clings là gì - Nghĩa của từ clings

clings có nghĩa là

What working stiffs do to their guns and their religion. We know this is true because that limp-wristed liberal stove lid, Barack O'Bama, AKA the Irish Jig, told us so.

Ví dụ

That Irish Jig O'Bama says we working stiffs cling to our guns and our religion because we are too stupid and ignorant to be limp-wristed liberals. Actually, we cling to our guns and our religion because we are too smart to be limp-wristed liberals.

I'm not going to that dumb-ass liberal meeting. They won't let me cling to my gun in there.

clings có nghĩa là

little pieces of faeculent matter that get caught in hair whilst defaecating. Usually in men with particularly hairy arses.

Ví dụ

That Irish Jig O'Bama says we working stiffs cling to our guns and our religion because we are too stupid and ignorant to be limp-wristed liberals. Actually, we cling to our guns and our religion because we are too smart to be limp-wristed liberals.

clings có nghĩa là

I'm not going to that dumb-ass liberal meeting. They won't let me cling to my gun in there. little pieces of faeculent matter that get caught in hair whilst defaecating. Usually in men with particularly hairy arses.

Ví dụ

That Irish Jig O'Bama says we working stiffs cling to our guns and our religion because we are too stupid and ignorant to be limp-wristed liberals. Actually, we cling to our guns and our religion because we are too smart to be limp-wristed liberals.

clings có nghĩa là

When a female starts talking to a guy and is instantly obsessed with him. goes to all means to attach herself to him. multple phone calls and text messages may occur till she knows exactly what he is doing.

Ví dụ

That Irish Jig O'Bama says we working stiffs cling to our guns and our religion because we are too stupid and ignorant to be limp-wristed liberals. Actually, we cling to our guns and our religion because we are too smart to be limp-wristed liberals.

clings có nghĩa là

Grip, Stick, Hug, Adhere, Hang, Fit Tightly, Clutch

Ví dụ

I'm not going to that dumb-ass liberal meeting. They won't let me cling to my gun in there.

clings có nghĩa là

little pieces of faeculent matter that get caught in hair whilst defaecating. Usually in men with particularly hairy arses.

Ví dụ

I took a very relaxing dump, but spent a while cleaning up due to the presence of multiple cling ons that arose. 1.loser
2.friendly yet annoying

clings có nghĩa là

A term used for a social and academic loser who, in a desperate attempt to re-gain popularity, befriends an individual to the near point of stalking them.

Ví dụ

dave is a cling-on. Get him away from me When a female starts talking to a guy and is instantly obsessed with him. goes to all means to attach herself to him. multple phone calls and text messages may occur till she knows exactly what he is doing. olesia is cling on to him like a fat kid loves cake. Grip, Stick, Hug, Adhere, Hang, Fit Tightly, Clutch

clings có nghĩa là

the love that clings to your heart

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The female genitalia. Also known as a pussy, vagina or snatch.

clings có nghĩa là

I'm going to get me some clinge!

Ví dụ

Kels had that cling on for a week!

clings có nghĩa là

I'm going to get me some pussy!

Ví dụ

a sexual act whereby one places cling film over their partners face and proceeds to defacate prefusely onto the cling film; with all sensations maintained e.g. warmth, texture, weight, visability etc without any of the unsightly aftermath. This is useful to those unexperienced in brown love but acts as a handy tool in their sexual games.

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