Mục đích của đổi mới cơ chế quản lý khoa học và công nghệ là nhằm

Mục đích của đổi mới cơ chế quản lí khoa học và công nghệ là nhằm

A.Khai thác mọi tiềm năng sáng tạo trong nghiên cứu khoa học, lí luận.

B.Tạo một môi trường cạnh tranh bình đẳng.

C.Đẩy mạnh hợp tác quốc tế trong nghiên cứu khoa học và công nghệ.

D.Chuyển giao công nghệ, phát triển nông nghiệp nông thôn.

Đáp án và lời giải

Đáp án:A

Lời giải:Lời giải
Nhà nước ta tiến hành đổi mới cơ chế quản lí khoa học và công nghệ nhằm khai thác mọi tiềm năng sáng tạo trong nghiên cứu khoa học, lí luận.
=> Chọn đáp A

Vậy đáp án đúng là A.

Câu hỏi thuộc đề thi sau. Bạn có muốn thi thử?

Bài tập trắc nghiệm 45 phút Chính sách giáo dục và đào tạo khoa học và công nghệ, văn hoá - Giáo dục công dân 11 - Đề số 1

Làm bài

Chia sẻ

Một số câu hỏi khác cùng bài thi.

  • Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo tổ chức các kì thi học sinh giỏi nhằm mục đích nào dưới đây?

  • Trong sự nghiệp phát triển đất nước, khoa học công nghệ có vai trò là

  • Một trong những nhiệm vụ của giáo dục và đào tạo là nâng cao

  • Nhà nước có chính sách đúng đắn trong việc phát triển, đào tạo, bồi dưỡng, sử dụng nhân tài là nhằm

  • Bạn H rủ B, M và N đi chùa để cầu may. Cả bốn bạn cùng bàn xem nên mặc trang phục gì cho đẹp. H đưa ra ý kiến là nên mặc váy ngắn. M phản đối vì cho rằng trang phục như vậy không phù hợp khi đi chùa. Còn B và N lại rất hào hứng với ý tưởng của H. Trong trường hợp này hành vi của những ai là không nên?

  • Vào mỗi tết trung thu, trường THPT Y lại tổ chức “Vui hội trăng rằm” cho học sinh bán trú. Điều đó thể hiện phương hướng nào dưới đây của chính sách văn hóa?

  • Nhà nước ta coi khoa học và công nghệ là

  • Nền văn hóa mà chúng ta đang xây dựng là nền văn hóa

  • Đối với giáo dục và đào tạo thì việc nâng cao chất lượng, hiệu quả giáo dục và đào tạo, giáo dục toàn diện, đổi mới nội dung, phương pháp dạy học; cơ cấu tổ chức, cơ chế quản lí, có chính sách đúng đắn trong việc phát hiện, đào tạo, bồi dưỡng, sử dụng nhân tài là

  • Trong bối cảnh nền kinh tế tri thức có vai trò ngày càng nổi bật, Đảng và nhà nước ta xác định tầm quan trọng của khoa học công nghệ là

  • Nhà nước đổi mới cơ chế quản lí khoa học và công nghệ bằng cách

  • Việc làm nào dưới đây nhằm thực hiện chính sách văn hóa?

  • Vì thần tượng một nam ca sĩ nên H [đang học lớp 11] đã nhuộm tóc đỏ và ăn mặc giống với ca sĩ thần tượng. Việc làm này của H là

  • Một trong những phương hướng cơ bản của khoa học công nghệ là gì?

  • Mục đích của đổi mới cơ chế quản lí khoa học và công nghệ là nhằm

  • Nội dung nào dưới đây thuộc chính sách văn hoá?

  • Thực hiện công bằng xã hội trong giáo dục là nhằm

  • Để có thị trường khoa học công nghệ nước ta cần phải đưa ra phương hướng cụ thể nào sau đây?

  • Trong bối cảnh nền kinh tế tri thức có vai trò ngày càng nổi bật, Đảng và nhà nước ta xác định tầm quan trọng của khoa học công nghệ là gì?

  • Nội dung nào dưới đây thể hiện trách nhiệm của công dân đối với chính sách giáo dục – đào tạo?

  • Đảng và Nhà nước ta coi trọng việc bảo tồn, tôn tạo các di tích lịch sử, di sản văn hoá của đất nước là việc làm thể hiện

  • Thấy F và H đang xúm nhau xem clip phim đồi trụy trên điện thoại, K vội chạy lại xem cùng và K đã tải về rồi gửi cho M, N là bạn của K. Trong trường hợp này việc làm của những ai là không nên?

  • Các bạn học sinh trường THPT X tham gia tích cực cuộc thi sáng tạo khoa học kỹ thuật cấp tỉnh. Việc làm đó thể hiện trách nhiệm nào của công dân đối với chính sách khoa học và công nghệ?

  • T đã 8 tuổi, dù bị liệt hai chân nhưng em rất muốn được đi học. Mẹ T cho rằng em đi học cũng không ích gì và cũng chẳng có trường nào nhận. Nếu em là người thân của T em sẽ làm gì dưới đây?

  • Nhà nước huy động mọi nguồn lực để phát triển giáo dục, xây dựng cơ sở vật chất cho các trường học, hiện đại hóa nhà trường là thực hiện phương hướng nào sau đây?

Một số câu hỏi khác có thể bạn quan tâm.

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B ,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks:

    Organized football games began in 1863. In football, two [31]_____ of eleven players try to kick or head the ball into the goal of the other team. The goal keeper, [32]_____tries to keep the ball out of the goal, is the only player on the field who can touch the ball with his or her hands. The other players must use their feet, heads and bodies to [33]_____ the ball. Every four years, football teams around the world [34]_____ for the World Cup. The World Cup competition started in 1930. Brazil is the home of many great football players, including the most famous player of all, Pele’. With his fast dazzling speed, Pele’ played for many years in Brazil and then in New York. People in more than 140 countries [35]_____ the world play football. It is definitely the world’s most popular sport.

    Question 32:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks:

    Engineers have been dreaming of an underwater link between Britian and France since 1802. Finally, in 1994 the Channel Tunnel [ nickname ”the Chunnel” by the English] was officially opened. This fifteen million dollar project took seven years to complete. It is 50km long and built 45 metres under the seabed. The trains which go through the Chunnel can travel at up to 300km/h due to the[31]…… electrical system. The journey from London to Paris via the Chunnel takes just three hours. It is also handy for drivers since they can load their cars onto the trains. They don't need to book in[32]……… as trains depart every few minutes. However, while on the train, there isn't much to do and many criticise the Chunnel for this. Unlike the ferries, there is no duty-free shopping, no video game parlour or refreshment stand[33].……… can you look outside and enjoy the view. As a result, many would find the Chunnel[34]……and would take the ferry[35]……

    Question 31:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks:

    Engineers have been dreaming of an underwater link between Britian and France since 1802. Finally, in 1994 the Channel Tunnel [ nickname ”the Chunnel” by the English] was officially opened. This fifteen million dollar project took seven years to complete. It is 50km long and built 45 metres under the seabed. The trains which go through the Chunnel can travel at up to 300km/h due to the[31]…… electrical system. The journey from London to Paris via the Chunnel takes just three hours. It is also handy for drivers since they can load their cars onto the trains. They don't need to book in[32]……… as trains depart every few minutes. However, while on the train, there isn't much to do and many criticise the Chunnel for this. Unlike the ferries, there is no duty-free shopping, no video game parlour or refreshment stand[33].……… can you look outside and enjoy the view. As a result, many would find the Chunnel[34]……and would take the ferry[35]……

    Question 33:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks:

    Engineers have been dreaming of an underwater link between Britian and France since 1802. Finally, in 1994 the Channel Tunnel [ nickname ”the Chunnel” by the English] was officially opened. This fifteen million dollar project took seven years to complete. It is 50km long and built 45 metres under the seabed. The trains which go through the Chunnel can travel at up to 300km/h due to the[31]…… electrical system. The journey from London to Paris via the Chunnel takes just three hours. It is also handy for drivers since they can load their cars onto the trains. They don't need to book in[32]……… as trains depart every few minutes. However, while on the train, there isn't much to do and many criticise the Chunnel for this. Unlike the ferries, there is no duty-free shopping, no video game parlour or refreshment stand[33].……… can you look outside and enjoy the view. As a result, many would find the Chunnel[34]……and would take the ferry[35]……

    Question 32:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35:

    My home is in the air – I do an enormous amount of travelling. It is a fast life and full of work, but I like it and that is the only way [31]..................me. Everything is tiring – music, travelling – but what can I do? I am not [32].................to complaining. It is hart to imagine now that I will never be very long in one place. My home town is on the Caspian Sea. There is sea, wind, sun and too many tourists and hotels. I have my own flat with four or five rooms. But I am seldom there. If I am there for a day or two I prefer to [33]................ with my mother and grandmother. They live in a small house, but it is very comfortable and my mother cooks for me. I like good, simple food. I have no wife, no brothers or sisters and my father died when I was seven. He was an engineer and I don’t [ 34].............him very well. He liked music very much and wanted me to [35]..............a musician.

    Question 31:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35:

    My home is in the air – I do an enormous amount of travelling. It is a fast life and full of work, but I like it and that is the only way [31]..................me. Everything is tiring – music, travelling – but what can I do? I am not [32].................to complaining. It is hart to imagine now that I will never be very long in one place. My home town is on the Caspian Sea. There is sea, wind, sun and too many tourists and hotels. I have my own flat with four or five rooms. But I am seldom there. If I am there for a day or two I prefer to [33]................ with my mother and grandmother. They live in a small house, but it is very comfortable and my mother cooks for me. I like good, simple food. I have no wife, no brothers or sisters and my father died when I was seven. He was an engineer and I don’t [ 34].............him very well. He liked music very much and wanted me to [35]..............a musician.

    Question 32:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35:

    Education is more important today than ever before. It gives them the specialized training they may need to [31]_______ for a job or career. For example, a person must meet certain educational requirements and obtain a license or certificate before he can practice law or medicine. Many fields, like computer operation or police work, [32]_______ satisfactory completion of special training courses. Education is also important [33]_______ it helps people get more out of life. It increases their knowledge and understanding of the world. It helps them acquire the skills that make life more interesting and enjoyable, such as the skills needed to participate in a sport, paint a picture, or play a musical instrument. Such education becomes [34]_______ important as people gain more and more leisure time. Education also helps people adjust to change. This habit has become necessary because social changes today take place with increasing speed and affect the lives of more and more people. Education can helpa person understand these changes and provide him[35]____the skills for adjusting to them.

    Question 33:

  • Question 32:


    As a small-business owner, you can avoid many problems simply by improving communication in your office. By clarifying everyone's expectations and roles, you'll help to [30] _______greater trust and increased productivity among employees. Here are a few tips for doing so. Practice active listening. The art of active listening includes [31]_______ close attention to what another person is saying, then paraphrasing what you've heard and repeating it back. Concentrate [32]_______ the conversation at hand and avoid unwanted interruptions [cell phone calls, others walking into your office, etc.]. Take note of how your own experience and values may color your perception. Pay attention to non-verbal cues. We don't communicate with words alone. Every conversation comes with a host of non-verbal cues-facial expressions, body language, etc. - that may [33]_______ contradict what we're saying. Before addressing a staff member or [34]_______ a project conference, think carefully about your tone of voice, how you make eye contact, and what your body is "saying". Be consistent throughout. Be clear and to the point. Don't cloud instructions or requests with irrelevant details, such as problems with past projects or issues with long-departed personnel. State what you need and what you expect. Ask, "Does anyone have any questions?" Demonstrate that you prefer questions up-front as opposed to misinterpretation later on.

  • Question 33:


    As a small-business owner, you can avoid many problems simply by improving communication in your office. By clarifying everyone's expectations and roles, you'll help to [30] _______greater trust and increased productivity among employees. Here are a few tips for doing so. Practice active listening. The art of active listening includes [31]_______ close attention to what another person is saying, then paraphrasing what you've heard and repeating it back. Concentrate [32]_______ the conversation at hand and avoid unwanted interruptions [cell phone calls, others walking into your office, etc.]. Take note of how your own experience and values may color your perception. Pay attention to non-verbal cues. We don't communicate with words alone. Every conversation comes with a host of non-verbal cues-facial expressions, body language, etc. - that may [33]_______ contradict what we're saying. Before addressing a staff member or [34]_______ a project conference, think carefully about your tone of voice, how you make eye contact, and what your body is "saying". Be consistent throughout. Be clear and to the point. Don't cloud instructions or requests with irrelevant details, such as problems with past projects or issues with long-departed personnel. State what you need and what you expect. Ask, "Does anyone have any questions?" Demonstrate that you prefer questions up-front as opposed to misinterpretation later on.

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks:

    There are several changes in the procedure for employees ___5___ wish to apply for vacant positions within the company. These changes make it much easier for in-house employees to fill vacancies that occur. First, __6__ most important difference is that employees will now be notified of all available positions before the positions are advertised for the general public. Accordingly, all in-house candidates will be interviewed before we see any out-side candidates, and we will offer the job to outside candidates only if no current employees are able to fill the position. Second, under the new procedure, in-house employees can be hired even if they don’t __7__ all job requirements. Under our old policy, in-house employees had to meet all job qualifications in order to obtain the vacant position. Now, however, employees who have proven themselves dedicated __8__ the company will be hired for a vacant position even if they are lacking some minor qualifications; training will be provided. A third change involves recommendations. Form now on, employees do not need to be recommended for an in-house position before they __9__. Instead, employees may apply as soon as they are aware of the vacancy. The remaining procedures and policies [those regarding increase in pay, interview procedure, and hiring approval] remain the same.

    Question 7:

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