What is the purpose of the Labour relations boards?

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Essential Services Commissioner Invites Submissions from Labour Relations Community Relating to Section 95.44 of the Labour Relations Code

The Board currently has before it an essential services dispute in which the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees and Capital Care Group Inc. disagree as to whether the provision of essential services, as set out in the Essential Services Agreement they submitted for filing, will substantially interfere with meaningful collective bargaining within the meaning of section 95.44 of the Labour Relations Code [the “Code”].

In relation to this dispute, the Essential Services Commissioner invites written submissions from the labour relations community on the following issue:

What principles and factors should the Commissioner consider when assessing whether the provision of essential services during a strike or lockout will substantially interfere with meaningful collective bargaining under section 95.44 of the Code?

The submissions must not exceed 15 pages and the deadline for submissions is September 30, 2022.

Once the deadline has passed, the Board will provide copies of all submissions it receives to the parties of ES-00045 and they will be given the opportunity to address the submissions.

Submissions containing the subject line “Written Submissions on Section 95.44 of the Labour Relations Code” may be provided though any of the methods outlined below:


Alberta Labour Relations Board
10808 99 Ave #501
Edmonton, AB T5K 0G5

Fax: [780] 422-0970


Updated: September 13, 2022

Recruitment - Part-time Vice Chairs and Board Members

The Board is currently recruiting for Board Members and Part-time Vice Chairs.. Below are the links to the job postings:

PAS 765 – Part-time Vice Chairs, LRB - //www.alberta.ca/public-agency-opportunity.cfm?appt=765
PAS 766 – Board Members, LRB -

Updated: August 29, 2022

New Transitional Bulletin Coming into Force August 1, 2022

#27 Election of Union Dues and Financial Disclosure

The transitional version of this Bulletin contains information and key dates regarding election of union dues and union financial disclosure obligations, and it sets out the Board’s processes for addressing disputes about union dues elections and financial disclosure.

Updated: July 28, 2022

Recruitment - Labour Relations Officers

The Board is currently recruiting for two Labour Relations Officers. This is an open competition, below are the links to the job posting:

Internal link: //hcm17.sapsf.com/sf/jobreq?jobId=23668&company=accentur02
External link: //jobpostings.alberta.ca/job-invite/23668/

Updated: June 17, 2022

Important Update About Board Conducted Votes

Please be advised that effective July 4, 2022, the Board will be resuming in-person votes for some matters. Please note that the ability to do in person votes is currently restricted by our resources. This means that some votes, particularly those outside of Edmonton or Calgary, may still need to be conducted via mail in ballot. The Board retains the discretion to determine how all votes will be conducted.

The Board is actively working towards using electronic voting as a means to conduct votes. We are hopeful that this option will be available within the next couple of months.

Updated: June 17, 2022

Important Update About Board Hearings -

New Scheduling Presumptions Effective September 1, 2022

Effective September 1, 2022, the Board will conduct some of its hearings in-person, and some of its hearings remotely [“Remote Proceedings”] using the Zoom platform. 

The Board has updated Information Bulletin #4:  Board Hearings to reflect these changes.  Please review this bulletin for more detailed information about Board hearings.

Effective September 1, 2022, the following proceedings will be presumptively scheduled as Remote Proceedings:

  • Resolution Conferences;
  • Case Management Meetings;
  • Applications under section 145[2] of the Code [arbitration reviews]; and
  • Any matters proceeding via agreed statement of facts and/or written argument alone, or where there is no viva voce evidence.
  • Appeals under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Employment Standards Code

All proceedings not identified above will be presumptively scheduled as in-person proceedings.  

In some cases, a party may seek to rebut the presumption that a matter proceed remotely or in-person. The process for doing so will be described in the hearing scheduling letter, and may require a Case Management Meeting. A party seeking to rebut a scheduling presumption will need to put forward a clear and compelling rationale for doing so. 

Where all parties in a proceeding that is presumptively scheduled as an in-person proceeding would prefer that the matter proceed remotely, they may write to the Director of Settlement to confirm their agreement in this regard and request a Remote Proceeding. 

In all cases, the final decision about whether a matter proceeds in-person or remotely rests with the Board.

Procedures for Remote Proceedings
Remote Proceedings, including rules relating to documents and exhibits, are governed by the Board’s Guidelines for Remote Proceedings. Parties and participants are expected to comply with those Guidelines. 

Procedures for In-Person Hearings
Please see Information Bulletin #4, which contains more detailed information about in-person hearings. 

Hearings that are currently scheduled as Remote Proceedings, or that are scheduled to proceed before September 1, 2022, will continue as Remote Proceedings, unless the Board directs otherwise.

Updated: June 17, 2022

Update re Information Bulletin #11
Bargaining Units in the Construction Indusry and Building Trades

The Board has updated Information Bulletin #11:  Bargaining Units in the Construction Industry and Building Trades to address the amendments to the Labour Relations Code resulting from Restoring Balance in Alberta's Workplaces Act, 2020.

Updated: February 25, 2022

New OHS Legislation Takes Effect December 1, 2021

Effective December 1, 2021, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, SA 2017 c O-2.1 is repealed and the new Occupational Health and Safety Act, SA 2020 c O-2.2 is proclaimed in force.  Pursuant to the transitional provisions contained in the new legislation, appeals that are not disposed of before December 1, 2021 will, subject to section 74[2] of the new legislation, continue to be addressed in accordance with the previous OHS legislation.

The Board has updated its Rules of Procedure for OHS Appeals as well as its Forms for OHS Appeals. 

Please visit Board’s OHS page for more information.

Section 11 of the Labour Relations Code  - Changes
to Rules of Procedure and Information Bulletin #2

The Board has updated its Rules of Procedure that relate to informal hearings under section 11 of the Labour Relations Code.  Please see Rules 29-33. These changes have been incorporated into Information #2 – Processing Applications, Complaints and References and Information Bulletin #4:  Location and Conduct of Board Hearings.

Guidelines for Email Filing and Email Communications

Effective January 1, 2021, the Board is changing its filing deadline from 4:30 PM to 4:00 PM.  This change applies to all methods of filing materials with the Board [i.e. fax, delivery, email].

The Board has recently begun accepting applications, complaints, and references under the Labour Relations Code, and appeals under the Occupational Health and Safety Act  via email.   As a result of this change, the Board has developed Guidelines for Email Filing and Email Communications, which include naming conventions, and other procedures and best practices for submitting material to the Board via email. The Guidelines will be incorporated into a revised version of Information Bulletin #2 at a later date. 

Some of the key components of the Guidelines include:

  • The correct email addresses to use when filing materials;
  • Naming conventions;
  • Instructions for submitting and formatting PDF documents; and
  • General “best practices” when communicating with the Board via email.

Effective January 1, 2021, the deadline for filing materials with the Board will change from 4:30 PM to  4:00 PM.


  • Can the ALRB help me?
  • Guide to the Code
  • The Alberta Labour Relations Board's legislation
  • How do I file a duty of fair representation complaint?
  • How do I file a petition to start or remove a union?
  • Individuals wishing to have their names masked may apply to the Board by letter setting out the reasons for the request including what sensitive personal information will be disclosed.


  • Active Certificates
  • Arbitration Standard Book of Authorities
  • Collective Agreements
  • Consolidation Order for 2021-2023 Round of Construction Bargaining
  • Decisions of the Board / Index of decisions 1988 - 2020
  • Employment Standards Appeals | ESA Rules or Procedure |
  • Essential Services | ES Decisions | Umpire Registry |
  • Forms
  • Hearing Schedule
  • Information Bulletins & Rules
  • Legislation
  • New Applications
  • Occupational Health and Safety Appeals | OHS Decisions | OHS Rules of Procedure |
  • Policy & Procedures Manual
  • Stakeholder Information
  • Union Appeal Processes



Mediation Services: New Grievance Mediation Program

Mediation Services is pleased to introduce a new Grievance Mediation program to assist unions and employers to resolve grievances. Follow this link for further information.

What does the Ontario Labour Relations Board do?

The Ontario Labour Relations Board is an independent, adjudicative tribunal issuing decisions based upon the evidence presented and submissions made to it by the parties, and upon its interpretation and determination of the relevant legislation and jurisprudence.

What is the purpose of employee and labor relations?

Employee and Labor Relations work together to assist both employees and supervisors on the interpretation and implementation of policies, procedures, and the Staff Handbook directives, as well as investigating and responding to grievances and other complaints.

Why was the National Labor Relations Board made?

Congress enacted the National Labor Relations Act ["NLRA"] in 1935 to protect the rights of employees, to encourage collective bargaining, and to curtail certain private sector labor and management practices, which can harm the general welfare of workers, businesses and the U.S. economy.

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