How to bind selected value in dropdownlist in mvc 5

Learn how to generate the dropdownlist HTML control using the HtmlHelper in a razor view.

The HtmlHelper class includes two extension methods to generate the control in a razor view: DropDownListFor() and DropDownList(). We will use the following Student model class and Gender enum. public class Student { public int StudentId { get; set; } public string StudentName { get; set; } public Gender StudentGender { get; set; } } public enum Gender { Male, Female } Html.DropDownListFor() The Html.DropDownListFor extension method is a strongly typed extension method generates element for the property specified using a lambda expression.

Visit to know all the overloads of DropDownListFor method.

The following example creates dropdown list for the above StudentGender property.

@using MyMVCApp.Models @model Student @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.StudentGender, new SelectList(Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gender))), "Select Gender")

In the above example, the first parameter in DropDownListFor() method is a lambda expression that specifies the model property to be bind with the select element. We have specified the StudentGender property. The second parameter specifies the items to show into a dropdown list using SelectList object. The third parameter is optional, which will be the first item of dropdownlist. So now, it generates control with two list items - Male & Female, as shown below. Html.DropDownList() The Html.DropDownList() method generates a element with specified name, list items and html attributes.

Visit to know all the overloads of DropDownList() method.

@using MyMVCApp.Models @model Student @Html.DropDownList("StudentGender", new SelectList(Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gender))), "Select Gender", new { @class = "form-control" })

In the above example, the first parameter is a property name for which we want to display list items. The second parameter is a list of values to be included in the dropdown list. We have used Enum methods to get the Gender values. The third parameter is a label, which will be the first list item, and the fourth parameter is for HTML attributes like CSS to be applied on the dropdownlist.