Standing topspin serve

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Most of us have seen someone do an overhand volleyball serve that looked effortless. While an overhand volleyball serve is a more versatile serve, it's also more difficult. It requires more coordination, timing, and strength. Since this is a more difficult serve, you should practice it after you've mastered the underhand serve. While your overhand serve might not look effortless, it can improve the accuracy, speed, and power of your serves.

Method 1 Method 1 of 3:How to Serve With a Basic Overhand Serve

  1. Standing topspin serve
    Standing topspin serve
    Stagger your feet. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Place the foot opposite of your hitting hand in front of the other foot. Your shoulders and hips should be aligned with the net. Make sure your knees are bent. It is extremely important that your weight is on your back foot.[1]
    • A server's posture is one of the most important parts of their serve. The power of the service isn't from upper body strength, but from the legs. A powerful serve is achieved by being able to transfer weight from the back foot to the front foot correctly. Getting a strong starting posture is pivotal to a strong serve.
  2. Standing topspin serve
    Standing topspin serve
    Hold the ball in front of you. Place your non-dominant hand directly in front of you, straight but with a flexible elbow. The palm should be face up with the ball in it.[2]
    • Another way to set up is to cover the ball with your hitting hand.
  3. 3
    Ready your hitting hand. Swing your serving arm back next to your head. Make sure that your elbow is pointing upwards and your hand is at or slightly above your ear. This stance opens your body.
  4. 4
    Toss the ball into the air. Lift the ball with your palm about 1836 inches (4691cm) in the air. Keep the ball in line with your hitting shoulder and about 1 foot (0.3m) in front of you so you can step into the serve. Your right hand should be at a 90-degree angle behind your body. Remember that you want your dominant hand to make contact with the ball just after it changes direction and begins to drop back down.
    • Don't toss the ball too high, too low, or too far to any side. This means you will have to chase the ball, resulting in a bad serve.[3]
    • In some variations, the hitting arm is readied as you toss the ball up, not before.
  5. 5
    Aim for your service with your body. The majority of the power of your service is gained from the legs as you transfer weight from your back leg to your front leg. To transfer your weight properly, make sure your starting position is correct. Add momentum by stepping forward with your dominant foot as you serve, transferring the weight forward for a powerful serve.
    • The ball will go where your hand and toes face, so aim your palm and toes for accurate shooting.
  6. 6
    Hit the ball with the heel of your dominant hand. Lead with your elbow to bring your dominant hand forward. Smack the ball with the heel of your hand or the bottom of your palm.[4] Don't hit the ball with your fingers or fist. Make sure your serving hand is slanted slightly upward. This will help loft the ball over the net. Aim for the middle of the ball to achieve the straightest trajectory of the ball. Stop the motion of your hand when you make contact with the ball.
    • Watch the spin on the ball. This will show you if you're contacting the ball correctly. If you see the ball sidespin or backspin, then you know your contact was off-center.
    • Swing fast at the ball from the shoulder.[5]
  7. Standing topspin serve
    Standing topspin serve
    Get into position. After striking the ball, use your momentum to run to your defensive position.

Method 2 Method 2 of 3:How to Serve With a Top-Spin Jump Serve

  1. Standing topspin serve
    Standing topspin serve
    Set up your stance. Begin with your feet shoulder-width apart facing the net. Your dominant arm should be directly in front of you, palm up, with the ball in your palm.
    • You should be at least 58 feet (1.52.4m) behind the line to have enough space for a 3-4 step approach.
  2. 2
    Toss the ball into the air. Step forward with your dominant foot and keep the toss in line with your hitting shoulder. As you step forward, throw the ball high into the air and slightly forward with your dominant hand. Flick your wrist when tossing the ball to create a spin on the ball.
    • A consistent toss results in a consistent serve. The toss influences every aspect of the service; a bad toss can ruin an otherwise good serve. Toss with your strong hand, keep the ball in front of you, and don't throw it too high or low. These things result in bad serves.
  3. 3
    Take three or four quick steps forward. This should go slow to fast so that your last two steps are much quicker and should look like they're happening at the same time. On your last step forward, launch yourself into a jump. Use the momentum from the steps above to get higher in the air.
    • If you're right-handed, your steps will be left-right-left. If left-handed, you'll be right-left-right. These last two steps are called a "step close" and are the most explosive part of your approach.
  4. 4
    Prepare your hitting arm. Both arms should swing back to generate power for the jump. As you jump, swing your dominant/hitting arm back behind your body at a 90-degree angle. As with the basic overhand serve, your elbow should be pointing upward, with your wrist rigid and at or slightly above your ear[6] . Your non-hitting arm should point at the ball to track it.
    • Your non-hitting arm tracks the ball in what is commonly referred to as a bow and arrow movement.
  5. Standing topspin serve
    Standing topspin serve
    Learn how to hit the ball with your hand. Aim to hit the ball just above the center of the ball. Unlike in a basic overhand serve, don't stop your arm when you hit the ball. Swing all the way through and snap your wrist.
    • If you can't get the snapping motion, practice. This wrist snap is what makes a top-spin serve powerful and unique. Practice perfecting the snap of the wrist along with hitting the ball correctly to send it sailing over the net.
  6. 6
    Hit the ball. Create lots of forwarding momentum by rotating your hips and body through the serve. You should be broad jumping into the court on your jump serve and jump float. At the highest point of your jump, bring your hand down in a snapping motion slightly underneath the ball. This way you can aim upwards, but wrap your wrist over the top, which creates an up-down arc with the serve. This should create a topspin.
    • If you're right-handed, your left hip should lead with your left shoulder. Then your right hip should power through, followed by your right arm.

Method 3 Method 3 of 3:How to Serve With a Jump Float Serve

  1. Standing topspin serve
    Standing topspin serve
    Set up the ball. Start with the ball in both hands, straight in front of you. Hold the ball between both palms. Keep your elbows straight, but somewhat loose.
    • Some people toss the ball differently when jump serving. Some use their dominant hand, some use their non-dominant hand, some use both hands. The important thing for a jump serve is the effectiveness of the toss, not the toss method.
  2. 2
    Toss the ball. Step forward with your dominant foot, and then take three quick steps. On the last step of your approach, throw the ball upward and slightly forward. For afloat, you only want to throw it 12 to 18 inches (30.5 to 45.7cm), like in a basic overhand serve.
    • The toss sets up the entire server. Make sure your toss is not too high or too low. The ball should be tossed with your strongest hand, and the ball should remain in front of the body.
    • Practice your toss until you have perfected it. Just like any other sports drill, practice tossing for hours to learn the proper technique.
  3. 3
    Jump. Directly after you loft the ball, jump upward with your next step, using the momentum from your approach. Bring your hitting arm back with the elbow high and by your ear.[7]
  4. 4
    Hit the ball. Leading with your elbow, hit the ball with the heel of your dominant hand as with the basic overhand serve. Your wrist should remain stiff. After hitting the ball, freeze with your palm towards the target.[8]
    • With any service, but especially jump serves, send the ball into the opponent's dead zones. They should have to move to get to the ball. As you practice and learn the overhand serve, learn how to send it away from the opponent's zones so you're not sending it directly to them.
    • Make sure your feet leave the floor before you cross the line. The land across the line.

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Where should I stand when I serve?
    Standing topspin serve
    Community Answer
    Depending on how you serve, stand at least 5 to 6 inches behind the line. This way, you are safe from getting a line fault.
  • Question
    I can serve the volleyball, but I can't seem to get it over the net. Any tips?
    Standing topspin serve
    Community Answer
    Hit the ball as hard as you can on the side/bottom and that will make it go up and over the net.
  • Question
    What part of my hand is better to use in order to hit the ball harder?
    Standing topspin serve
    Top Answerer
    Hit with your open palm. Using a closed fist will produce a harder hit but will sacrifice accuracy, which is usually a bad thing.
  • Question
    How can I make my serve more powerful?
    Standing topspin serve
    Community Answer
    You can lift weights to build up your arm muscles or just keep practicing serving. Your volleyball coach should be able to give you tips as well.
  • Question
    When tossing the ball upwards, how close/ far should it be from my face/body?
    Standing topspin serve
    Community Answer
    Not terribly far, maybe about 6-8 inches away from you face. However, you want to have enough room to swing and spike the ball.
  • Question
    My body keeps moving to the side, and I end up not getting it over the net. What do I do?
    Standing topspin serve
    Community Answer
    Turn your body before the serve, so that if you turn while serving, you end up facing the net.
  • Question
    Is it easier to serve the ball with a flat hand or a fist?
    Standing topspin serve
    Community Answer
    Use a flat hand.
  • Question
    Is most of the pressure on your back leg? Should I get knee pads for this? And when serving the ball (over hand), do I hit all the way through or stop when I hit the ball?
    Standing topspin serve
    Top Answerer
    If you're asking about serving, most of your weight IS supported by your back leg as you hit the ball in order to move your body forward during the serve. Players should always wear knee pads in high-level competition. As for your serving motion, a full follow-through will help in a power serve, but if you're concerned about accuracy, you can dispense with the follow-through.
  • Question
    What do I need to know to do an excellent overhand?
    Standing topspin serve
    Community Answer
    An easy way to remember the key points of serving is: arm out, arm up, toss, step, swing.
  • Question
    I can overhand serve, but I can't get it over the net, can anyone help?
    Standing topspin serve
    Top Answerer
    Start practicing hitting the ball higher and softer. Once you can consistently get the ball in, gradually aim lower and hit harder.


  • If you're having trouble with your server, try practicing just the toss. If you throw it up and just let it drop, it should land directly in front of your right foot, which should still be in the position in front of your right foot, before the step. A good toss is pivotal to a good serve.
  • If you make a bad toss, let it drop. If you catch it, the catch will be counted as your serve!
  • You should be able to hear a solid thud when you hit the ball if it is a good serve.
  • Make sure you keep your elbow high so you can reach for the ball to get as much power as possible.
  • Using your momentum can help a lot especially if you have a small body. You need a lot of strength to get your service over the net.
  • Keep your hips facing in the direction you want the ball to go. If you want to serve to the left side of the court but your hips are facing the right, it will be much harder for you to direct the ball.
  • Practice, practice, practice. This is a much more difficult serve, so do not expect to learn it immediately. The toss, the height, and the approach are the most important elements to master as you are practicing.
  • Always hit the ball with your hands, not your fingers.
  • Once you toss the ball up in the air, don't reach for the ball. Wait for it to fall at the right moment so you can hit it.
  • If your hand is too far away from your head when you hit, you need to toss a little in more so you won't hurt yourself.
  • Only throw the ball as high as your hand, otherwise you might lose control of the ball and fail.
  • Make sure your toss is consistent. The toss can determine how your service will go over the net. For example, will it go over the net or go out of bounds. Practice a few times and you'll eventually get the hang of it!

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  9. Videos provided by Elevate Yourself

About This Article

Standing topspin serve
Co-authored by:
Cynthia Barboza
Professional Volleyball Player
This article was co-authored by Cynthia Barboza. Cynthia Barboza was a member of the USA Women's Volleyball Team for 10 years. She spent 4 years as the outside hitter for Stanford University and played professionally in Japan, Russia, and Italy. This article has been viewed 1,061,453 times.
Co-authors: 174
Updated: January 26, 2022
Article Rating:78% - 39 votes
Categories: Volleyball
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  • Standing topspin serve


    Nov 18, 2017

    "I had been practicing serving overhand on/off for about two months before my volleyball tryouts and I never got it. Then, after reading this article, I had served the best serves I had ever served at the tryouts and made the team! Yeah, so this is a great article. "
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