Windows installation encountered an unexpected error 0xc0000005 Windows 10

Credit: Naseer Ahmed

Error code: 0xc0000005 is one of the most common error many people face in Windows 10. There are numerous causes of this error 0xc0000005. The most common causes include wrong hardware configuration, malware, damaged RAM, corrupted registry files. You can find solutions to this error in this article. The error 0xc0000005 can be seen in Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7.

Before jumping into the solutions, you should know the reason why this error appears. The main causes of this error are listed below.

This error may appear during the installation of Windows

When you are installing or updating the Windows OS, the error code 0xc0000005 may pop up and discontinue the process. This is mostly this is caused by temporary hardware issues. It will display the error message “Windows installation encountered an unexpected error…”

This error may appear while launching an application

This error code can be displayed when you try to open a program like VLC, Google Chrome or any other application in your computer. This may be caused due to invalid or incomplete DLL files. Even reinstalling the program will not solve this error. If this is the cause of error it will display the error message “The application was unable to start correctly [0xc0000005].”

This error may pop up while Windows is dealing with Location or Data

This error may pop up when you are doing daily stuff on the computer. Your computer may be accessing a location or data. This may show the error message “Exception: Access violation error [0xc0000005] at…”.

After seeing these causes of this error 0xc0000005, you should know about the steps for fixing this error. Those solutions are listed below.

Try replacing your RAM

You already know that damaged RAM may also be the cause of the error 0xc0000005. This error may pop up when there is some physical damage in RAM. You should check your RAM and find out your RAM is working properly or not. If you feel like there is some problem with RAM, you should replace your RAM. You must be sure that you should turn all the power source off while replacing RAM. After replacing RAM, you should turn on your computer and check whether the solution worked on your PC or not.

Change these in the Registry setting

The error 0xc0000005 also appears when there is any corrupted files or corrupted key in Registry. You should restore the registry settings if you had created a registry backup previously. Before continuing the process, you must be sure that changing the registry is a risky process. So be sure that incorrect change may damage your PC. You should follow these simple steps to proceed.

  • First of all, you should press Windows key+R. This will open the Run window for you.
  • Enter regedit in the Open Box.
  • This will take you to the registry window. After that, you should open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
  • Now, Go to software and explore SOFTWARE.
  • After that, open Microsoft and click on Windows NT.
  • You should explore CurrentVersions.
  • Now, click on Windows.
  • You will see on the right part of the window. Now, double-click on LoadAppInit_DLLs.
  • You should change the value data which appears in your Screen. Change the value data from 1 to 0.
  • After that, hit OK. Now exit Registry setting.
  • Finally, you should restart your computer.

Run SFC scan

Try run SFC scan to check for the corrupted files in your computer. Follow these steps to conduct SFC scan in your computer.

  • Firstly, search for Command Prompt in the search bar.
  • Right-click on Command Prompt which will appear at the top of the list of result. You should select Run as administrator.
  • A window called Command Prompt will appear on your screen. Type SFC /scannow in the command prompt and hit Enter.
  • This may take some time. This process will find corrupt files and remove them automatically.

Disable DEP

Microsoft has given an in-built feature in windows which helps to protect us from damages caused by the virus and other related malware. DEP[Data Execution Prevention] is the feature which prevents the computer from these sorts of malware. This feature is useful in many cases. Nevertheless, some programs are not comfortable with it, which causes error 0xc0000005. So, you should disable DEP to check whether that is causing the error or not. The simple steps to disable DEP are listed below.

  • Start your windows with administrator access.
  • Open the Run window by pressing Windows Key+R.
  • In the open box, type sysdm.cpl and press Enter.
  • Now, go to the Advanced tab. You can see the performance section there, click on setting in the performance section. There you will see 3 settings, don’t be confused. Go to setting from the performance tab.
  • Click on the Data Execution Prevention tab.
  • Mark the option Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select.
  • You click on add and add the programs which are causing this error.

Try running CHKDSK Utility

In order to fix the error, you should run CHKDSK utility. This CHKDSK checks the corruption or bad sector in any drive. You can do it by following these steps.

  • Press Windows Key+R this will open Run windows.
  • Type CMD.EXE and hit Enter. This will open Command Prompt as admin for you.
  • Now, type chkdsk X: /f /r. You should put the name of your defected drive in place of X and hit Enter.

We hope this solution helped you to fix error code: 0xc0000005 in your Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7.

How do I fix error 0xc0000005 in Windows 10?

Fix Registry.
Press 'Windows + R', type regedit, and hit 'Enter'.
Navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\AppInit_Dlls..
Double click LoadAppInit_DLLs and modify the value from 1 to 0..
Click 'OK' to confirm the changes..
Close the Registry Editor Window and restart the system..

What causes error code 0xc0000005?

Application Error 0xc0000005 [Access Violation] error is usually caused by your computer not being able to correctly process the files and settings required to run a particular program or installation.

What is 0x0000005?

If you have received this warning on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Error code "0x0000005" is one of the issues that users may get as a result of incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in system elements.

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