the blind date là gì - Nghĩa của từ the blind date

the blind date có nghĩa là

When you go on a date with someone you don't know, or when someone sets you up with someone you dont know.


blind dates are sometimes good, usually bad, and always weird at the beginning.

the blind date có nghĩa là

Dating for the visually impaired


Ray Charles went on many blind dates with his wife, Della.

the blind date có nghĩa là

An event where someone sets up 2 people who don't know each other on a date. In most cases, one of the people is horrendously ugly and the other will be sure to kill the "matchmaker" afterwards.


My shitty friend set me up on a blind date, and I vomited for hours afterwards.

the blind date có nghĩa là

somthing i wouldnt suggest you go on.- most turn out to be incredibly ugly , boring or plain losers.. But there are a few that turn out to be gems once in awhile or at least dateable. Id say about 3 out of 50 are the odds of you finding someone whos compatible with you on a blind date. Its best if your friends set you up with this person rather than just calling up some line or other service and going on a blind date. The friends at least know what you like and most likely who you would like, as far as type. Sometimes youll get a whacko sometimes youll get a good match, But the odds of the good match are very low. Maybe 1 in 50-100 and 2 that are dateable not to bad. The rest are whack jobs. So try to meet peeps in public or work , somewhere you dont need to go on a blind date.


Once went on a blind date ,was a disaster, a mistake, dont go anywhere with peeps you dont know , it dosent matter if your friend set you up with them. If you do go watch out. Guess you have to take your risks. - then again you can find a rare gem or someone dateable this way and they might be safe or cool.

the blind date có nghĩa là

A cool tv show that lets us single people watch couples fight or make out.


Dude did u watch Blind Date last night?? That bitch had some fake ass titties!!

the blind date có nghĩa là

When a friend sets up a date with a mystery person that you usually [99% of the time] don't know. Avoid at all costs because these types of dates go horribly wrong most of the time!


Bob: I set up Joe on Blind Date with this girl I met the other day.
Fred: He's going to kill you, you know that right?
Bob: Why? She's got a nice personality!
Fred: Yeah, but is she hideous?
Bob: Maybe.....
Fred: And besides those dates usually never work out.

the blind date có nghĩa là

1.When a friend tries to set you up with an ugly guy friend or female friend of theirs that is ,desperateinsecure,a person that one can walk all over since he/she is way too nice, creepy,boring,lonely,obsessedloser with no life. 2.A big hint that the other person really unattractive is when you friend mentions, "Oh he's/she's really nice." 3. They think it's "cute" to try to set you up when you're content with being single. They think they know what's best for you, but in reality they have very poor taste in guys/girls.


1. Vanessa: "I have a guy friend that's single, just like you." Jane: "I'm not interested in going on a blind date with Clifford." 2. Vanessa: "He's really nice." Jane *Thinks to herself, this dude is probably a dog, and has no life, and Jane follows her instincts and is right.* "Like I said before, I'm not interested." 3. Jane: "What's your damn problem with me being single?" "I don't want to be set up because I have my own free will and I know what I like and don't like in a guy." Vanessa: "Oh, I was just having fun." Jane: *In an angry voice* "Fun, really?" "Wow, you're a stupid bitch." Vanessa: "But I..." Jane: "Cut the crap, I'm happy being single and nor do I WANT or NEED you're help getting a boyfriend." Jane: "I like being single, besides you have poor taste in men, anyways." Vanessa: "But I...." Jane: "This conversation is over, so be on your way before you piss me off even more." Vanessa *Leaves and cries like a baby because Jane put her stupid ass in place.* Jane * Is in a better mood for standing up for herself and for other single people who enjoy being single. Refuses to be "set up" with some desperate loser guy with no life.*

the blind date có nghĩa là

A sex prank in which the guy does the girl from behind with a window in front of them both and a cupboard behind them. A friend of the guy hides in the cupboard and quietly sneaks out and the two guys sneakily switch positions without the girl knowing. The guy who was initially in the cupboard is now having sex with the girl while the first guy quickly goes outside round to the window to wave at the unsuspecting girl who is suprised to see her boyfriend [or whatever] outside whilst she's still having sex... With someone unknown


Billy was so annoyed at Sally for cheating on him that he decided that he and Bobby should give her the blind date to punish the stupid ho!

the blind date có nghĩa là

This is any date at any time with any person. It could be a random person, or someone you have been dating for years. Do you ever really know the other person? I think not. Love is blind.


Dick to Susie [on a blind date after they've been dating for three months]: Wanna have a three some?

Susie to Dick: Jesus you're such a dick.

Susie [to herself]: When did Dick become such a perv? This was a bad idea.

the blind date có nghĩa là

Where you get really drunk or blind, meet someone and agree to go on a date but when you are sober you can't really remember what they look like, who they are or any details about the meeting except that you met them. Sometimes even friends have to tell you these details. They call and you agree to go on a date anyway and awkwardly look around looking for someone slightly recognisable and spend the time trying to obtain any small details to piece together the night you met.


That guy from the party called, I think he was alright. We are going on a blind date

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