Spotify api playlist duration

Welcome to Spotipy!¶

Spotipy is a lightweight Python library for the Spotify Web API. With Spotipy you get full access to all of the music data provided by the Spotify platform.

Assuming you set the SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables, heres a quick example of using Spotipy to list the names of all the albums released by the artist Birdy:

import spotipy from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials birdy_uri = 'spotify:artist:2WX2uTcsvV5OnS0inACecP' spotify = spotipy.Spotify[client_credentials_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials[]] results = spotify.artist_albums[birdy_uri, album_type='album'] albums = results['items'] while results['next']: results =[results] albums.extend[results['items']] for album in albums: print[album['name']]

Heres another example showing how to get 30 second samples and cover art for the top 10 tracks for Led Zeppelin:

import spotipy from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials lz_uri = 'spotify:artist:36QJpDe2go2KgaRleHCDTp' spotify = spotipy.Spotify[client_credentials_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials[]] results = spotify.artist_top_tracks[lz_uri] for track in results['tracks'][:10]: print['track : ' + track['name']] print['audio : ' + track['preview_url']] print['cover art: ' + track['album']['images'][0]['url']] print[]

Finally, heres an example that will get the URL for an artist image given the artists name:

import spotipy import sys from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials spotify = spotipy.Spotify[auth_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials[]] if len[sys.argv] > 1: name = ' '.join[sys.argv[1:]] else: name = 'Radiohead' results =[q='artist:' + name, type='artist'] items = results['artists']['items'] if len[items] > 0: artist = items[0] print[artist['name'], artist['images'][0]['url']]

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