Checklist React native

The 14-Point Checklist Every React Native Developer Needs In Their Toolkit

Checklist React native

Aug 23, 2017·1 min read

React Native has caught a lot of hype recently, yet the ecosystem still sort of a wild-west when it comes to tooling decisions (as with all things JavaScript). If youre just getting started with RN, or you are experienced and are about to start a new project, here are the tools We recommend that you add to your React Native repertoire:

  1. Flow what if your code could test itself?
  2. ESLint w/universal config code quality is
  3. React Navigation the blessed React Native navigation solution
  4. Reactotron a streamlined deger for React and React Native apps
  5. Prettier never worry about code formatting again
  6. Sentry catch error reports before they end up in your app reviews
  7. GitLab free private git repos if you dont have the to drop on GitHub
  8. Custom fonts Ro️oto gets old over time, ya know
  9. CodePush push bugfixes on the fly without waiting ages for app store approval
  10. styled-components Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress
  11. MobX stupid-easy state management
  12. Reactiflux react-* dev community. give some help, receive some help
  13. Figma Sketch X Google Docs == super easy UI design ️
  14. Expo prototype apps quickly, using new APIs like Apple Pay and fingerprint sensors

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