Spotify add to playlist order

Are you one of those who listen to every possible genre of music and have hundreds of songs in their playlists? If this is the case, organizing your playlists may seem like a nightmare. But if youre adamant about having everything organized, you should know there are several ways to manage your playlists. This article will show you how to organize Spotify playlists.

Spotify add to playlist order

Create a Playlist Dump for New Songs

A playlist dump is a great way to prioritize new songs. All those new songs that youve recently heard and loved (and often pretended that you didnt) can have their own playlist. You can listen to them on repeat until you get sick of them.

Phasing Out Songs From Your Playlist Dump

Think of this as a playlist purgatory: If you still like the songs after constantly keeping them on repeat, they deserve to be moved to another playlist. If you dont like them, remove them. Of course, if you still cant get enough of them, you can leave the songs in the dump or create a separate playlist.

That way, youll always have room for new songs that you need to listen to on repeat for hours.

Playlist Library

Your library contains all the songs youve liked and your playlists. You can customize it according to your preferences. Well show you some tips & tricks on how to organize it.

Playlist Group Sorted by When You Heard It

Have you ever heard a song that reminded you of a fun trip, your first boyfriend, grandparents, or your childhood? Music can serve as a time machine. It can take you back and give you access to random memories you didnt even know you had.

You can organize playlists based on this. If you ever want to go back in time and remember how you felt right at that exact moment, try organizing your playlist group according to when you heard certain songs.

Playlist Group Sorted by Mood/Emotions

Some songs are sad, some happy, some make you feel like a boss. If you put in the work to organize your playlist by emotions, youll always be a few clicks away from setting up a specific mood.

For example, you can have a designated playlist for car music. If you drive to work daily, or take the occasional long trip, you can choose the songs you think will sound great in a car and put them on a separate playlist.

For listening to music when you work, you can create a playlist with all the work songs: those that will motivate and inspire you to do your job even better.

Going to the gym may be much easier if you have a playlist with songs that really get you going. Nothing against Mariah Carey, but you may not want to hit the weights while listening to All I want for Christmas is you.


Since you (hopefully) have more than one playlist, overlaps are bound to happen. The same song may populate more than one of your playlists. This could be a good thing, though. You could have the same song in a mood playlist, a playlist for your favorite songs in high school, and one for songs you claim to hate but secretly love.

Playlist Machinery

As impressive as it is, Spotify also has amazing tools for organizing and reviewing your music. One of them is called Playlist Machinery, an app that allows you to go through your music library and sort the music.

Here is how you can access Playlist Machinery:

  1. Open your browser.
  2. Type Playlist machinery Spotify and open it.
    Spotify add to playlist order
  3. Log in to your Spotify account.
    Spotify add to playlist order
  4. Once youre logged in, your music library will be synced.
    Spotify add to playlist order

You can use Playlist Machinery on both your phone and your computer and play the music within the app.

Playlist Group Sorted by Genre

With Playlist Machinery, you can organize music by genre. On the left-hand side, youll see all of your music sorted according to its genre. If you like listening to all kinds of music, this option will show you the genres that most of your songs belong to.

The order goes from the most frequent genre at the top to the least frequent at the bottom.

Playlist Group Sorted by Decades

Playlist Machinery also allows you to sort your music by decades. The app will automatically sort your songs in folders depending on their decade of release.

Playlist Group Sorted by Style

Your songs will be sorted by style in Playlist Machinery. This allows you to quickly access songs that are quiet, loud, explicit, etc.

Besides the above, Playlist Machinery organizes your songs according to moods, time added, popularity, and duration.

Analyze your Spotify Playlists

There are various online tools that you can use to analyze your playlists according to criteria. Chosic Spotify Playlist Analyzer is one such tool. To learn how it works:
1. Go to

Spotify add to playlist order

2. Enter a link for the playlist that you want to analyze or log in to your Spotify account.

Spotify add to playlist order

3. If youre logged in, tap Your Playlists.

Spotify add to playlist order

4. Choose a playlist.
Once youve chosen a playlist, youll see basic information about it, such as the number of songs, most frequent genre, most repeated decade, key, and last updated. When you scroll down, youll see the overall mood of your playlist shown in percentage.
Youll also see a list of top artists based on how often they appear in the playlist and a list of the genres present in the playlist.
The decades released and the most frequent decade are also there.
In the end, youll be able to check the overall rating of your playlist according to:
1. Artists rating having one song per artist will be the highest rated.

Spotify add to playlist order

2. Genres rating not too many genres in one playlist.

Spotify add to playlist order

3. Popularity rating having a mix of popular and less popular music.
4. Length rating higher score if there are at least 50 songs.


How do I change my Spotify playlist order?

Changing your playlist order in Spotify is only possible through the desktop app. You can rearrange the order as follows:

1. Open the Spotify desktop app.

Spotify add to playlist order

2. Press and hold the playlist.

3. Drag and drop it at the position of your preference.

Spotify add to playlist order

Music Speaks Louder Than Words

Now youve learned how to organize Spotify playlists in all sorts of ways. Whether its according to your mood, genre, date, style, or something else, organized playlists will allow you to not only pick out a song for every situation but also to use your music like a time machine and travel back in time.

To analyze your playlists, you can use a tool such as Playlist Machinery or Chosic Spotify Playlist Analyzer. The results might surprise you.

How do you organize your Spotify playlists? Tell us in the comments below.