Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

I’ve been using this BB for roughly half of 2015, and it has really settled into my vanity as something of a staple base product. In retrospect I probably paid too much for it but that’s something you learn to live with growing up in New Zealand haha…. It is advertised to contain ‘mucin extract’, sourced from snail secretion filtrate (don’t be thrown off by this hehe). The benefits of this ingredient are listed as lifting, winkle care, brightening, smoothing, and improving skin elasticity. 21% of the BB is this snail secretion, which means essentially this is skincare and makeup all in one product~

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

The texture is a moist gel consistency, making it suitable for those with dry skin or if you’re after the much-loved dewy-skin look. That being said, I have very oily skin and still reap the benefits of this little gem! Unlike many other dewy-effect base products, this BB doesn’t leave much of a greasy feeling, and actually manages to make my oily skin feel moisturised and fresh at the same time?! Idk what this sorcery is either but it spells repurchase.

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

The BB itself provies UVA+UVB protection and has SPF25 but I still wear sunscreen underneath (is there even such thing as sun-protection overkill…) since SPF25 probably can’t handle our southern hemisphere rays. The description on the box suggests applying “…an appropriate amount evenly over the face with light sweeping motions” but I will usually go with my trusty Innisfree air puff! Usually I dispense roughly 2cm of product, and pat with the air puff to stamp the product on for a natural coverage effect. As you can see from the photo below (BB applied on right side), the finish definitely tends towards a dewy glow, and any dark marks or pigmentation will still show through, but are blurred nicely. I just go back in with a concealer for spot conceal if required. There is, however, only one shade, but luckily it is a pretty good match for my MAC NC20 skin with yellow undertones.

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024
Right side: It’s Skin Creme D’Escargot BB

I can get pretty decent wear with this through a whole day at uni (roughly 10+ hours) with occasional blotting, but the BB tends to blend nicely with my natural oils as the day progresses, with very little oxidation and very little movement! Also, I love love the fragrance! I’m not one to have any objection to fragrance in makeup, so the floral-ish scent really brightens my mood when I catch whiffs of it even towards the afternoon~ I can’t seem to find anything to pick on with this BB haha, goes to show why I recommend it to everyone who asks me for base product recommendations!

Give it a go if you’re on the hunt for a light to medium coverage base product with added skincare benefits!

The packaging of these BB Creams is super cute, they come in this adorable little plastic cover with wings and the squeezy tube has a cute little angel face! The Babyface collection of makeup all has the same packaging and I reviewed one of the Finish Beams previously.

Silky BB Cream

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

The Silky BB Cream formula is quite yellow in tone and slightly too dark for my skintone. It's actually a pretty good fit for my skintone during summer which is really nice, but it's too dark for winter. It has a medium thin texture, it's not runny but it's also not thick, and is easy to spread across my skin.

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

I don't like applying this BB Cream with brushes since it just tends to get pushed around a lot which is annoying, but it has a lovely finish when applied with fingers or a sponge! It has a nice soft finish and medium coverage.

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

I don't like building this BB Cream up for more coverage because it does tend to get quite cakey. This BB Cream has average oil controlling properties, it's not super matte the whole day, but I'm also not drowning in oil by the end of the day which I like!

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

Moisture BB Cream

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

The Moisture BB Cream is very similar to the Silky BB Cream. This shade is definitely pinker/cooler in tone than the Silky BB Cream, and does look a little odd on my skin. It is quite pale, and since it's the opposite tone to my normal skintone it looks paler in comparison to my neck which isn't a good look!

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

It has a medium thin texture, it's not runny but it's also not thick, and is easy to spread across my skin. I don't like applying this BB Cream with brushes since it just tends to get pushed around a lot which is annoying, but it has a lovely finish when applied with fingers or a sponge!

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

This BB Cream has a dewier finish than the Silky BB Cream since it is a moisturising formula, and has the same medium coverage. This formula has less oil control since it is an already moisturising formula, though it's not awful, my T-Zone does need a wee blot at around 6 hours of wear.

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

Silky and Moisture Comparison

Its skin bb cream review năm 2024

Both of these BB Creams have a similiar texture, though the colours are quite different. They're both quite pale, but the Silky formula is very warm toned while the Moisture formula is cool toned. I think the colour difference is the biggest difference for these BB Creams, though the Moisture formula is slightly dewier than the Silky and has a little less oil control.

Which BB cream is best?

Comparison Table of Top 15 Best BB Cream in India.

What BB creams do dermatologists recommend?

Top 15 BB Creams For Sensitive Skin To Buy Now.

Best In Budget-Friendly:Maybelline Dream BB Fresh 8-In-1 Beauty Balm Skin Perfector. ... .

Best Non-Comedogenic Formula:Garnier SkinActive BB Cream. ... .

Best Dermatologist-Tested Formula:Marcelle BB Cream. ... .

Best Long-Wearing Formula:Revlon PhotoReady BB Cream..

What are the disadvantages of BB cream?

BB cream disadvantages include dryness, redness, and stinging sensations. The side effects of BB cream can include oily skin, skin irritation, breakouts, clogged pores and an uneven skin tone.

Can I use BB cream instead of foundation?

The cream can conceal blemishes; but it's not heavy enough to camouflage scars, acne, and other kinds of marks. Even then, a BB cream is like the best of both worlds. Because it offers you more coverage than a tinted moisturiser but not as much as a foundation. It's the perfect in-between.