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Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề kiểm tra 15 phút Học kì 1

Môn: Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 11

Thời gian làm bài: 15 phút

Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word[s] OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word[s] in each of the following questions.

Question 1: If you live in an extended family, you'll have great joy and get support of other members.

A. close family     B. traditional family

C. nuclear family     D. large family

Question 2: Our mother encourages us to be open-minded about new opinions and experiences

A. optimistic     B. elegant

C. close-knit     D. narrow-minded

Question 3: Domestic violence is strictly forbidden all over the world.

A. permitted     B. limited

C. restricted     D. prohibited

Question 4: Jane found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.

A. disagreement     B. harmony

C. controversy     D. fighting

Question 5: I can't concentrate on my work because of the noise caused by my children.

A. focus     B. abandon

C. neglect     D. allow

Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 6: I will leave [A] the party early because [B] I must [C] studying [D] for my exam.

Question 7: I stayed [A] up late [B] last night because I mustn't [C] go to school on [D] Sunday.

Question 8: We ought to not [A] play football as [B] it's raining [C] outside [D].

Question 9: You mustn't [A] to drive [B] a car if [C] you don't have [D] a driving licence.

Question 10: If you want [A] some useful advice [B], you have better [C] talk to your parents about [D] your problem.

Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.

Question 11: Would you mind if I opened the windows? It's too stuffy in here.

A. Yes, of course.     B. No, please do.

C. I think it is OK.    D. You look so tired.

Question 12: Could you show me how to get to the nearest train station from here?

A. I'm not certain but it's maybe at the end of the street.

B. I totally agree with you.

C. Sorry, I never know you.

D. I'm busy. now.

Question 13: From my point of view, all family members should share the chores equally.

A. It's a breathtaking view.

B. You lied to me.

C. But you're right.

D. There's no doubt about it.

Question 14: I've been awarded a scholarship to Harvard University.

A. Just kidding!     B. It's up to you.

C. Good job!     D. Same to you. Thanks!

Question 15: Don't forget to finish your homework before class.

A. I'll do it later.

B. Not much.

C. It's quite difficult.

D. Thank you for reminding me.

Question 16: Thanks a lot for helping me fix the car yesterday.

A. I'd love to.     B. You're welcome.

C. Of course not.     D. I like it.

Question 17: I've seen John at the workshop on communication skills.

A. I see. I'll call him.

B. The workshop was very useful.

C. That can't be John because he's in Paris now.

D. No, I don't think so.

Question 18: How do I sign up for the psychology course?

A. You need to fill in the online application form first.

B. It's not yours.

C. The course was full.

D. Your deadline is May 15.

Question 19: What's about going to the waterpark?

A. That's a good idea.     B. That's right.

C. Of course!     D. I'm sorry I can't.

Question 20: Hi, I'd like to buy three tickets for the Lost in Fear.

A. How many tickets?

B. I'm sorry. They were sold out.

C. We don't like this film.

D. You should see other interesting films.

Đáp án

1C 2D 3A 4B 5C
6D 7C 8A 9B 10C
11B 12A 13D 14C 15D
16B 17C 18A 19A 20B

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Giữa kì 1

Môn: Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 11

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. Epidemic    B. Illegal    C. Education     D. Competitor

Question 2: A. Compose    B. Opponent     C. Wholesale     D. Colony

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3: A. Discuss    B. Waving     C. Airport     D. Often

Question 4: A. Interview    B. Difficulty     C. Simplicity     D. Beautiful

Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions

Question 5: The skin receives nearly [A] the [B] third of the blood pumped out [C] by [D] the heart.

Question 6: I had [A] my motorbike repair [B] yesterday but now [C] it still doesn’t work [D].

Question 7: If you are working with [A] young children in a primary [B] school, you will find [C] teaching lively songs and rhymes are [D] very popular.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 8: The next meeting _________ in May.

A. will hold     B. will be held

C. will be holding     D. will have held

Question 9: The librarian told us not _________ reference books out of the library.

A. taking     B. to take

C. take     D. took

Question 10: My responsibility is to _________ my little brothers.

A. take care of     B. join hands

C. take over     D. work together

Question 11: In Vietnam, two or more ________ may live in a home.

A. generations     B. generous

C. generation     D. generators

Question 12: __________ candidates are likely to succeed in job interviews.

A. Nervous     B. Self-conscious

C. Self-doubt     D. Self-confident

Question 13: A good essay must __________contain enough interesting ideas and specific exam but also have good organization.

A. in addition     B. either

C. not only     D. as well

Question 14: The ground is wet. It ________ rained last night.

A. must     B. must have

C. may have     D. might have

Question 15: There are several means of mass communication. The newspaper is one. Television is ______.

A. another     B. other

C. the another     D. the other.

Question 16: Do you know the woman ______ lives next door?

A. she     B. who

C. whom     D. her

Question 17: If you _______ less last night, you _______ so bad today.

A. had drunk- would not have felt

B. drank- would not feel

C. had drunk- would not feel

D. would have drunk- would not feel

Question 18: I can’t sleep ________ the hot weather.

A. because of     B. as

C. because     D. since

Question 19: British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different as _________.

A. cats and dogs     B. chalk and cheese

C. salt and pepper     D. here and there

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Question 20: John: "Congratulations! You did great. Mary: - " ___________.”

A. It’s nice of you to say so.

B. It’s my pleasure.

C. You’re welcome.

D. That’s okay.

Question 21: Minh : " My first English test was not as good as I expected " Thomas : " _________."

A. Good Heavens!

B. Never mind , better job next time!

C. That's brilliant enough!

D. It's okay. Don't worry.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word[s] SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word[s] in each of the following questions.

Question 22: When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking you.

A. be related to     B. be interested in

C. pay all attention to     D. express interest in

Question 23: “He insisted on listening to the entire story”.

A. part     B. funny

C. whole     D. interesting

Read the following sentences and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Question 24: They don’t know much knowledge of the jobs of their choice.

A. They have little knowledge of the jobs of their choice.

B. They have a few knowledge about the jobs of their choice.

C. They have few knowledge of the jobs of their choice.

D. They don’t have much knowledge of the jobs of their choice.

Question 25: Hardly are appeals allowed against the council’s decisions.

A. It’s too hard for the council to allow appeals against its decisions.

B. The council always allows appeals against its decisions.

C. Allowing appeals against its decisions is not good.

D. The council rarely allows appeals against its decision.

Read of the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks

We are using up the world’s petroleum. We use it in our cars and to heat our building in winter. Farmers use petrochemicals to [31] ____ the soil rich. They use them to kill insects which eat plants. These chemicals go [32] ______ rivers and lakes and kill the fish there. Thousands of pollutants also go into the air and pollute it. Winds carry this [33] _____ air to other countries and other continents.

Poor farmers use the same land over and over The land needs a rest so it will be better next year. However, the farmers must have food this year. Poor people cut down forests for firewood. In some areas when the trees are gone, the land [34] ______ desert. Poor people can’t save the environment for the future .

This is not a problem for one country or one area of the world. It is a problem for all- humans. The people and the nations of the world must work together to [35] _______ the world’s resources.

Question 26: A. work    B. change     C. make     D. let

Question 27: A. out     B. for     C. at     D. into

Question 28: A. pollute    B. polluting     C. polluted     D. pollution

Question 29: A. gets    B. changes     C. turns     D. becomes

Question 30: A. recycle    B. preserve     C. keep     D. reuse

Đáp án

1B 2D 3A 4C 5B 6B
7D 8B 9C 10A 11A 12D
13C 14B 15A 16B 17C 18A
19B 20A 21C 22C 23C 24A
25A 26C 27D 28C 29D 30B

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 1

Môn: Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 11

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

Read the passage mark letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.

Researchers in communication show that more feelings and intentions are [1]________ and received nonverbally than verbally. Mehrabian and Wienerfollowing have stated that only 7% [2]_______ message is sent through words, with remaining 93% sent nonverbal [3]_________.

Humans use nonverbal communication because:

1. Words have limitations: There are [4]________ areas where nonverbal communication is more [5]_______ than verbal, especially when we explain the shape, directions, personalities which are expressed nonverbally.

2. Nonverbal signal are powerful: Nonverbal cues primarily express inner [6]_______ while verbal messages deal basically with outside world.

3. Nonverbal message are likely [7]________ more genuine: because nonverbal behaviors cannot be controlled as easily as spoken words.

4. Nonverbal signals can express feelings inappropriate to state: Social etiquette limits [8]_________ can be said, but nonverbal cues can communicate thoughts.

5. A separate communication channel is necessary to [9]__________ send complex messages: A speaker can add enormously to the complexity of the verbal message through simple nonverbal [10]_______.

Question 1: A. mailed     B. posted     C. sent     D. thrown

Question 2: A. through     B. of     C. in     D. for

Question 3: A. expressions    B. thought     C. gestures    D. postures

Question 4: A. sum     B. great deal     C. numerous    D. amount

Question 5: A. effect     B. effectiveness    C. effectively     D. effective

Question 6: A. words     B. feelings    C. shows     D. sorrows

Question 7: A. be     B. being     C. been    D. to be

Question 8: A. why     B. that     C. what     D. when

Question 9: A. help     B. have     C. make    D. get

Question 10: A. signs     B. sight     C. signals     D. signatures

Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.

Question 11: The USA is a country of high youth unemployment.

A. The USA is a country of young people.

B. It is the USA that has a great number of young people.

C. High youth unemployment is found in USA.

D. We find high youth unemployment a problem in the USA.

Question 12: My mother is very busy at work but she takes good care of her children.

A. In spite of being busy at work, my mother takes good care of her children.

B. My mother takes good care of her children but she is very busy at work.

C. Though my mother was very busy at work, my mother took good care of her children.

D. Although my mother was very busy at work, my mother took good care of her children.

Question 13: “You’d better think carefully before applying for that job.” She said to me.

A. She said me to think carefully before applying for that job.

B. She say me to think carefully before applying for that job.

C. She advise me to think carefully before applying for that job.

D. She advised me to think carefully before applying for that job.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word[s] CLOSEST in the meaning to the undelined word[s] in each of the following questions.

Question 14: School uniform is compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools.

A. depended     B. required

C. divided     D. paid

Question 15: Whenver problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly.

A. clean     B. encounter

C. arrive     D. happen

Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words.

Question 16: A. holiday    B. adventure     C. industry    D. certainly

Question 17: A. finish    B. pastime    C. summer    D. begin

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word[s] OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word[s] in each of the following questions.

Question 18: Fill each of the blanks below with a suitable word from the reading passage.

A. unimportant     B. irrelevant

C. uninteresting    D. impossible

Question 19: Why did the parents oppose to the idea of sending their children to the special class at first?

A. unlimited     B. everyday

C. normal     D. undefined

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answser sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 20: The plants may be develop differently. The plants live on that island.

A. The plants which live on that island may develop differently.

B. The plants lives on that island may develop differently.

C. The plants which lives on that island may develop differently.

D. The plants which live that island may develop differently.

Question 21: Some kinds of fish live in fresh water. Others live in sea water.

A. Some kinds of fish live in fresh water, for others live in sea water.

B. Some kinds of fish live in fresh water, and others live in sea water.

C. Some kinds of fish live in fresh water, or others live in sea water.

D. Some kinds of fish live in fresh water, so others live in sea water.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.

Body postures and movements are frequently indicators of self-confidence, energy, fatigue, or status. Cognitively, gestures operate to clarify, contradict, or replace verbal messages. Gestures also serve an important function with regard to regulating the flow of conversation. For example, if a student is talking about something in front of the class, single nods of the head from the teacher will likely cause that student to continue and perhaps more elaborate. Postures as well as gestures are used to indicate attitudes, status, affective moods, approval, deception, warmth, arid other variables related to conversation interaction.

The saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" well describes the meaning of facial expressions. Facial appearance - including wrinkles, muscle tone, skin coloration, and eye color-offers enduring cues that reve1il information about age, sex, race, ethnic origin, and status.

A less permanent second set of facial cues-including length of hair, hairstyle, cleanliness, and facial hair-relate to an individual's idea of beauty. A third group of facial markers are momentary expressions that signal that cause changes in the forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, cheeks, nose, lips, and chin, such as raising the eyebrows, wrinkling the brow, curling the lip.

Some facial expressions are readily visible, while others are fleeting. Both types can positively or negatively reinforce the spoken words and convey cues concerning emotions and attitudes.

Question 22: Facial expressions _________.

A. cannot convey emotions

B. cannot reinforce spoken words

C. can only express negative attitudes

D. can be either visible or fleeting

Question 23: Gestures _________.

A. can do nothing with a conversation

B. can clarify the meaning of verbal messages.

C. may interrupt the flow of a conversation

D. can end a conversation more quickly than usual

Question 24: According to the writer, "A picture is worth a thousand words" means _______.

A. a picture of a face is more valuable than a thousand wordS.

B. a picture is more important than a thousand words

C. facial gestures can convey a lot of meanings

D. he has just bought a picture with a thousand words on it

Question 25: How many categories of facial expressions are mentioned?

A. 2     B. 3

C. 4     D. 5

Question 26: A nod of the head from the teacher will likely ask his student to _______ what he is saying.

A. go on     B. give up

C. put off     D. throwaway

Choose the most suitable words or phrases to fill in the blanks.

Question 27: We can _______ not only through words but also through body language.

A. Talk     B. transfer

C. interpret     D. communicate

Question 28: Since I wanted to get the bill, I tried to attract waiter’s _______.

A. Eyes     B. agreement

C. assistant     D. attention

Question 29: Her relatives didn’t do anything to help her, and her friends _______.

A. Didn’t neither    B. didn’t too

C. didn’t either    D. did too

Question 30: They are close-knit family and very ______ of one another.

A. Supportive     B. support

C. supported     D. supporting

Question 31: You can drive my car ________ you drive carefully.

A. Unless     B. because

C. as long as     D. although

Question 32: Primary education is a stage of study _______ children aged from 5 to 11 years old.

A. To     B. for

C. in     D. with

Question 33: The school year in Vietnam ________ divided into 2 terms.

A. Was     B. are

C. is     D. is being

Question 34: Neither the students nor the lecturer _______ English in the classroom.

A. Use     B. uses

C. are using     D. have used

Question 35: _____ I moved in my new apartment, my neighbors have come to my house twice.

A. Because     B. Since

C. When     D. After

Question 36: Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school _______.

A. Report     B. papers

C. diploma     D. account

Question 37: Eating and living in this country is becoming _______ expensive.

A. More and more    B. too

C. less     D. so

Question 38: The wedding day was ________ chosen by the parents of the groom.

A. Careless     B. careful

C. carelessly     D. carefully

Pick out the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs corrrections in each of the following questions.

Question 39: While the [A] Brows were [B] away [C] on holiday, their house was broke into [D].

Question 40: Difference [A] conversation efforts have been made [B] in order to saving [C] endangered species [D].

Question 41: There have been [A] a report of several [B] bombings [C] by terrorist [D] groups.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answser sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Question 42: - “Would you like some more tea?” – “_________.”

A. Yes, please.     B. Yes, thanks.

C. No, thank.     D. No, please.

Question 43: – “That’s a very nice dress you are wearing.” – “________________.”

A. I’m glad you like it.

B. That’s all right.

C. That’s nice.

D. You’re quite right.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.

"Where is the university?" is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no one can give them a clear answer, for there is no wall to be found around the university. The university is the city. You can find the classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and teachers or professors of the thirty-one colleges.

Cambrige is already a developing town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, as the Cam was once called. A bridge was built over the river as early as 875.

In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew faster in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has the population of over 100000. Many young students want to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world.

Question 44: Why did people name Cambridge the "City of Cambridge"?

A. Because the river was very well-known.

B. Because there is a bridge over the Cam.

C. Because it was a developing town.

D. Because there is a river named Granta.

Question 45: From what we read, we know that Cambridge is now _________.

A. visited by international tourists

B. a city without wall

C. a city of growing population

D. a city that may have a wall around it

Question 46: Around what time did the university begin to appear?

A. In the 8th century

B. In the 13th century

C. In the 9th century

D. In the 15th century

Question 47: Why do most visitors come to Cambridge?

A. To see the university

B. To study in the colleges in Cambridge

C. To find the classroom buildings

D. To use the libraries of the university

Question 48: After which year did the town really begin developing?

A. 800     B. 875

C. 1845     D. 1945.

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

Question 49: A. depends    B. years     C. temples     D. parents

Question 50: A. filled    B. missed     C. ploughed     D. watched

Đáp án

1C 2B 3A 4C 5D
6B 7D 8C 9A 10C
11C 12A 13D 14B 15D
16B 17D 18B 19C 20A
21B 22D 23B 24C 25B
26A 27D 28D 29C 30A
31C 32B 33C 34B 35B
36A 37A 38D 39D 40C
41A 42A 43A 44B 45A
46B 47A 48C 49D 50A

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