hard hard là gì - Nghĩa của từ hard hard

hard hard có nghĩa là

Attitude [often motto] present in many elitist or successful groups of people especially at wealthy, elite private schools, expensive highly-ranked universities, and among yuppies. Basically means that one works hard at school or their job while they also party on the weekends [or weekdays as well, depending on how far they take it]. Stupid because it basically provides an excuse for mindless partying directing one's life without any space for taking anything seriously in the world. Sometimes leads to side effects like alcoholism. Usually outgrown as one gets older.

Ví dụ

Ivy league student: Hey look at me I'M SO DRUNK HAHAHA Old high school friend: Wow you weren't like this in high school. As I recall you were really studious and nerdy... Ivy league student: WHAT CAN I SAY WORK HARD PLAY HARD

hard hard có nghĩa là

Buzzword [technically phrase] frequently used to describe the 'culture' of a company, particularly startups or larger corps trying to project a cool image. In serious usage it's intended to imply that while there's a lot to do it's never thankless and that employees enjoy the experience overall; in practice, it generally means you're going to be working a lot of late nights without overtime for fear you won't be seen as a 'team player'; if you're lucky, this is recompensed by an open bar at the company holiday party. You're probably not lucky, if you've taken a job where this was supposed to be one of the selling points.

Ví dụ

Ivy league student: Hey look at me I'M SO DRUNK HAHAHA

hard hard có nghĩa là

A wannabe or try hard that makes it so important to get a look or style that it is all they think about, and they try so hard to fit what they want to be that you can blates tell they are trying.

Ví dụ

Ivy league student: Hey look at me I'M SO DRUNK HAHAHA Old high school friend: Wow you weren't like this in high school. As I recall you were really studious and nerdy...

hard hard có nghĩa là


Ví dụ

Ivy league student: Hey look at me I'M SO DRUNK HAHAHA

hard hard có nghĩa là

a try hard hardcore is some one who thinks he is 'hardcore' but really isnt. They often have no or few freinds and listen to 'cool' music in their standards. They also lye alot about geting laid and smoking drugs but their too wussy to do so

Ví dụ

Old high school friend: Wow you weren't like this in high school. As I recall you were really studious and nerdy...

hard hard có nghĩa là

A shitty saying that trashy ass white girls use when they think they’re the shit. Commonly used by whores or just plain out retards

Ví dụ


hard hard có nghĩa là

Buzzword [technically phrase] frequently used to describe the 'culture' of a company, particularly startups or larger corps trying to project a cool image. In serious usage it's intended to imply that while there's a lot to do it's never thankless and that employees enjoy the experience overall; in practice, it generally means you're going to be working a lot of late nights without overtime for fear you won't be seen as a 'team player'; if you're lucky, this is recompensed by an open bar at the company holiday party.

Ví dụ

You're probably not lucky, if you've taken a job where this was supposed to be one of the selling points. "This is a really vibrant, growing organization. People love it here. We work hard and play hard." -- an interviewer you should not trust with your life or your livelihood. Chạy.

hard hard có nghĩa là

A wannabe or try hard that makes it so important to get a look or style that it is all they think about, and they try so hard to fit what they want to be that you can blates tell they are trying.

Ví dụ

1. You could tell she was a try hard when she got coontails like kiki kannibal, but when she also copied dakota's leopald pattern there was nothing left to call her but a die hard try hard.

hard hard có nghĩa là

A person who’s incredibly dedicated to their career and often has more then one job yet never turns down a good time. Their schedule is so crammed with work and social events that they have to pull out a 20lb planner to pencil you in.

Ví dụ

Ash: I'm hardcore

hard hard có nghĩa là

A person who’s incredibly dedicated to their career and often has more then one job yet never turns down a good time. Their schedule is so crammed with work and social events that they have to pull out a 20lb planner to pencil you in.

Ví dụ

Ash: I'm hardcore

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