugtenburg J: Interpretation of the resonance Raman Ezeasor DN: Ultrastructural observations on the submucous



prevent spectrum of bathorhodopsin based on visual pigment plexus of the large intestine of the rainbow trout (Salmo

suppression of specific T- and B-cell functions.

Cancer Res 1979 Nov;39(11):4564_74 analogues. Biochemistry 1980 May 27;19(11):2410-8 gairdneri, Rich.). Z Mikrosk Anat Forsch 1979; Eyring H see Mashimo Í


Faanes RB, Wolf JE, Chiu KM, Choi YS: The existence of Eyring H see Ueda I Ezekiel E see Sandler SG

antibody-like activities against the weakly immunogenic Eysel UT, Gonzalez-Aguilar F, Mayer U: A functional sign Ezekwe MO, Martin RJ: The effects of maternal alloxan

minor histocompatibility antigens. Celi Immunol 1980 May; 51(2):262-72

Page 16

and posteihe apoprotein Endosubspecies miera bumago plasma

Falek A see Myers RH
Falk JL see Tang M

Falkinham JO 3d see George KL Falekh Flu see Mironova ZS

Falk L, Lindahl T, Bjursell G, Klein G: Herpesvirus papio: Falkinham JO 3d see Gruft H Falempin M, Rousseau JP: Vagal digestive deafferentation state and properties of intracellular viral DNA in baboon Falkler WA Jr, Mongiello JR, Burger BW: in sheep. Ann Rech Vet 1979;10(2-3):186-8 lymphoblastoid cell lines. Int J Cancer 1979 Jul 15; Haemagglutination inhibition

and aggregation

of Falempin M see Rousseau JP


Fusobacterium nucleatum by human salivary mucinous Faleri M see Camatini M Falk L see Johnson DR

glycoproteins. Arch Oral Biol 1979;24(7):483-9 Fales FW see Henderson JM

Falk LA: Black Abolitionist doctors and healers, 1810-1885. Falkler WA Jr see Hawley CE Fales HM see Hunninghake GW

Bull Hist Med 1980 Summer;54(2):258-72

Falkler WA Jr see Mongiello JR Fales HM see Jaouni TM

Falk LA Jr: A review of Herpesvirus papio, a Falkmer S: Immunocytochemical studies of the evolution of Fales HM see Lundgren DW

B-lymphotropic virus of baboons related to EBV.

islet hormones. j Histochem Cytochem 1979 Sep; Fales WH see La Regina M

Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis 1979;2(2-3):257-64 27(9):1281-2 Faletra F see Pezzano A

(37 ref.)

Falkmer S see Alumets J Faletti C see Granone AA

Falk M: Aspekte der Arbeit mit Modellen in der Pharmazie. Falkmer S see Van Noorden S Faletti C see Granone AG

Pharmazie 1979 Jul;34(7):379-82 (11 ref.) (Eng. Abstr.) Falkner B, Onesti G, Angelakos ET, Fernandes M, Langman Falezza G see Corrocher R

(Ger) C: Cardiovascular response to mental stress in normal Falgout B see Sheppard DE Falk M see Doran TA

adolescents with hypertensive parents. Hemodynamics and Falgout HJ see Parker JC Falk M see Peaker M

mental stress in adolescents. Hypertension 1979 Jan-Feb; Falicov R see Gardin J

Falk P: The vascular pattern of the spontaneous C3H mouse 1(1):23-30 Falicov RE, Bochna A: Value of arteriography in the mammary carcinoma and its significance in radiation Falkner B see Akrami C diagnosis of left atrial tumors (letter]

response and in hyperthermia. Eur J Cancer 1980 Feb; Falkner F: Genital in relation to somatic maturation. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 1979;5(3):302 16(2):203-17

J Biosoc Sci (Suppl) 1978;(5):5-14 Falicov RE: 2-D echo to diagnose LA thrombi (letter) Falk R see Coben I

Falkner FC: Metabolism of N-acetyl PGE2 carboxamide in Circulation 1980 Jun;61(6):1267 Falk R see Kline RP

the rat. Prostaglandins 1979 Nov;18(5):779–86 Falicov RE see Bochna AJ

Falk RE, Makowka L, Nossal N, Falk JA, Fields JE, Asculai Falkner von Sonnenburg F, Krampitz HE, Löscher T, Prüfer Falicov RE see Minocha GK

SS: Modulation of the immune response and control of L, Weiland G: Zur Diagnose ein-geschleppter viszeraler Faligant B see Claude JM

tumour spread by a new synthetic compound.

Leishmaniosen (Kala-Azar). MMW 1979 Oct 19; Faliks D, Cohen H, Glaser G, Reshef L: Cycloheximide and Br J Surg 1979 Dec;66(12):861-3

121(42):1353–6 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) pactamycin inhibit the rapid decrease in translatable mRNA Falk RE, Makowka L Nossal NA, Rotstein LE, Falk JA: Falkner von Sonnenburg F see Löscher T activity of P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP).

Comparison of the antitumor effects of a synthetic Falko JM: High density lipoprotein (HDL): a protective FEBS Lett 1980 Jan 1;109(1):112-6

biopolymer and standard adjuvants. Surgery 1980 Jul; lipoprotein. Ohio State Med J 1980 Aug;76(8):513-5 Falileeva EP see Potapov SL


Falko JM, Williams JC, Harvey DG, Weidman SW, Schonfeld Palileeva EP see Shuvaeva NI Falk RE see Ing PM

G, Dodson WE: Hyperlipoproteinemia and multifocal Faling LJ, Haesnert SP, Elihu CT, Schimmel EM: Occult Falk RE see Makowka L

neurologic dysfunction in systemic lupus erythematosus. bronchogenic carcinoma masquerading as esophageal Falk RH: Medication in acute myocardial infarction does J Pediatr 1979 Oct;95(4):523-9 cancer. Case reports with recommendations for a change it do as much harm as good? Med Hypotheses 1979 Oct; Falko JM, Schonfeld G, Witztum JL, Kolar J, Weidman SW: in reporting esophageal cytology. Arch Intern Med 1980 5(10):1123-7

Effects of estrogen therapy on apolipoprotein E in type Apr;140(4):489-91

Falk RH, Mackinnon J, Wainscoat J, Melikian V, Bignell Il hyperlipoproteinemia. Metabolism 1979 Nov; Faling LJ, Petusevsky ML, Snider GL: Nitrofurantoin and AH: Intravascular haemolysis after valve replacement: 28(11):1171-7

dantrolene; liver and lung [letter) Ann Intern Med 1980 comparative study between Starr-Edwards (ball valve) and Falko ÍM, Witztum JL, Schonfeld G, Bateman J: Dietary Jul;93(1):151

Björk-Shiley (disc valve) prosthesis. Thorax 1979 Dec; treatment of type V hyperlipoproteinemia fails to normalize Faling LJ see Binder RE


low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Paling LJ see Petusevsky ML

Falk RH: Adverse reactions to medication on a coronary Ann Intern Med 1979 Nov;91(5):750–1 Faling LJ see Pugatch RD

care unit. Postgrad Med J 1979 Dec;55(654):870–3 Falko JM, Schonfeld G, Witztum JL, Kolar JB, Weidman Falini B see Rambotti P Falk RH see Gruenwedel DW

SW, Steelman R: Effects of diet on apoprotein E levels Palini B see Velardi A

Falk RJ, Elliott JJ, Gianfortoni J, Rifka SM: Tubo-ovarian Falisevac J see Car V transposition for multifocal obstructive tubal disease.

. Clin Endocrinol Metab 1980 Mar; Falisevac J see Soldo I

Fertii Steril 1980 May;33(5):564-6

50(3):521-8 Falisevac V, Rotkvic I, Krstulovic B, Borčic V: Rani karcinom Falk UA see Falk G

Falko JM, Schonfeld G, Witztum JL, Kolar JB, Salmon P: želuca. Lijec Vjesn 1979 Jun;101(6):337-40 (Eng. Abstr.) Falk V: Medkännande attityd -- men räcker resurserna? Effects of short-term high carbohydrate, fat-free diet on

(Ser) Lakartidningen 1980 Feb 13;71(7):540_2 (Eng. Abstr.) plasma levels of Apo C-II and Apo C-III and on the Apo Falisevac V see Durakovic Z

(Swe) C subspecies in human plasma lipoproteins. Metabolism Faliu L, Lignereux Y, Barrat J, Rech J, Sautet JY: Etude Falk V see Forslin L

1980 Jul;29(7):654–61 en microscopie optique des poils (pili) de la faune pyrénéene Falk W, Goodwin RH Jr, Leonard EJ: A 48-well micro Falkoff M see Dehmer GJ sauvage en vue de leur détermination.

chemotaxis assembly for rapid and accurate measurement Falkovskis GE, Berishvili II: Edinstvennaia levaia Anat Histol Embryol 1979 Dec;8(4):307-17 (Eng. Abstr.) of leukocyte migration. J Immunol Methods 1980, koronarnaia aretriia so svishchom v pravyi zheludochek. (Fre) 33(3):239-47

Kardiologija 1979 Sep;19(9):115-6

(Rus) Falivene R see Tedeschi G Falk W see Palme G

Falkovskii GE, Aleksi-Meskhishvili W, Berishvili II: Falk AS see Cosman Falk W see Rosanelli K

Pereviazka ust'ia levoi koronarnos arterii u bol'nykh pri Falk CT, Rubinstein P: The effect of association of genetic Falkay G see Julesz J

ee otkhozhdeniia ot legochnogo stvola. Kardiologiia 1980 factors on relative risk. Ann Hum Genet 1980 Jan; Palkay G see Sjöberg B

Feb;20(2):45-51 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) 43(3):295-301

Falke D, Ronge K, Arendes J, Müller WE: Differential and Falkovskii GE, Aleksi-Meskhishvili W, Buzinova LA, Palk DB see Sorkin B

selective inhibition of cellular and herpes simplex virus Berishvili II: Klassicheskis anastomoz po Bleloku-Taussig Falk ES, Vik T: Disturbances in the metabolism of calcium DNA synthesis by arabinofuranosyladenine.

u detel pervykh let zhizni. Grudn Khir 1980 Jul-Aug; and vitamin D in a case of sarcoidosis. Biochim Biophys Acta 1979 Jun 20;563(1):36-45

4:9-15 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 1980;60(2):179-81

Falke D, Moser H, Link D, Müller WE: The effects of alpha- Falkow S see Crosa JH Falk ES: Serum immunoglobulin values in patients with and beta-D-arabinosyladenosine and

Falkow $ see Dallas WS scabies. Br J Dermatol 1980 Jan;102(1):57–61

beta-D-arabinosylthymine on the synthesis of HSV types Falkow S see Gil RE Falk ES: Modifisert pinch graft-teknikk i behandlingen av 1- and 2-infected cells. Adv Ophthalmol 1979;38:197-203 Falkow S see Gorai AP kroniske leggsår. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 1980 Jan 30, Falke D see Dierich MP

Falkow S see Lopez-Alvarez J 100(3):156-58 (Eng. Abstr.) (Nor) Falke D see Müller WE

Falkow S see Roberts M Falk G, Marcker B, Christoffersen P, Badskjaer J, Falke D see Röllinghoff M

Falkow S see Tompkins LS Christiansen I, Jørgensen EO, Larsen S: Praesentation af Falke HE see De Leeuw PW

Falkowski J: Lipolytische Aktivität aus Milch isolierter en datamat til ekg-overvågning. Ugeskr Laeger 1980 Jul Falkenberg F see Hahn H

Stämme der Art Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, Tsiklinsky 28;142(31):1981-3 (Eng. Abstr.) (Dan) Falkenberg K see Banaschak A

1899. Zentralbl Bakteriol (B] 1979 May;168(3–4):361-6 Falk G, Falk UA: Sexuality and the aged. Nurs Outlook 1980 Falkenberg N see Müller S

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Jan;28(1):51-5 Falkenberg VP see Janes WA

Falkowski L. Stefańska B, Zieliński J, Bylec E, Golik J, Falk G see Ashmore JF Falkenhagen D see Klinkmann H

Kołodziejczyk P, Borowski E: Methyl esters of Falk G see LeVeen HH Falkenbagen U see Oberender H

trimethylammonium derivatives of polyene macrolide Falk H, Telles NC, Ishak KG, Thomas LB, Popper H: Falkenhein SF, MacDonald H, Huber MM, Koch D, Parker antibiotics. J Antibiot (Tokyo) 1979 Oct;32(10):1080-1 Eidemiology of thorotrast-induced hepatic angiosarcoma CW: Effect of the 5-hydroperoxide of eicosatetraenoic acid Falkowski L, Jarzębski A, Stefańska B, Bylec E, Borowski

the United tes. Environ Res 1979 Feb;18(1):65-73 and inhibitors of the lipoxygenase pathway on the E: The synthesis of amides of polyene macrolide antibiotics. Falk H, Thomas LB, Popper H, Ishak KG: Hepatic formation of slow reacting substance by rat basophilic J Antibiot (Tokyo) 1980 Jan;33(1):103-4 angiosarcoma associated with androgenic-anabolic

leukemia cells; direct evidence that slow reacting substance Falkowski WS, Firlit CF: Hypospadias surgery: the X-shaped steroids. Lancet 1979 Nov 24;2(8152):1120-3

is a product of the lipoxygenase pathway. J Immunol 1980 elastic dressing. J Urol 1980 Jun;123(6):904–6 Falk H see Telles NC


Falkson G, Von Hoff D, Klaassen D, Du Plessis H, Van Der Falk HJ, Samit AM, Leban SG, Mashberg A: Pre-auricular Falkenhein SF see Parker CW

Merwe CF, Van Der Merwe AM, Carbone PP: A phase oat cell carcinoma metastases. J Surg Oncol 1980, Falkensammer M, Noelpp U, Rösler H: Extravaskuläre II study of neocarzinostatin (NSC 157365) in malignant 13(4):295-300 Lungenwasserbestimmung mit 131J-Antipyrin und

hepatoma. An Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group pilot Falk HL: Extrapolating carcinogenesis data from animals to 99m Tc-Humanserumalbumin. Nuklearmedizin 1979;

study. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1980 Apr;4(1):33-6 humans. Fed Proc 1980 Jan;39(1):76-80

18(6):263-5 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Falkson G see Cooper MR Falk HL, Jurgelski W Jr: Health effects of coal mining and Falkenstein U see Peters U

Falkson G see Falkson HC combustion: carcinogens and cofactors. Falkheden T see Andersson H

Falkson G see Henderson ES Environ Health Perspect 1979 Dec;33:203-26

Falkiewicz JT: Are group classes helpful for teaching cardiac Falkson G see Nissen NI Falk HL see Jurgelski W Jr

patients? Am J Nurs 1980 Mar;80(3):444

Falkson G see Pandya KJ Falk JA see Baker MA

Falkiner FR, Keane CT: Pseudomonas infection--recent Falkson HC, van der Watt JJ, Portugal MA, Schoeman HS, Falk JA see Falk RE

outbreaks in some Dublin hospitals. Ir Med J 1979 Aug Falkson G: Role of plasma carcinoembryonic antigen in Falk JA see Ing PM


evaluating patients with breast cancer treated with adjuvant Falk JA see Katz A

Falkinham JO 3d: Genelon and plasmid inheritance in chemotherapy. Cancer Treat Rep 1979 Aug;63(8):1303-9 Falk JA see Makowka L

Escherichia coli K-12. J Bacteriol 1979 Sep;139(3):1054-7 Falkson HC, Simson IW, Falkson G: Non-Hodgkin's Falk JL, Tang M: Schedule induction and overindulgence. Falkinham JO 3d: Identification of a mutation affecting an lymphoma in pregnancy. Cancer 1980 Apr 1;45(7):1679-82

Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1980 Jul;4(3):266–70 alanine-alpha-ketoisovalerate transaminase activity in Falkson JL: National health policy at mid-term. Falk JL see Lau CE

Escherichia coli K-12. MGG 1979 Oct 2;176(1):147-9 J Health Polit Policy Law 1979 Summer;4(2):346–9

Page 17

Famaey JP see Appelboom T
Fananapazir L see Shaw TR

Fanelli RJ see Dudek BC Famaey JP see Brodsky A

Fanardjian VV, Sarkissian VA: Spatial organization of the Fanelli RJ see McDaniel JR Famaey JP see Fontaine J

cerebellar corticovestibular projection in the cat.

Fanestil DD see Anderson NS 3d Famaey JP see Ginsberg F

Neuroscience 1980;5(3):551-8

Fanestil DD see Masters BR Fambrough DM, Devreotes PN, Gardner JM, Card DJ: The Fanardzhian VV, Kasabian SA, Manvelian LR: Sinapticheskie Fanestil DD see Warren SE

life history of acetylcholine receptors. Prog Brain Res 1979; protsessy v motoneironakh iadra litsevogo nerva pri Panetti G: Emotipologia della popolazione senese: frequenza 49:325-34 (28 ref.) razdrazhenii kaudal 'nogo troinichnogo nerva.

dell'antigene Cw. Quad Sclavo Diagn 1979 Mar; Famerée LCotteleer C, Van Den Abbeele 0: La trichinose Neirofiziologiia 1980;12(5):272-82 (Eng. Abstr.) (Rus) 15(1):109-14

(Ita) en Belgique. A propos d'une 'épidémie familiale après Fanardzhian V see Sarkisian VA

Fanfani B see Fossati F consommation de viande de sanglier. Rev Med Liege 1979 Fanaroff A see Abramowsky CR

Fanfani G, Carnevale F, Latorre F, Damato VD, Lenoci P, May 15;34(10):464-73 (Fre) Fanaroff A see Gross S

D'Addabbo A: Presentazione di un caso di artropatia Famerie C see Duvivier J Fanaroff A see Herrell N

ocronotica: studio comparativo radiografico e scintigrafico. Famewo CE see Adebonojo SA Fanaroff AA see Hack M

Radiol Med (Torino) 1979 Apr;65(4):221–6 (Eng. Abstr.) Famiglietti LA see del Vecchio M Fanaroff AA see Kliegman RM

(Ita) Familiades J see Laurent G Fanaroff AA see Mace s

Fang C see Mazzur S
Familiades J see Pellegrin M Fanburg BL see Deneke SM

Fang HC see Rumbaugh CL
Familiar RG see Dubb JW Fanburg BL see Lanzillo JJ

Fang HJ, Lu RM, Liu GS, Liu TC: (Studies on the Familiari G, Franchitto G, Correr S, Motta P: Fanburg BL see Marom z

components of essential oils. II. Comparison of the major Microperoxisomes in steroidogenic cells of the rat ovary: Fanburg BL see Polsky-Cynkin R

constituents of the essential oil from two species of Dang interstitial, thecal and luteal cells. Experientia 1979 Nov Fanburg BL see Westerman DE

gui (Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels and Levisticum 15;35(11):1503-5 Fanchenko ND see Manuilova IA

officinale Koch (author's transl)] Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao Familiari G see Re M Fanchenko ND see Selezneva ND

1979;14(10):617-23 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Chi) Familiari M see Curatola G Fanchenko ND see Strizhakov AN

Fang HS see Tsai LH Familusi JB see Oduntan So Fancher SC see Ritzema RJ

Fang JC, Friedman AE, MacDonald WE, Lewis RJ Sr, Tatken Famulari A see Cucchiara G

Fanciullacci M, Boccuni M, Pietrini U, Sicuteri F: The RL: Improvements in the NIOSH registry of toxic effects Famulari C see Barresi G

naloxone conjunctival test in morphine addiction.

of chemical substances. Drug Chem Toxicol 1980; Famulari N see Tress E

Eur J Pharmacol 1980 Feb 8;61(3):319-20

3(1):35-45 Famulari NG, Jelalian K: Cell surface expression of the env Fanciullacci M, Michelacci S, Curradi CSicuteri F: Fang JP see Wu YK

gene polyprotein of dual-tropic mink cell focus-forming Hyperresponsiveness of migraine patients to the Fang JS see Jagiello G

murine leukemia virus. J Virol 1979 Jun;30(3):720-8 hypotensive action of bromocriptine. Headache 1980 Mar; Fang LS, Tolkoff-Rubin NE, Rubin RH: Urinary tract Famulari NG see Kemp MC


infections in women. Compr Ther 1979 Sep;5(9):20-5 Famularo RA see Kimball CP

Fanciulli G, Esposito A: Valutazione epicritica delle cause Fang LS, Sirota RA, Ebert TH, Lichtenstein NS: Low Famuyiwa F see Phillips LA

di mortalità perinatale nell'Ospedale Civile di Alghero. fractional excretion of sodium with contrast media-induced Famuyiwa O see Macaron C

Minerva Pediatr 1979 Aug 15;31(15):1141-7 (Eng. Abstr.) acute renal failure. Arch Intern Med 1980 Apr;140(4):531-3 Famuyiwa 00, Eccleston D, Donaldson AA, Garside RF:

(Ita) Fang LS see Rubin RH Tardive dyskinesia and dementia. Br J Psychiatry 1979 Fanciulli R see Cadel A

Fang MH, Ginsberg AL, Dobbins WO 3d: Marked elevation Dec;135:500-4 Fanconi A see Herzka HS

in serum alkaline phosphatase activity as a manifestation Pan CC see Ho RJ

(Fanconi G), Wiedemann HR: Guido Fanconi (1892–1979) of systemic infection. Gastroenterology 1980 Mar; Fan CL, Brown GM: Partial purification and some properties in memoriam. Eur J Pediatr 1979 Nov;132(3):131-2

78(3):592-7 of biopterin synthase and dihydropterin oxidase from (Fanconi G), Professor Guido Fanconi (1. 1. 1892–11. 10. Fang MM, Lei KY, Kilgore LT: Effects of zinc deficiency Drosophila melanogaster. Biochem Genet 1979 Apr; 1979). Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1979 Nov 17; on dental caries in rats. J Nutr 1980 May;110(5):1032-6 17(3-4):351-69


(Ger) Fang QC see Lin M Fan D, Voelz H: A plasma membrane-associated (Fanconi G), Rossi E: In memoriam Guido Fanconi (1. 1. Fang R see Jou WM phospholipase in SV40-transformed 3T3 cells.

1892--10. 10. 1979). Helv Paediatr Acta 1979;34(5):393-6 Fang R see Verhoeyen M Exp Cell Res 1980 Mar;126(1):47-55

(Ger) Fang SC: Comparative study of uptake and tissue distribution Fan DP see Fast LD

(Fanconi G), Guido Fanconi (editorial] Med J Aust 1979 Dec of methylmercury in female rats by inhalation and oral Fan DP see Guertin DP


routes of administration. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol Fan DP see Hale AH

(Fanconi G), Zellweger H: Guido Fanconi, 1892-1979. 1980 Jan;24(1):65-72 Fan DP see Taku A

J Pediatr 1980 Apr;96(4):674-5

Fang SL see Wall JR
Fan FC, Chen RY, Schuessler GB, Chien S: Effects of (Fanconi G), Royer P: Guido fanconi ou le triomphe de Fang SM see Meikle AW

hematocrit variations on regional hemodynamics and l'investigation clinque en pédiatrie. Arch Fr Pediatr 1979 Fang V see Stern WC
oxygen transport in the dog. Am J Physiol 1980 Apr; Dec;36(10):967-8

(Fre) Fang VS see Deyo SN 238(4):H545-22 Fancourt-Smith PF see Turnbull KW

Fang VS see Furuhashi N Fan FC see Chen RY

Fáncsi T, Fehér G: Ultrastructural studies of chicken embryo Fang VS see Lucky AW Pan GJ see Hu ZB

chorioallantoic membrane during incubation.

Pang VS see Meltzer HY Fan GJ see Xu Y

Anat Histol Embryol 1979 Jun;8(2):151-9

Fang WF see Strobel HW Fan H see Bacheler LT Fand RS see Hill LS

Fangboner RF: Trochlear-oculomotor nerve interactions in Fan H see Breindl M

Fando JL, Wasterlain CG: A simple reproducible cell-free Xenopus laevis tadpoles: a temporal study. J Exp Zool 1979 Fan H see Jones M

system for measuring brain protein synthesis.

Sep;209(3):353-66 Fan H see Verma IM

Neurochem Res 1980 Feb;5(2):197-207

Fangboner RF, Luncsford AP, Vanable JW Jr. Trochlear Fan IJ, Han R: [The effect of harringtonine on the cell cycle Pando JL, Salinas M, Wasterlain CG: Age-dependent nerve regeneration in Xenopus laevis larvae. of L-1210 cells and the bone marrow stem cells in mice changes in brain protein synthesis in the rat.

J Exp Zool 1980 Feb;211(2):199-213 (author's transl)] Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1979 Aug; Neurochem Res 1980 Apr;5(4):373-83

Fanger MW, Lydyard PM: Receptors for IgM on human 14(8):467-73 (Eng. Abstr.) (Chi) Fando JM see Wasterlain CG

lymphocytes. III. Specificity of receptors. Fan JS see Weisinger RS

Fandraliuk VV, Kovalchuk TV: Spektrofotometrychne Clin Exp Immunol 1979 Sep;37(3):495-501 Fan KJ, Kovi J: Metastatic brain tumors in two vyznachennia dekaminu v preparati ta v likars’kykh Fanger MW see Birch RE

predominantly black hospitals: a statistical analysis. formakh. Farm Zh 1979;(4):43-5 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ukr) Fanger MW see Lydyard PM
) Natl Med Assoc 1979 Jul;71(7):671-2
Fandraliuk VV see Medvedovs'ky AO

Fanget B see Souvras M
Fan L see Chou Y

Fandrei G, Collins HL: Total residual chlorine: the effect Fanghänel J see Schumacher GH Fan P, Datta P: Incorporation of glycosidically linked sialic of short-term exposure on the emerald shiner Notropis Fangman WL see Nelson RG

acid from radiolabeled free sialic acid and cytidine atherinoides (Rafinesque). Bull Environ Contam Toxicol Fangman WL see Rivin CJ monophosphate-sialic acid by intact hamster fibroblasts: 1979 Sep;23(1-2):262-8

Fangman WL see Zakian VA a reexamination. Biochemistry 1980 Apr 29;19(9):1893-900 Fanego J see Toro M

Fani K see Debons AF Fan P see Miller B

Fanelli C see Morpurgo G

Fani P see Rotella CM Fan PL, Powers JM, Craig RG: In vitro wear of microfilled Fanelli GM Jr, Watson LS, Bohn DL, Russo HF: Diuretic Fani P see Toccafondi RS and visible light-cured composites. J Dent Res 1979 Nov; and uricosuric activity of

Faniel RA see Schoenfeld PL 58(11):2116-9

6,7-dichloro-2,3-dihydro-3-(2-thienylcarbonyl)benzofura Fanizza G see Marino A Fan PL see Brodbelt RH

acid and stereoisomers in chimpanzee, dog and rat. Fankhauser F, van der Zypen E, Bebie H: Behandlung des Fan PL see Powers JM J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1980 Feb;212(2):190-7

chronischen einfachen Glaukoms durch den Laserstrahl? Fan PL see Raptis CN Fanelli MR see Antonini E

Dtsch Med Wochenschr 1979 Oct 3;104(40):1393-4 Fan PT, Davis JA, Somer T, Kaplan L, Bluestone R: A clinical Fanelli O see Guarnieri C

(Ger) approach to systemic vasculitis. Semin Arthritis Rheum Fanelli R, Piemontese M, Di Michele M, De Matteis D: I1 Fankhauser F: Problems related to the design of automatic 1980 May;9(4):248-304

verapamil e la torsione di punta. G Ital Cardiol 1979; perimeters. Doc Ophthalmol 1979 Sep 17;47(1):89-139 Fan PT see Forouzesh S

9(9):1028-9 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) Fankhauser F see Bernhard K Fan S see Han J

Fanelli R, Bertoni MP, Bonfanti M, Castelli MG, Chiabrando Fankhauser F see Huber GK Fan SF, Sun LQ, Wang ZH, Wang WP, Xu SG: (Experimental C, Martelli GP, Noè MA, Noseda A, Garrattini S, Binaghi Fankhauser F see König C

analysis of the prompt curative effect of Salvia compositus C, Marazza V, Pezza F, Pozzoli D, Cicognetti G: Fankhauser F see van der Zypen E (author's transl)] Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1979;14(4):199-207 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin levels in cow's milk Fankhauser H, Kamano S, Hanamura T, Amano K, Hatanaka (Eng. Abstr.) (Chi) from the contaminated area of Seveso, Italy.

H: Abnormal origin of the posterior inferior cerebellar Fan SF, Wang WP, Wang ZH, Huang SK, Qu FJ, San YZ: Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 1980 Apr;24(4):634-9 artery. Case report. J Neurosurg 1979 Oct;51(4):569-71

(The effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza on the ischemic injury Fanelli R, Di Michele M, Centola G, De Matteis D: Infarto Pankhauser R. Bestetti G: Hamartieartige Melanose im of the intercalated disc of heart in rabbits (author's transl)] anterosettale mascherato dall'emiblocco posteriore sinistro Kleinhirn eines Maultieres. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 1979; Yao Hsueh Hsuch Pao 1979 Jul;14(7):416–20 (Eng. Abstr.) ed evidenziato dal blocco di branca destra instabile. 121(12):673-81 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) (Chi) Boll Soc Ital Cardiol 1979;24(3):291-7 (Eng. Abstr.) Fankhauser R, Fatzer R, Bestetti G, Deruaz JP, Perentes E: Fan VS, Ealy GT, McCammon JR: Inhibition of polyethylene

(Ita) Encephalopathy with Rosenthal fibre formation in a sheep. glycol-induced cell fusion of HEP2 cells by lectins. Fanelli R, Bertoni MP, Bonfanti M, Castelli MG, Chiabrando Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 1980;50(1):57-60 Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1979 Sep;161(4):484_7

C, Martelli GP, Noè MA, Noseda A, Sbarra C: Routine Fankhauser R, Hörning B: 175 Jahre tierärztliche Lehranstalt Fan WJ, Cohen NM: Excessive sweating in an apparently analysis of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in

zu Bern. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 1980 Feb; 122(2):57-94 normal teenager (letter) Pediatrics 1979 Nov;6475):698 biological samples from the contaminated area of Seveso,

(Ger) Fan YC see Lin MT

Italy. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 1980 Jun;24(6):818-23 Fankhauser R see Bestetti G
Fanak NM see Taran TT Fanelli R see Gescher A

Fankhauser R see Gerber H
Pananapazir L see Anderton JL Fanelli R see Pantarotto C

Fankhauser R see Ule G

Page 18

Faure C see Butel J Fausti SA see Erickson DA

Favaretto P see Gagni G
Fauré C see Garel L

Faustman D, Hauptfeld V, Davie JM, Lacy PE, Shreffler DC: Fávaro MI see Pires WR Faure C see Girardet JP

Murine pancreatic beta-cells express H-2K and H-2D but Favaro R, Pelaia P: Attualità in tema di MDF e shock. Fauré C see Neuenschwander S

not la antigens. J Exp Med 1980 Jun 1;151(6):1563-8 Minerva Anestesiol 1979 Jul-Aug;45(7-8):594-600 (Ita) Faure C see Pilichowski P Faustmann-Klein T see Hofmann D

Favaro S, Ossi E, Marati A, Faggion T, Baggio B, Inecco Faure D, Sonsino RJ, Filipe G, Dimitrof N, Bomsel F: Fausto A see Nahm TH

A, Antonello A, Borsatti A: La ricerca degli anticorpi adesi Cellulite de jambe, révélatrice de pandiaphysite chez Fausto AC see Baran DT

ai batteri come indice dell'efficacia del trattamento in corso l'enfant. J Radiol 1979 Oct;60(10):631-6 (Eng. Abstr.) Fausto N see McGowan J

di pielonefrite. Ann Sclavo 1979 Mar-Apr;21(2):229-34 (Fre) Fausto N see Scholla CA

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) Faure F see Padovani J

Faustov LA: Patologicheskaia anatomiia polovykh zhelez pri Favaro S see Baggio B Faure F see Verneyre H

eksperimental'nom khimicheskom kantserogeneze

Favaro S see Ferrari M Faure G, Guidicelli H, Chirpaz A, Revol M, Debru JL, kishechnika. Vopr Onkol 1979;25(8):94

(Rus) Favata MF see Smith KA Cordonnier D: Place de la chirurgie extra-corporelle dans Faustov VS see Kovalevskiy EI

Favazza AF: Les stéréotypes nationaux. La fin d'une ère. le traitement des lésions graves de l'artère rénale et de ses Faustova ME see Vishniakova LA

Ann Med Psychol (Paris) 1979 Mar-Apr;137(3-4):278 branches. Arch Mal Coeur 1979 Nov;72 Spec no:44–50 Faut MM see DeWald RL

(Fre) (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre) Fauteaux P see Dussault RG

Favazza AR, Cannell B: Failure to diagnose alcoholism and Faure G see Desor D Fauteux JP see Duranceau A

drug abuse. Drug Alcohol Depend 1979 Nov;4(6):499–501 Faure G see Gaucher A Fauteux JP see Schürch W

Favennec F see Ardouin M Faure G see Netter P

Fautz E, Rosenfelder G, Grotjahn L: Iso-branched 2- and Faverdin C see Arhan P Faure H, Faure-Martinet ML, Sailhan M, Larue JY, Vie M, 3-hydroxy fatty acids as characteristic lipid constituents Favero A see Gandini G

Seckler M: Cuatro años de investigación clínica con of some gliding bacteria. J Bacteriol 1979 Dec;140(3):852–8 Favero J, Winternitz F: Microbiological transformation of minaprina en 85 casos neuropsiquiátricos.

Fauve RM: Immunostimulation and host resistance against 1,2-diphenyl-3,5 dioxo-4-n-butyl pyrazolidine Actas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr 1979 Nov-Dec; infection: therapeutic perspectives. Adv Nephrol 1980; (phenylbutazone). Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 1980; 7(6):389-94 (Spa) 9:167-86 (94 rel.)

5(1):1-7 Faure H see Carabalona B

Fauve RM, Hévin MB: Inflammation et résistance Favero MS, Maynard JE, Leger RT, Graham DR, Dixon RE: Faure H see Coulomb M

antibactérienne. I.--Augmentation de la résistance des Guidelines for the care of patients hospitalized with viral Faure H see Pellegrin M

souris à l'infection par Listeria monocytogenes et hepatitis. Ann Intern Med 1979 Dec;91(6):872-6 Faure H see Roche J

Salmonella typhi-murium après traitement par la Favero MS see Bernick JJ Faure J: Résection périnéo-transano-abdominale du rectum. bradykinine, la kallidine et la

Favero MS see Bond WW J Chir (Paris) 1979 May;116(5):365-9 (Eng. Abstr.) méthionine-lysine-bradykinine. Ann Immunol (Paris) 1979 Favero MS see Carson LA (Fre) Sep-Oct;130C(5):743-8 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) Favero MS see Petersen NJ Faure J see Vignoles M

Fauvel F, Legrand YJ, Kühn K, Bentz H, Fietzek PP, Caen Favero MS see Schable CA Faure M, Colomb D: Dermal duct tumor. J Cutan Pathol JP: Platelet adhesion to type III collagen : involvement Favetta S see Pilotti G 1979 Aug;6(4):317-22

of a sequence of nine aminoacids from alpha 1 (III) CB Favez G: L'atteinte des voies aériennes périphériques. Faure M, Ortonne JP, Floret D, Perrot H, Thivolet J: Le peptide. Thromb Res 1979;16(1-2):269-73

Rev Med Suisse Romande 1979 Apr;99(4):193-6 (Fre) syndrome 49 XXXXY. A propos d'un cas avec ulcère de Fauvel F, Legrand YJ: Inhibition of type III

collagen induced Favez G: La lutte antituberculeuse: des choix pour demain. jambe et perturbations endocriniennes. Sem Hop Paris 1980 platelet aggregation by active alpha 1 (III) CB4 peptide Praxis 1979 Dec 27;68(52):1715-6

(Fre) May 8-15;56(17-18):823–6 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) fragments. Thromb Res 1980 Jan 1-15;17(1-2):285-7 Favez G see Vejdovsky Ř Faure M see Thivolet J Fauvel F see Legrand Y

Favi P see Casetti P Faure N see Cronin MJ Fauvel J see Lombardo D

Favier G see Lefebvre JC Faure X see Boutte P

Fauvel JM see Bernadet P

Favier R see Eclache JP Faure-Martinet ML see Faure H

Fauvel JM see Sabot G

Favilla JT see Namboodiri MA Faurel JF see Haas C

Fauvel M, Artsob H, Calisher CH, Davignon L, Chagnon A, Favilla R, Cavatorta P, Mazzini A, Fava A: The peroxidatic Faures B see Chaouat Y

Skvorc-Ranko R, Belloncik S: California group virus reaction catalyzed by horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase. Faus MJ see Hortelano P

encephalitis in three children from Quebec: clinical and 2. Steady-state kinetics and inactivation. Eur J Biochem Fausa O see Brinch L

serologic findings. Can Med Assoc J 1980 Jan 12; 1980 Feb; 104(1):223-7 Fausa O see Rognum TO

122(1):60-2, 64

Favilla R, Mazzini A, Fava A, Cavatorta P: The peroxidatic Fauser AA, Messner HA: Proliferative state of human Fauvel M see Payment P

reaction catalyzed by horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase. pluripotent hemopoietic progenitors (CFU-GEMM) in Fauvel M see Skvorc-Ranko R

1. Salient features. Eur J Biochem 1980 Feb; 104(1):217-22 normal individuals and under regenerative conditions after Fauvy A, Gros JJ, Malvy F, Passuti N, Sejourne P: Le Favilla R see Cavatorta P bone

transplantation. Blood 1979 Nov; traitement orthopédique des fractures complexes de Favilla R see Mazzini A 54(5):1197-200


ieure du fémur. Ann Chir 979 Feb; Favilla S see Gensini GF Fauser AA, Messner HA: Fetal hemoglobin in mixed 33(2):103-8 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) Favilla S see Neri Serneri GG hemopoietic colonies (CFU-GEMM), erythroid bursts Faux AP see Bollenbacher WE

Favini G, Arosio A, Libretti A: Bone metastases from breast (BFU-E) and erythroid colonies (CFU-E): assessment by Faux JA see Morris MJ

cancer treated with calcitonin. Case report. Tumori 1979 radioimmune assay and immunofluorescence. Blood 1979 Fauxpoint B see Carrica A

Dec 31;65(6):713–7 Dec;54(6):1384-94 Fauxpoint B see Chovet M

Favini P see Vigo P Fauser AA see Messner HA Fauxpoint B see Labat P

Favino A see Rozza Dionigi A Fauser DJ see Gibbs J

Fauziia Saied


Kondrat'eva TS: Tekhnologiia Favis GR, Colman RW: Effect of heterologous antibody on Fauser JJ: AMA's role in recognizing new health izgotovleniia stabil'nykh glaznykh kapel_fetanola i ego human platelet prostaglandin synthesis.

occupations (editorial] JAMA 1980 Mar 7;243(9):931 kombinatsii s pilokarpina gidokhlridom. Farmatsiia 1979 Immunol Commun 1980;9(1):13-22 Fausone G see Massaioli N

Sep-Oct;28(5):21-4 (Eng. Abstr.)


Favoino B see Laurentaci G Faust C see Heintel H Fava A see Bartolo M

Favoriti RE: A discussion of issues challenging the practice Faust CC see Juberg RC Fava A see Favilla R

of clinical engineering. A lawyer's viewpoint. Faust CH Jr, Moore JM, Heim IE: Mouse immunoglobulin Fara A see Mazzini A

Med Instrum 1979 Sep-Oct;13(5):309-11 mu heavy chain mRNA of Y5781, a high yield myeloma. Fava AS see de Carvalho MB

Favoriti RE: The legal significance of clinical engineering J Biol Chem 1979 Nov 10;254(21):10569-71 Fava D see Kogan N

certification. Med Instrum 1980 May-Jun;14(3):141-3 Faust EA, Ward DC: Incomplete genomes of the parvovirus Fava G see Canestrari R

Favorov VV, Vozhova EI, Denisenko VA, Elyakova LA: A minute virus of mice: selective conservation of genome Fava G see Fornasa CV

study of the reaction catalysed by alginate lyase VI from termini, including the origin for DNA replication. Fava GA, Pavan L: Consultation psychiatry in an Italian the sea mollusc, Littorina sp. Biochim Biophys Acta 1979 J Virol 1979 Oct;32(1):276-92 general hospital: a report on 500 referrals.

Aug 15;569(2):259-66 (Faust EC), Beaver PC: In memoriam: Ernest Carroll Faust Gen Hosp Psychiatry 1980 Mar;2(1):35-40

Favorova LA see Nikitin DP (1890-1978). J Parasitol 1979 Dec;65(6):956–7

Fava GE, Brown GC, Shields JA, Broocker G: Choroidal Favorova 00 see Kovaleva GK Faust H see Czarnetzki HD

osteoma in a 6-year-old child.

Favre A, Ballini JP, Holler E: Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase Faust HS: Recordkeeping and physician certification of J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 1980 May-Jun; induced conformational change of Escherichia coli tRNA measles immunization status. Am J Dis Child 1980 Feb; 17(3):203-5

phe. Biochemistry 1979 Jun 26;18(13):2887-95 134(2):203-4 Pava J see Rasslan S

Favre B: Nutritional evaluation and acceptance of a novel Faust JR, Goldstein JL, Brown MS: Squalene synthetase Fave-De-Moraes F see Doine AI

spun protein food. J Am Oil Chem Soc 1979 Mar; activity in human fibroblasts: regulation via the low density Fava-De-Moraes F see Val-Sella MV

56(3):146-50 lipoprotein receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1979 Oct; Favale E see Abbruzzese G

Favre D, Sans A: Morphological changes in afferent 76(10):5018-22 Favale E see Abbruzzese M

vestibular hair cell synapses during the postnatal Faust ÍR, Brown MS, Goldstein JL: Synthesis of delta Favale E see Cocito L

development of the cat. J Neurocytol 1979 Dec;8(6):765-75 2-isopentenyl tRNA from mevalonate in cultured human Favale E see Seitun A

Favre H, Louis F, Gourjon M: Role of the basal sodium intake fibroblasts. J Biol Chem 1980 Jul 25;255(14):6546-8 Favale E see Tartaglione A

in the rats on their response to a natriuretic factor. Faust L: Therapy and function: an issue of professional Favale S see Di Biase M

Pfluegers Arch 1979 Oct;382(1):73-9 direction. AJOT 1979 Nov;33(11):725-7

Favalli C, Garaci E, Santoro MG, Santucci L, Jaffe BM: The Favre H see Brügger E Panst R see Kriesten K

effect of PGAI on the immune response in B-16 Favre H see Louis F Faust U see Heintel H

melanoma-bearing mice. Prostaglandins 1980 Apr; Favre H see Meignier B Faust V: Herzsensationen aus nervenärztlicher Sicht.


Favre H see Vonlanthen M ZFA (Stuttgart) 1980 Jan 10;56(1):29-36

(Ger) Favalli C, Garaci E, Etheredge E, Santoro MG, Jaffe BM: Favre J, Besançon D, Siebert S, Bernard P: Intérêt du lavage Fausti SA, Frey RH, Erickson DA, Rappaport BZ: 2AFC Influence of PGE the immune response

in intra-utérin dans le diagnostic cytologique des lésions de versus standard clinical measurement of high frequency melanoma-bearing mice. J Immunol 1980

l'endomètre. Arch Anat Cytol Pathol 1979;27(5):316-9 auditory sensitivity (8—-20 KC/S). J Aud Res 1979 Apr; 125(2):897-902

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) 19(2):151-7 Favalli L see Rozza Dionigi A

Favre J, Besançon D, Siebert S, Bernard P: Intérêt du lavage Fausti SA, Frey RH, Rappaport BZ, Erickson DA: An Favaloro J, Treisman R, Kamen R: Transcription maps of intral-utérin dans le diagnostic cytologique des lésions de

investigation of the effect of bumetanide on high frequency polyoma virus-specific RNA: analysis by two-dimensional l'endomètre. Sem Hop Paris 1980 May 8-15; (8 - 20 kHz) hearing in humans. J Aud Res 1978 Oct; nuclease si gel mapping. Methods Enzymol 1980; 56(17-18):843–6 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) 18(4):243-50 65(1):718-49

Favre JP, Midenet M, Coudrot A, Coudrot M, Porcar H, Fausti SA, Frey RH, Erickson DA, Rappaport BZ, Cleary Favaloro R see Laguens RP

Sevin A: Les difficultés d'accession et de développement EJ, Brummett RE: A system for evaluating auditory Favara BE see Ambruso DR

de la fonction sémiotique chez l'efant psychotique function from 8000 -20 000 Hz. J Acoust Soc Am 1979 Favarel-Guarrigues JC see Cardinaud JP

d'eficitaire. Possibilités thérapeutiques. Dec;66(6):1713-8 Favaretto L see Enzi G

Neuropsychiatr Enfance Adolesc 1979 Jul-Aug;

Page 19

Feeney J, Roberts GC, Kaptein R, Birdsall B, Gronenborn Fehér E, Csányi K, Vajda J: Degeneration analysis of the Fee JA see Bailey DB

A, Burgen AS: Photo-CIDNP studies of the influence of efferent nerves to the urinary bladder in the cat. Fee JP, Black GW, Dundee JW, McIlroy PD, Johnston HM, ligand binding on the surface accessibility of aromatic Acta Anat (Basel) 1980; 107(1):80-90

Johnston SB, Black IH, McNeill HG, Neill DW, Doggart residues in dihydrofolate reductase. Biochemistry 1980 May Fehér E, Vajda J: Interneuronal synapses in the local ganglia JR, Merrett JD, McDonald JR, Bradley DS, Haire M, 27;19(11):2466–72

of the cat urinary bladder. Acta Anat (Basel) 1979; McMillan SA: A prospective study of liver enzyme and Feeney J, Roberts GC, Thomson JW, King RW, Griffiths DV, 104(3):340-8 other changes following repeat administration of halothane Burgen AS: Proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of Fehér E, Magasi P, Kontz P: Innervation of the ureterovesical

and enflurane. Br J Anaesth 1979 Dec;51(12):1133-41 the effects of ligand binding on tryptophan residues of junction musculature of man. Fee JP, Black GW, Dundee JW, McIlroy PD, Black IH, selectively deuterated dihydrofolate reductase from Acta Morphol Acad Sci Hung 1979;27(1-2):1-9 Doggart JR: Halothane and anicteric hepatitis [letter) Lactobacillus casei. Biochemistry

1980 May 27; Fehér E, Csányi K, Vajda J: Intrinsic innervation of the Lancet 1980 Feb 16;1(8164):361 19(11):2316-21

urinary bladder. Acta Anat (Basel) 1980;106(3):335-44 Fee JP, McDonald JR, Dundee JW: Frequency of atopy, Feeney J see Cayley PJ

Fehér G: Dottersacksteine beim Hausgeflügel. allergy, and previous general anaesthesia in surgical Feeney J see Roberts GC

Anat Histol Embryol 1979 Dec;8(4):360-4 (Eng. Abstr.) specialties. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1980 Mar;62(2):125-8 Feeney J see Wyeth P

(Ger) Fee JP see Dundee JW

Feeney JG, Basu SB: Bacteroides infection in fibroids during Fehér G see Fáncsi T Fee JP see Johnston SB

the puerperium. Br Med J 1979 Oct 27;2(6197):1038-9 Feber G see Schönfeld M Fee JP see McIlroy PD Feeney JG see Basu SB

Fehér I see Gidáli J Fee WE see Jacobs C Feeney M see Bast RC Jr

Feber I see Libman E Fee WE Jr, Schoeppel SL, Rubenstein R, Goffinet DR, Goode Feeney MJ see Vermeersch JA

Fehér J, Antal M: Ischemic retinal alterations in cardiac RL, Boles R, Tuschman M: Squamous cell carcinoma of Feeney RE see Fretheim K

arrest. Ann Ophthalmol 1979 Jun;11(6):909-13 the soft palate. Arch Otolaryngol 1979 Dec;105(12):710-8 Feeney RE see Geoghegan KF

Fehér J, Timerman A: Fundamentos de ressuscitação Fee WE Jr, Windhorst P, Wiggins R, Pang L: Synovial Feeney RE see Lee HS

cardiopulmonar. Arq Bras Cardiol 1979 Aug;33(2):141-4 chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint. Feeney RE see Mulvihill DM

(Por) Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1979 Nov-Dec;87(6):741-8 Feeney RE see Puigserver AJ

Feber J see de Oliveira LC Fee WE Jr see Cochran JH Jr Feeney RE see Walsh RG

Fehér J see Szondy E Fee WE Jr see Goode RL

Feeney RJ see Cooper S

Feher JJ, Briggs FN, Hess ML: Characterization of cardiac Fee WE Jr see Stillwater LB

Feeney-Burns L, Mixon RN: Development of amelanotic sarcoplasmic reticulum from ischemic myocardium: Fee WG see Powanda MC

retinal pigment epithelium in eyes with a tapetum lacidum: comparison of isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum with Feeback DL see Kosanke SD

melanosome autophagy and termination of melanogenesis. unfractionated homogenates. J Mol Cell Cardiol 1980 Apr; Feeback DL see White GL Dev Biol 1979 Sep;72(1):73-88

12(4):427-32 Feehan HV: Medication patterns--cause for interprofessional Feeney-Burns L, Burns RP, Anderson RS: Ultrastructure and Fehér O see Baranyi A liaison. Aust Fam Physician 1979 Oct;8(10):1075-8

acid phosphatase activity in hereditary cataracts of deer Fehér O see Rojik I Feek CM, Sawers JS, Irvine WJ, Beckett GJ, Ratcliffe WA, mice. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1980 Jul;19(7):777-88 Fehér O see Toldi J Toft AD: Combination of potassium iodide and propranolol Feeney-Burns L see Berman ER

Fehér T see Bodrogi L in preparation of patients with Graves' disease for thyroid Feeney-Burns L see Burns RP

Fehér Z, Nagy G, Tóth K, Pungor E, Tóth A: Determination surgery. N Engl J Med 1980 Apr 17;302(16):883-5 Feenstra BW, Holsheimer J: Dipole-like neuronal sources of the prostaglandin F2 alpha content of pharmaceutical Feek CM see Freedman ZR

of theta rhythm in dorsal hippocampus, dentate gyrus and preparations with triangle programmed bromimetric Feek CM see Irvine WJ cingulate cortex of the urethane-anesthetized rat.

titration in flowing solutions. Analyst 1979 Jun; Feeley JC, Curlin GT, Aziz KM, Wiggins GL, Albritton WL: Electroencephalogi Clin Neurophysiol 1979 Nov; 104(1239):560–5 Response of children in Bangladesh to adult-type 47(5):532-8

Fehérvári S, Fráter L: A röntgenológiai szivtérfogat tetanus-diphtheria toxoid (TD) administered during a field Feenstra ES see Sobota JT

mérésének néhány problémájáról. Orv Hetil 1979 Sep 9; trial of cholera toxoid. J Biol Stand 1979 Jul;7(3):249-52 Feenstra K see Rittersma J


(Hun) Feeley JC, Gibson RJ, Gorman GW, Langford NC, Rasheed Feenstra L. van Delden L, Leene W, Veerman AJ: Het Fehily AM see Dickerson JW

JK, Mackel DC, Baine WB: Charcoal-yeast extract agar: immotiele-ciliasyndroom. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1980 Fehir KM see Rossof AH primary isolation medium for Legionella pneumophila. Mar 8;124(10):340-3 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Dut) Fehlauer KU see Kruse HJ J Clin Microbiol 1979 Oct;10(4):437-41 Feenstra L see Glasscock ME 3d

Fehle F see Kasper H Feeley JC, Wells JG, Tsai TF, Puhr ND: Detection of Feenstra L see Swart JG

Fehlhaber HW see Hornke I enterotoxigenic and invasive strains of Yersinia Feenstra L see Veerman AJ

Fehling C, Jägerstad M: Interrelationships between enterocolitica. Contrib Microbiol Immunol 1979;5:329-34 Feenstra MG, Rollema H, Horn AS, Dijkstra D, Grol CJ, experimental vitamin B12 deficiency and folate deficiency Feeley JC see Berdal BP

Westerink BH, Westerbrink A: Effect of

with special reference to the nervous system. Feeley JC see Blake PA

dihydroxy-2-aminotetralin derivatives dopamine In: Folic acid in neurology, psychiatry, and internal Feeley JC see Cordes LG

metabolism in the rat striatum.

medicine. New York: Raven Press, 1979. WD 120 F665 Feeley JC see Gunn RA

Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 1980 Jan; 1979. pp.:517-22 Feeley JC see Klein GC


Fehlings K: Intravenöse regionale Anästhesie an der V. Feeley JC see McCormick JB Feenstra MG see Rollema H

digitalis dorsalis communis III eine brauchbare Feeley JC see Pasculle AW Feenstra MG see Westerink BH

Möglichkeit zur Schmerzausschaltung bei Eingriffen au den Feeley JC see Zink DL Feeny D see Goldberg M

Vorderzehen des Rindes. DTW 1980 Jan 5;87(1):4-7 (Eng. Feeley M, Duggan B, O'Callagan M, Callaghan N, Seldrup Feeny DA see Strecker W


(Ger) J: The therapeutic range for phenytoin--a reappraisal. Peer H: Nichtverbale Kommunikation und ihre Impikationen Fehlmann M, Le Cam A, Freychet P: Insulin and glucagon Ir J Med Sci 1979 Feb; 148(2):44–9

für die Psychiatrie. Confin Psychiatr 1979;22(1):1-8 (Eng. stimulation of amino acid transport in isolated rat Feeley TW see Quan SF


(Ger) hepatocytes. Synthesis of a high affinity component of Feeley TW see Quasha AL Feerst D see Talano JV

transport. J Biol Chem 1979 Oct 25;254 20):10431-7 Feely C see Erber J

Feery BJ, Matthews RN, Evered MG, Gallichio HA: Fehlmann W see Eberhard P Feely J, Isles TE, Ratcliffe WA, Crooks J: Propranolol, Antibody responses to influenza virus vaccine in patients Fehlow P: Sexuelle Gewaltdelikte Jugendlichter.

triiodothyronine, reverse triiodothyronine and thyroid with acute lymphocytic leukaemia. Aust Paediatr J 1979 Aerztl Jugendkd 1979 Aug;70(4):282–8 (Eng. Abstr.) disease. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1979 May;10(5):531-8 Sep;15(3):177-80

(Ger) Feely J, Crooks J, Stevenson IH: Altered pharmacokinetics Peery BJ, Phelan PD, Gallichio HA, Hampson AW: Antibody Fehm HL, Voigt KH: Pathophysiology of Cushing's disease. of propranolol in hyperthyroidism (proceedings)

responses to influenza virus vaccine in patients with cystic Pathobiol Annu 1979;9:225-55 (142 ref.) Br J Clin Pharmacol 1979 Oct;8(4):387P

fibrosis. Aust Paediatr J 1979 Sep;15(3):181-2

Fehm HL, Voigt KH, Lang RE, Pfeiffer EF: Effects of Feely J: Beta-blockers in thyrotoxicosis (letter) Lancet 1980 Feery BJ, Gallichio HA, Rodda SJ, Hampson AW: Antibody neurotransmitters on the release of corticotropin releasing Mar 8;1(8167):542

responses to influenza vaccines containing A/USSR/90/77. hormone (CRH) by rat hypothalamic tissue in vitro. Feely J, Stevenson IH, Crooks J: Propranolol dynamics in Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci 1979 Jun;57(3):335–44

Exp Brain Res 1980;39(2):229–34 thyrotoxicosis. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1980 Jul;28(1):40-4 Peesey M see Zucker ML

Fehm HL see Kratzsch G Feely J: Potassium iodide and propranolol in Graves' disease Feest TG see Dunham WR

Fehmiu E see Haxhiu MA [letter) N Engl J Med 1980 Aug 28;303(9):528 Feest TG see Wrong OM

Pehr F, Keller-Juslén C, King HD, Loosli HR, Kuhn M, Von Feely M, O’Callagan M, Duggan B, Callaghan N: Feezor M see Ziser M

Wartburg A: Correction of the stereo structures of Phenobarbitone in previously untreated epilepsy. Fefer A: Bone marrow transplants in leukemia patients in mutalomycin, noboritomycin A and noboritomycin B J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1980 Apr;43(4):364–8 remission (interview] CA 1980 Jan-Feb;30(1):45-52

[letter) J Antibiot (Tokyo) 1979 May;32(5):535-6 Feely M: Recent developments in the surgical treatment of refer A see Appelbaum FR

Fehr H see Clémençon G pituitary tumours. Ir J Med Sci 1980 Jan;149(1):28-35 (25 Fefer A see Cheever MA

Fehr HF, Deucher F: The colon. Part II: Partial colectomy ref.) Fefer A see Storb R

and myotomy. Clin Gastroenterol 1979 May;8(2):415-28 Feely M see Allen LM Feferman I: The hypertensive patient (letter)

Fehr J, Grossmann HC: Disparity between circulating and Feen AE see Aristizabal SA

Can Med Assoc Í 1980 Feb 9;122(3):270, 273

marginated neutrophils: evidence from studies on the Feen DJ see Ringer M Feferman I: Emergency department staffing [letter)

granulocyte alkaline phosphatase, a marker of cell maturity. Feeney AR, Cooke EM, Shinebaum R: A comparative study Can Med Assoc J 1980 Feb 9;122(3):284

Am J Hematol 1979;7(4):369-79 of gram-negative aerobic bacilli in the faeces of babies born Feffer D see Hand JS

Fehr J see Dahinden C in hospital and at home. J Hyg (Lond) 1980 Feb;84(1):91–6 Fefferman R see Schoen EJ

Fehr J see Frei D Feeney B: The institute for consumer ergonomics: aims and Feflix JK see Goldstein PJ

Fehr J see Lutz HU current research (news) Int J Rehabil Res 1979;2(1):107–8 Fegelman RH see Bass J Jr

Fehr K, Baici A, Velvart M, Knöpfel M, Rauber M, Feeney DA, Thrall DE, Barber DL, Culver DH, Lewis RE: Feger J see Agneray J

Sommermeyer G, Salgam P, Cohen G, Böni A: Die Normal canine excretory urogram: effects of dose, time, Feger J see Biou D

chronische Polyarthritis: Rolle der polymorph-kernigen and individual dog variation. Am J Vet Res 1979 Nov; Feger J see Deniau JM

Leukozyten bei der Zerstoerung von Pannus-freiem 40(11):1596-604 Feger J see Hammond C

Gelenkknorpel. Bull Schweiz Akad Med Wiss 1979 Sep; Feeney DA, Barber DL, Culver DH, Prasse KW, Thrall DE, Féger J see Massamiri Y

35(4–6):317-27 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Lewis RE: Canine excretory urogram: correlation with Feger J see Thierry AM

Fehr K see Aufdermaur M base-line measurements. Am J Vet Res 1980 Feb; Feggetter G: Suicide in opera. Br J Psychiatry 1980 Jun; Fehr K see Baici A 41(2):279-83


Fehr K see Cohen G Feeney DA see Johnston GR

Feggi LM, Bighi SM: Technical notes for scintigraphy of Fehr K see Knüsel O Feeney DM, Wier CS: Sensory neglect after lesions of Meckel's diverticulum. J Nucl Med 1979 Aug;20(8):888-9 Fehr LA, Stamps LE: Guilt and shyness: a profile of social

substantia nigra or lateral hypothalamus: differential Fegiz G, Indinnimeo M: Neoplasie del colon destro, della discomfort. J Pers Assess 1979 Oct;43(5):481-4 severity and recovery of function. Brain Res 1979 Dec 14; metà destra del trasverso e tumori multipli del grosso Febr LA: Media violence and catharsis in college females. 178(2-3):329–46

intestino. Minerva Med 1980 Mar 17;71(10):739-45 (Ita) J Soc Psychol 1979 Dec;109(Second Half):307-8

Page 20

Fein R: Medicine and government: a commencement address. Feingold J see Demenais F

calcium precedes the onset of stimulus-induced exocytosis N Engl J Med 1980 Jul 24;303(4):219-21 Feingold J see Emerit I

in platelets. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1980 Mar 28; Fein SH see Noe JM Feingold J see Nézelof C

93(2):593-600 Fein W: Repair of total and subtotal symblepharons. Feingold KR, Wiley MH, Searle GL, Machida BK, Siperstein Feinstein MB see Vanderboek JY Ophthalmic Surg 1979 Jun;10(6):44–7

MD: Sex difference in human mevalonate metabolism. Feinstein MB see Walenga R Feinberg AP, Springer WR, Barondes SH: Segregation of J Clin Invest 1980 Aug;66(2):361-6

Feinstein MC see Frydman R pre-stalk and pre-spore cells of Dictyostelium discoideum: Feingold M, Sklower SL, Willner JP, Desnick RH, Cohen Feinstein MC see Gendrel D observations consistent with selective cell cohesion.

MM: Craniosynostosis-radial aplasia: Baller-Gerold Feinstein MC see Naboul K Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1979 Aug;76(8):3977-81

syndrome. Am J Dis Child 1979 Dec;133(12):1279-80 Feinstein R see Harris NS Feinberg BA, Johnson WV: Ionic strength, pH, and the Feingold M, Insler V, Shwartz S: (Urinary estriol in the Feinstein S see Majumdar SK

electrostatic correction of redox protein reaction rates. management of high risk pregnancies) Harefuah 1979 Oct; Feinstone SF see Wankya BM Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1980 Mar 13;93(1):100-5 97(7-8):153–6 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Heb) Feinstone SM, Purcell RH: New methods for the Feinberg BA see Dyer C Feingold M see Gellis S

serodiagnosis of hepatitis A. Gastroenterology 1980 May; Feinberg BA see Ilan Y Feingold M see Gellis SS

78(5 Pt 1):1092-4 Feinberg BA see Inglin M Feingold M see Insler V

Feinstone SM see Mathiesen LR Feinberg BA see Reinsch JW

Feingold M see Levin S

Peintuch JJ see Loegering DJ
Feinberg H, Levitsky S, Coughlin TR, Merchant F, Holland Feingold M see Silling G

Feiock K see Cortin P CH, O'Donaghue M: Effect of dipyridamole Feingold MH, Hidvegi E, Horwitz SJ: Bilateral carpal tunnel Feiring C, Lewis M: Sex and age differences in young ischemia-induced changes in cardiac performance and syndrome in an adolescent. Am J Dis Child 1980 Apr; children's reactions to frustration: a further look at the metabolism. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1980;2(3):299–307 134(4):394-5

Goldberg and Lewis subjects. Child Dev 1979 Sep; Feinberg H see Coughlin TR Jr Feingold N see Cannat A

50(3):848-53 Feinberg H see Kornecki E Feingold N see Dumont J

Feirtag M see Nauta WJ Feinberg 1, Fein G, Floyd TC: Period and amplitude analysis Feingold RM see Schnitman PA

Feisal KA, Fuleihan FJ: Pulmonary gas exchange during of NREM EEG in sleep: repeatability of results in young Feingold SM see Hahn EW

exercise in young asthmatic patients. Thorax 1979 Jun; adults. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1980 Feb; Feingold W see Levin S

34(3):393-6 48(2):212-21 Feinhandler DA see Altshuler HL

Feiss M: On inactivation of bacteriophage lambda by Feinberg J, Andree M: Dynamic foot splint for the Hoffman Feinleib M, Kannel WB, Tedeschi CG, Landau TK, Garrison hydroxylamine. Mutat Res 1980 Feb;69(2):225-9 apparatus. AJOT 1980 Jan;34(1):45

RJ: The relation of antemortem characteristics to Feiss M see Citron BA Feinberg JF: Community medicine in family practice (letter) cardiovascular findings at necropsy--The Framingham Feiss M see Georgopoulos CP J Fam Pract 1979 Dec;9(6):997

Study. Atherosclerosis 1979 Oct;34(2):145-57

Feiss P see Horellou MF Feinberg JI see Pensabene JW

Feinleib M, Garrison RJ: The contribution of family studies Feist D, Wesch H: Die hepatische Manifestationsform des Feinberg LA see Schultz RC

to the partitioning of population variation of blood Morbus Wilson im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Feinberg LE: Perioperative care of patients with cardiac pressure. Prog Clin Biol Res 1979;32:653-73

Leber Magen Darm 1979 Sep;9(5):235-9 (Eng. Abstr.) disease. Postgrad Med 1980 Feb;67(2):227-35 Feinleib M see Fabsitz R

(Ger) Feinberg LE:Treating duodenal ulcer: antacids or cimetidine? Feinleib M see Havlik RJ

Feist D see Wesch H Am Fam Physician 1980 Jun;21(6):83–6 Feinleib M see Haynes SG

Feist E see Rader JI Feinberg LE see Thompson TL 2d Feinleib M see Hubert HB

Feist H see Flossmann KD Feinberg M see Carroll BJ

Feinman SV, Berris B, Rebane A, Sinclair JC, Wilson S, Feit H: A form of chorea that responds to dantrolene sodium. Feinberg MR, Bhaskar AG, Bourne P: Differential diagnosis Wrobel D: Failure to detect hepatitis B surface antigen Neurology (Ny) 1979 Dec;29(12):1631-2 of malignant lymphomas by imprint cytology.

(HBsAg) in feces of HBsAg-positive persons.

Feit H, Shay JW: The assembly of tubulin into membranes. Acta Cytol (Baltimore) 1980 Jan-Feb;24(1):16–25 j Infect Dis 1979 Sep;140(3):407-10

Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1980 May 14;94(1):324–31 Feinberg S: Use of imaging techniques in cancer diagnosis. Feinmesser R, Brama I, Weshler Z, Bab 1: (Primary malignant Feit JP, Souillet G, David M, Claustrat B, Ruitton A: Minn Med 1979 Jul;62(7):489-90

melanoma of the nasal septum) Harefuah 1980 Feb 15; Exploration anté-hypophysaire avant et aprés irradiation Feinberg SB see Scholl DG

98(4):157-9 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Heb) prophylactique du système nerveux central chez 24 enfants Feinberg SB see Williams RD Feinroth MV see Lundin AP 3d

atteints de leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique. Pediatrie 1979 Feinberg SB see Zollikofer C Feins NR: Multiple trauma. Pediatr Clin North Am 1979 Apr-May;34(3):237–47 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) Feinberg SE see Frick MP


Feït JP, David M, Chopard A, Souillet G, Ruitton A, Claustrat Feind C see Colacchio TA

Feinsod M, Bentin S, Hoyt WF: Pseudostereoscopic illusion B, Jeune M: Test combiné d'exploration fonctionnelle Feind CR see Lo Gerfo P

caused by interhemispheric temporal disparity: clinical and anté-hypophysaire utilisant le glucagon-propranolol, la Feindel M: Confessions of an elevated counselor: why don't experimental observations. Arch Neurol 1979 Nov; TRH et la LHRH. Nouv Presse Med 1979 Apr 28; they love me anymore? J Rehabil 1980 Apr-June; 36(11):666-8

8(19):1583-7 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) 46(2):70-1, 80 Feinsod R see Vora SB

Feit JP, Carrier David Macabéo V, Vibert J, Mathieu Feindel W, Yamamoto L, Little J, Hodge C: Role of surgical Feinstein A: Immunoglobulins and histocompatibility antigens M, Jeune M: Maladie neuromusculaire revascularization. Adv Neurol 1979;25:377-83 [news] Nature 1979 Nov;282(5736):230

oculo-cranio-somatique. Arch Fr Pediatr 1979 May; Feindel W: Management of intracerebral hemorrhage. Feinstein A see Freimer EH

36(5):487-92 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) Adv Neurol 1979;25:293-300 Feinstein A see Trau H

Feït JP, David M, de Peretti E, Chopard A, Forest M, Jeune Feindel W see Nukui H

Feinstein AR: The changing system of cancer staging [letter) M: Dysgénésie gonadique pure XY. A propos de deux Feindel W see Tower DB

Am J Public Health 1980 Sep;70(9):1012–3

observations. Arch Fr Pediatr 1980 Feb;37(2):111-2 (Eng. Feindt K see Piper HF Feinstein AR: Clinical biostatistics. XLIX. The basic data Abstr.)

(Fre) Feindt R see Stubbe P

structures used in quantitative indexes.

Feit JP see Hermier M Feine U see Eichstädt H

Clin Pharmacol Ther 1979 Oct;26(4):525-34

Feit PW see Palfrey HC Feinendegen LE see Demmel U

Feinstein AR, Horwitz RI: Avoiding conflicts of interest in Feit RM, Fair WR: The treatment of infection stones with Feinendegen LE see Freundlieb C

drug research [letter] N Engl J Med 1979 Nov 1; penicillin. J Urol 1979 Nov;122(5):592-4 Feinendegen LE see Ritzl F


Feitell A see Kalisman M Feinendegen LE see Schürch PM

Feinstein AR: Clinical biostatistics. L. On choosing a mean Feitelson JS, Lederberg J: Crude lysates of Staphylococcus Feinendegen LE see Siegers MP

and other quantitative indexes to describe the location and aureus can transform Bacillus subtilis. J Gen Microbiol 1980 Feiner H see Alexander B

dispersion of univariate data. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1980 Feb;116(2):545-7 Feiner HD see Gallo GR


Feitl M see Krupin T Feinfeld DA: SLE--prognosis in focal nephritis (letter] Feinstein AR: On standards for publication of therapeutic Feitosa GS, Bentivoglio LG, Uricchio JF, Meister SG, Prankl Hosp Pract 1979 Oct;14(10):21 research (editorial) J Chronic Dis 1980;33(2):65-6

WS: Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure response to Feinfeld DA see Avram MM

Feinstein AR: Clinical biostatistics. LI. Quantitative atrial pacing in idiopathic mitral valve prolapse. Feinfeld DA see Lockyer WA

significance and statistical indexes for a contrast of two Clin Cardiol 1978 Aug;1(2):80_4 Feinfeld LE, Speller ML: Children bearing children: groups. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1980 Apr;27(4):567-78 Feitosa JV see Sutmöller I

adolescent pregnancy] Pa Med 1980 Jul;83(7):16–8 Feinstein AR: Should placebo-controlled trials be abolished? Feitová S see Meluzín J Feinglos MN, Lebovitz HE: Sulfonylurea treatment of Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1980 Jan;17(1):1-4

Feitscherová M see Rozhold Z insulin-independent diabetes mellitus. Metabolism 1980 Feinstein AR, Kramer MS: Clinical biostatistics. LII. A Feitsma RI see de Graaf P May;29(5):488-94

primer on quantitative indexes of association.

Feiwell E: Surgery of the hip in myelomeningocele as related Feinglos MN see Lebovitz H

Clin Pharmacol Ther 1980 Jul;28(1):130-45

to adult goals. Clin Orthop 1980 May;(148):87-93 Feinglos MN see Lebovitz HE Feinstein AR see Boyd NF

Feix JB, Butterfield DA: Selective spin labeling of sialic acid Feingold A: Posology of intravenous lidocaine (lignocaine) Feinstein AR see Horwitz RI

residues of glycoproteins and glycolipids in erythrocyte for ventricular archythmias (letter) Am J Cardiol 1980 Aug; Feinstein AR see Hutchinson TA

membranes: a novel method to study cell surface 46(2):346–7 Feinstein AR see Kramer MS

interactions. FEBS Lett 1980 Jun 30;119(2):185-8 Feingold A: Body weight vs. surface area for calculating dose Feinstein AR see Leigh H

Feiz R see Young JG of spinal anesthetic (letter) Anesthesiology 1979 Dec; Feinstein AR see Leventhal JM

Feizi T, Kapadia A, Yount WJ: I and i antigens of human 51(6):568-9 Feinstein AR see Rudnick SA

peripheral blood lymphocytes cocap with receptors for Feingold AO: Be alert to the possibility of tuberculosis. Feinstein AR see Tunnessen WW Jr

concanavalin A. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1980 Jan; Med Times 1980 Jun;108(6):18-2s, 7s-10s Feinstein B see Bedford RF

77(1):376-80 Feingold BE: Feingold diet (letter) Aust Fam Physician 1980 Feinstein D see Bessman D

Feizi T see Childs RA Jan;9(1):60-1 Feinstein DI see Levine AM

Feizi T see Hounsell EF Feingold C see Fuchs S Feinstein DI see Lichtenstein AK

Feizi T see Wood E Feingold DS see Madhav R

Feinstein E, Levine HG: Impact of student ratings on basic Feizullaev EA: Krivaia sily-dlitel'nosti pri Feingold DS see Malmström A

science portion of the medical school curriculum.

poiasnichno-krestsovo patologii. Sov Med 1979 Jul; Feingold DS see Prihar HS

J Med Éduc 1980 Jun;55(6):502-12

(7):31-4 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Feingold DS see Sud IJ Feinstein EI see Goldstein DA

Fejérdy P, Zelles T, Márk G, Bánóczy J: Molibdénnel kezelt Feingold J, Raoul O, See G, Delthil S, Crouzet J, Demailly Feinstein El see Manis T

patkány metszöfogának termálanalízise és savoldékonysága. ML, Morel J: Existence possible d'une forme de cataracte Feinstein G see Ferrara M

Fogorv Sz 1980 Apr;73(4):111-4 (Eng. Abstr.) (Hun) congenitale liee au chromosome Y.J Genet Hum 1979 Mar; Feinstein M see Schulman P

Fejérdy P, Fábián T, Zelles T: A magnéziumorotát hatása 27(1):67-9 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) Feinstein MB, Vanderboek JY, Walenga R: Serine-esterase a hiányosan táplált fehér patkány kemény szöveteire. Feingold J see Berger R

(protease) inhibitors block stimulus-induced mobilization Fogorv Sz 1980 Jun;73(6):172-4 (Eng. Abstr.) (Hun) Feingold J see Bonaiti-Pellie C

of arachidonate in platelets.

Fejérdy P, Zelles T, Tóth P, Kóbor A: Zománc-biopsziás Feingold J see Briard ML

Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Res 1980;6:321-5

vizsgálatok a középiskolás lányok felsö metsző fogain. Feingold J see Couillin P

Feinstein MB: Release of intracellular membrane-bound Fogorv Sz 1980 Aug;73(8):244-7 (Eng. Abstr.) (Hun) Fejérdy P see Fábián T

Page 21

J Appl Bacteriol 1979 Oct;47(2):243-54 Femi-Pearse D see Elegbeleye 00

Feng AS see Schmiedt RA Feltham S, Ronald AR, Albritton WL: A comparison of the Femi-Pearse D see Shonowo O

Feng CC see McKee AM in vitro activity of rosamicin, erythromycin, clindamycin, Feminger A see Palkovits M

Feng E see Francis GL metroidazole and ornidazole against Haemophilus ducreyi, Femmer K see Haustein KO

Feng HW see Ch'ih JJ including beta-lactamase producing strains.

Femppel J, Schaffner 0, Grabner W: Mykotisches Aneurysma Feng P see Vick BA J Antimicrob Chemother 1979 Nov;5(6):731-4

der Arteria iliaca interna als Ursache einer Hydronephrose. Feng RY see Hu XS Felthous AR, Bernard H: Enuresis, firesetting, and cruelty Med Welt 1979 Sep 28;30(39):1444-6

(Ger) Feng SC see Hu ZB to animals: the significance of two thirds of this triad. Femppel J see Lux Ġ

Feng SC see Xu Y J Forensic Sci 1979 Jan;24(1):240-6 Fénard D see Bruneton JN

Feng WC, Waner JL: Serological cross-reaction and Felthous AR, Robinson DB, Conroy RW: Prevention of Fénard S see Boudot JP

cross-protection in guinea pigs infected with Rickettsia recurrent menstrual psychosis by an oral contraceptive. Fenart D, Bruneton JN, Gaillot M, Vallicioni J, Demard F: rickettsii and Rickettsia montana. Infect Immun 1980 May; Am J Psychiatry 1980 Feb;137(2):245-6

Apport de l'échographie pour le diagnostic pré-opératoire 28(2):627-9 Felthous AŘ: Aggression against cats, dogs and people. de malignité des tumeurs de la parotide.

Feng WC, Murray ES, Burgdorfer W, Spielman JM, Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 1980 Spring;10(3):169-77 Nouv Presse Med 1979 Jul 14–28;8(32):2625-6 (Fre) Rosenberg G, Dang K, Smith C, Spickert C, Waner JL: Feltin M see Master RJ

Fenc E, Halota W: Wydzielanie żołądkowe kwasu solnego Spotted fever group rickettsiae in Dermacentor variabilis Feltkamp H see Hummerich W

u chorych z przewlekłym aktywnym zapaleniem wątroby from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1980 Feltkamp TE see Cuénoud S

(p.a.z.w.). Pol Tyg Lek 1979 Jun 25;34(26):1033-5 (Eng: Jul;29(4):691-4 Feltkamp TE see Kibbelaar MA


(Pol) Feng WC, Murray ES, Rosenberg GE, Spielman JM, Waner Feltkamp TE see Liem KL

Fenchel G, Seybold-Epting W, Schmidt K, Stunkat R, JL: Natural infection of dogs on Cape Cod with Rickettsia Feltkamp TE see Sondag-Tschroots IR

Hoffmeister HE: Clinical comparison between membrane rickettsii. J Clin Microbiol 1979 Sep;10(3):322-5 Feltkamp-Vroom TM see Bom-van Noorloos AA

and bubble oxygenators in cardiopulmonary bypass. Feng WH see Zheng GZ Feltkamp-Vroom TM see Schuurman RK

J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 1979 Jul-Aug;20(4):419-22 Feng Y, Zhu D: (Metabolism of farrerol (author's transl)] Feltkamp-Vroom TM see Thoden van Velzen AH

Fenchel G, Seybold-Epting W, Seiter H, Huth C, Hoffmeister Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1979;14(3):149-55 (Eng. Abstr.) Feltkamp-Vroom TM see van de Stadt RJ HE, Schlote W, Heller W: Últrastructural and biochemical

(Chi) Feltkamp-Vroom TM see van Rhenen DJ

changes of human papillary heart muscle during different Feng Y, Ouyang S, Zhou X, Yang S: Feltman RJ see Cabaud HE methods of induced cardiac arrest.

Clinicoelectroencephalographic studies of cerebral Felton BJ, Moss ML, Sepulveda RJ: Two-way television: Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1979 Aug;27(4):241-4

cysticercosis 158 cases. Chin Med J (Engl) 1979 Nov; an experiment in interactive programming for the elderly. Fenchel TM see Christiansen FB

92(11):770–86 Exp Aging Res 1980 Feb;6(1):29-45

Fenchenko NG, Galimov FG, Sirazetdinov FKh, Mukhamadiev Feng YK, Zhang ZX, Xu JQ: Infantile spasm. A Felton BJ see Kahana E

DG: Ispol’zovanie mikroelementov pri otkorme

clinicoelectroencephalographic report of 41 cases. Felton CP see Thomashow BM

molodniaka. Veterinariia 1980 Mar;(3):57-8 (Rus) Chin Med J (Engl] 1980 Jul;93(7):439-50 Felton CR, Johanson WG Jr: Lung tissue volume during Fencil-Morse E see Garber J

Feng Yingkun see Xu Xianhao development of edema in isolated canine lungs. Fencl MD see Stillman RJ

Feng Youxian, Shi Qun, Li Jianming, Chen Fuzhen: Surgical J Appl Physiol 1980 Jun;48(6):1038–44

Fencl MM, Koos B, Tulchinsky D: Origin of corticosteroids treatment of carotid body tumors: report of 14 cases. Felton FG see Muchmore HG

in amniotic fluid. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1980 Mar; Chin Med J (Engl] 1979 Sep;92(9):619-24 Felton FG see Scott EN


Fenger C: The anal transitional zone. Location and extent. Felton J, Wright A: Plasmid PSC101 replication in Fencl V, Gabel RA, Wolfe D: Composition of cerebral fluids Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand (A) 1979 Sep;87A(5):379–86

integratively suppressed cells requires dnaA function. in goats adapted to high altitude. J Appl Physiol 1979 Sep; Fenger C: The anal canal epithelium. A review. MGG 1979 Sep;175(2):231-3 47(3):508-13

Scand J Gastroenterol (Suppl) 1979;14(54):114–7 (25 ref.) Pelton J, Michaelis S, Wright A: Mutations in two unlinked Fencl V, Gabel RA: Respiratory adaptations in acid-base Fenger J see Solgaard P

genes are required to produce asparagine auxotrophy in disturbances: role of cerebral fluids. Contrib Nephrol 1980; Fenger K, Møhl LA: Genetic markers in individuals with a Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 1980 Apr;142(1):221-8 21:145-9

Sp- karyotype. Clin Genet 1979 Jul;16(1):58-9 Felton JS: A comprehensive program in asbestos hazard Fenczyn J, Kawiak J, Kilarski W: The ultrastructural Fenger TA: Role of prospective medicine in health care.

surveillance and education. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 1979 Jan; morphology of leukemia L 1210 ascites tumor cells Minn Med 1979 Nov;62(11):841-3 40(1):11-9

transplanted with different frequency.

Fenger TA, Byrd JW: The receptiveness of health risk Felton JS: Radiographic search for asbestos-related disease Folia Histochem Cytochem (Krakow) 1979;17(4):335-44 appraisals in health instruction.

in a naval shipyard. Ann NY Acad Sci 1979;330:341-52 Fendall NR, Tiwari IC: Trends in primary health care. J Am Coll Health Assoc 1979 Oct;28(2):121-2 Felton JS, Sargent EN, Gordonson JS: Radiographic changes Trop Doct 1980 Apr;10(2):78-85

Fenger TW, Howe C: Isolation and characterization of following asbestos exposure: experience with 7,500 Fendall R: Two eightieth anniversaries at the Liverpool erythrocyte receptors for measles virus. workers. JOM 1980 Jan;22(1):15-20

School of Tropical Medicine. Ann Trop Med Parasitol Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1979 Nov;162(2):299–303 Felton JS see Nebert DW

1979 Jun;73(3):201-2

Fenger TW see Adler KA Felton KR see Krakoff LR

Fendel H, Cooreman G, Claeys J, Kleesiek K, Meyer J, Jung Fengler F, Franke J, Schützmannsky G, Drückler E: Felton S see Izutsu K

H: Einfluss von Fenoterol auf das mütterliche EKG, das Osteogenesis imperfecta und Natriumfluoridtherapie. Felton SM see Brown GC

herzmuskelspezifische Kreatinkinase-Isoenzym MB und Beitr Orthop Traumatol 1979;26(12):664–70 (Ger) Felton SM see Federman JL

auf die Serum-Elektrolyte. Arch Gynecol 1979 Jul 20; Fengler F see Schmidt CW Felton SP see Dean S


(Ger) Fengler F see Stenzel L Felton WW see White HJ

Fendel H, Cooreman G, Jung H, Renoldi A: Fengler H see Franz R Feltrim MI see de Toledo VL

Tagesschwankungen der Rehobase bei Patientinnen mit Fengler JD, Baumgarten R, Münster W: Hämobilie nach Feltrin G see Muzzio PC

drohender Fehl- und Frühgeburt. Arch Gynecol 1979 Jul Leberpunktion--Diagnostik und Therapie. Feltrin GP, Maffessanti M, Miotto D, Mantero F, Macri G, 20;228(1-4):175-6

(Ger) Leber Magen Darm 1979 Jun;9(3):142-7 (Eng. Abstr.) Romani S: Scintigraphy and venous sampling in endocrine Fendel H see Linderkamp O

(Ger) adrenal diseases. Clinical results in 85 patients. Fender DH see Hou RL

Fenical W see Rohmer M
Ann Radiol (Paris) 1979 May;22(4):382-4 Fender DH see Larkin RM

Fenichel GM see Lazaro RP Feltrin GP see Miotto D Fender F see Ornitz R

Fenichel GM see Lynn RB Feltrin GP see Muzzio PC Fender FM see Ornitz RD

Fenichel GM see Montouris GD Feltrin GP see Settembrini PG Fender HR see Braasch JW

Fenichel GM see Pettit RE Felts JH, Whitley NO, Johnston FR: Progression of medial Fendi C see Massei R

Fenici R: Right ventricular monophasic action potentials in fibroplasia of the renal artery and the development of Fendler JH: Radiolysis of heterogeneous inanimate systems. patients with long QT syndrome (letter) Br Heart J 1979 renovascular hypertension. Nephron 1979;24(2):89-90 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1979 Jul;5(7):1061-7

Nov;42(5):615-6 Felts JH: On cost control (editorial) NC Med J 1979 Oct; Fendler JH see Armstrong DW

Fenici R, Masselli M, Colonna P, Bellocci F, Marchei M: 40(10):633 Fendler JP see Baglin A

La registrazione del potenziale monofasico d'azione Felts JH: On epidemics, metaphors and madness. Fendler JP see Dongradi G

ventricolare destro nell'uomo. Contributo casistico e NC Med J 1980 Apr;41(4):221-3 Pendler JP see Hillion D

valutazioni farmacologiche. G Ital Cardiol 1979;9(9):924–38 Felts JH, Charles J: Minoxidil in refractory hypertension. Fendler K, Lissák K, Romhányi M, Kovács GL, Szücs R, (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1980;2 Suppl 2:S114-22

Mátrai Á: Investigation of adaptive processes in child and Fenici R, Spirito F, Colonna P, Marchei M: La registrazione Felts JM see Staprans I

adolescent swimmers. Acid-base parameters of swimmers del potenziale monofasico d'azione atriale destro nell'uomo. Felts WR: Cost containment or rotating medical care--the and weight-lifters. Acta Physiol Acad Sci Hung 1977; III. Soggetti con segni clinici di disfunzione seno-atriale. role of government. J Med Assoc Ga 1979 Aug; 49(1):27-36

G Ital Cardiol 1979;9(1):28-40 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ita) 68(8):689-93

Fendler K, Lissák K, Romhányi M, Osz E, Szücs R, Kovács Fenici R see Bellocci F Feltyberger E see Parnes S

GL: Adaptive processes in child and adolescent swimmers. Fenici R see Zeppilli P Feltynowski T see Ignatowska-Switalska H

Blood coagulation and viscosity.

Fenigstein A: Does aggression cause a preference for viewing Feltynowski T see Jakubowski W

Acta Physiol Acad Sci Hung 1977;49(1):17-26

media violence? | Pers Soc Psychol 1979 Dec; Feltynowski T see Januszewicz W Fendrich Z see Hradil J

37(12):2307-17 Feltynowski T see Wocial B Fendrichová M see Dítě P

Fenigstein H see Stein J Feltyński T see Pruszyński B Fendrichová M see Suchý T

Fenili D see Zoppi F Feltz A, Trautmann A: Cross-potentiation between carbachol Feneant M see Ricome İL

Fenimore D see Lancaster F and nerve-released acetylcholine (proceedings)

Fenech A, Winter JH, Douglas AS: Individualisation of oral Fenimore DC see Mackenzie TB J Physiol (Lond) 1979 Aug;293:64P-65P

anticoagulant therapy. Drugs 1979 Jul;18(1):48-57

Fenimore JA see Robbins SJ Feltz A, Trautmann A: Interaction between nerve-related Fenech A, Bennet B, Catto GR, Edward N, Douglas AS, Smith Fening J see Corral R

acetylcholine_and bath applied agonists at the frog FW, Sharp PF, Parry-Jones D: Diagnosis of post-transplant Feniou C, Neau B, Prat G, Cheze C, Fauran F, Roquebert end-plate. J Physiol (Lond) 1980 Feb;299:533-52

renal haematoma with autologous indium-111 labelled J: Metabolism of thymoxamine: identification of Feltz A see Trautmann A

platelets (letter) Lancet 1980 Jun 7;1(8180):1250–1

metabolites in rat. J Pharm Pharmacol 1980 Feb; Feltz P see Desarmenien M

Feneley RC, Shepherd AM, Powell PH, Blannin J: Urinary 32(2):104-7 Feltz P see Kaplan JP

incontinence: prevalence and needs. Br J Urol 1979 Dec; Feniuk W, Humphrey PP, Watts AD: Presynaptic inhibitory Femano PA, Edinger HM, Siegel A: Evidence of a potent 51(6):493-6

action of 5-hydroxytryptamine in dog isolated saphenous excitatory influence from substantia innominata Feneley RC see Shah PJ

vein. Br J Pharmacol 1979 Oct;67(2):247-54 basolateral amygdaloid units: comparison with Fenemore B see Rush RW

Feniuk W, Humphrey PP, Watts AD: Preliminary insular-temporal cortex and lateral olfactory tract Fénerole JM see Vigouroux E

characterisation of the presynaptic receptor for stimulation. Brain Res 1979 Nov 16;177(2):361-6

Feng AS, Rogowski BA: Effects of monaural and binaural 5-hydroxytryptamine in dog isolated saphenous vein Femenía Reus A see Alonso Sainz F

occlusion on the morphology of neurons in the medial (proceedings) Br J Pharmacol 1979 Nov;67(3):423P-424P Femenic B see Krajina Z

superior olivary nucleus of the rat. Brain Res 1980 May Feniuk W, Humphrey PP: The effect of sympathetic activity Femenic R see Coce R


on vasomotor responses to methysergide in the femoral

Page 22

Ferraccioli GF see Ambanelli U


Ferrarese R, Rosi G, Donti E, Venti G, Bocchini V, Migliorini Ferraccioli GF see Giori DC

Ferrante A, O'Keefe DE, Thong YH: Induction of suppressor G: Cariotipo 47,XXY in un soggetto con femminilizzazione Ferracuti F see Lyra R Jr

cells in mice following Vaccinia virus infection.

testicolare completa. Pathologica 1979 May-Jun; Ferrada L see Moyano C

Med Microbiol Immunol (Berl) 1980;168(3):227-33


(Ita) Ferradini C see Houée-Levin C

Ferrante A, Rowan-Kelly B, Thong YH: Suppression of Ferrarese R see Gerli M Ferragu Y: Le jeu des enfants à l'hôpital de jour.

immunological responses in mice by treatment with Ferraresi RW see Byars NE Ann Med Psychol (Paris) 1979 Sep;137(6-7):567-8 (Fre) amphotericin B. Clin Exp Immunol 1979 Oct;38(1):70-6 Ferraresi RW see Kireszenbaum F Ferraguti M see Cotelli F

Ferrante A, Thong YH: Requirement of heat-labile opsonins Ferrari A see Aragozzini F Ferrali JP see Pedrant G

for maximal phagocytosis of Candida albicans.

Ferrari A see Mancia G Ferrali M see Benedetti A

Sabouraudia 1979 Sep;17(3):293-7

Ferrari A see Rossini FP Ferramosca A see Tegazzin V

Ferrante A, Thong YH: Antibody induced capping and Ferrari A see Smith RH Ferramosca B, Capelli A, Bertoni F, Bacchini P: Effetti della endocytosis of surface antigens in Naegleria fowleri. Ferrari AA see Seifen AB chemioterapia antineoplastica sulla gonade maschile umana: Int J Parasitol 1979 Dec;9(6):599-601

Ferrari AA see Thompson DS rilievi morfo-funzionali. G Clin Med 1979 Aug; Ferrante A, Beard LJ, Thong YH: Early decay of human Ferrari BT, Den Besten L: The prevention and treatment of 60(8):611-23 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) neutrophil chemotactic responsiveness following isolation the persistent perineal sinus. World J Surg 1980;4(2):167-72 Ferran C see Laborit H

from peripheral blood. Clin Exp Immunol 1980 Feb; Ferrari C, Caldara R, Testori GP, Crossignani R, Barbieri Ferran C see Vivancos Pujol MP


C: Clonidine and growth-hormone secretion (letter) Ferran JL, Couture A, Cabissole MA, Bonnet H, Montoya Ferrante A, Thong YH: Simultaneous preparation of Lancet 1979 Oct 13;2(8146):796

F, Senac JP, Germain M: Hématome de la glande surrénale mononuclear and polymorphonuclear leucocytes from Ferrari C, Barbieri C, Caldara R, Magnoni V, Testori GP, chez un nouveau-né: diagnostic et surveillance_par horse blood on Ficoll-Hypaque medium.

Romussi M: Improved oral glucose tolerance following échographie. Ann Radiol (Paris) 1980 Jan;23(1):49-51 (Eng. J Immunol Methods 1980;34(4):279-85

antiserotonin treatment in patients with chemical diabetes. Abstr.) (Fre) Ferrante A see Crimaldi A

Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1979 Jul;15(6):395-9 Ferran JL see Couture A Ferrante A see Thong YH

Ferrari C, Travaglini P, Caldara R, Moriondo P, Mattei A, Ferran JL see Lesbros D

Ferrante E see Bruni L

Crosignani PG, Faglia G: Restoration of the prolactin Ferran JL see Rieu D Ferrante E see Chessa L

response to sulpiride by metergoline administration in Ferrand B see Goasguen J Ferrante E see Vignetti P

hyperprolactinemic patients. Neuroendocrinology 1979; Ferrand O see Level MC Ferrante F see Amenta F

29(5):338-45 Ferrand-Lougnon J see Lecestre MJ Ferrante F see Hicks RA

Ferrari C, Crosignani PG, Caldara R, Picciotti MC, Ferrand-Lougnon J see Roujeau J Ferrante JA see Middleton DB

Malinverni A, Barattini B, Rampini P, Telloli P: Failure Ferrand-Lougnon J see Wassef M Ferrante JV see Nicholas DJ

of nomifensine administration to discriminate between Ferrandes B see Croizat B

Ferrante L, Delitala A, Celli P, Biasibetti G: Gli encefaloceli tumorous and nontumorous hyperprolactinemia. Ferrández A see Salazar J

con particolare riguardo al problema diagnostico.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1980 Jan;50(1):23-6 Ferrandez A see Vargas F

Riv Neurol 1979 Jul-Aug;49(4):323-40 (71 ref.) (Eng. Ferrari C, Caldara R, Barbieri C, Cambielli M, Bierti L, Ferrandi B see Calligaro A


(Ita) Romussi M: Prolactin release by intravenous cimetidine Ferrándiz C, Henkes J, Torras A, Peyrí J: Pitiriasis liquenoide Ferrante L see Fortuna

in man: evidence for a suprapituitary locus on action. asociada a isquemia distal localizada. Ferrante MR see Larussi D

Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1979 Dec;11(6):619-23 Med Cutan Iber Lat Am 1978;6(3-4):221-5 (Eng. Abstr.) Ferrante MR see Jacono A

Ferrari C, Reschini E, Peracchi M, Crosignani PG: Endocrine (Spa) Ferrante P, Profeta ML, Fasan M: Il ruolo del laboratorio profile and therapeutic employment of new Ferrándiz C see Peyri

virologico nella diagnosi della PESS. Osservazioni su 12 prolactin-lowering drug, metergoline. Ferrándiz Foraster C see Savall López-Reynals R

casi studiati tra il maggio 1977 ed marzo 1978.

Gynecol Obstet Invest 1980;11(1):1-16 (95 ref.) Ferrando J, Gratacos MR, Fontarnau R: Woolly hair. Estudio Boll Ist Sieroter Milan 1978 Nov 30;57(5):575-82 (Eng. Ferrari C see Barbieri C histológico y ultraestructural en cuatro casos.


(Ita) Ferrari C see Caldara R Actas Dermosifiliogr 1979 Mar-Apr;70(3-4):203-14 (Eng. Ferrante P see Di Pietro C

Ferrari C see Cheli R Abstr.) (Spa) Ferrante W see Herrington P

Ferrari C see Crosignani PG
Ferrando J, Lecha V, Gratacos MR, Castro J, Telese A: Ferrante WE see Mapelli P

Ferrari C see Curtarelli G
Tratamiento de las úlceras cutáneas con injertos insulares. Ferrara A: L'azione del carico prolungato di acido nicotinico Ferrari C see Richelme H Actas Dermosifiliogr 1979 Sep-Oct;70(9-10):543–52 (Eng. sul test alla tolbutamide. Minerva Med 1979 Nov 10; Ferrari C see Tosi F Abstr.) (Spa) 70(49):3381-7 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) Ferrari E, Bossolo P, Vailati A, Rea A, Sironi PL, Mandelli Ferrando J, Bombi JA: Ultrastructural aspects of Ferrara A, Ferranrio E, Basani F, Fumagalli G: Considérations B, Solerte SB, Pompeo A: Contributo allo studio delle

normolipidemic xanthomatosis. Arch Dermatol Res 1979 sur le syndrome d'alcalose métabolique post-hypercapnique mielopatie involutive in corso di discrinia. Oct;266(2):143-59

chez les sujets atteints de bronchopneumopathie chronique Haematologica (Pavia) 1979 Dec;64(6):812-25 (Eng. Ferrando J, Fontarnau R, Gratacos MR, Mascaro JM: Pilo soumis à une ventilation contrôlée. Bronchopneumologie Abstr.)

(Ita) canaliculi ('cheveux incoiffables' ou 'cheveux en fibre de 1979 May-Jun;29(3):205-14

(Fre) Ferrari E see Forabosco A verre'). Dix nouveaux cas avec étude an microscope Ferrara A see Grassi GG

Ferrari F see Benassi-Benelli A électronique à balayage. Ann Dermatol Venereol 1980 Apr; Ferrara A see Maling TJ

Ferrari F see Galluzzi S 107(4):243-8 (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre) Ferrara AM see Lancieri M

Ferrari FA, Pagani A, Marconi M, Stefanoni R, Siccardi AG: Ferrando R, Truhaut R, Fourlon C: Consommation de la Ferrara DM: Attitudes of parents of mentally retarded Inhibition of candidacidal activity of human neutrophil vitamine A chez le rat entier ou castré. Relation avec le children toward normalization activities.

leukocytes by aminoglycoside antibiotics. tocophérol et le cytochrome P 450. Am J Ment Defic 1979 Sep;84(2):145-51

Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1980 Jan;17(1):87-8 CR Acad Sci [D] (Paris) 1979 May 7;288(17):1339-41 Ferrara F: Sulla malattia di Caroli.

Ferrari FA see Sacchi F (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) Arch Sci Med (Torino) 1979 Oct-Dec;136(4):607-9 (Ita) Ferrari G, Boninsegna C, Beltramello A: Foix-Chavany Ferrando R, Truhaut R: Vitamine A et hépatotoxicité. Ferrara F, Magrì P: L'importanza diagnostica

e terapeutica syndrome: CT study and clinical report of three cases. Med Chir Dig 1979;8(5):419-24 (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre) del dolore mammario. Arch Sci Med (Torino) 1979 Neuroradiology 1979 Jul 1;18(1):41-2 Ferrando R, N'Diaye AL: Hépatotoxicité des mycotoxines Apr-Jun;136(2):285-8 (Eng. Abstr.)

Ferrari G, Casagrande C: Synthesis and chemical properties alimentaires. Med Chir Dig 1979;8(5):443–5 (Eng. Abstr.) Ferrara F see Cospite M

of N- and O-phosphorylated derivatives of creatinol. (Fre) Ferrara G see Puxeddu A

Arzneimittelforschung 1979;29(9a):1446-9 Ferrando R see Truhaut R

Ferrara GB, Longo A: Alloantigens of human T-cell subsets Ferrari G see Basilico V Ferrando U, Michelone G, Uberti E, Guermani P: identified by the two-colors fluorescence test.

Ferrari G see Fabio MT L'arteriografia nei processi neoplastici e flogistici del Transplant Proc 1980 Mar;12(1):114_7

Ferrari G see Vecchietti V testicolo. Minerva Urol 1980 Jan-Mar;32(1):11-6 (Eng. Ferrara GB see Tosi R

Ferrari GP see Binaghi G Abstr.)

(Ita) Ferrara J, Ellison EC, Martin EW Jr, Cooperman M: Ferrari HA, Robicsek F, Daugherty HK, Masters TN: Ferrando Cucarella J, Vera Sempere F, Reig Villar G, Alegre Correction of hypersplenism following distal splenorenal Experience with a 'close loop' computerized intensive care Martínez JE, Llombart Bosch A: Metaplasia intestinal shunt. Surgery 1979 Oct;86(4):570–3

system after open heart surgery. gástrica: es un estadío precanceroso? Ferrara J see Rudrud E

Coll Works Cardiopulm Dis 1979 Aug;22:18–29 Rev Esp Enferm Apar Dig 1980 Mar;57 Suppl 3:15-22 Ferrara M, Mizrahy O, Saposhnik A, Feinstein G: Serum Ferrari HA, Robicsek F: Coronary surgery and computerized

(Spa) beta-glucuronidase activity during pregnancy in gestational monitoring-patient care. Coll Works Cardiopulm Dis 1979 Ferrando Jorda C see Cabades O'Callaghan A

diabetes. Isr J Med Sci 1979 Sep;15(9):746–8

Aug;22:98-102 Ferrané J see Lardé D

Ferrara M see Esposito L

Ferrari I see de Pina Neto JM Ferrane J see Vasile N Ferrara N see Bonaduce D

Ferrari LG see Lehrer RI Ferrannini E, Wahren J, Felig P, DeFronzo RA: The role Ferrara N see Rengo F

Ferrari M, Melacini P, Favaro S, Baggio B, Antonello A: of fractional glucose extraction in the regulation of Ferrara P, Houghten R, Li CH: beta-Endorphin: Digitalis and the renin-angiotensin axis in congestive heart splanchnic glucose metabolism in normal and diabetic man. characteristics of binding sites in the rat brain.

failure. N Engl J Med 1979 Oct 25;301(17):943 Metabolism 1980 Jan;29(1):28-35

Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1979 Aug 13;89(3):786–92 Ferrari M: Effects of praise and reprimand on the topography Ferrannini E see DeFronzo RA

Ferrara P, Zakin MM, Peña C, Paladini AC: Immunologically and probability of occurrence of stereotypies in autistic Ferranrio E see Ferrara A

active zones in bovine growth hormone.

children. Psychol Rep 1980 Apr;46(2):519-22 Ferrans VJ see Bernardo J

Eur J Immunol 1979 Dec;9(12):1020–3

Ferrari M see Adami S Ferrans VJ see Boor PJ

Ferrara P see Li CH

Ferrari M see Giacomello A Ferrans VJ see Gundry SR

Ferrara SD, Pertile G: Adult respiratory distress syndrome. Ferrari M see Lambert JC Ferrans VJ see Hunninghake GW

A histopathologic study. Z Rechtsmed 1979 Aug; Ferrari M see Lo Cascio V Ferrans VJ see Isner JM


Ferrari M see Montanaro D Ferrans VJ see Jones M

Ferrara SD: Comparison of GLC-EMIT analysis for the Ferrari M see Uderzo C Ferrans VJ see Kawanami O

assay of methadon and its major metabolite in urine. Ferrari MC see Mancia G Ferrans VJ see Rosenberg DM

Vet Hum Toxicol 1979;21 Suppl:169-72

Ferrari N see Moroni M Ferrans VJ see Van Vleet JF

Ferrara SD, Tedeschi L, Marigo M, Castagna F: Ferrari P, Rivasi P, Fontana G, Di Battista M: Ferrant A, Hulhoven R, Bosly A, Cornu G, Michaux JL, Sokal Concentrations of phenobarbital, flurazepam,


Comportamento dell'alfa-fetoproteina (AFP) dalla nascita G: Clinical trials

with daunorubicin-DNA and flurazepam metabolites in autopsy cases. J Forensic Sci al secondo anno di vita in bambini normali. adriamycin-DNA in acute lymphoblastic leukemia of 1979 Jan;24(1):61-9

Minerva Pediatr 1979 NOV 15;31(21):1505–10 (Eng. acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia, and Ferrara SD see Cortivo P


(Ita) bronchogenic carcinoma. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol Ferrara SD see Marigo M

Ferrari P: L'enfant et la mort. 1979 Mar 19;2(1):67-71 Ferrara V see Livrea P

Neuropsychiatr Enfance Adolesc 1979 Apr-May; Ferrant A, Cauwe F: Quantitative organ-uptake measurement Ferrarese C, Fraccaroli G: Attività sportiva e maternità. 27(4-5):177-86 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) with a gamma camera. Eur J Nucl Med 1979 Jun 1; Minerva Med 1980 May 7;71(18):1321-8 (Eng. Abstr.) Ferrari P see Gasparini-Casari M


Page 23

Ferris S see Crook

abdominal malignancy by radiologic fine-needle aspiration soluzioni concrete. G Ital Cardiol 1978;8 Suppl 3:16-9 Ferris SH see de Leon MJ biopsy. AJR 1980 Feb;134(2):323-30

(Ita) Ferris TF see Bay WH

Ferrucci JT Jr, Mueller PR, Harbin WP: Percutaneous Feruglio GA: L'elettrostimolazione cardiaca in Italia: una Ferris TF see Nally JV

transhepatic biliary drainage: technique, results, and problematica che cambia. G Ital Cardiol 1978;8 Suppl 3:1-4 Ferriss JB, Sullivan PA, Gonggrijp H, Long AA, O'Sullivan applications. Radiology 1980 Apr;135(1):1-13

(Ita) DJ: Hypertension, hyperkalaemia and abnormalities of the Ferrucci JT Jr, Wittenberg J: A comprehensive approach Feruglio GA: Fisiopatologia dello scompenso cardiaco alla renin-angiotensin system in diabetes mellitus.

for diagnosing pancreatic disease. Radiology 1980 Jul; luce delle più recenti acquisizioni. G Ital Cardiol 1979;9 Ir J Med Sci 1979;148(2):17-27 136(1):255-7

Suppl 1:11-7

(Ita) Ferro A, Ambrosi P, Simonetti N, Vender S: Vissuti e risposte Ferrucci JT Jr see Black EB

Feruglio GA see Bandera L determinate dal rapporto con il tossicodipendente Ferrucci JT Jr see Harbin WP

Feruglio GA see Mirolo R nell'esperienza di un Servizio di Salute Mentale. Ferrucci JT Jr see Mueller PR

Feruglio GA see Ragonese P Minerva Psichiatr 1979 Oct-Dec;20(4):253–6 (Eng. Abstr.) Ferrucci JT Jr see Simeone JF

Ferulano GP, Abate S, Donatiello GB, Fresini A: Indicazioni, (Ita) Ferrucci JT Jr see Winzelberg GG

risultati e complicanze della papillostomia. Nostra Ferro AJ, Wrobel NC, Nicolette JA: 5-methylthioribose Ferrucci JT Jr see Wittenberg J

esperienza. Minerva Med 1980 Mar 10;71(9):661-4 (Ita) 1-phosphate: a product of partially purified, rat liver Perrus L, Guenard H, Vardon G, Varene P: Respiratory water Ferulano GP, Abate S, Donatiello GB, Corcione F: Il nostro 5'-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase activity. loss. Respir Physiol 1980 Mar;39(3):367-81

orientamento nel trattamento delle lesioni nodulari fredde Biochim Biophys Acta 1979 Sep 12;570(1):65-73 Ferrus L see Vaida AM

della tiroide. Minerva Med 1980 Jun 8;71(23):1677-80 Ferro AJ, Vandenbark AA, Marchitto K: The role of Ferrus P see Condat M

(Ita) 5'-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase in Ferrutxe Frau J see Alonso Gorrea M

Ferulano GP see Abate S 5'-methylthioadenosine-mediated inhibition of lymphocyte Ferrutxe Frau J see Guillén Navarro M

Ferulano GP see Califano G transformation. Biochim Biophys Acta 1979 Dec 11; Ferrutxe Frau J see Llopis Mínguez B

Ferwerda W see Stuffers-Heiman M 588(3):294-301 Ferrutxe Frau J see Moreno Pardo B

Féry A, Sommelet J: Fractures de l'apophyse coracoide. A Ferro AJ see Brawley JV Ferrutxe Frau J see Perales Juan JL

propos de 10 observations. Rev Chir Orthop 1979 Ferro AJ see Law RE Ferruzza N see Ortolani G

Oct-Nov;65(7):403-7 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) Ferro AJ see Nicolette JA Ferruzza NF see Ortolani G

Fery A see Sommelet J Ferro AJ see Vandenbark AA

Ferruzzi A see Frizziero L

Fery A see Trias A
Ferro DR, McQueen JE Jr, McCown JT, Hermans J: Energy Ferruzzi L see Campagnoli C

Féry F, Balasse EO: Differential effects of sodium minimizations of rubredoxin. J Mol Biol 1980 Jan 5; Ferry AP see Lieberman TW

acetoacetate and acetoacetic acid infusions on alanine and 136(1):1-18

Ferry CB: The origin of the repetitive firing of mammalian glutamine metabolism in man. J Clin Invest 1980 Aug; Ferro G, Santinelli V, Tari MG, Chiariello M, Condorelli M: skeletal muscle after anticholinesterase drugs (proceedings) 66(2):323-31 Effetti del mexiletine per via venosa sulla performance Br J Pharmacol 1979 Jul;66(3):466P

Fery F see Balasse EO cardiaca. G Ital Cardiol 1979;9(5):502–6 (Eng. Abstr.) Ferry DG see Colls BM

Féry F see Désir D (Ita) Ferry DG see Grennan DM

Fesani F, Barboso G, Saccani S, Chiodo F, Campodonico R, Ferro G see Chiariello M Ferry DG see Munn

Medici D, Effendy F, Cucchini F: La denervazione Ferro G see Critelli G

Ferry DJ Jr: Brain abscess and subdural empyema: review simpatica ventricolo-coronarica in associazione alla Ferro G see Graziotti P

of 21 cases. Va Med 1980 Apr;107(4):294-6

rivascolarizzazione diretta nel trattamento della ischemia Ferro J see Okagaki T Ferry E Jr see Dabbah R

coronarica. Minerva Cardioangiol 1979 Nov;27(11):677-81 Ferro JM, Silveira Botelho MA: Alexia for arithmetical signs. Ferry EL see Liu FT

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) A cause of disturbed calculation. Cortex 1980 Mar; Ferry EW: Stagnation to anticipation - an overview of LAL Pesani F, Barboso G: Indicazioni e risultati del bypass 16(1):175-80

use in the pharmaceutical industry. Prog Clin Biol Res aorto-coronarico a decorso nel seno trasverso. Ferro N, Jaffe H, Kosowsky C: Role of the social worker 1979;29:339-44

Minerva Cardioangiol 1979 Nov;27(11):671-5 (Eng. Abstr.) in a burn unit. QRB 1979 Jul;5(7):20–5 Ferry JD see Nelb GW

(Ita) Ferro P see Hogarty GE Ferry JG see Schauer NL

Fesani F see Saccani S Ferro PS, North LB: Roentgenological appearance of lesions Ferry N see Bernard N

Fesce R, Grohovaz F, Hurlbut WP, Ceccarelli B: of the larynx. CRC Crit Rev Diagn Imaging 1979 Oct; Ferry N see Cuisinaud G

Freeze-fracture studies of frog neuromuscular junctions 11(4):335-82 (51 ref.)

Ferry PC: Computed cranial tomography in children. during intense release of neurotransmitter. III. A Ferro R, Barnaud P, Carayon A: La tuberculose J Pediatr 1980 Jun;96(6):961-7

morphometric analysis of the number and diameter of ostéo-articulaire chez l'Africain. Med Trop (Mars) 1979 Ferry S see Delaveau P

intramembrane particles. J Cell Biol 1980 May;85(2):337-45 Mar-Apr;39(2):183-90 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) Persht AR: Fidelity of replication of phage phi X174 DNA Fescina RH, Ucieda FJ: Reliability of fetal anthropometry Ferro R see Laurenti F

by DNA polymerase III holoenzyme: spontaneous by ultrasound. J Perinat Med 1980;8(2):93-9 Ferro RM, Barnaud P, Carayon A: Le mal de Pott chez mutation by misincorporation.

Fesenko EE, Novoselov VI, Krapivinskaya LD: Molecular l'Africain. Med Trop (Mars) 1979 Mar-Apr;39(2):191-208 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1979 Oct;76(10):4946-50

mechanisms of olfactory reception. IV. Some biochemical (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre) Fersini C see Alvisi V

characteristics of the camphor receptor from rat olfactory Ferro T see Ramos C

Ferslew KE, Edds GT: Effects of arsanilic acids on growth, epithelium. Biochim Biophys Acta 1979 Oct 18; Ferro Bucher J: El comportamiento sexual de los adolescentes serum enzymes, hematologic values, and residual arsenic 587(3):424–32 y la integración psicosexual.

in young swine. Am J Vet Res 1979 Oct;40(10):1365-9 Fesenko EE see Gasparian AG Acta Psiquiatr Psicol Am Lat 1979 Jun;25(2):90-8 (Eng. Ferstl A see Hagmaier V

Fesenko EE see Orlov Nla Abstr.) (Spa) Ferszt R see Fliederbaum J

Fesenko VP, Ziablov VI, Tkach VV, Klishevich IB, Babalich Ferro Luzzi M see Migliau G

Fertel RH, Greenwald JE, Schwarz R, Wong L, Bianchine AK: Preduprezhdenie asfiktsii pri trakheomaliatsii Ferro Milone F see Cortelazzo S

J: Opiate receptor binding and analgesic effects of the bol'nykh posle operatsii na shchitovidnos zheleze. Ferro Milone F see Parisen Toldin P

tetrahydroisoquinolines salsolinol and

Vestn Khir 1979 Oct;123(10):8-10 (Eng. Abstr.) (Rus) Ferron C see Touraine JL


Fesenko VP, Protsenko VA, Babalich AK, Veselov VF, Ferrone RA, Antonaccio MJ: Prevention of the development Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 1980 Jan;27(1):3-16 Klishevich IB: Kininovaia sistema in antifermentnaia

of spontaneous hypertension in rats by captopril (SQ Fertig A, Webley M, Lynn JA: Primary hyperparathyroidism emkost' krovi pri gipertireoze. Klin Khir 1979 Dec; 14,225). Eur J Pharmacol 1979 Dec 7;60(2-3):131-7 in a patient with Conn's syndrome. Postgrad Med J 1980 (12):8-11 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Ferrone RA see Tsuchiya M


Fesenko VP, Klishevich IB, Babalich AK: Ingibitornaia Ferrone S, Pellegrino MA, Callahan GN: Human and murine Fertig JW see Varma AO

terapiia v khirurgii tireotoksikoza. Klin Med (Mosk) 1980 tumours: changes in cell surface structures coded by the Fertil B, Deschavanne PJ, Lachet B, Malaise EP: In vitro Jan;38(1):75-9 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) major histocompatibility complex region.

radiosensitivity of six human cell lines: a comparative study Fesenko VP, Kradinov AI, Babalich AK, Stepanov MN, J Immunogenet 1980 Feb;7(1):71-9

with different statistical models. Radiat Res 1980 May; Kulinich MI: Sravnttel'naia tsennost' kontrastnykh Ferrone S see Belvedere M


metodov issledovaniia shchitovidnoi zhelezy i Ferrone S see Callahan GN

Feruglio GA, Petz E, Zanuttini D, Ragonese P: Un'esperienza skennirovanija. Khirurgija (Mosk) 1980 Mar;(3):77-80 Ferrone S see Conner BR regionale di elettrostimolazione cardiaca: nel

(Rus) Ferrone S see Fitchen JH

Friuli-Venezia Giulia la maggior densità di portatori di Fesenko VP see Babalich AK Ferrone S see Glassy MC

pacemaker in Italia, oggi. G Ital Cardiol 1978;& Suppl Fesenko Mle: Zastosuvannia molozyvnoho imunohlobulinu Ferrone S see Imai K

1:159-65 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) A z metoiu profilaktyky respiratornykh zakhvoriuvan' u Ferrone S see Indiveri F

Feruglio GA, Carminati B: Proposta per un registro nazionale dytiachnykh doshkil'nykh zakladakh. Ferrone S see Messner RP

dei portatori di pacemaker. G Ital Cardiol 1978;8 Suppl Pediatr Akush Ginekol 1980 Mar-Apr;(2):18-9 (Ukr) Ferrone S see Molinaro GA

1:302-10 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) Feshbach S see Malamuth NM Ferrone S see Ng AK

Feruglio GA: L'elettrostimolazione cardiaca permanente in Feshchenko LG see Sytnik IA Ferrone see Noguchi P

Italia, oggi. Ital Cardiol 1978;8 Suppl 1:1-7 (Eng. Abstr.) Fesik SW see Makriyannis A Ferrone S see Pellegrino MA

(Ita) Fesik SW see Weintraub HJ Ferrone S see Richiardi P

Feruglio GA, Alliegro A, Camerini F, Contini C, Cuzzato V, Fesmire J see Alaupovic P Ferrone S see Silver J

Gadaleta G, Mirolo R, Petz E, Pistolese M, Ranzi C, Renzi Fesmire JD see Curry MD Ferrone S see Wilson BS

R, Veneziani N: L'esperienza italiana con

Fessard J see Hemet J Ferroni GD see Leduc LG

l'elettrostimolazione permanente a lungo termine. Casistica Fessas P, Anagnou NP, Loukopoulos D: Ferroni P, Quartodipalo ME, Zanetti AR: L'anticorpo in trattamento da oltre 10 anni: studio policentrico. Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in the red anti-core in soggetti HBsAg negativi.

G Ital Cardiol 1978;8 Suppl 1:179-84 (Eng. Abstr.) cells of patients with thalassemia. Blood 1980 Apr; Boll ist Sieroter Milan 1978 Nov 30;57(5):676-9 (Eng.

(Ita) 55(4):564-9 Abstr.)

(Ita) Feruglio GA, Lestuzzi L, Carminati D: Il sistema automatico Fessas P see Aleporou-Marinou V Ferroni P see Bonino F

per la gestione dell'ambulatorio dei portatori di pacemaker Fessas P see Eliopoulos GD Ferroni P see Pastore G

all'Ospedale Regionale di Udine. Ġ Ital Cardiol 1978;8 Fessas P see Georgoulias V Ferroni P see Zanetti A

Suppl 1:333-7 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) Fessas P see Kaltsoya-Tassiopoulou A Ferrotti A see Colace F

Feruglio GA, Pagani T: Recupero e reimpianto del Fessas P see Loukopoulos D Ferrozzi C see Forconi S

pacemaker. Indagine sui fattori di ordine biologico. Fessas P see Papapetrou PD Ferrozzi G see Biglioli P

G Ital Cardiol 1978;8 Suppl 1:315-7 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ita) Fessas P see Tsokos G Ferrozzi G see Botta GC

Feruglio GA, Ragonese P: I 'recall' poco conosciuti in Italia. Fessel WJ: High uric acid as an indicator of cardiovascular Ferrua B see Aussel C

Utilità di un sistema a larga base per il monitoraggio delle disease. Independence from obesity. Am J Med 1980 Mar; Ferrua B see Roda L

avarie precoci. G Ital Cardiol 1978;8 Suppl 3:149-50 68(3):401-4 Ferrucci J see Goitein M

(Ita) Fesseler A: Zahnärztliche Behandlung in der Ferrucci JT Jr, Wittenberg J, Mueller PR, Simeone JF, Feruglio GA, Isalberti L, Petz E, Zanuttini D: La Schwangerschaft. Zahnaerztl Mitt 1980 May 16: Harbin WP, Kirkpatrick RH, Taft PD: Diagnosis of riutilizzazione dei pacemaker: un problema maturo per 70(10):662–3


Page 24

kineticheskie svoistva. Biokhimiia 1979 Oct;

(Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) a crayfish (Panulirus). Tissue Cell 1980;12(1):209-26 44(10):1899-905 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) Fillingame RH: The proton-translocating pumps of oxidative Filsinger EE, Stilwell SR: Empirically derived personality Filippovich II see Sorokina AD

phosphorylation. Annu Rev Biochem 1980;49:1079-113 types among male and female college students. Filippovich IV see Belovskaia LN

(213 ref.)

J Psychol 1979 Jul;102(Second Half):275–87 Filippovich IuB see Gorlenko VA Fillingame RH see Negrin RS

Filskov SB see Leli DA Filippovich luB see Konichev AS

Fillingim JM: Double-blind evaluation of the efficacy and Filstein MR, Hechemy KE, Schoonmaker D, Gaafar HA: Filippovich Slu see Afanas'eva TP

safety of temazepam in outpatients with insomnia.

Legionnaires' disease; New York State--1978. Filippow WL see Fedosejew GB

Br s Clin Pharmacol 1979;8(1):73S-775

NY State J Med 1980 Jul;80(8):1235-6 Filipski J see Zwelling LA

Fillion G, Beaudoin D, Rousselle JC, Jacob J: Liaison de Filstein MR, Benach JL, White DJ, Brody BA, Goldman WD, Filipski R see Gabriel E

3H 5-HT et activation adenylcyclasique induite par la Bakal CW, Schwartz RS: Serosurvey for human babesiosis Filipsson S see Andersson H

5-HT dans des préparations de membranes gliales in New York. J Infect Dis 1980 Apr;141(4):518-21 Filiptsev Pla see Shumakov VI

cérébrales. CR Acad Sci [D] (Paris) 1980 Jan 28; Filstein MR, Potter ME, Payne R: Outbreak of brucellosis Filira F see Biondi L

290(4):327-9 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) in upstate New York. NY State J Med 1980 Jun;80(7 Pt Filitis LN see Kravchenko AI

Fillion G, Fillion MP: Transitional states of the neuronal 1):1081-84 Filiushina EE see Nepomniashchikh LM

serotonergic site. Eur J Pharmacol 1980 Jul 11;65(1):109-12 Filston HC, Jackson DC, Johnsrude IS: Arteriographic Filiushina ZG see Penknovich AA Fillion G see Briley MS

embolization for control of recurrent severe gastric Filiushkin IV see Khandogina EK Fillion MP see Briley MS

hemorrhage in a 10-yr-old boy. J Pediatr Surg 1979 Jun; Filjak K see Koren E Fillion MP see Fillion G

14(3):276–81 Filjak K see Plavec S

Fillios L see Shapiro L

Filston HC, Grant JP: safer system for percutaneous Filkins D see Anderson JF Fillios LC see Newburg DS

subclavian venous catheterization in newborn infants. Filkins JP: Insulin-like activity (ILA) of a macrophage Fillios LC see Novaes AB Jr

J Pediatr Surg 1979 Oct;14(5):564–70 mediator on adipose tissue glucose oxidation. Fillios LC see Wood N

Filston HC, McLeod MÉ, Bolman RM 3d, Jones RS: J Reticuloendothel Soc 1979 Jun;25(6):591-5

Fillis CA, Calisher CH: Neutralizing antibody responses of Improved management of pancreatic lesions in children Filkins JP: Endotoxin-enhanced secretion of macrophage humans and mice to vaccination with Venezuelan aided by ERCP. J Pediatr Surg 1980 Apr;15(2):121-8

insulin-like activity. J Reticuloendothel Soc 1980 May; encephalitis (TC-83) virus. J Clin Microbiol 1979 Oct; Filston HC see Hanks JB 27(5):507-11


Filston HC see Merten DF Filkins JP: Role of the RES in lead salt sensitization to Filly K see Martin RP

Filston HC see Woodard BH endotoxin shock. Adv Exp Med Biol 1979;121(A):21-7 Filly RA: Detection of fetal malformations with ultrasonic Filter PM, Wesemann HG, Kahleyss M, Bayerl P, Demmering Filkins JP: RES function and glucose homeostasis.

B-scans. Birth Defects 1979;15(5A):45-9

M, Franz J, Kettner W, Korenberg H, Reim W, Schmidt Adv Exp Med Biol 1979;121(A):391-402

Filly RA: Annual oration. Detection of abdominal abscesses: S: Patientenzentrierte Medizin an einer internistischen Filkins JP see Nelson KM

combined approach employing ultrasonography, Fachklinik. Bericht über eine 4jährige Entwicklung. Filkins JP see Yelich MR

computed tomography and gallium-67 scanning.

Med Klin 1979 Oct 12;74(41):1505-10

(Ger) Filkuka J see Hökl J

J Can Assoc Radiol 1979 Dec;30(4):202-10 (51 ref.) Filthuth KH: Pilot experiment: improving the integration of Filkuka J see Kořistek V

Filly RA, Sommer FG, Minton MJ: Characterization of behaviorally disturbed and learning disabled adolescents Fill H, Gmeiner R: Inaktivierung des implantierten biological fluids by ultrasound and computed tomography. into working life. Int J Rehabil Res 1979;2(2):258-9 Demand-Schrittmachers durch externe Stimulation.

Radiology 1980 Jan;134(1):167-71

Filutowicz J: Wzrost wydalania enzymów lizosomalnych i Acta Med Austriaca 1978;5(4-5):134–6 (Eng. Abstr.) Filly RA, Allen B, Minton MJ, Bernhoft R, Way LW: In fosfatazy alkalicznej w moczu jako wyraz zaotrzenia

(Ger) vitro investigation of the origin of echoes with biliary przewlekłego odmiedniczkowego zapalenia nerek. Fill H see Höpfel-Kreiner I

sludge. JCU 1980 Jun;8(3):193-200

Pol Tyg Lek 1979 Dec 3;34(49):1901-4 (Eng. Abstr.) Fil N see Yesavage J Filly RA see Brasch RC

(Pol) Fil NM see Yesavage JA Filly RA see Callen PW

Filutowicz M, Cieśla Z, Klopotowski T: Interference of azide Fil WL, Lamiell JM, Polk NO: The radiographic Filly RA see Golbus MS

with cysteine biosynthesis in Salmonella typhimurium. manifestations of von Hippel-Lindau disease. Radiology Filly RA see Marks WM

J Gen Microbiol 1979 Jul;113(1):45-55 1979 Nov;133(2):289-95 Filly RA see Sommer FG

Filutowicz M: Requirement of DNA gyrase for the initiation Filla A, Butterworth RF, Barbeau A: Pilot studies on Filly RA see White EA

of chromosome replication in Escherichia coli K-12. membranes and some transport mechanisms in Friedreich's Filly RA see Woodward RM

MGG 1980 Jan;177(2):301-9 ataxia. Can J Neurol Sci 1979 May;6(2):285-9

(Filmer JF), Whitten LK: Obituary: John Francis Filmer. Filutowicz M see Cieśla z Filla A see Barbieri F

NZ Vet j 1979 Sep;27(9):186

Filutowicz M see Stępień E Filla S: Program for the administration and evaluation of Filmon R see Baslé M

Filzmayer P see Hartmann F the Word Association Test for the minicomputer Tesla JPR Filmon R see Rebel A

Fimmel PJ see Finlay-Jones JJ 12. Act Nerv Super (Praha) 1979 Sep;21(2):122–3 Filner B see Aronow L

Fimmel PJ see Mackenzie JS Fillastre C, Guerin N, Danusantoso H, Sardadi S: Etude Filo RS see Leapman SB

Fimreite N, Kveseth N, Brevik EM: Mercury, DDE, and comparative de deux vaccins BCG secs intradermiques. Filo RS see Smith EJ

PCBs in eggs from a Norwegian gannet colony. Ann Microbiol (Paris) 1979 Nov-Dec;130B(4):467-75 Filobbos SA, Seddon JA: Myelolipoma of the adrenal. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 1987 Jan;24(1):142-4 (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre) Br J Surg 1980 Feb;67(2):147-8

Fimreite N see Kveseth NJ Fillastre JP, Godin M, Revert C, Josse S: Effet de la perfusion Filocamo M see Durand P

Fina LR see Nagaraja TG intraveineuse de métoprolol sur la fonction rénale de sujets Filocamo M see Gatti R

Finaeva DE see Goldberg RS normaux et de malades ayant une insuffisance rénale Filoche B, Delmotte JS, Pommelet P, Roget J, Lecieux P: Finale Y see Lipinski M chronique stable. Therapie 1979 May-Jun;34(3):303-15 Apport de la coloscopie dans le diagnostic de la maladie Finan PJ see Warnock DW (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) de Crohn colique. Lille Med 1979 Jun-Jul;24(6):488-90 Finardi A see Bonatti V Fillastre JP, Leroy A, Humbert G, Godin M: Cefaclor (Eng. Abstr.)

(Fre) Finardi G see Venco A pharmacokinetics and renal impairment (letter) Filoche B see Delmotte JS

Finau SA, Reinhardt GN: Human brucellosis in Tonga. j Antimicrob Chemother 1980 Jan;6(1):155-6 Filoche B see Guillard O

NZ Med J 1980 May 28;91(660):386-8 Fillastre JP, Godin M, Bendirjian JP, Morin JP: Toxicité Filogamo G see Fusi L

Finau SA: Malaria in Tonga: an imported case. rénale de l'amikacine. Nouv Presse Med 1979 Oct 31; Filogamo G see Giacobini G

NZ Med J 1979 Dec 12;90(649):465–6 8(42):3445-9 (Fre) Filon AR see Natarajan AT

Finau SA: Pregnancy in Di Guglielmo's syndrome. Fillastre JP, Godin M, Joire JE, Gauthier A: Traitement de Filonenko GS see Izutkin AM

Med J Aust 1980 Apr 5;1(7):320–1 l'hypertension artérielle par le sotalol. Sem Hop Paris 1979 Filonenko GV see Belokleitseva GM

Finavera L Armocida G, Majeron MA, Romerio C: Nov 18–25;55(39-40):1825–31 (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre) Filoni S, Margotta V, Campanini MG: Sul determinismo del Depressioni larvate e mascherate ed equivalenti depressivi. Fillastre JP see Godin M

decremento del potere rigenerativo del tetto ottico di Presentazione di due casi clinici. Minerva Med 1980 Apr Fillastre JP see Hallynck TH

Xenopus laevis (Daudin) durante la vita larvale.

14;71(15):1089-93 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ita) Fillastre JP see Leroy A

Acta Embryol Exp (Palermo) 1979;(1):53-67 (Eng. Abstr.) Finavera L see Majeron MA Fillastre JP see Oksenhendler G

(Fre) Finavera L see Mayeron MA
Fillastre JP see Temperville B
Filoni S see Bosco L

Finaz C, Cochet C, de Grouchy J: Identité des caryotypes
Fillastre JP see Viotte G Filoni S see Cioni C

de Papio papio et Macaca mulatta en bandes R, G, C et Fillenbaum GG: Comparison of two brief tests of organic Filonov AV see Babichev SI

Ag-NOR. Ann Genet (Paris) 1978 Sep;21(3):149-51 (Eng. brain impairment, the MSQ and the short portable MSQ. Filonyenko A, Kucserov P, Kolejda L, Joó-Szabados T: A Abstr.)

(Fre) J Am Geriatr Soc 1980 Aug;28(8):381-4

Wright(a) vörösvérsejtantigén elsó kimutatása szovjet Finaz C see Weil D Fillenz M, Graham-Jones S, Gray JA: The effect of footshock véradóknál. Morphol Igazsagugyi Orv Sz 1979 Oct; Finazzi M see Decio B on synaptosomal tyrosine hydroxylation in rat brain regions 19(4):265–6 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Hun) Finazzi-Agrò A, Floris G, Fadda MB, Crifd C: Inhibition of (proceedings) J Physiol (Lond) 1979 Nov;296:97P-98P Filosa S, Tadde C, Andreuccetti P: The differentiation and diamine oxidase by antihistaminic agents and related drugs. Fillenz M see Boarder MR

proliferation of follicle cells during oocyte_growth in Agents Actions 1979 Aug;9(3):244-7 Filler D, Schwemmle K, Kirndörfer D, Schoen U: Pneumatosis Lacerta sicula. J Embryol Exp Morphol 1979 Dec;54:5-15 Finazzi-Agrò A, Floris G, Fadda MB, Crifò C: Role of oxygen cystoides intestinalis. Med Welt 1980 Mar 28;31(13):475-8 Filosa S see Parisi E

radicals scavenging enzymes in the protoporphyrin induced (Ger) Filosevic-Havoic M, Markovic M, Krotin S, Vukelic M: photohemolysis. Experientia 1979 Nov 15;35(11):1445-7 Filler D see Hofmann D

Desetogodišnji tretman karcinoma donje usne

Finazzi Agrò A see Kuiper HA Filler DA, Weinhold PA: Base-exchange reactions of the otorinolaringološkog odjela Slavonski Brod (1965--1974). Finazzi-Agrò A see Morpurgo L phospholipids in cardiac membranes.

Med Pregl 1979;32(7-8):337-9 (Eng. Abstr.)


Finazzi Agro A see Oratore A Biochim Biophys Acta 1980 May 28;618(2):223–30 Filoux Y see Madelenat P

Finbeiner JA see loachim HL Filler J see Humphrey GB

Filov VA: Onkologicheskie voprosy na IV Vsesoiuznom Finberg HJ, Birnholz JC: Ultrasound evaluation of the Filler RM, Simpson JS, Ein SH: Mediastinal masses in infants biokhimicheskom sëzde. Vopr Onkol 1980;26(7):108-10 gallbladder wall. Radiology 1979 Dec;133(3 Pt 1):693-8 and children. Pediatr Clin North Am 1979 Aug;

(Rus) Finberg HJ see Cheng TH 26(3):677-90 Filov VA see Ivin BA

Finberg HJ see Frigoletto FD Jr Filler RM, Hardy BE: Testicular tumors in children. Filppovich II see Sorokina AD

Finberg HJ see Seltzer SE World J Surg 1980 Jan;4(1):63–70 Filsell OH see Clark DG

Finberg JP, Buccafusco JJ, Spector S: Regional brain Filler RM see Baboric A Filsell OH see Jarrett IG

acetylcholine kinetics: effects of reserpine. Life Sci 1979 Filler RM see Stringel G

Filser JG, Bolt HM: Pharmacokinetics of halogenated Jul 9;25(2):147-55 Fillery ED see Ellen RP

ethylenes in rats. Arch Toxicol 1979 Jun 8;42(2):123-36 Finberg JP see Buccafusco JJ Filligoi G, Berardelli A, Bini G, Cruccu G, Manfredi M, Filser JG see Bolt HM

Finberg L: Insulation and isolation as they impinge on Visconti M: EMG multielettrodica computerizzata: note Filser JG see Younes M

members of a medical specialty board. J Pediatr 1979 Jul; techniche per la registrazione ed elaborazione parallela Filshie BK, Smith DS: A proposed solution to a 95(1):164–7 off-line. Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper 1979 Jul 30;55(14):1355-61 fine-structural puzzle: the organization of gill cuticle in Finberg L: The role of oral electrolyte-glucose solutions in

Page 25

properties of plaque-forming cell precursors. Finley MT see Haseltine SD

Finne J, Tao TW, Burger MM: Carbohydrate changes in Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci 1979 Dec;57(6):587-96

Finley PR, Hicks MJ, Williams RJ, Hinlicky J, Lichti DA: glycoproteins of a poorly metastasizing wheat germ Finlay GJ, Booth RJ, Marbrook J: Antibody responses of Rate nephelometric measurement of rheumatoid factor in agglutinin-resistant melanoma clone. Cancer Res 1980 Jul; human lymphocytes in_vitro. Enhancing effects of serum. Clin Chem 1979 Nov;25(11):1909-14

40(7):2580–7 hydrocortisone. Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci 1979 Dec; Finley PR, Williams RJ, Griffith F, Lichti DA: Adaptation Finne J see Krusius T 57(6):597-602

of the enzyme-multiplied immunoassay for methotrexate Finne J see Rauvala H Finlay HV see Valman HB

to the centrifugal analyzer. Clin Chem 1980 Feb; Finne PH see Markestad T Finlay J see Morisky DE


Finnegan A see Owen FL Finlay JB, Repo RU: Energy absorbing ability of articular Finley PR see Glasser L

Finnegan D see Epstein N cartilage during impact. Med Biol Eng Comput 1979 May; Finley RA: Medical Costs [letter) JAMA 1980 Jan 11; Finnegan DE: Receptive phoneme sequencing knowledge of 17(3):397-403 243(2):118-9

kindergarten and elementary school age children. Finlay JL see Ershler WB

Finley RJ, Aoki TT, Beckmann C, Callaway CW, Cahill GF Percept Mot Skills 1979 Jun;48(3 Pt 1):923–32 Finlay JL see Ganick DJ

Jr: Mechanisms of protein sparing in carbohydrate loaded Finnegan LP: In utero opiate dependence and sudden infant Finlay JM see Izsak EM

man. Surg Forum 1979;30:76-7

death syndrome. Clin Perinatol 1979 Mar;6(1):163–80 (63 •Finlay SE see Clarke M

Finley RK Jr, Miller SF: The use of phleborheography to ref.) Finlay TH see Longas MO

detect deep venous obstruction. Am Surg 1980 Aug; Finnegan LP: Pathophysiological and behavioural effects of Finlay-Jones JJ, Bartholomaeus WN, Fimmel PJ, Keast D, 46(8):439-40

the transplacental transfer of narcotic drugs to the foetuses Stanley NF: Biologic and immunologic studies on a murine Finley RK Jr see Miller SF

and neonates of narcotic-dependent mothers. Bull Narc model of regional lymph node metastasis. JNCI 1980 Jun; Finley T see Rutherford E

1979 Jul-Dec;31(3-4):1-58 (175 ref.) 64(6):1363–72 Finley TN see Mintz L

Finnegan LP, Mitros TF, Hopkins LE: Management of Finlay-Jones JJ see Cox KO Finley TN see Reich SF

neonatal narcotic abstinence utilizing a phenobarbital Finlay-Jones LM see Holt PG Finn A see Weinkam RJ

loading dose method. Finlay-Jones RA, Murphy E: Severity of psychiatric disorder Finn AL see Narvarte J

Natl Inst Drug Abuse Res Monogr Ser 1979;27:247-53 and the 30-item general health questionnaire.

Finn C, Schwandt HJ, Sadée W: Determination of uracil and Finnegan LP see Kaltenbach K Br J Psychiatry 1979 Jun;134:609-16

thymine and their nucleosides and nucleotides in picomole Finnegan M, McGuire SA: Classification systems for discrete Finlayson AJ: Planning for psychiatric emergencies [letter) amounts by gas chromatography mass spectrometry variables used in forensic anthropology. Can Med Assoc J 1979 Dec 22;121(12):1568, 1570

selected ion monitoring. Biomed Mass Spectrom 1979 May; Am J Phys Anthropol 1979 Nov;51(4):547-53 Finlayson B, Burns J, Smith A, Du Bois L: Effect of 6(5):194–9

Finnegan WJ, Fenlin JM, Marvel JP, Nardini RJ, Rothman oxipurinol and allopurinol riboside whewellite Finn D, Steele G Jr, Osteen RT, Wilson RE: Morbidity and RH: Results of surgical intervention in the symptomatic crystallization: in vitro and in vivo observations.

mortality after surgery in patients with disseminated or multiply-operated back patient. Analysis of sixty-seven Invest Urol 1979 Nov;17(3):227-9

locally advanced cancer receiving systemic chemotherapy. cases followed for three to seven years. Finlayson B: The treatment of urinary stone disease.

J Surg Oncol 1980;13(3):237-44

J Bone Joint Surg (Am] 1979 Oct;61(7):1077-82 Aust NZ J Surg 1980 Feb;50(1):13-7 Finn D see O'Donoghue G

Finnegan WJ see Lattimer GL Finlayson B see Gershwin ME

Finn FM, Johns PĂ: Ascorbic acid transport by isolated Finnemore VM, Korb JE: Corneal edema with Finlayson B see Khan SR bovine adrenal cortical cells. Endocrinology 1980 Mar; polymethylmethacrylate

gas-permeable rigid Finlayson B see Sierakowski R


polymer contact lenses of identical design. Finlayson DC see Kaplan JA

Finn FM, Titus G, Montibeller JA, Hofmann K: Am Optom Assoc 1980 Mar;51(3):271-4 Finlayson DH see Brown RA

Hormone-receptor studies with avidin and

Finnerty EF, Polan DW Jr: Cefaclor in the management of Finlayson DM see Wortzman DJ

biotinylinsulin-avidin complexes. J Biol Chem 1980 Jun common bacterial skin diseases. Cutis 1979 Sep;24(3):3046 Finlayson J see Reid HW


Finnerty EP, Chan SH: Morphine suppression of substantia Finlayson JS: Immune globulins. Finn FM see Steis RG

nigra zona reticulata neurons in the rat: implicated role Semin Thromb Hemostas 1979;6(1):44–74 (192 ref.) Finn H, Bienia M: Hepatologisches Dispensaire von for a novel striatonigral feedback mechanism. Finlayson JS: Therapeutic plasma fractions and plasma Blutspendern. Z Gesamte Inn Med 1979 Jul 1;34(13):357-62 Eur J Pharmacol 1979 Nov 16;59(3-4):307-10 fractionation (prologue). Semin Thromb Hemostas 1979; (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) Finnerty FA Jr: Chlorthalidone plus reserpine versus 6(1):1-11 (40 ref.)

Finn H, Haller H: Beeinflussung der Glukoseresorption hydrochlorothiazide plus reserpine in a stepped-care Finlayson JS, Reamer LA, Mosesson MW, Menache D: durch Ballaststoffe. Z Gesamte Inn Med 1980 Feb 1; approach to the treatment of essential hypertension. Fibrinopeptide release from fibrinogen Paris I.

35(3):132–6 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) J Clin Pharmacol 1980 May-Jun;20(5-6 Pt 1):357-63 Thromb Res 1980 Feb 1-15;17(3-4):577-9 Finn JA Jr see Greenspan RJ

Finnerty RJ see Goldberg HL Finlayson JS see Alving BM

Finn JE: When a family loses an infant. Med Times 1980 Finnerty RJ see Goldberg HM Finlayson JS see Gordon JM

Feb; 108(2):18-2s

Finnerty WR see Ensley BD Jr Finlayson JS see Ramsey RB Finn LB see Gold MS

Finnerty WR see Käppeli O Finlayson M see Best T Finn M see Polk HC Jr

Finnerty WR see Miller SE Finlayson M see Steele A

Finn OJ, Boniver J, Kaplan HS: Induction, establishment in Finney DJ: The computation of results from Finlayson MH see Khalil MK

vitro, and characterization of functional, antigen-specific, radioimmunoassays. Methods Inf Med 1979 Jul; Finlayson MH see Tsang D carrier-primed murine T-cell lymphomas.

18(3):164–71 Finlayson MJ, Bellward GD: Cytochrome P-450 dependent Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1979 Aug;76(8):4033-7 Finney HL, Roberts TS: Nephritis secondary to chronic biotransformation: some recent developments. Introductory Finn OJ see Lieberman M

cerebrospinal fluid vascular shunt infection: "shunt remarks: cytochromne P-450 mixed function oxygenases. Finn P: Teenage drunkenness: warning signal, transient nephritis'. Childs Brain 1980;6(4):189-93 Proc West Pharmacol Soc 1980;23:1-2

boisterousness, or symptom of social change?

Finney JC: On relicensure and recertification: the story of Finlayson ND see Beckett GJ

Adolescence 1979 Winter;14(56):819–34

John Goodman. J Ky Med Assoc 1979 Nov;77(11):597-8 Finlayson ND see Blackwell JN Finn R: Maternal-foetal lymphocyte interactions.

Finney JW, Moos RH, Mewborn CR: Posttreatment Finlayson ND see Dewhurst N

In: Protein transmission through living membranes. experiences and treatment outcome of alcoholic patients Finlayson ND see Douglas JG

Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland, 1979. W3 BR31 2d six months and two years after hospitalization. Finlayson ND see Forrest JA 1978p. pp.:77-81

J Consult Clin Psychol 1980 Feb;48(1):17-29 Finlayson R: Kawasaki disease. Trop Doct 1979 Oct;9(4):152 Finn R see Okun MR

Finney M see Linsell C Finlayson SA, Dennis DT: NAD+-specific glycerol Finn RA, Throckmorton GS, Bell WH, Legan HL: Finney R, Varnum B, Soll DR: 'Erasure in Dictyostelium:

3-phosphate dehydrogenase from developing castor bean Biomechanical considerations in the surgical correction of a dedifferentiation involving the programmed loss of

endosperm. Arch Biochem Biophys 1980 Jan;199(1):179-85 mandibular deficiency. J Oral Surg 1980 Apr;38(4):257-64 chemotactic functions. Dev Biol 1979 Dec;73(2):290-303 Finley A see Durtschi MB Finn RA see Throckmorton GS

Finney RP, Sharpe JR, Sadlowski RW: Finney hinged penile Finley AH: Lumbar puncture in children who have had fever Finn RD see Ahmed T

implant: experience with 100 cases. J Urol 1980 Aug; and a convulsion (letter) Lancet 1980 Jul 12;2(8185):83 Finn RD see Lockwood AH

124(2):205-7 Finley AJ, Davidson M: Bile acid excretion and patterns of Finn S, Rieux D, Fressinaud P, Fardoun R, Guy G: Chiari Finney RP see Sharpe JR

fatty acid absorption in formula-fed premature infants. Type 1 malformation with hydromyelia: findings at Finney RW, Harper ME, Gaskell SJ, Griffiths K: Tissue Pediatrics 1980 Jan;65(1):132–8 computerized metrizamide ventriculomyelography.

androgen concentrations in golden hamsters with benign Finley DR see Wheeler WJ Surg Neurol 1979 Sep;12(3):227-9

prostatic tumours. J Endocrinol 1980 Mar;84(3):353-61 Finley DR see Wright WE Finn S see Marecek J

Finney WF, Mayo-Chamberlain J: Professional growth and Finley EL, Graves JB, Hewitt PC, Morris HF, Harmon CW, Finn SB, Jamison HC: The relative effects of three dietary contribution in radiologic technology: can it be taught?

Iddings FA, Schilling PE, Koonce KL: Reduction of methyl supplements on dental caries. ASDC J Dent Child 1980 Radiol Technol 1979 Mar-Apr;50(5):547-53 parathion residues on clothing by delayed field re-entry Mar-Apr;47(2):109-13

Finney ZG, Riley TN: 4-Anilidopiperidine analgesics. 3. and laundering. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 1979 Jul; Finn WF, Chevalier RL: Recovery from postischemic acute 1-Substituted 4-(propananilido)perhydroazepines as 22(4-5):590–7

renal failure in the rat. Kidney Int 1979 Aug;16(2):113-23 ring-expanded analogues. J Med Chem 1980 Aug; Finley F see Fierer J

Finn WF: Enhanced recovery from postischemic acute renal 23(8):895-9 Finley GE, Delgado M: Formal education and intellectual failure. Micropuncture studies in the rat. Circ Res 1980 Finnie BY see Fayez JA functioning in the immigrant Cuban elderly.


Finnie JW, Abbott DP: Non-suppurative myocarditis in Exp Aging Res 1979 Apr;5(2):149-54

Finn WF: Postischemic acute renal failure. Initiation, young dogs [letter) Aust Vet J 1979 Jun;55(6):296-7 Finley GE see Kagan J

maintenance, and recovery. Invest Urol 1980 May; Finnie JW, Bostock DE, Walden NB: Lymphoblastic Finley J, Mayer JR, Bendick P: An objective indication for 17(6):427-31 (64 ref.)

leukaemia in a rabbit: a case report. Lab Anim 1980 Jan; escharotomy: microcirculatory pulse monitoring. Finn WF see Chevalier RL

14(1):49-51 J La State Med Soc 1980 Jun;132(6):79-81

Finne CO 3d: Transrectal drainage of pelvic abscesses. Finnie JW, Bostock_DE: Skin neoplasia in dogs [letter) Finley J see Cook D

Dis Colon Rectum 1980 Jul-Aug;23(5):293-7

Aust Vet J 1979 Dec;55(12):602-4 Finley JE: DRG reimbursement sound, NJ official contends Finne E see Bourgain RH

Finnie M see Mullen PE (letter) Mod Health Care 1979 Nov;9(11):104

Finne J, Krusius T, Margolis RK, Margolis RU: Novel Finnie MD see Carter SJ Finley JP, Bonet JF, Waxman MB: Autonomic pathways mannitol-containing oligosaccharides obtained by mild Finnie MD see Hooper RJ responsible for bradycardia on facial immersion.

alkaline borohydride treatment of a chondroitin sulfate Finnie MD see Leone RM J Appl Physiol 1979 Dec;47(6):1218-22

proteoglycan from brain. J Biol Chem 1979 Oct 25; Finnie MD see Smith I Finley JP see Waxman MB


Finnigan P see Stamm JW Finley JR: The psychologist consultant's role in the state Finne J, Krusius T: Structural features of the carbohydrate Finnigan T see Crain SM

vocational rehabilitation agency. J Rehabil 1979 Jan-Mar; units of plasma glycoproteins. Eur J Biochem 1979 Dec Finnilä MJ see Leisti S 45(1):46-7


Finnimore M see Gough IR Finley JW see Robbins KR

Finne J: Identification of the blood-group ABH-active Finnström O see Leijon I Finley JW see Schade JE

glycoprotein components of human erythrocyte membrane. Finnström O see Tylleskär J Finley MT see Dieter MP

Eur J Biochem 1980 Feb; 104(1):181-9

Finnström O see Wesström G

Page 26

Fish JE, Ankin MG, Kelly JF, Peterman VI: Comparison Fishel MD see Penningroth RP Fischetti VA see Hosein B

of responses to pollen extract in subjects with allergic Fishel R see Vardi J Fischetti VA see Manjula BN

asthma and nonasthmatic subjects with allergic rhinitis. Fishel R see Zlotnick A Fischinger PJ see Montelaro RC

J Allergy Clin Immunol 1980 Feb;65(2):154-61

Fishel RA see Warner RC Fischinger PJ see Vande Woude GF Fish JE see Gracey DR

Fishel SB, Surani MA: Evidence for the synthesis and release Fischioni P see Canova R Fish LC see Epker BN

of a glycoprotein by mouse blastocysts. J Reprod Fertil Fischioni P see Esposito S Fish NA see McGarr C

1980 May;59(1):181-5 Fischkal A see Schmidt-Gayk H Fish NA see Tizard IR

Fisher A, Aboul-Nasr HT: Delayed nonfatal pulmonary Fischl F, Reinold E: Klinischer Einsatz der kontinuierlichen Fish PJ see Warlow CP

edema following subarachnoid hemorrhage. Case report. pH-Messung sub partu am Feten. Fish RH see Kimmel EC

J Neurosurg 1979 Dec;51(6):856-9 Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 1980 Mar;40(3):282-7 (Eng. Fish S see Stubbe J

Fisher A see Bajada S Abstr.)

(Ger) Fish SE, Chalupa LM: Functional properties of Fisher A see Mitchell JC Fischl ŘA: The busy physician, or, why don't patients pulvinar-lateral posterior neurons which receive input from Fisher A see Musumeci S

understand? (editorial) Ann Plast Surg 1979 Dec;3(6):495–7 the superior colliculus. Exp Brain Res 1979 Jul 2; Fisher AA: Somewhat controversial reports of metal Fischler M, Emrich HM, Kissling W, von Zerssen D, 36(2):245-57

reactions. Cutis 1979 Jul;24(1):28-9, 34, 103 passim Riedhammer H, Edel HH: Hemodialysis in schizophrenia. Fish W: GAHP--primrose path or land of milk and honey? Fisher AA: Occupational, Industrial, and Plant Dermatology Results in three chronic cases. Alaska Med 1979 Sep;21(5):73-5

Symposium. San Francisco, March 26 to 28, 1979. Part Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr 1979;227(3):207-12

Fish WW, Björk 1: Release of a two-chain form of I: General considerations. Cutis 1979 Aug;24(2):143, 151, Fischler M see Emrich HM

antithrombin from the antithrombin-thrombin complex. 154 Fischlschweiger W see Ramphal R

Eur J Biochem 1979 Nov 1;101(1):31-8

Fisher AA: Occupational, industrial, and plant dermatology Fischman DA see Friedlander M

Fish WW, Orre K, Björk I: Routes of thrombin action in symposium. Part II. Role of skin appendages, physical Fischman DA see Ip W

the production of proteolytically modified, secondary factors, pigment, and malingering. Cutis 1979 Sep;24(3):249, Fischman MW, Schuster CR: The effects of chlorpromazine forms of antithrombin-thrombin complex.

256–7, 333 and pentobarbital on behavior maintained by electric shock Eur J Biochem 1979 Nov 1;101(1):39-44

Fisher AA: Paraben dermatitis due to a new medicated or point loss avoidance in humans. Fish WW see Jörnvall H

bandage: The 'paraben paradox'. Contact Dermatitis 1979 Psychopharmacology (Berlin) 1979;66(1):3-11

Fishaut M, Tubergen D, McIntosh K: Cellular response to Jul;5(4):273-4 Fischman MW see Uhlenhuth EH

respiratory viruses with particular reference to children Fisher AA: Occupational, industrial, and plant symposium. Fischman O see de Camargo Z

with disorders of cell-mediated immunity. J Pediatr 1980 Part III. Dermatitis in specific occupations. Cutis 1979 Oct; Fischman O see Pires de Camargo Z

Feb;96(2):179-86 (76 ref.)

24(4):364, 367, 370 passim Fischman SH see Rooks JB

Fishaut M, Mostow SR: Amantadine for severe influenza A Fisher AA: Occupational, industrial, and plant dermatology Fischman SL: Design of studies to evaluate plaque control pneumonia in infancy. Am J Dis Child 1980 Mar; symposium. Part IV. Specific industrial hazards. Cutis 1979 agents. J Dent Res 1979 Dec;58(12):2389-95 134(3):321-3

Nov;24(5):483, 487, 490 passim Fischmann AB see Bunn PA Jr Fishaut M see Upadhyaya K

Fisher AA: Consort contact dermatitis. Cutis 1979 Dec; Fischmann AB see Katz R Fishback BL see Leunis JC

24(6):595-6, 668 Fischmann E: Retracing Röntgen's discovery.

Fishback BW, Gecker FF: Cluster design meets special, Fisher AA: The management of propylene glycol-sensitive Diagn Imaging 1979;48(5):294-303

shared needs. Hospitals 1980 Feb 16;54(4):112, 116-8 patients. Cutis 1980 Jan;25(1):24-6, 29-31, 44 Fischnaller M, Gerstner L, Heindl W: 'Early' Fishback ME see Zumbro GL Jr

Fisher AA: Cross-reactions between ethylenediamine bronchiolo-alveolarzelliges Narbenkarzinom; Ein Fishbeck WA see Spindler DE

tetraacetate and ethylenediamine hydrochloride (letter] Fallbericht mit zwei Abbildungen. Onkologie 1979 Oct; Fishbein E, Alarcón-Segovia D: A method for high yield J Am Acad Dermatol 1979 Dec;1(6):560 2(5):212-5 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Ger) isolation and purification of anti-native DNA antibodies Fisher AA, Brancaccio RR: Allergic contact sensitivity to Fiscina B see Greenhill LL

present in lupus sera. J Immunol Methods 1980;33(1):93-9 propylene glycol in a lubricant jelly. Arch Dermatol 1979 Fiscór E see Nagy G

Fishbein GW: The media and occupational health: the view Dec;115(12):1451 Fise TF, Smith DL: Assessment of the impact of medical from Washington. JOM 1979 Oct;21(10):677-80

Fisher AA: Permanent loss of finger nails from sensitization device legislation on the dental trade industry.

Fishbein L: Overview of some aspects of occurrence, and reaction to acrylic in a preparation designed to make J Am Dent Assoc 1979 Nov;99(5):799-802 formation and analysis of nitrosamines.

artificial nails. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 1980 Jan;6(1):70–1 Fisenko VP see Alyautdin RN

Sci Total Environ 1979 Oct;13(2):157-88 (177 ref.) Fisher AA: Water-related dermatoses. Part I. Cutis 1980 Feb; Fisenko VP see Machula AI Fishbein L see Oller WL

25(2):132, 135-6, 139-40 passim Fisenko VP see Polgar AA

(Fishbein M) Bean WB: Occasional notes. My sampler of Fisher AA: Water-related dermatoses, Part II: nematocyst Fisenne IB, Perry PM, Welford GA: Determination of editors: a Fishbein, a Fox, and a Garland.

dermatitis. Cutis 1980 Mar;25(3):242, 248–9, 257 passim uranium isotopes in human bone ash. Anal Chem 1980 Apr; N Engl J Med 1980 Jul 24;303(4):229-33

Fisher AA: Cutaneous reactions to sorbic acid and potassium 52(4):777-9

Fishbein MC, Hare CA, Gissen SA, Spadaro J, Maclean D, sorbate. Cutis 1980 Apr;25(4):350, 352, 423 Fisenne IM, Cohen N, Neton JW, Perry P: Fallout plutonium Maroko PR: Identification and quantification of Fisher AA: Allergic reactions to topical (surface) anesthetics

in human tissues from New York City. Radiat Res 1980 histochemical border zones during the evolution of with reference to the safety of tronothane (pramoxine Jul;83(1):162-8

myocardial infarction in the rat. Cardiovasc Res 1980 Jan; hydrochloride). Cutis 1980 Jun;25(6):584, 586, 589-91 Fiser B see Hučín B


passim Fiser PM, Buckley RH: Human IgE biosynthesis in vitro: Fishbein MC see Bernhard WF

Fisher AA: The safety of topical antibiotics in the treatment studies with atopic and normal blood mononuclear cells Fishbein MC see Pfeffer JM

of acne vulgaris. Čutis 1980 May;25(5):474, 476, 481 and subpopulations. J Immunol 1979 Oct;123(4):1788-94 Fishbein MC see Spadaro J

Fisher AB see Berman H Fiser PM: Management of childhood asthma. Fishbein RH see Handelsman JC

Fisher AB see Cadenas E
J Arkansas Med Soc 1980 Apr;76(11):474–7 Fishbein W see Gutwein BM

Fisher AB see Forman HJ Fiser PM see Steele RW Fishbein W see Shiromani P

Fisher AB see Steinberg H Fiser PS, MacPherson JW, Reinhart BS, Fairfull RW: The Fishbein WN: Indicator enzyme assays. I. Adenylate Fisher AE see Rowland N

effect of sodium pentobarbital on the preservation of deaminase: principles and application to human muscle Fisher AH see Fleitman J fertilizing capacity of turkey spermatozoa. Poult Sci 1980 biopsies and blood cells. Biochem Med 1979 Dec; Fisher AW, Price PG, Burford GD, Lederis K: A Apr;59(4):941-2 22(3):307-22

3-dimensional reconstruction of the Fiser R see Seibert JJ

Fishburn see U R

hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the rat. The Fiser R see Shultz SL

Fishburne JI, Meis PJ, Urban RB, Greiss FC, Wheeler AS, neurons projecting to the neuro/intermediate lobe and Fiser RH Jr see Stansell PE

James FM, Swain MF, Rhyne AL: Vascular and uterine those containing vasopressin and somatostatin. Fiser Z, Drábek P, Kalista Z, Wolný E: Méně obvyklé formy responses to dobutamine and dopamine in the gravid ewe. Cell Tissue Res 1979;204(3):343-54

a uložení kraniofaryngeomu. Rozhl Chir 1979 Jun; Am J Obstet Gynecol 1980 Aug 15;137(8):944–52 Fisher B, Sherman B, Rockette H, Redmond C, Margolese 58(6):341-5 (Eng. Abstr.) (Cze) Fishburne JI see Wheeler AS

R, Fisher ER: 1-phenylalanine mustard (L-PAM) in the Fiser Z: A teratoma of the third ventricle of the brain. Fishcer E see Kleeberg U

management of premenopausal patients with primary breast Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1979;50(3-4):343-7

Fishchenko Ala, Kolibaba SS, Pokid'ko IA, Vereshchagin FF: cancer: lack of association of disease-free survival with Fiser Dj, Borotski L: Slučaj anosmije posle primene vakcine Diagnostika i khirurgicheskaia taktika pri zakrytykh i depression of ovarian function. National Surgical Adjuvant protiv gripa. Med Pregl 1979;32(9-10):455-7 (Eng. Abstr.) otkrytykh travmakh zhivota. Khirurgiia (Mosk) 1980 May; Project for Breast and Bowel Cancers. Cancer 1979 Sep; (Scc) (5):65–7 (Eng. Abstr.)

(Rus) 44(3):847-57 Fiserová J, Samánek M, Tuma S, Padovcová H, Hučín B: Fishchenko Ala, Kolibaba SS, Bondarchuk OI: Narushenija Fisher B, Wolmark N, Saffer EA: Cellular cytotoxicity and

Clinical findings and hemodynamic parameters in adults okislitel'no-vosstanovitel'nykh protsessov u bol'nykh serum inhibition in normal mice following transfer of surgically treated for coarctation of the aorta in childhood. oslozhennym kal’kuleznym kholetsistitom. Vrach Delo xenogeneic tumor-sensitized cells. Cancer Res 1979 Dec; Cardiology 1980;65(4):205-13

1979 Sep;(9):19-21

(Rus) 39(12):4772-6 Fiserova-Bergerova V, Vlach J, Cassady JC: Predictable Fishchenko Ala, Ryzhanovskaia VM, Barilo SI: Prichiny Fisher B, Wolmark N, Saffer EA: Cellular cytotoxicity and

'individual differences' in uptake and excretion of gases smertipri ostrykh khirurgicheskikh zabolevaniiakh organov serum inhibition in normal mice following transfer of and lipid soluble vapours simulation study.

briushnoi polosti. Khirurgiia (Mosk) 1979 Jul;(7):64–8 (Eng. syngeneic tumor-sensitized cells. JNCI 1980 Mar; Br J İnd Med 1980 Feb;37(1):42-9


(Rus) 64(3):579-85 Fiset P see Murphy JR

Fishchenko Ala, Kolibaba SS, Selezinka NI, Bondarchuk Ol, Fisher B, Montague E, Redmond C, Deutsch M, Brown GR, Fiset P see Myers WF

Kaminskii CE, Didur ME, Ryzhanovskaia VM: Voprosy Zauber A, Hanson WF, Wong A: Findings from NSABP Fish AJ see Scheinman JI

prepodavaniia deontologii v propedevticheskos klinike. Protocol No. B-04-сomparison of radical mastectomy with Fish AM see Kratasiuk VA

Vrach Delo 1980 Mar;(3):18-20

(Rus) alternative treatments for primary breast cancer. I. Fish B see Goldberg R Fishchenko Ala see Klantsa PA

Radiation compliance and its relation to treatment outcome. Fish DC, Djurickovic DB, Huebner RJ: Prevention of Fishchenko Ala see Kolibaba SS

Cancer 1980 Jul 1;46(1):1-13 transplantable tumors by adoptive transfer of spleen cells Fishchenko Pla, Zhanaspaev AM: Lechenie zakrytykh Fisher B, Redmond C, Fisher ER: The contribution of recent

from immunized rats. J Immunol 1979 Dec;123(6):2658-63 perelomov kliuchitsy metodom skeletnogo vytiazheniia. NSABP clinical trials of primary breast cancer therapy to Fish DI see Dawson DW

Ortop Travmatol Protez 1980 Feb;(2):61-2 (Rus) an understanding of tumor biology--an overview of Fish E, Shankaran R, Hsia JC: High pressure neurological Fishchenko Vla: Rannie posleoperatsionnye oslozhneniia pri findings. Cancer 1980 Aug 15;46(4 Suppl):1009-25

syndrome: antagonistic effects of helium pressure and korrigiruiushchikh operatsiiakh na pozvonochnike po Fisher B see Fisher ER inhalation anesthetics on the dopamine-sensitive cyclic povodu skolioza u detei. Klin Khir 1980 Jun;(6):50-2 (Eng. Fisher B see Gold JW AMP response. Undersea Biomed Res 1979 Jun;6(2):189-96 Abstr.)

(Rus) Fisher B see Golinger RC Fish F see Romain PL

Fishchenko Vla, Uleshchenko VA, Vovk NN: Osobennosti Fisher B see Gunduz N Fish I see Freedman LS

formirovaniia krivizny skolioza posle épifizeodeza. Fisher B see Wittliff JL Fish JE, Kelly JP: Measurements of responsiveness in Ortop Travmatol Protez 1980 May;(5):25-9 (Eng. Abstr.) Fisher BK see Dvoretzky I bronchoprovocation testing. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1979

(Rus) Fisher BK see Trau H Dec;64(6 pt 2):592-6 Fishel BR see Dottin RP

Fisher C: Are breast-fed babies still getting a raw deal in hospital? (letter) Br Med J 1979 Nov 24;2(6201):1364 Fisher F: Self-charting for patients in recreation therapy. Fisher JW see Jelkmann W Fisher C, Grubbc, Kenning B, Lincoln JC, Peters JL: Adolescence 1980 Spring;15(57):149-54