Screens Remote Desktop

EspinoJessenia-6566 asked Jun 8, '21 | PeterAffentranger-2676 edited Dec 4, '21

remote desktop will not go on dual monitors all of a sudden

I have a remote desktop app that I use for working from home on my all in one. Up until the morning it worked on 2 monitors (my HP all in one with Windows 10 Home and my acer monitor) just fine. What changed? I tried all of the fixes listed so far but nothing is working. HELP! I need 2 monitors.

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JiaYou-MSFT · Jun 22, 2021 at 01:24 AM

HI EspinoJessenia-6566,

Is there any progress on your question?

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JiaYou-MSFT JiaYou-MSFT · Jun 29, 2021 at 07:30 AM

HI EspinoJessenia-6566,

Is there anything to help you?

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JiaYou-MSFT answered Jun 9, '21 | JiaYou-MSFT edited Jun 9, '21

HI EspinoJessenia-6566,

1.What's the model of your HP all in one computer? for example HP 66 Pro G2

2.Did you try to unplug and plug-in the monitor VGA/DP/HDMI cable to your HP all-in-one computer?

3."I have a remote desktop app "
Do you use rdp file to remote access the remote server?

4.Did you try to update display card driver on your local problematical computer?

5.Could you please enter winver in command prompt on remote computer to look the OS version?

6.If we open "Remote desktop connection" app and set "use all my monitors for the remote session" like below picture, then enter the remote computer ip/FQDN, will the same issue happen?

7.What's the resolution about both monitors (HP all-in-one monitor and Acer monitor)?

8.Are you administrator of remote server?

Using Multiple Monitors with Windows Remote Desktop

Screens Remote Desktop

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David-3001 answered Oct 18, '21 | HendrikMeyer-9295 edited Nov 15, '21

This same issued happened to me when I updated my Nvidia drivers for my GTX 1660ti. When I log into remote desktop with dual monitors my secondary monitor does not refresh and appears to not work.

Through trial and error I found that I could get the second monitor to refresh by either hovering my mouse over the connection bar, or by pressing the windows key. (and as long as I'm working on the second monitor it works fine, but the second I use anything on the primary monitor monitor 2 stops refreshing, until I once again hit the windows key/hover over the connection bar).

What I believe is happening is that the new video drivers detect an application is using "full screen" mode and locks it down to one monitor. I'd sure love a way to fix this because it drives me nuts. Everything worked fine for a year, then a driver update breaks is.

Note: One fix/workaround is to roll back your video drivers to a previous version, however, since upgrading to Windows 11 this isn't an option for me, so I'm constantly hitting my windows key throughout the day in order to get the second monitor to update.

(note, everything is actually happening on that monitor, it's just the screen is not refreshing).


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MichaelEbmeier-3923 · Oct 26, 2021 at 04:05 PM

Having the same exact issue as you. Hope someone finds an answer here :(

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Er-5306 · Nov 04, 2021 at 01:25 PM

I am having the same exact issue. I have windows 11 and an RTX 3070. Any fixes since your last post? I need to constantly move back and forth between the two monitors.

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HendrikMeyer-9295 · Nov 15, 2021 at 02:39 PM

This problem does not seem to be connected specifically with Nvidia Drivers. The same issue has reported on the intel community forum:

I have the same issue on my Dell Latitude 3420, Windows 10, Intel UHD graphics driver

Luckily, I can use Forticlient as an alternative option to Citrix Workspace to access the company's VPN to set up a remote desktop connection using multiple monitors.

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PhilHarsant-8215 answered Nov 10, '21

This started occurring yesterday on my first work from home day since updating to windows 11 on my home PC. I found an eyeball searing temporary fix, by turning on HDR for each display. I did notice the monitor that was refreshing was averaging 48hz while the display that was retaining the image (and would refresh maybe once every five minutes if I didn't force it) was 144hz continuously but I didn't check what the rate was when it was working, I was too busy catching up with my work delayed by my trouble-shooting and fighting off the searing migraine from terrible HDR implementation.

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PeterAffentranger-2676 answered Dec 1, '21 | PeterAffentranger-2676 edited Dec 4, '21

I had exactly the same issue after upgrade to Windows 11, using a GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER.
I could solve it as follows.

  • Start NVIDIA Control Panel

  • Go to displays > configure multiple displays (or something similar as my language is set to german ;-)

  • Make the display that isn't refreshing properly to your primary display (no need to change the numbering of the displays)

Additionally make sure that in Windows 11 the same display is marked as primary display

  • Go to Windows 11 > display settings multiple displays

  • Mark the same display as primary as in the NVIDIA Control Panel

After that I am able to work with multiple displays local and remote as on Windows 10.

I didn't try the effect of the other settings in Windows 11 display settings: Remember windows position and minimize windows. But I'm pretty sure that they will also have an impact on how multiple screens work on Windows 11 local and Windows 10 remote.

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HendrikMeyer-9295 · Dec 01, 2021 at 04:16 PM

Sadly in my case, the other display (of the same kind) freezes then instead. But it is definitely worth trying this workaround if you face the issue.

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PeterAffentranger-2676 · Dec 04, 2021 at 07:25 AM

Actually, 2 days later, I realise that my solution isn't working properly.
After adding the step with Windows 11 display settings it is working fine now.

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