north face là gì - Nghĩa của từ north face

north face có nghĩa là

expensive type of jacket that yuppy young men and women wear as a way to:
1] make a statement that they're rich.
2] keep very warm, since they're good jackets.

I prefer wearing mine for the second reason, but hey, #1 isn't all that bad...


Holy crap! He's wearing a North Face jacket! I have to go touch him and attain wealth!

north face có nghĩa là

The other definitions for The North Face are wack... These retarded people have no idea what they are talking about. The North Face is actually an outdoor equipment and apparel company founded in 1968 in San Francisco, CA. Their products are of very high quality, and are well worth the cost. They make backpacks, jackets, shirts, sweatshirts, pants, shoes, tents, sleeping bags, luggage, etc. I guess they are famous for their jackets, which hip-hop stars in the early 90's wore frequently.


Me: "Oh you're mad because you can't afford The North Face products so you go on Urban Dictionary and talk trash about them? Wow your life must suck." Douchebag: "I know I cry myself to sleep most of the time, damn it's cold out here and my shitty ass backpack I bought at Walmart is falling apart!" Me: "Harsh man, I'm warm and all the stuff in my backpack is dry, maybe you should invest in some North face ish and get rid of your bootsy gear."

north face có nghĩa là

1] A well-known brand of very high quality outdoor gear, especially jackets, backpacks, and tents.

2] A brand-name that has regrettably been appropriated by thugs and yuppies alike as a way of either projecting an image of wealth or interest in rugged activities and the great outdoors.


I was talking to this guy at the trailhead, and noticed that even though his North Face pack had to be a good 15-20 years old and faded from the sun, it wasn't ripped and all the seams were still solid! I hope my Gore-tex jacket lasts that long.

north face có nghĩa là

the status symbol of suburban teens. commonly worn by females with ugg boots and sweat pants. though they claim "it's comfortable" common male side effects include: hyphema, eye herpes, glaucoma, corneal abrasion, and projectile vomiting.


Staci's mom got her a North Face and Ugg boots so she would fit in with her friends and always be a virgin.

north face có nghĩa là

A ridiculous kind of jacket that will never see the North Face of anything. The jackets cost more than their weight in gold, and are usually worn by every member of the Greek system at all times. Attending a winter greek event may as well be a North Face advertisement. The alleged quality of the jackets is offset by the fact that owning one makes you a douche.


Teacher: Conscientious consumption is the purchase of goods to look rugged or otherwise not ostentatious. Have you of you been conscientious consumers?
Class: No.
Teacher: How many of you own something with the the words "The North Face?"
Class: *defeated*

north face có nghĩa là

A line of winter wear that comes in twelve shades of black and is worn by stuck-up college students who feel an overwhelming need to fit in. Most people justify their wearing of The North Face by preaching about how warm the coats are in order to hide the fact that they're most likely a pretentious snob who lacks taste and the ability to impress anyone with originality.


I took the bus to class today and was only one of three people not sporting The North Face.

north face có nghĩa là

1. outdoors company which sells apparel, shoes, and equipment
2. product lately worn by teens and young adults as a status symbol alongside ugg boots and skinny jeans


Hiker: We have the same North Face fleece! So I take it you like hiking as well?

Teenager: Um, no, wait hold on someone is calling me on my BlackBerry.

north face có nghĩa là

The North Face, also known as, the "white man's J's" [Jordan Sneakers], is a company which produces outdoor goods of superior quality. That is undeniable. The North Face brand is often worn by people of all social stratifications to emphasize their wealth, conformity, and feelings of financial superiority; unless worn by actual adventurers or people who truly value the quality of The North Face products.


Hiker: I see that we're both wearing the same North Face fleece and Zippo lighters. I take it you like hiking as well? Douche: Hold on, someone is calling me on my Blackberry. [Yes, I know this example was already posted by 'birdandbee', but this is the perfect example describing typical The North Face wearers.]

north face có nghĩa là

1] noun: the state of having an unusually voluminous amount of semen on the face similarly to the amount ejaculated by the great Peter North.


"Brittney Spears kept her face warm in the winter with a nice North Face."

north face có nghĩa là

A once proud brand of outdoor apparel, that has since sold its soul to the masses, who still think it holds them in some sort of higher level in the hierarchy of humans. While true outdoors people have shown disdain from purchasing the products as not to look like the yuppy scum who define the brand.


Bob wanted a new climbing jacket, even though the The north Face jacket was on sale, he didn't want to look like a complete fucking fag like the majority of those who wear the brand. Bob doesn't have a tiny dick and didn't need a brand label to try and make his manhood feel bigger.

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