Facebook review link 2021

  • You can write a review on Facebook to help other users make a more informed decision about a business.
  • Facebook has changed the way reviews work instead of a star rating, you can now either recommend or not recommend a business to let people know what you think of it.
  • You can leave this recommendation directly on a business' Facebook page, and it will be posted there as well as to your timeline.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

If you've just been to a really great or truly awful business, you probably want to tell someone about it. You could just post about it on social media, but that only goes to your friends it would probably be more useful to let people who actually want the information know.

There are many ways to do that, but one way is to post on a business' Facebook page, if it has one. You don't even just have to leave a generic post on the page and it's not the traditional star rating like you're used to either.

Facebook recently changed their reviews to recommendations. Now, star ratings for a business are calculated by a combination of past reviews and customer recommendations.

Here's how you can write a review on Facebook.

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How to write a review on Facebook

1. Go to a business' page on Facebook.

2. At the left hand side of the screen, on the side menu, click "Reviews."

Facebook review link 2021
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Facebook review link 2021
Lenovo IdeaPad 130

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