rani là gì - Nghĩa của từ rani

rani có nghĩa là

The best of the best. One who upon the most unique and unfortunate of surcumstance will save you. Yes SAVE you. If you encounter one, hold onto one as if it were the most precious of gems. An angelic human, one of which is a rare encounter.


A Rani situation will teach you more about life than any other weather you can ask for.

rani có nghĩa là

Saudi Arabian for King A smart, charming, charismatic, kind, generous, supportive and loving friend. A Rani is happiest when making other people laugh with his expert impressions and spontaneous dialogues. He has a keen ability to connect with others and sense their moods. A Rani is always there with open arms when you need a hug or a shoulder to cry on. As one of the most giving and caring people on the planet, he will support his friends any way that he can. He cares deeply for all those who have touched his life and genuinely wants the best for them. Ranis are innovative mixologists, specializing in delicious drink and sauce concoctions. They have a wild passion for music, especially percussion and beatboxing. A Rani loves to get funky and dance and has fantastic moves. Anyone who has a Rani in their life is truly blessed.


Jimena: Will you be at the House of Rock tonight? I heard there's a Rani playing. Katie: I wouldn't miss it for the world! Let's get funky tonight!!

rani có nghĩa là

1. a seer of the future
2. a hindu queen/princess


"My gurl won't never find out about tha time i decidid to go down on her mom. you not a rani so you don't know."

"look at that rani. i'd tap that, fur sheezy my neezy."

rani có nghĩa là

1. Hindi word for Queen 2. It is kind of a Hindi slang word for addressing a beautiful girl or any girl you are interested in ( BTW all girls are beautiful :) ) . It is kind of a playful and has hint of naughtiness in addressing a lady. May get you in trouble but if it is appreciated it will work like a charm. Note: This can only work for desi chics and ladies who know hindi 3. It could be a name or nick name of a lady


1. She is rani of Magadh
2. When a beautiful girl passes by one or one sees her at a distance. One could say out loud or to his friend " What a rani man !" or "Wish she could be my rani" . One could just say "raaaannniii !!!" this is a very distinctive way of saying it and for the effect it has to be said as it is written as "Raaaaa"..."nii".
3. My daughter's name is rani.

rani có nghĩa là


A beautiful Hebrew name that literally translates to " My Song "

Also can refer to "joy" and "song"

Unisex name, but is totally hot for a guy, especially if he plays music. One of the most edible names out there.

Rani brings sunshine on a cloudy day and is totally funny, smart and caring.


He's such a Rani, little sassy too

rani có nghĩa là

1. A name for girls, usually Indians. It means "Queen" in Hindi. 2. A playful name for a girl people find attractive. 3. A loud, bubbly and generally clumsy girl that everybody likes. Usually very childish, but can be very mature if she needs. 4. A name people call a girl when everybody know's who she likes but she doesn't realise it herself. 5. A girl who's too smart for her own good. 6. A popular bitch.


Rani Mukherjee is a Hindi actress's name. 2.
Guy 1: Wow, that girl is so hot. I wonder what her name is?
Guy 2: I know, right? Everyone calls her a Rani. 3.
Girl 1: Ha ha, your sister is so cute. I love her dimples!
Girl 2: Yes, but watch out. She never shuts up!
Girl 1: Yes, I heard that the teacher's had a talk with your mum about that.
Girl 2: Yeah, but my mum didn't believe it. She always acts really mature at home. She's such a Rani! 4.
Girl 1: Did you see how she was looking at him?
Girl 2: I did, she totally likes him.
Girl 1: And she doesn't even know it herself!
Girl 2: Yeah! That's soo Rani! 5.
Girl 1: Did you see how she mentally owned our maths teacher?
Girl 2: Yeah, I know. She know's more about golden numbers than he does.
Girl 1: He was so upset. I bet he fails her.
Girl 2: Yeah. She should stop being a Rani. 6.
Girl 1: Guess who I saw today at the mall?
Girl 2: Who?
Girl 1: That bitch from 9th grade that everybody loves.
Girl 2: Oh wow, really
Girl 1: Yeah, she totally ignored me when I waved to her.
Girl 2: What a Rani...

rani có nghĩa là

\Ra-Arn-Nee\, noun:adjective:adverb:
1. A clumpsy peron or/and act of clumpsyness.
2. A threat
3. Bridget Jones
4. A threat to kitchens


Person A: "omg i burnt my kitchen down!" *gay emo*
Person B: "its okay, everyone acts Rani sometimes"

rani có nghĩa là

Your first name, Rany, makes you independent, resourceful, practical, and patient. You could be inventive along scientific or technical lines. Although you are not naturally spontaneous in musical or artistic expression, you can develop technical proficiency along these lines. You are fussy about details and seek perfection in whatever you undertake. Being somewhat wilful and skeptical, you learn best through your own experiences and seek proof though facts. You work best alone, making your own decisions, and learning from your own experiences. Despite your loyalty to friends, your communication at times is stilted, too candid, and frank.


He/She achieved a worldwide nobilty, that Rany

rani có nghĩa là

A beautiful Hebrew name meaning “my song” often short for leeran meaning “my song of friendship” a Rani is a beautiful and loving person who tends to get pneumonia a lot during the winters. Rani’s are usually tall and like to write sad poetry in a tortured artist type way. Everyone falls for a Rani but Rani doesn’t fall for everyone. Usually introverted and socially awkward, many people find Rani’s funny and cute.


Random girl: “damn that girl is so pretty but why is she here?”
Random doctor: “that beautiful girl gets pneumonia every year”
Random girl: “wow that gorgeous queen must be a Rani”

rani có nghĩa là

The coolest guy on earth.
His name origines from Egypt. He is so beautiful and have some abs.
Some rumours says that he has the biggest dick on eartg


I saw a Rani yesterday I was so shocked, he was so prettzy