Which of the following describes the urban political machines of the late nineteenth century quizlet?

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Terms in this set [25]

Florence Kelley became a famous advocate for

A. housewives and professional working women
B. prostitutes and orphans
C. female and child laborers
D. migrant farm workers


Where did almost 90 percent of African Americans live in 1900?

A. the South
B. The western states
C. Mississippi and Alabama
D. Northern cities


Which of the following describes the urban political machines of the late nineteenth century?

A. They mediated between municipal governments and state and federal governments
B. Machines acted as social service agencies, providing assistance in times of trouble
C. Political machines were an obstacle to the creation of urban infrastructure
D. They protected American city dwellers from powerful economic interests


Which of the following statements most characterizes residential patterns in the typical American city around 1900?

A. Members of various ethnic groups mingled throughout the city
B. Immigrants from a particular region of a country tended to settle by ethnic group
C. Most immigrants had to settle far from the factories where they worked.
D. Most immigrants were required by zoning laws to live in downtown ghettos


Which of the following statements describes immigrants' accommodation to city life in the United States around 1900?

A. They discarded their ethnic customs and traditional holidays as quickly as possible to blend in with native-born Americans
B. Each family looked out solely for its own interests, abandoning older community-oriented patterns.
C. Irish and German immigrants frequently joined temperance societies to become sober American workers
D. Many relied on native-language newspapers, the conviviality of saloons, and the assistance of mutual-aid societies


What accounted for the relocation of manufacturing operations into urban areas after the Civil War?

A. Railroad expansion
B. Tax incentives
C. Steam power
D. Electricity


By 1900, which of the following was the primary means of urban mass transit in the United States?

A. Subway
B. Trolley car
C. Elevated railroad
D. Cable car


The Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire of 1911 led to which of the following outcomes?

A. A final break between progressive reformers and New Your City's Tammany Hall political machine
B. The New Your State Factory Commission to blame worker negligence for producing unsafe working conditions
C. New Your State's passage of the most advanced labor code in the country at that time
D. The jailing of the company's owner for arson after seeking to collect on his insurance


Which of the following Hull House volunteers became the first American woman to hold a US cabinet post?

A. Jane Addams
B. Florence Kelley
C. Ellen Gates Starr
D. Frances Perkins


Around the turn of the century, African Americans moving to cities in the North experienced which of the following?

A. Substantially less racism than did African Americans in the South
B. More opportunities to become skilled workers than they had two decades earlier
C. More discrimination than even the most downtrodden European immigrants
D. Plentiful job opportunities and access to integrated housing.


In the late nineteenth century, George Washington Plunkitt was

A. a major political boss who operated in the city of Chicago
B. a humorous character created by a newspaper columnist to satirize ward politics
C. The Tammany ward boss who courted all ethnic groups to win their support
D. The first important African American politician elected in the city of Baltimore


Why was the New York legislation dealing with safety in factories and wages-and-hour laws for women and children was enacted?

A. Anthracite Coal Strike
B. Danbury Hatters Boycott
C. Niagara Movement
D. Triangle Shirtwaist fire


How did the early twentieth century campaign against urban prostitution affect women working as prostitutes at that time?

A. New laws made it easier for prostitutes to find more respectable work.
B. New obstacles to interstate transport limited many prostitutes' mobility
C. By closing brothels, new laws worsened many prostitutes; working conditions.
D. The campaign reduced the number of men seeking prostitutes' services in cities


Why was Margaret Sanger indicted for her newspaper column "What Every Girl Should Know" in the 1910s?

A. The column discussed white slavery and prostitution openly
B. It suggested that New York's homosexual community was not immoral
C. Sanger advocated mixed-race marriages
D. Her discussion of birth control violated obscenity laws.


Which of the following statements characterizes urban political reform efforts in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

A. Some reform mayors modeled their reform efforts on cutting-edge European efforts in cities such as Glasgow and Dusseldorf.
B. Many large American cities adopted the professional city manager system in an attempt to run more like a business.
C. Urban reform politicians rejected municipally owned utilities in favor of private sector ownership
D. The efforts of urban reform politicians could not compete with those sponsored by the political machines they targeted.


Before the Civil War, most manufacturing operations sprang up in

A. northeastern cities
B. countryside locations
C. seaports
D. railroad hubs


Around 1900, if an ordinary American city dweller, whether immigrant or native-born, needed a favor done by a person with authority, he or she would have most likely turned to whom?

A. A newspaper columnist
B. An alderman or ward boss
C. An ombudsman
D. A member of Congress


Who of the following was the greatest benefactor of public libraries in nineteenth-century America, who in 1881 announced that he would build a library in any city that was prepared to maintain it?

A. J. P. Morgan
B. Andrew Carnegie
C. John D. Rockefeller
D. George W. Vanderbilt


Which of these statements describes the newly rising American middle class around 1900?

A. They preferred to live in luxurious high-rise apartments in the city
B. Many preferred to live in the suburbs because of the safety and space it afforded them
C. They imitated the rich by constructing scaled-down villas in the country.
D. They remained near the ethnic neighborhoods where they had grown up


During the 1890s, what caused voters to start turning away from urban political machines and start embracing urban political reformers?

A. A decrease in the number of immigrants
B. The economic depression
C. A series of political assassinations
D. The rampant spread of urban organized crime


The City Beautiful movement is associated with which of the following activities?

A. Efforts to clean up the mud rivers created by spring rains in many cities
B. Attempts to clean up the tremendous air pollution that hung in the air of many cities
C. Attempts to build more and better urban park spaces, including playgrounds and gardens
D. Efforts by municipal commissioners to preserve green space in rapidly expanding industrial cities


Which of these inventions made residents feel safer in urban areas in the late nineteenth century?

A. Electric light
B. Subway
C. Radio
D. Telegraph


What was the primary complaint against trolleys in American cities in the late 1800s?

A. The expensive ticket prices
B. Their frequent accidents
C. Their high construction costs
D. They served only elite neighborhoods


The first skyscraper in the United States was built in 1885 in which city?

A. New York
B. Chicago
C. Boston
D. Cleveland


The settlement houses that emerged in early twentieth-century cities established which new occupational field?

A. Midwifery
B. Social Work
C. Early Childhood Education
D. Political bureaucrat


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