Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 1 greetings

Bài giảng điện tử Tiếng Anh lớp 6 – Unit 1. Greetings

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Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 1 greetings

4. Production: (8’)

- Give students 6 names: Minh, Hai, Hoa,

Ha, Linh, Thanh; ask them to practice greetings and introduce them.

- Call students to practice in front of class.

5. Homework: (4’)

- Ask students to learn how to greet people, to identify oneself.

- Prepare next lesson: Unit 1: A5, 6, 7/ p.12, 13.

Bạn đang xem tài liệu "Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 1: Greetings - Section A: Hello - Lesson 1: A1, 2, 3, 4", để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên

Week: 1 Date of preparation: 16/ 08/ 2011 Period: 2 Date of teaching: 18/ 08/ 2011 UNIT 1: GREETINGS SECTION A: HELLO Lesson 1: A1 – 2 – 3 – 4 I. OBJECTIVES: Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to greet people “Hi / Hello”, introduce oneself and others “I’m / My name’s” II. PREPARATIONS: Book, cassette tape III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm - up: (3’) - Ask students some questions about how to study English. + Should we learn vocabulary? + How can you learn vocabulary? Presentation: (15’) - Introduce new words: 1. Hi / Hello: 2. name (n): 3. I : 4. My: 5. Tobe (Am / is / are) - Ask students to practice the new words + Target language: Form: Hello / Hi. I am ( I‘m )... / My name is (‘s) - Ask students to say the greetings and introduce themselves. Practice: (15’) - Ask students to look at the pictures. - Let students play the role of Lan, Ba, Nga and Ba. - Correct the mistakes. Examples: _ I’ am Lan. _ I’ am Nga. _ My name is Ba. _ My name is Nam 4. Production: (8’) - Give students 6 names: Minh, Hai, Hoa, Ha, Linh, Thanh; ask them to practice greetings and introduce them. - Call students to practice in front of class. 5. Homework: (4’) - Ask students to learn how to greet people, to identify oneself. - Prepare next lesson: Unit 1: A5, 6, 7/ p.12, 13. - Answer the teacher’s questions - Listen to the teacher. - Practice the new words - Say the greeting and how to identify oneself - Look at the pictures. - Practice in pairs or in groups. - Listen. - Group works. - Practice. Take note. COMMENTS: __________________________________b"&"a____________________________________

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  • Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 1 greetings

Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 1 greetings
Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 1 greetings
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Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 1 greetings
Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 1 greetings

Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 1 greetings

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Period 2: Unit 1: Greetings Lesson 1: A . Hello (A1,2,3,4 ) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to introduce themselves. Language focus: Hi/Hello I am…/ My name is … Teaching method: Communicative method. Teaching aids: Textbook(E6), pictures, posters, wordcards. Procedure: Stages Warm up Contents Interaction 1. Let’s sing an English song. T- whole - Sing an English song: “Good morning to you” to introduce the class subject: English. 2. Chatting - Ask Ss to tell how to Vietnamese greet. - Get ss’ answer and lay them out on the board. Xin chao Nay ! E! Vietnamese’s greetings Chao! Chao ban Chao thay/co - Lead Ss to the topic of the lesson. Presentation 1. Listen. T- whole - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and give the way they are greeting. class - Give feedback. Hello/ Hi - Ask Ss to listen and repeat. - Focus Ss on the intonation. Hello Hi 2. Pairwork. - Ask Ss to practice greeting in pairs. 3. Listen - Ask Ss some questions in Vietnamese.  Giới thiệu tên - T (Point to hímelf): I am quy. And you ? Pairwork T- whole class S1: I am Ba S2: I am Lan - Write this sentence on the board. I am Lan (I’m Lan) - Ask ss to listen to the tape and find another way to introduce the name. - Give feedback. My name is Ba. - Ask Ss to listen and repeat. - Call on some Ss to introduce their names in front of the class. T- whole class Ss-whole class Practice 1. Pairwork Pairwork - Ask Ss to practice greeting in pairs. Example exchange: S1: Hello. I’m Lan Groupwork S2: Hi. My name is Ba - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. 2. Groupwork - Ask Ss to practice greeting in groups of 4 Example exchange: S1: Hello. I am Nam S2: Hi. My name is Kien S3: Hi. I am Ly ….. - Call on some groups to practice in front of the class. 3. Picture Drill - Ask Ss to complete 5 speech bubbles below: Pairwork …………… …………. Hello, Ly Hi, Nam …………….. …………. Hello I’m Hoa Hi. My name is Tuan ……………. …………. ………… - Ask Ss to give their answer. - Give feedback. Production Lucky numbers Groupwork 1 2 3 4 7 Consolidation - Give feedback. - Focus on what Ss have learnt Hello/ Hi I am…(I’m…) My name is…/My name’s … Homework - Ask Ss to learn by heart what they have learnt. 5 8 6 9 T- whole class Experience from the lesson: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ........................................................................................ 3rdperiod: Unit 1: Greetings Section A: Hello Lesson2: A5, 6, 7 Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “How are you ?” “I’m fine, thanks” to greet each other. Language focus: How are you ? I’m fine, thanks Teaching method: Communicative method. Teaching aids: Textbook(E6), pictures, posters, wordcards. Procedure: Stage Warm up Activities Interaction T- whole class Network - Ask Ss to tell the way of greeting in English. Hi (5ms) hello Greeting My name is… I am…. - Use the network to lead Ss to the topic of the lesson. Presentation 1. Set the scene T- whole class - Introduce the dialogue by drawing 2 faces on the board and saying: “ Ba and Lan meet each other when they go to school. What are they saying ?” T- whole class 2. Ordering - Ask Ss to close their books and put the following sentences in order to make a complete dialogue (10ms) Individual work a. Ba: How are you ? b. Lan: Hello, Ba c. Ba: Fine, thanks T- whole class d. Lan: I’m fine, thanks. And you ? e. Ba: Hi, Lan - Give feedback. 3. Prediction check - Ask Ss to listen and check their prediction. - Get Ss’ answer - Ask ss to l,isten again to confirm. T- whole class - Give feedback. e b a d c 4. Model sentence - Use the dialogue to present how to ask and answer about the health. How are you ? I’m fine, thanks - Introduce how to ask the interlocutor. And you ? - Focus Ss on the intonation. 5. Role adoption - Ask Ss to play the role of Ba and Lan to practice the dialogue. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. Practice Picture/Word cue drill - Ask Ss to look at 2 pictures on page 12 and call the names of the people - Introduce new words “ Miss” and “ Mr” (15ms) Pairwork Meaning: Miss: Mr: Uses: Miss/Mr + name - Have Ss to make the similar dialogues using the pictures on page 12. Example exchange: S1: Hello, Mr. Hung S2: Hi, Miss. Hoa. How are you ? S1: I’m fine thanks. And you ? S2: Fine, thanks. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. Production Pairwork (10ms) Pairwork - Ask Ss to work in pairs and make the similar dialogues using their names. - Give feedback. Consolidation (2ms) Homework (3ms) - Use the network in the warm up stage to consolidate the lesson. T- whole class Write-it-up - Have Ss to write one dialogue in their notebooks. Experience from the lesson: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………… .................................................................................................................. 4thperiod: Unit 1: Greetings Section B: Good morning Lesson3: B1, 2, 3, 4 Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “ good morning. /afternoon/evening/bye” to greet each other. Language focus: Vocabulary: good morning/afternoon/evening/bye/night Structure: we’re = we are Teaching method: Communicative method. Teaching aids: Textbook(E6), pictures, posters, wordcards. Procedure: Stage Warm up Activities Chatting Interaction T- whole class - Introduce the new topic of the lesson by singing an English song: “ Good morning to you” (5ms) Good morning to you Good morning to you Good morning dear children Good morning to you Presentation 1. Pre-teach vocabulary - Use the pictures on page 15 to introduce the parts of day and how to greet. Good morning Good afternoon T- whole class Good evening Good night T- whole class Good bye/bye - Focus Ss on the pronunciation and meaning. - Call on some Ss to read aloud. Checking: Matching Pairwork 2. Presentation dialogue (15ms) - Set the scene: Use 2 pictures on page 15 to introduce 2 dialogues. - Ask Ss to listen to the dialogues - Ask Ss to listen and repeat - Present the structure: We’re fine, thank you We’re = We are 3. Role adoption - Ask Ss to practice the dialogues in pairs for the dialogue b) and in groups for the dialogue a). - Call on some pairs and groups to practice in front of the class. Practice Picture drill -Have Ss to practice greeting by using the pictures below. (10ms) Pairwork

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