wemo là gì - Nghĩa của từ wemo

wemo có nghĩa là

adj. Describes a person who tries to be emo but fails, or in other words, wannabe emo. Most wemo people listen to Good Charlotte and Simple Plan while taking pictures of their secretly happy selves in toques and unconvincabley sad expressions. A lot of wemo people DON'T know how to put on eyeliner and many of them sport buzzcuts. Tsk tsk.


"My life sucks. I have a wide circle of friends, a loving family, and roof over my head."

wemo có nghĩa là

a wannabe emo.
They desperatly want to be emo.
sometimes even call themselves emo.
they claim that EVERYONE calls them emo, but thats not the case.
They go around PRETENDING to self harm, but they dont have the guts to do it.
They try to befriend emos, or emoish people.
They normally try to get into emo clothes but it ends up looking wrong.
They often have long hair, and try to flip it in front of their eyes.
They use words on msn like "lawl" "hawt" "yew" "lobbe"
They often have a myspace, but dont know how to use it properly, they arent good with the codes and most likely cant use the
code. They try to use emo layouts but it doesnt work.
They put makeup on but it doesnt look emo.
it looks wannabed.
they also claim their more emo than everyone else.
They dont really know emo music and are most likely to listen to more alternative and hip hop music.


wemo: Omgz. i lobbbee lip piercings dnt u lawwwll!
person: er,, your a WEMO

wemo có nghĩa là

Wemo- Has many different definitions depending from the area. In this case: Wannabe emo. Some class wannabe emo as those who listen to fall out boy, panic! at the disco, hawthorne heights and simple plan. Others think of those who look like emos, but are not quite there. Those who complain about their perfect lives and think of self harm as cool, when people who do it need help. Ex - Chavs. Others believe anyone slightly emo is wemo, therefore they cant believe anyone is emo? Oh and people that are obviously fake but call themselves emo.


Wemo: I'm emo! I listen to hawthorne heights, and wear clothes from the gothic range at new look, which i cant afford as i spend all my money on crap to help me with my awful life. *attempts to cry*

wemo có nghĩa là

A wannabe emo. Usually a prep trying to be hard core.


That stupid Chloe girl is sucha wemo

wemo có nghĩa là

Wemo people are basically really sad little kids who think they're So emo.
They listen to music like linkin park, Fall out boy, Panic at the Disco, think they're heavy metal.
They shop at the emo range in H&M or Topshop, which is really sad, because every wemo buys their clothes there. They sometimes go to Tammy. You also see them patrolling the streets in groups of fives, giving evils to the really cool kids who they envy so much.
They're also found in the emo section of Claires, buying armbands and shit like that. They try to desperately to be random on bebo or myspace but they just sound like fucking insane people who have no lives. Black eye make up doesn't look good on them, and they copy other cool kid's styles, like their words and the way they act.
Basically they're like 13 year olds who think it's cool to copy other people and their styles, they're such fakes!


On a wemos bebo:

"Some of my favourite things are music and putty twats.
I also like to eat grass * smiles* "
On non uniform day a wemo turns up at school dressed in a spongebob top, camoflage pants and converse style pumps.

They fucking disgust me. O_o

wemo có nghĩa là

An wemo is someone who tries to be emo and lies so Thier "friends" will think thier emo, in this it hardly eva works, wemos try too hard and just do it for a fashion instead of what emo acctually stands for, wemos also think it's kewl to cut themselves they fake homosexuality/ bi


guy 1- hey look at him

guy-2 oh gawd another wannabe

wemo- Oh $%£ off your just £$@{^&$ jealous

Guy 1- Get bent

Wemo- do u want me to slit my wrists an cry and write sad poerty

guy2- wat eva

Wemo- walks and fake cries

wemo có nghĩa là

An individual who genuinely believes that they're an Emo when they're trying terribly to be one and failing. They'll usually be seen wearing stupid hoodies they bought from H&M, heard complaining about there unimportant problems, and with a make-shift side fringe. They'll have a Myspace account, on which they will have filled out their profile details in text-speak most likely. They'll confuse emo music with indie, rock and metal. They'll say they like bands which they never actually listen to. They will desperately wait for somebody to mention their supposed label of 'Emo', and when someone does it will transpire that they obviously are flattered, but they will deny it half-heartedly. Even though you only said it in the hope of embarrassing them!


Paul: heeeyyyy r u going 2 the simple plan concert in july?
Ian: defooo mayte rock on!111
Me: So, you two, being Emos *trying to embarrass them* must love all heavy music, you know like Simple Plan and.. Good Charlotte and MCR... yup you are so hardcore.
Paul and Ian together: cheers mayte = yea those r our fave bands omg how did u no!1?
Me: I was trying to embarrass you, you wemo, wemoooooo

wemo có nghĩa là

Typically applied to younger kids(around 13+) desperate to become emo.Such people conform to the stereo-typical behaviour in order to be seen as emo.-This includes diliberatly "getting into" a band because of its reputation and popularity,for example My Chemical Romance,Wemos also begin to start telling everyone how depressing their life has become,and can be frequently heard saying "im an emo,so what" and "im SO individual".If their hair is too short to make an impressive emo fringe then the hair is pulled harshly round about the location of an eye.Skinny jeans,eyeliner and depressing photo angles begin to show up in the wemos everyday appearence.


HA look at that bunch of wemos over there!

They're such a bunch of little wemos!

wemo có nghĩa là

Stands for wannabe emo. They listen to bands like Good Charlotte and Fall Out Boy. They take pictures of half their faces or from above angles then edit them on photoshop. They whine and complain about their lives and talk about cutting themselves. They can also lie about their homosexuality to try and make themselves look more emo. Also tell people they're emo.


Guy 1: After I didn't see you I went to Richard's house and we cut our veins.
Guy 2: Oh yes we're so emo.

^ thats wemo

wemo có nghĩa là

wannabe emo.


guy-omg, im gonna slit my wrists tonight. girl-no , don't if you do it .. i will kill myself. both- lets be depressed together ^^ wemos ¬.¬