Marketable skill là gì

Đáp án C

Cụm từ “marketable skills” trong đoạn cuối có nghĩa là _________.

A. những kĩ năng thực hành mà bạn có được từ việc buôn bán ở chợ

B. các kĩ năng thực hành cho một công việc cụ thể

C. những kĩ năng hữu ích mà sẽ khiến một nhà tuyển dụng muốn tuyển bạn vào làm việc

D. những kĩ năng mà bạn được dạy ở trường

Định nghĩa của từ: marketable skills = the useful skills that make an employer want to give you a job.

“As you try to determine what you want to volunteer to do, and where you want to do it, make three lists: your marketable skills, the roles you seek and the kinds ofcharitable organizations you would want to support.”

(Khi bạn cố gắng xác định bạn muốn tình nguyện làm gì và ở đâu hãy liệt kê ra 3 thứ: các kĩ năng hữu ích mà nhà tuyển dụng muốn tuyển bạn, vai trò bạn muốn làm và loại tổ chức từ thiện nào bạn muốn tham gia).

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  1. Career Development
  2. Marketable Skills: Definition and Examples

By Indeed Editorial Team

February 22, 2021

Marketable skills can have a substantial impact on your chances of getting a job that aligns with your career path. You can select from a vast number of skills to improve in to make you an attractive job applicant to employers. Take a look at your previous experience to see where you can enhance your skills and if you can apply it to multiple industries if you're still seeking to advance your career.

In this article, we will outline what marketable skills are, examples of marketable skills in the workplace, how to improve your marketable skills to apply them when seeking future employment.

Read more: Choosing a Career Path in 9 Steps

What are marketable skills?

A marketable skill is any skill that can be added to your resume to boost the chances of employment. A marketable skill positions you to receive a call from an employer to speak with them during an interview. You can earn these skills in a freelance capacity or a full-time role with an organization. You should try to work in various positions to know which skills classify as strengths and can be transferred to other positions you work in during your career.

Read more: 12 Tough Interview Questions and Answers

Examples of marketable skills

Check out the list of examples of marketable skills that you can build on:

  • Coding

  • Graphic design

  • Content writing

  • Content editing

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

  • Project management

  • Public speaking

  • Social media

  • Photography

  • Bookkeeping


The knowledge of programming languages goes a long way in making you eligible for multiple positions, such as a computer programmer, web developer or a software engineer. Programming languages can be used for creating an application on a smartphone, improving artificial intelligence practices and functionalities, improving search results and writing actionable content for users.

Get started by enrolling yourself in a coding academy or into an associate's degree program for a related discipline. The knowledge you obtain can assist you in getting job placement opportunities and internships that you lead to you working in an entry-level role.

Graphic design

Graphic design skills can open up chances for you to produce graphics for an organization. The graphics you create can give a positive first impression to a customer that's searching for the services you offer. Graphics provide a visually appealing alternative to showcasing your content in comparison to a white paper. They may also render useful tools and information about accomplishments that improve the organization's credibility.

Content writing

Content writing gives you the ability to tell an organization's story to their target audience. Content writing is a universal skill that can also be applied to non-creative roles, where you need to express cautiousness if you're writing sensitive emails to clients or executives. Some content pieces you write for a company consists of blog posts, newsletters and articles that enhance your search results to your landing page. In this case, you'll need to target the rich snippet to get the search results the client is looking for.

Content editing

Content editing requires you to edit content submitted for review. You may be with a content team filled with editors, or you can be the sole editor of a company's deliverables. Either way, your editing skills demonstrate your proficiency in carefully working with content pieces that uphold the standards of content written on the client's behalf. You should be able to find a considerable number of freelance or temporary jobs for editors that may have the potential of leading to a full-time position.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO is about driving more traffic to your company's website, so they can improve its conversion rates. You can take certification courses to help you properly gather analytics from search engines, which gives a company an accurate representation of the reach they gain from their marketing campaigns. Some organizations may train you to learn this core function if you have transferable skills.

Project management

Project management is key in keeping deliverables on-time and scheduled for distribution. This skill is needed if a company demands to organize processes or technology that manages tasks for them. Project management courses can be taken on using technology to your advantage or implementing project management techniques originating from start to finish. You'll need to employ emotional intelligence skills if you aim at motivating employees to finish these tasks as well.

Public speaking

Public speaking is a skill that takes work to excel at, but practicing these skills constantly can give you more confidence to speak in front of a larger audience. You'll need this skill if the job you apply for includes tasks that require coordination with other teams within the company. Take courses in public speaking and choose to get more exposure to real-life experiences to improve this skill.

Social media

Social media is becoming a requirement in the digital age, and applicants of all ages can take part in this profession. However, jobs depend on the needs of the company, but you'll expand on your publishing skills while working with a variety of new platforms. New programs make you a more desirable candidate in the job market in addition to becoming advanced in this area.


Photography is the masterful art of capturing visual art, and it can turn into an occupation if you're committed to developing this skill. The photos that you capture can present long-lasting memories for your clients or captivating imagery that can be used on a company's social media or blog post. This form of visual storytelling also calls or you to invest in your equipment, but courses offered to you may aid you in seeking the right types of cameras to find.


Bookkeeping is an essential skill to learn to manage the finances of any business. The training you receive can cover basic accounting concepts to be successful in this position and the software required to track the organization's financial performance. Overall, this position remains highly in-demand based on its importance and it can lead to another position in accounting or finance.

Read more: 10 Best Skills to Include on a Resume

How to improve your marketable skills

Review this guide to help you improve your marketable skills:

  1. Recognize the skills that give you a career advantage.

  2. Assess your current skills.

  3. Utilize resources to enhance your skillset.

  4. Update your resume and portfolio with proof of updated skills.

1. Recognize the skills that give you a career advantage

Take a look at the technical skills and your soft skills that can advance your career. You need to picture the career you consider yourself working in the long-term, so be sure to network with local professionals to understand their experience to see if it's the right fit for you. Try to tailor your online research to check out new industries that can present new job opportunities.

2. Assess your current skills

Identify the current skills you have and which ones you view as a strength. Emphasizing your career path based on your strengths can allow you to focus on the improvement of skills that complement your strengths. This is a great way to fuse your professional and personal development, especially if you're trying to break into a career you're passionate about.

3. Utilize resources to enhance your skillset

Resources like training courses can aid you in coming up with processes to build on your skills in your spare time. Allocate periods to work on your skills and identify how much time it takes to work on them. You may need to do this if you're working on this skill while you're working a full-time job.

4. Update your resume and portfolio with proof of updated skills

Make sure to include your skills on your resume and your portfolio to make your prowess known. You can list the skills you possess on your resume, which can be separate from your experience. The best way for you is to use specific stats about how you enhance the performance of your organization on top of your performance. With a portfolio, the more you show to an employer, the better. A creative professional may require this, so you should be prepared to explain in your portfolio what you learn from the work you've completed.