state police là gì - Nghĩa của từ state police

state police có nghĩa là

A country where the police watch what you do and try to control your life. Where there's cameras in town centres and on public transport. Where you can be arrested because of something you said to a friend about the leaders of your country. Where police stop and search people for no reason. Where you can be detained without charge or trial. Where the state plants bugs with impunity. Where protesters have to get police permits, and where police regularly attack protesters.

Hang on. That sounds like America and Britain today!


Smash all police states! Down with Patriot Act, ASBOs, CCTV, ID cards, biometrics, no fly lists, Terrorism Act, Gitmo, Belmarsh, Public Order Act, and Nazi bastard politicians and pigs!

state police có nghĩa là

America, post 9/11 and hence a definitive hypocrisy


'Police state? Amrica, after the Patriot Act, which was written BEFORE 9/11 and which was always intended to be the 1984 bill

state police có nghĩa là

What America is becoming, thanks to the US PATRIOT act, whos name is pretty ironic.


- Authoritarian Republican

state police có nghĩa là

A bunch of ass holes who cant do there job, they go too overboard with everything and never give you a break. They have also been notorious for breaking uo partys, but if theyre Northern Virginia parties, they tend to party WITH them.


"dude, i just got pulled over todya by a va. cop"
"oh man, what happened?"
"i got a FAT ticket, then invited him to my party later tonite."

state police có nghĩa là

The post 9-11 United states.


Once a prosperous nation, now a debt ridden police state. After Bush's illogical foreign policy pissed off the entire world, the tragedy of 9-11 happened. And then our freedoms were reaped via the patriot act and similar laws and acts, thus turning the US into a police state. The most ironic part is that those laws were passed to 'protect the liberties of the American people', it really makes you think.

Soon after, for no reason, George catapulted the US into an illegal oil war. That costs 7 trillion dollars to maintain . And you're paying for it.

Thank you Mr. President

state police có nghĩa là

Those rockin' dudes you see in dem pimped out crown vics wifh dem bigass VHF antennas in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Frequencies Used By the Virginia State Police [not listing repeater input frequencies].:

039.5400 Statewide Intersystem
042.8600 Base Stations Point to Point
154.6650 Mobile to Mobile
154.6800 Special Protection unit
154.6950 Mobile to Mobile
158.9850 Base to Mobile
159.0000 Base to Mobile
159.1350 Base to Mobile
159.1650 Base to Mobile
453.3500 Mobile Extenders
458.3500 Mobile Extenders


Kshhhht, Fairfax, this is car 596, we got a 10-50 on the interstate.

state police có nghĩa là

A band of heroic legendary police officers sworn to protect the universities and colleges of the New York's SUNY system. Challenged by the quarells of protecting millions of staff, faculty, and students. Dedicated to justice. Enforcing the law and protecting life liberty and property. Also they have bad ass hats and uniforms. They are trained by police academies recognized by the new york state department of criminal justice services. They seek to one day have all the departments at different SUNY schools to become centralized; thus, so they will be more organized, run more efficiently, and better be able to protect and serve the people of NYS. There are approximately 40 of them at stony brook university. about 3 to 6 usualy work per 8.25 hour tour. At stony brook they are responsible for the safety of over 40,000 people during the day. That includes faculty, staff, students, the University Hospital patients, and all other people who have business there. God bless them. Every one of them. Note: Sometimes refered to as NYSUP or UPD, or by the specific department like SUPD [StonyBrook University Police department].


Those New York State University Police cops are pretty fucking hot. I wonder if i can seduce one to have my babies. I wonder if he'll tie me and and let me ride him all night. The New York State University Police saved my life when i got drunk and passed out in the snow over winter. The New York State University Police caught the guy who assaulted me and stole my wallet.

state police có nghĩa là

The United States - in which all persons are subject to continual observation and monitoring by the government and corporations in all aspects of life; where no piece of information is too private or insignificant for inclusion in the permanent digital record; where all persons are subject to the jurisdiction of secret courts and the arbitrary suspension of constitutional rights. The Surveillance Police State [SPS] is sponsored by the presidential administrations of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama, the Democrat and Republican parties in Congress, the U.S. judiciary, all government agencies and most large corporations - particularly telecommunication, finance, defense, media and internet companies. Its creation was foretold by numerous literary and cinematic works; and although its actual existence was known since at least 2001, it only received critical attention when brought to light by whistleblower Edward J. Snowden in 2013.


The Surveillance Police State [SPS] is an act of terrorism against United States citizens.

state police có nghĩa là

A dick who just wants to give out tickets to compensate for his small weener.


That dick state police officer me a ticket for driving the speed limit because his wee wee is small.

state police có nghĩa là

A country protestors and police are trying to take control of from everyone that is not a protestor or a cop. Not much different than the way medical workers, scientists, and government officials have tried to take control of it from the people who elected them [scientists and medical workers dont get elected] by convincing everyone who's not a medical worker, scientist, or government official that they're all heroes.


The country will become a protestor/police state without a fight.

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