Does windows virtual desktop use RAM

Hi, I've got a very quick question that I've kind of had a hard time finding the answer to: How resource intensive is the virtual desktop feature? Let's say I have a whole ton of different things open, would it bog down my computer in anyway if I split that stuff across three virtual desktops?

EDIT: Thank you for the responses!

  • Slow down, let's get back to your original statement.  

    "there is not enough space available on the disk"

    This error would indicate there is an issue with the hard disk, not ram.  Are you sure you got the correct error?  can you post a screenshot for us?  

    2gb ram for a vdi is probably ok, you can check on the vsphere vm performance charts to see what is actually active, since the hypervisor de-dupes the memory, the vm's dont need the same kind of ram that a physical desktop would need.  

  • nick8010 wrote:

    Slow down, let's get back to your original statement.  

    "there is not enough space available on the disk"

    This error would indicate there is an issue with the hard disk, not ram.  Are you sure you got the correct error?  can you post a screenshot for us?  

    2gb ram for a vdi is probably ok, you can check on the vsphere vm performance charts to see what is actually active, since the hypervisor de-dupes the memory, the vm's dont need the same kind of ram that a physical desktop would need.  

    I just went back into the ticket and the user also said he gets " there is not enough space available on the disk " or "disk is unavailable."  I've seen the "there is not enough space available on the disk " error for myself. The reason I was asking about RAM is because if we close some of the programs they have open the error goes away and they can save and or print. Also, the machines have a little over 6 GB of free hard drive space so that also made me think it wasn't HDD space.

  • sounds like you need to do some more digging here, those errors counteract each other.   

  • nick8010 wrote:

    sounds like you need to do some more digging here, those errors counteract each other.   

    Yeah, I thought the same thing. But, closing some programs resolves whichever error the user is getting which then makes me think the errors don't counteract each other. I'm not even sure where else to look to be honest.  

  • I suspect you should check your host HDD as you state that disk is not available. Maybe you got a slow HDD for all VMs at peak use? Or the HDD is old and on its last days? Just check HDD use and latency as this could be the culprit. When you close apps, they also release ease system on HDD use, not only on RAM as they save settings, logs, autosaves etc. (Word and Excel do autosaves by default every 10 minutes for example)

  • Are they saving to network shares instead of the local VDI?   Could the server be full or are there quotas enabled?

  • David231604 wrote:

    nick8010 wrote:

    Slow down, let's get back to your original statement.  

    "there is not enough space available on the disk"

    This error would indicate there is an issue with the hard disk, not ram.  Are you sure you got the correct error?  can you post a screenshot for us?  

    2gb ram for a vdi is probably ok, you can check on the vsphere vm performance charts to see what is actually active, since the hypervisor de-dupes the memory, the vm's dont need the same kind of ram that a physical desktop would need.  

    I just went back into the ticket and the user also said he gets " there is not enough space available on the disk " or "disk is unavailable."  I've seen the "there is not enough space available on the disk " error for myself. The reason I was asking about RAM is because if we close some of the programs they have open the error goes away and they can save and or print. Also, the machines have a little over 6 GB of free hard drive space so that also made me think it wasn't HDD space.
    2GB sounds a little light.  Sounds like you're swapping memory to the disk since when you close programs, your error goes away.

  • 32bit or 64bit? If you are still on 32bit, there probably is no good reason to go above 3 gigs.

  • Verify if you have enable Quotas for the users, I have the same problem yesterday installing a driver and saying there is not enought space available on the disk and It was the quoutas in the C drive.

  • To answer the max ram, no it wont hit 2GB as the system generally needs 200-250GB for itself to stop a BSOD, so it will only ever show a max of what can be used from the total.

    4GB should be granted or 3GB as noted above if this is a 32bit OS.

    Though you did say not enough space - this is not related to ram, but HD.

    Whilst the clients show space - is there actually space on the underlying disk/LUN/Datastore?

  • David231604 wrote:

    Recently some of our users are receiving "there is not enough space available on the disk" errors. This is stopping them from saving files or printing. If we close some programs on their machine the error goes away and they can save the file or print. Nothing has changed in our environment, so we're kind of at a loss for why it would start happening out of nowhere. And seeing as our virtual environment was setup for us by an MSP and no one on our IT team is a VMware expert, I was just hoping to get some clarification on a couple of things. Our virtual machines are Win7 with 60 GB HDDs (~6 GB free), 2 GB of RAM. So my questions are:

    Are you using redirected profiles (UEM, Persona?). You may be running out of space on the profile server. Also if they are using Persistent disks for this (Yuck!) you may need to grow them and grow the quota on them.

    Are you using linked clones? Are you using Instant clones? Are the datastores out of space? 

    60GB for a base image? That's a little big!

  • David231604 wrote:

    nick8010 wrote:

    sounds like you need to do some more digging here, those errors counteract each other.   

    Yeah, I thought the same thing. But, closing some programs resolves whichever error the user is getting which then makes me think the errors don't counteract each other. I'm not even sure where else to look to be honest.  
    GPresult /h C:\GPO.HTML will dump the GPO's to a html file. See what's going on with Persona, and the profile storage there.

    Do you have LogInsight or vRops deployed? 

    What kind of hardware are you using here (, get RVtools it will pull all the host info). 

There seems to be no limit to the number of desktops you can create. But like browser tabs, having multiple desktops open can slow down your system. Clicking on a desktop on Task View makes that desktop active.There seems to be no limit to the number of desktops you can create. But like browser tabs, having multiple desktops open can slow down your system. Clicking on a desktop on Task ViewTask ViewTask View is a task switcher and virtual desktop system introduced in Windows 10 and is among the first features new to Windows 10. Task View allows a user to quickly locate an open window, quickly hide all windows and show the desktop, and to manage windows across multiple monitors or virtual desktops. › wiki › Task_View

Task View – Wikipedia

makes that desktop active.

Does having multiple desktops affect performance?

No. The amount of extra RAM Spaces uses is negligible. It’s the programs you have open and running that eat battery and performance.

Does virtual desktop affect performance?

Impact of virtual desktop applications on the user experience: Applications run by the user on a virtual desktop can also cause slowness. For instance, one of the applications launched on the desktop could have a memory leak, causing the desktop to become slower and slower over time.

What is the purpose of multiple desktops in Windows 10?

Multiple desktops are great for keeping unrelated, ongoing projects organized, or for quickly switching desktops before a meeting. To create multiple desktops: On the taskbar, select Task view > New desktop .

Can you have multiple desktops in Windows 10?

The Task View pane in Windows 10 allows you to add an unlimited number of virtual desktops quickly and easily. You can manage the view of your virtual desktop, and move applications to different desktops, show windows on all desktops or close pages on a selected desktop.

When should I use multiple desktops?

Multiple desktops are great for keeping unrelated, ongoing projects organized, or for quickly switching desktops before a meeting. To create multiple desktops: On the taskbar, select Task view > New desktop . Open the apps you want to use on that desktop.

Does virtual desktop use a lot of RAM?

Virtual desktops are a window management feature, not a performance feature. Switching away from a virtual desktop does not do anything to the programs running on that virtual desktop. They take up as much CPU, RAM, and other resources as they normally would if they were switched away from by other means.

Is virtual desktop faster?

The difference in virtual desktop performance was perhaps a second or two at best, but that’s enough to eat into user productivity. For those reasons, virtual desktop performance in the office and at home is now much more consistent and provides a better user experience.

Does Virtual Desktop slow down computer?

But like browser tabs, having multiple desktops open can slow down your system. Any programs you’ve left open are transferred to another desktop, specifically the one to the left of the desktop you’ve just closed.

Why is virtual desktop so slow?

On Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) session hosts, RAM is primarily consumed by applications that run within users’ sessions. However, when too many applications load too much of their data into RAM, then hard faults (previously known as page faults) start to slow down the VM.

How do I switch between desktops quickly in Windows 10?

To switch between desktops: Open the Task View pane and click on the desktop you would like to switch to. You can also quickly switch between desktops with the keyboard shortcuts Windows key + Ctrl + Left Arrow and Windows key + Ctrl + Right Arrow.

What is the best way to use multiple desktops?

You can switch between virtual desktops using the Ctrl+Win+Left and Ctrl+Win+Right keyboard shortcuts. You can also visualise all your open desktops using Task View – either click the icon on the taskbar, or press Win+Tab. This gives you a handy overview of everything open on your PC, from across all your desktops.

How do multiple desktops work?

Switching between desktops One way to switch between multiple desktops is by clicking on Task View in the taskbar and then clicking on the desktop you want to view. In each case, your entire desktop — everything you see2 — will be replaced with the contents of the desktop to which you’re moving.

How do I get rid of multiple desktops in Windows 10?

No problem. Click the Task View button in your taskbar. You can also use the Windows key + Tab shortcut on your keyboard, or you can swipe with one finger from the left of your touchscreen. Hover your cursor over the desktop you’d like to remove. Click the X in the top-right corner of the desktop icon.

What does New Desktop do in Windows 10?

With virtual desktops, Windows 10 lets you create multiple, separate desktops that each can display different open windows and apps. A simple use for this might be keeping work separate from personal stuff.

How do I disable multiple desktops in Windows 10?

To Remove the Active Virtual Desktop with a Keyboard Shortcut, Switch to the virtual desktop you want to remove. Press Win + Ctrl + F4 . The current virtual desktop will be removed.

How do I switch between desktop and VDI?

On a Windows computer: Simply double-click on the toolbar at the top of the screen that says the name of the VDI build, which will shrink the virtual desktop window so you can access your own computer. You can then drag the VDI’s virtual desktop window to your desired size.

Can you save virtual desktops in Windows 10?

Once created, a virtual desktop is still there even after restarting your Windows 10 computer or device. You can create as many virtual desktops as you want and spread different projects with their related app windows on each of them.

How do I setup multiple monitors in Windows 10?

Windows 10 Right click on an empty area of the desktop. Choose Display Settings. Scroll Down to the Multiple displays area and select select Duplicate these displays or Extend these displays.

How much RAM do I need for virtual desktop?

8 GB RAM should be good for most situations. With 4 GB you can have a problem, depending on what you intend to do with the client OS and what else the host will be used for. Most client operating systems will need at least 1 GB RAM but that only for light use. Modern versions of Windows will want more.

How do I check my VDI RAM?

To check RAM and CPU: Open the task manger inside the VM. This can be done by pressing CTRL+Shift+Esc, task manager or right-clicking on the task bar at the bottom (where the running programs sit) and selecting ‘task manager’. From inside the task manager you can check CPU and RAM.