Surf the net nghĩa là gì

surf the net Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

surf the Net

survey the Internet or global computer network Olga is surfing the Net again - looking for a boy in the US.

surf the net

To browse the various content of the Internet. With the ubiquity of affordable smartphones and computers, everyone from seniors to preschoolers is able to surf the net these days. I just worry that he spends too much time surfing the net alone instead of hanging out with other kids his age.Learn more: net, surf

surf the Net

to browse around in the contents of the Internet. I spend an hour a day or more surfing the Net.Learn more: net, surf

surf the net

move from site to site on the Internet. Surf here comes from channel-surfing , the practice of switching frequently between channels on a television set in an attempt to find an interesting programme.Learn more: net, surf

surf the net

tv. to browse through the offerings of the internet. He surfs the net for three hours each evening. Learn more: net, surf
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