the rape là gì - Nghĩa của từ the rape

the rape có nghĩa là

When someone steals or takes without permission something of value.


"Someone totally raped our cash box at the fundraiser"

the rape có nghĩa là

An illegal activity that many perps find to be an enjoyable activity.

Father: So, Gunth what do you want for your 13th birthday? I hope it's a lady; cuz that's what I got you! *points to a lump of wrapping paper in the shape of a woman, it moves*
Gunther: Oh boy howdy! Just what I wanted. Thanks pop!
Father: I met her at Baja Fresh last night, she said she was Una Chica Fantastica!
Gunther: What?? I don't know what that means, I was born in this country.
Father: Me niether. You want to rape her after dinner?
Gunther: Sure! Dibs on dat pussy, bitch!
Audience: *laughs*
Mom: Oh this is so precious, let me get the camcorder
Gunther: Grandma??
Granny: If you fuck her pussy, and your father skull fucks her someone’s gotta get all up in dat ass!


Rape, fun for the whole family. . . . .

"Granny gonna tear dat ass up! RED SOCK! world series" - Grandmother

"O, RLY? *GULP*" - Una Chica Fantastica

the rape có nghĩa là

people who pass unconstitutional laws that rape my rights like the assholes who invented property tax. No one has actually owned property in 100 years! If you don't pay your property tax [rent to assholes in washington] the government assholes take your property away, sell it to other assholes, and do something gay with the money. traitors and assholes alike!


the assholes who invented property tax are those fucking socialists the same assholes who gave us "temporary" income tax to rape my spending power, fucking welfare to rape my paycheck, and allowed assholes in banks to invent money to lend but keep the real money profits. bank assholes who mismanage the imaginary money spread the loss around to people with jobs or assets and pocket the real money again. treasonous assholes.

the rape có nghĩa là

when something is kickass, cool, dope, tight etc.


"Dude that song totally rapes."

the rape có nghĩa là

rape is hurt inside the vagina from a penis that even make up sex does no heal ever. It occurs in the vagina and injures everything surrounding the vagina or connected to the vagina like boobs.. Sometimes girls can avoid the pain of unwanted sex, though it is still considered sex and usually will hurt either boobs, boob developement, boob growth or worse the vagina either is very hard to live from afterword... Unless you take ecstacy and are an angel at heart anyway.


It takes ten years, told, to heal rape. The guy couldn't make his kid right, so me he rape as well as 12 other children and we did a lot of drugs. After the 13 children went under rape, they did a lot of drugs and tribed.

the rape có nghĩa là

Verb: To rape. 1]To take something without asking. 2]To borrow something from somebody, without their full consent. [British regional]


1] "I had to rape three texts off my sister's phone last night. She still doesn't know."
2] "Do you need to borrow a phone?"
"Nah, it's okay, I raped Jo's."

the rape có nghĩa là

a word also substituted by fire because nobody will fucking believe you any more. In the gaming world people will use this world for shooting the shit ouy of an enamy.[or not]


"help im being fired" or "I just raped thated bith with my BAR"

the rape có nghĩa là

A horrible crime that men woman and children can suffer from. It can make people want to die or lead them to drugs or alcohol to try and get rid of the memory. It is never the victims fault. Rape is not a joke. No one desserves to be raped it is one of the worst things to go through and some people never get over it. I am only 13 years old. And I have been raped 5 times. I blamed myself. But I realize now that it was never my fault. And everyone who has been raped should realize that too.


Person 1: I was raped and it's all my fault
Person 2: of course it was you are just a slut
Person 3: get out of here it's not her fault and she is not a slut, and at least she isn't an asshole like you
Person 2: whatever bye *walks away*
Person 1: thank you
Person 3: I will always be here for you if you need anything, and it's not your fault so don't say it is
Person1: ok thanks you made me feel a lot better

the rape có nghĩa là

A. Unlawful sexual intercourse or sexual penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth. Can be with or without force and can be with a sexual organ, a body part or an object.. Requires that the victim not provide consent or removes consent [where consent is removed, actions must immediately stop or they may constitute rape]
B] Statutory Rape. Sexual intercourse or sexual penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth. Can be with consent and can be with a sexual organ, a body part or an object but one of the persons is defined as under the legal age of consent in that jurisdiction.
C] [Improper use] Consensual sex that, post coitus, one or both of the participants regrets. Used by some women or men to describe sexual activity with a partner that in hindsight they would not have engaged in sexual activity . This use is most commonly seen on on Tumbler
D] Consequences: Rape is extremely traumatic and can be perpetrated by either gender against either gender. Can have psychological, emotional, and physical effects on a survivor, including but not limited to PTSD, self-harm, depression, flashbacks and substance abuse. A person charged and convicted of rape [sexual assault] may be incarcerated and be listed on sex offender registries maintained by local, state and national police forces. Occasionally, a person may make an improper accusation and this is also a criminal offense if proven that it was intentional.


I said 'no' but he [or she] continued and forced me to have sex. I was raped, please help me!

the rape có nghĩa là

The bad kind of Rape. Coined by Whoopi Goldberg, who said that Roman Polanski didn't "rape-rape" a thirteen year old girl. He just raped her.


Whoopi Goldberg on child rape: I know it wasn't rape-rape. I think it was something else, but I don't believe it was rape-rape.

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