One of the qualities of a good researcher that he keeps on inventing unique

It is a question we have been asked before, and one which has been pondered over. What personal qualities are required to be a good market researcher?

Here are the team’s attempts to answer the question – although we welcome your input too! Please add comments below or get in touch through social media.

There is a researcher within all of us just waiting to be let loose…

Being ‘good’ according to the Oxford English Dictionary can be aligned with a multitude of properties of which “high quality”, “competent” and “skilful” are amongst those listed to name a few.

We believe that the qualities required to be good researcher can be broken down into more specific core competencies.  Here are the thoughts of the Mustard team, in no particular order…

One of the qualities of a good researcher that he keeps on inventing unique

1. An analytical mind

“As a market researcher you are constantly analysing a variety of factors. Why does the client ultimately want to do this research? What is the appropriate methodology? When should this research take place? What are the appropriate questions to ask and how? Why did the respondent say that? What are the findings telling us? Why are they telling us that? How do I best communicate the findings? etc. On a daily basis researchers must be able to take a step back and analyse the situation presented to them. The obvious answer is not necessarily the right one” (Gareth Hodgson)

“You have to be able to see the bigger picture as well as the detail. People often find it easier to do one or the other- it is a skilled researcher that can do both simultaneously” (Richard Walker)

2. A people person

“This is important for clients –buyers of research would rather work with professional AND friendly consultants. Also for respondents – to get the best out of interview / focus group participants” (Richard Walker)

3. The ability to stay calm

“It can be really stressful as a researcher sometimes, especially when you have pressing deadlines or are experiencing problems with a data set, for example. When these situations occur, you just have to keep focused and think logically – there will always be an end point, even if it doesn’t feel like it!” (Bethan Turner)

4. Intelligence

“Research requires critical analysis but most of all common sense” (Liz Brierley)

5. Curiosity

“You may have the necessary intelligence but if you are not curious enough then you won’t be passionate about delving deeper to unearth more insight” (Anthony Shephard)

“At the end of the day, the role of a market researcher is to find out about other people’s business and tell it to other people. To be a market researcher you have to have an inherent interest in what other people think (potentially about absolutely anything!), and the nosier you are, the greater depth of information you can extract” (Gareth Hodgson)

6. Quick thinker

“Things don’t always go to plan so you need to be able to think fast” (Anthony Shephard)

7. Commitment

“It’s a tough job – the hours can be long, the deadlines short” (Richard Walker)

8. Excellent written and verbal communication skills

“So different audiences can clearly understand the findings of the research and what it means for them” (Jo Iaconianni)

“You have to have excellent written communications and be fluent in the language of business” (Richard Walker)

9. Sympathetic

“Having a sympathetic ear when listening to some respondents’ moans and groans is always a good skill to have!” (Liz Brierley)

10. Systematic

“Check, check and check again. It sounds simple but I’ve definitely learnt that building in a proper amount of time for checking your work always pays dividends. This can be applied to all parts of the research process” (Bethan Turner)

“Attention to detail – the ability to ensure that data is accurately presented and reported” (Anthony Shephard)

Meaning and characteristics of research from jedliam

What makes a good researcher? Is it some undefinable, innate genius, or is it something that we can practice and build upon? If it was just the former, then there would be far fewer innovations in the history of humankind than there have been. A careful look at researchers through the ages reveals that they all have certain attributes in common that have helped contribute to their success.

The characteristics of a good researcher:

1. Curiosity

They ask questions. An endless thirst for knowledge is what sets the best of the best apart from the others. Good researchers constantly strive to learn more, not just about their own field, but about other fields as well. The world around us is fascinating, be it the physics behind the way light refracts, or the anthropological constructions of our society. A good researcher keeps exploring the world and keeps searching for answers.

2. Analytical ability and foresight

They look for connections. Information is useless without interpretation. What drives research forward is finding meaning in our observations and data. Good researchers evaluate data from every angle and search for patterns. They explore cause and effect and untangle the tricky web that interconnects everyday phenomena. And then take it one step further to ask, ‘What is the bigger picture? How will the research develop in the future?’

3. Determination

They try, try, and try again. Research can be a frustrating experience. Experiments may not pan out how we expect them to. Even worse, sometimes experiments may run smoothly until they are 95% complete before failing. What sets an average researcher apart from a truly good one? The truly good researcher perseveres. They accept this disappointment, learn from the failure, reevaluate their experiment, and keep moving forward.

4. Collaboration

Teamwork makes the dream work. Contrary to the common perception of the solitary genius in their lab, research is an extremely collaborative process. There is simply too much to do for just one person to do it all. Moreover, research is becoming increasingly multidisciplinary. It is impossible for just one person to have expertise in all these fields. In general, research is conducted in teams, with each researcher having their individual roles and responsibilities. Being able to coordinate, communicate, and get along with team members is a major factor that can contribute to one’s success as a researcher.

5. Communication

They get their message across. Communication skills are an essential asset for every researcher. Not only do they have to communicate with their team members, but they also have to communicate with co-authors, journals, publishers, and funders. Whether it is writing a crisp and effective abstract, presenting at a conference, or writing a persuasive grant proposal to secure research funding, communication appears everywhere in a researcher’s life. The message in the old adage, ‘If a tree falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?’ applies to research too. A discovery could be groundbreaking, but what is the use if the researcher can’t communicate this discovery to the rest of the world?

What are the qualities of a good researcher?

The characteristics of a good researcher:.
Analytical ability and foresight..

How can I be a unique researcher?

Six important skills to become a succesful researcher.
Being humble and open to criticism. ... .
Building a social network. ... .
Working hard, working smart. ... .
Having clear goals / being organized / having a good research plan. ... .
Stepping out of the comfort zone. ... .
Having good writing skills..

Which of these is one of the essential qualities of a researcher?

Answer: 1. Knowing the difficulties lying ahead, I would like to suggest the following qualities: interest, motivation, inquisitiveness, commitment, sacrifice, excelling, knowledge, recognition, scholarly approach, and integration.