basic bitch là gì - Nghĩa của từ basic bitch

basic bitch có nghĩa là

-a bum-ass woman who think she the shit but really ain't popularized by lil duval and spokenreasons


-if you fuck a nigga and all his homeboys, you a basic bitch
-if you a black girl and your weave is red, green, purple, or blonde... you a basic bitch
-if you claim you independent, get wit a nigga, marry a nigga, have kids wit a nigga, take the nigga to court and ask for child support while you already gettin child support, you can kill yourself, you a basic bitch and you desperate
-if you tell a nigga you can throw down knowin damn well ur ass can't cook a raw egg.. you a basic bitch
-if you scared to fart or take a shit in front of ur mans knowin u been together for a year or two... you a basic bitch
-if you bend yo ass over in all yo pictures just to make it a lil bigger knowin you ain't got one, you a basic bitch -if you and ur man got all yall clothes off and yall bout to have sex and you put yo hands up and say stop, you a basic bitch and you already knew what you were gettin urself into while he was kissin on yo neck
-if you sing any beyonce song all day erryday, somethin like "upgrade" and ain't nothin upgraded about you since high school in 92, kill yaself, u a basic bitch
-if you got 5 kids with 5 baby daddys.....yous basic bitch
-if you take any man on the Maury show knowin u coulda saved the trouble by testin him at the hospital.. yous a basic bitch
-if you FUCK every man in the world, "rehoecate", then put yo coochie on lock and act like you born again saved again christian, yous a basic bitch
if i see granny panties on anything you wear, ANYTHING! yous a basic bitch
-if you step up in the club with them fresh heals on, cold done, and the back of yo ankles ashy.. yous a basic bitch
-if you fuckin a man in the same bedroom as your baby in.. yous a basic bitch
-if you walk like a bitch, talk like a bitch and get mad when somebody call u a bitch... you a basic bitch

basic bitch có nghĩa là

Yet another term used by society to judge women and their lifestyle choices.
Because, honestly, what would we do with our time if we didn't have socially accepted ways to demean and denigrate women for choices they make, even though those choices have nothing to do with ourselves or our own choices? (Generally used by someone who sees the female in question as somehow less than worthy of their attention/admiration, usually because the female has decided not to have sex with them.)


"This female fits into stereotypes that we have pressed upon her for most of her life. It's no longer socially acceptable to hate fat girls, skinny girls, gay girls, or girls who have healthy sexual appetites, so let's make fun of those basic bitches." "She likes the same things as a lot of other girls. Such a basic bitch." "She won't fuck me. I know I'm perfect, and a "nice guy" to boot, so it must be her fault. She must be a stuck-up basic bitch." "That basic bitch thinks she's special. She's so unoriginal. Unlike me, the hipster of all hipsters whose every thought and action is so fucking original and innovative that I might as well be a god."

basic bitch có nghĩa là

Somebody who is boring and unoriginal.


Does Gilberto know that he is a mad wack basic bitch?

basic bitch có nghĩa là

a basic bitch fulfills all the stereotypes of your typical 22 year old white girl and absolutely nothing more. favorite movies: the notebook, favorite bands: coldplay and adele,
likes walks on the beach and hanging out with her bitches. enjoys living like a statistic and dying like a leaf. causing nothing to change and effecting nothing. a meatsack with reproductive organs. neither dirty nor clean. neither nothing nor special. but some unnerving thing inbetween. existing enough to exist, but somehow enough to disappear. this is the essence of the basic bitch.


my facebook profile selfie's caption is "perfectly imperfect, if you dont love me at my best you dont deserve me at my worst" you a basic bitch. get cancer and die.

basic bitch có nghĩa là

A definition of a girl who thinks she is awesome when she really isn't. Someone who is just being plain basic.


Guy: "damn did you see that brunette with those gorgeous blue eyes??" Me: "oh yea that's Lana dude, careful though she's soooo BASIC." Guy: "cant be too careful these days with them basic bitches around." basic bitch brunette

basic bitch có nghĩa là

Girls at colleges and universities who dress in the most stereotypical manner of college attire.


"hey, see that girl in the college tee, tunning shorts, with the bad highlights? she's such a basic bitch" "see the girl with the puffy jacket, skinny jeans and ugg boots? totally a basic bitch."

basic bitch có nghĩa là

A female who's favorite filter is the snapchat puppy dog filter Takes pictures of everything she eats and uploads it to Instagram
Wears Uggs and North Face everyday of the year
Is obsessed with famous pop artists
Always has a Starbucks cup in her hand
Will fuck you over for a pack of cigarettes Has no personality
Basically someone you don't want to associate with


"Is Becky coming to the barbecue?"
"I uninvited her, she has puppy dog ears in her profile pic, she's a basic bitch."

basic bitch có nghĩa là

1. Female equivalent to a Fuck Boi 2. A female who believes what they do is original and unique, but they´re just doing whats trending.


That basic bitch better back the fuck up before she gets smacked the fuck up.

basic bitch có nghĩa là

loves going to brunch for bottom-less mimosas every day. She may work in Fashion, Marketing or for an agency or may not have a job. Frequently found in the city of Los Angeles taking selfies while wearing wide brimmed hats & sunglasses too big for her face. Often times heard saying the words "betch", "woooo" and "bae". Known for boosting likes on Sunday's latest Instagram post just to feel better 'bout that one-night-stand they pulled last night with the guy sporting a "Sunday Funday" T. They are always using filters on posts and saying "#nofilter".


John: Check out this chick's instagram. Every photo she's either partying or on vacation somewhere. That shit is crazy
Bill: Ya man. That is a basic bitch.

basic bitch có nghĩa là

A someone that goes and gets starbucks every day, in ugg boots and carrying louis vuitton's never-full and a fluffy white jacket with instagram makeup on and a messy bun. And someone that dreams of Channing Tatum


Do you see that basic bitch over there? Yeah, the one in the ugg boots