Spotify filter by genre desktop

Spotify will let you filter your liked songs by mood and genre

For both free and premium users

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  • on February 25, 2021 12:04 pm

Spotifys making it easier to parse your liked songs. The company is rolling out a new feature today thatll let users filter their liked songs by genre and mood. This way, you can enjoy more of what you like without compromising on the vibe. I, for example, have songs that would be fun in the club but also folky songs for relaxation time, both of which are under my liked songs umbrella. This new feature would let me decide what mood Im in and then listen.

To access the filters, you have to have at least 30 liked songs. You can then go to your library, tap into liked songs, and select a filter thats listed across the top. You can remove that filter whenever you like and swap in a new one. These filters will change as you like new songs, Spotify says. For now, they will only be rolling out to English-speaking markets, including the US, Canada, and the UK.

Spotify has made it no secret that it wants to be the app for every kind of audio need, including music and podcasts. Although this feature is small, its the kind of update that makes a product more useful for everyday use and could keep people coming back to the app to like songs, which is what Spotify wants.

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This is a nice feature. Im almost done with Spotify for everything else in the app, but this is actually dope. I used to manually sort my liked playlist in GPM all the time before a long listen session like a roadtrip, or specific work mood.

By geiko on 02.25.21 12:09pm

Spotify shoving podcasts down my throat is genuinely making it harder to use the app each day, but yeah, this is a cool feature. I just wish theyd stop hiding daily mixes on me.

By techee44 on 02.25.21 12:54pm

But we can no longer even see a list of liked artists or albums. Utterly baffling design.

By fragilities on 02.25.21 1:49pm

All I want is for Spotify to allow downloading my playlists to my Apple Watch.

By Jhairston23 on 02.25.21 3:51pm

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