Bring to an end là gì

"We want to find a way to bring to an end the conflict.

American superstar Britney Spears is set to bring her massive Circus show to the United Arab Emirates to bring to an end her comeback tour, which has been described "sex, fire and stomp-and-slither choreography," and bound to stir controversy in the Muslim state.

According to the Religion News Service, the mid-November vote at the church's General Synod meeting in Oyer, Norway, aims to bring to an end the state-church system that has been in place since 1537, when the then-united Denmark-Norway endorsed the Lutheran Reformation.

At the end of the sale, Pim stood down from the rostrum for the final time to bring to an end a long and distinguished career that began when he first mounted the rostrum at the Ballsbridge Sales in 1975.

His death seems to bring to an end an architectural ethos that formed Britain for much of the second half of the twentieth century.

THE army will arrive in Knowsley tomorrow to bring to an end the summer activities.

After 51 days, federal agents decided to move in to try to bring to an end the siege, but succeeded only in sparking a bloodbath.

Any thoughts that York might be on course to bring to an end their 18-match winless run were soon erased as first Mark Peters headed home from close range and then Alexander scored.

The 35-year-old winger, who will bring to an end a 10-year stay in the Highlands, said: "I'm disappointed more than angry but this isn't the end.

But his representative Sammy Yu is adamant that Yeung could be the owner of the Blues within two months - and bring to an end the 14-year reign of Sullivan and chairman David Gold.

CHRIS BRASS led by example as York recorded their third win in four league games to bring to an end Carlisle's four-match unbeaten league run.

In a letter to local MPs Nick Ainger and Jackie Lawrence, the county's farmers have expressed concern that the implementation of an EU Regulation in April 2003 will bring to an end the burial of animals on farms.

The announcement is likely to take place on Monday if the contracts can be signed in time and will bring to an end years of wrangling and controversy.

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