Remote Desktop drives not showing

If you would like to save to a USB drive [aka Flash Drive] while accessing a remote computer, insert your USB drive to the computer you are connecting from. Then follow the below instructions to connecting from a Windows computer.

Step-by-step guide



Prior to connecting remotely to a lab computer, please follow the steps below.

  1. Click Windows Start button
  2. Windows 7: Select All Programs and click Accessories
    Windows 10: Type Remote Desktop Connection to search
  3. Click Remote Desktop Connection

    The Remote Desktop Connection dialog box displays.
  4. Click Show Options
  5. Click Local Resources tab
  6. Click More under Local devices and resources

  7. Insert the USB Drive to your computer
  8. Expand the Drives option and check the USB Drive shown
  9. Click OK

  10. You can then proceed to connect to a lab machine by following the Computer Lab Remote Access instructions.


    The USB drive is now accessible on the remote computer. You may browse and save to it as needed. It is also found under Redirected drives and folders in Windows Explorer on the remote computer.

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