Broken laptop hinge repair cost

Broken laptop hinge repair cost
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Report Thread starter 9 years ago
Hi, have a Dell Inspiron 1545, around 3 years old. Obviously no more warranty because I'm a jackass.

One of the hinges has broken, can't fold laptop without fear of breaking it.
Broken laptop hinge repair cost

Can anyone give me a ballpark guesstimate how much it will cost to fix? Only one side's broken if that helps..

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Report 9 years ago
Free, do it yourself. A broken hinge is ridiculously easy to fix. Just find a youtube vid on how to dismantle your laptop and follow it. Hinges can be fixed by just opening it up and using very strong adhesive in the right places.

Its hard to give an estimate because it varies greatly between different companies and areas. Avoid chain stores and find a local small business - theyll likely do it for around £30-40. Go to Curries and theyll charge you ridiculous prices.
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Report Thread starter 9 years ago
(Original post by Gwalchgwyn)
Free, do it yourself. A broken hinge is ridiculously easy to fix. Just find a youtube vid on how to dismantle your laptop and follow it. Hinges can be fixed by just opening it up and using very strong adhesive in the right places.

Its hard to give an estimate because it varies greatly between different companies and areas. Avoid chain stores and find a local small business - theyll likely do it for around £30-40. Go to Curries and theyll charge you ridiculous prices.
This is good advice, but you don't know me.

You will never meet a bigger ****** in your life, when it comes to things like computers, DIY, using my hands..

My laptop with break in half if I do it.
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Report Thread starter 9 years ago
Annoying but...

Dirac Delta Function
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Report 9 years ago
just get some bloke to do it. Men will go out of their way for girls.
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Report 9 years ago
I (computer technician) would charge £30 for the fix. But depends on the condition of the hinge. If the hinge and the screen case are completely broken, you'd have to factor another 20-50 quid in for a new (or used, refurbished) laptop case.
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Report 9 years ago
(Original post by Bubbles*de*Milo)
Hi, have a Dell Inspiron 1545, around 3 years old. Obviously no more warranty because I'm a jackass.

One of the hinges has broken, can't fold laptop without fear of breaking it.
Broken laptop hinge repair cost

Can anyone give me a ballpark guesstimate how much it will cost to fix? Only one side's broken if that helps..

My sister has that exact laptop..............I dislike it so much, had to clean it and put in a better thermal paste, started to slow down.

But everyone else is right, you can either learn to fix it using youtube videos, as hinges on a laptop do break on many people's laptop......or try a local computer shop, but obviously go to a few one to get a decent price.