What is an example of a normative age graded influence with a strong biological component?

While brainstorming for examples of normative age-graded, normative history-graded and nonnormative examples; I found it easier to pick out the normative age-graded and normative history-graded examples versus the nonnormative examples. I feel thankful and lucky to say this because that means I was not abused, lost my parents at a young age or anything too memorable. In fact, my nonnormative examples stray from the norm of being negative and actually are some of the most positive pieces to my life. With that being said, I will start by giving my examples of normative age-graded. According to our text, normative age-graded influences are “biological and environmental influences that are similar for individuals in a particular age group” [Author, page 5]. Using this description, I came up with the examples: getting my driver’s permit at the age of 15 then following that, getting my driver’s license at the age of 16. Then, finally, at the age seventeen, graduating from high school [I have a summer birthday making me slightly younger]. These are the examples I have already experienced in my life; however there are more to expect in my future such as: turning 21 and being able to legally drink, getting married and having children somewhere in my 20s-30s, etc. While these are examples specific to my life, there are plenty more depending on a person’s religion, culture and even location. Similarily, my examples of normative history-graded influences could be different of


  • Examples of Age Graded Influences
  • Age-Graded Influences In the Life Span Development Paradigm

All development is contextual meaning that development can occur in places like churches, communities, and businesses. Development can also occur within family members, group of friends or with just everyday people. Development can be influenced by three major factors: normative age-graded and normative history-graded influences and non-normative life events. These influences can have either a big or a small impact on both the individual and the individual’s environment. Normative age-graded influences have biological and environmental factors that occur to a specific age group. Examples of biological factors are being potty trained and starting to vocalize. Examples of environmental factors are starting kindergarten, learning to drive, and high school graduation. A normative age-graded influence that has occurred in my life is obtaining my license. At the age of sixteen I took a Driver’s Ed course and was taught the art of driving. For Pennsylvanian students the course was not required however if the students took the course the cost of our insurance would go down. So I sat through the three-hour course for five days and learned all kinds of things about driving. I learned that driving a car is a weapon and can kill anybody and anything without hesitation, to remain calm in any situation especially accidents, and always place your hands on the steering wheel between ten and two. Driving gave me greater freedom but with that freedom came with a lot of responsibility. For example, I went to the grocery store when my parents needed something and took my brother to the bus, school or to a sports practice. Basically my life had become driving all over God’s green earth. A good outcome for me was not having to pay insurance and not ha... ... middle of paper ...

...lopment is contextual and can change by big or small impacts just like people can be changed by good or bad influences. As humans we constantly change due to our changing environment. Because of these changes three major factors can have an impact on us: normative age-graded and normative history-graded influences and non-normative life events. These three factors can either have a biological or environmental influences on an individual’s development. A normative age-graded and normative history-graded influence that has occurred in my life was getting my driver’s license at the age of sixteen and experiencing the legalization of same-sex marriage. A non-normative life event that I experienced was getting adopted from Russia at the age of eight. All these influences have impacted my development and my character one way or another and have made me the person I am today

Confounding Variables >

Normative age graded influences are influences that affect an individual in a predictable or semi-predictable way according to age.

The word normative here means that they are ‘the norm’ for a large number of people in a semi-predictable way. This doesn’t mean they must happen to everyone at exactly the same time, or even that they happen to everyone. They are common experiences, however—environmental and biological influences that have a strong correlation to the chronological age of the individual influenced by them.

Examples of Age Graded Influences

Graduation from kindergarten, college freshman year experiences, marriage, and retirement are all examples of normative age graded influences. They are experiences shared among the great majority of the population; We can take a pretty good guess, within five years or a decade, at what point in time they happened to an individual.

The general time frame in which normative age graded influences may be expected can differ from population to population, either because of differences in culture or differences in setting. Within a culture and location, however, they tend to be fairly predictable.

If an influence affects many people in one generation at a particular time but is related more to the historical setting than to the age of the individuals involved– for instance, a war, the Great Depression, or the telecommunications age — it is considered a history graded influence rather than an age graded influence.

Age-Graded Influences In the Life Span Development Paradigm

In sociology, influences which affect an individual over his life span are often categorized according to the life span development paradigm. This paradigm recognizes three major groups of influences: normative age graded influences, as described here; normative history graded influences, and nonnormative influences. These influences are all considered to rise from biological or environmental influences, or a mixture of both.


Baltes, P. & Nesselroade, J. Paradigm Lost and Paradigm Regained: Critique of Dannefer’s Portrayal of Life-Span Developmental Psychology. Retrieved December 20, 2017 from: //www.jstor.org/stable/2095533
Plomin, R. [1986]. Development, Genetics, and Psychology. By Robert Plomin.
Woolf, L. [1998]. Theoretical Perspectives Relevant to Developmental Psychology. Retrieved December 18, 2017 from: //faculty.webster.edu/woolflm/designs.html.


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Normative age graded influences are events that affect almost all of the people belonging to a particular age category. Whenever a person reaches a certain age, it is expected that his experiences in life [such as marriage] and biology [such as sickness in old age] will influence the life of the individual. 

Since age related influences affect a majority of the population they are called normative influences. Events that do not affect a majority of the population are called non normative influences.

Some examples of normative age graded influences:

1. The events that naturally occur in life due to biology are examples of normative age graded influences, for instance, boys going through puberty, menopause in women, girls experiencing period cramps, etc.

2. The various events that occur in life by the choice of the individual such as marriage, childbirth, divorce, etc. are also examples of age graded influences.

3. The various day to day experiences of an individual such as at his workplace all have an influence on the person as the person grows older and becomes more mature.

4. The problems faced in old age such as weakness, loss of strength, loss of stamina, and diseases such as dementia and other terminal illnesses.

Other kinds of normative graded influences:

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What are examples of normative age graded influences?

Graduation from kindergarten, college freshman year experiences, marriage, and retirement are all examples of normative age graded influences.

What is a normative age graded event?

Normative age-graded influences have biological and environmental factors that occur to a specific age group. Examples of biological factors are being potty trained and starting to vocalize. Examples of environmental factors are starting kindergarten, learning to drive, and high school graduation.

What is an example of non normative influence on development?

The death of a friend in a road accident, an unexpected major disease diagnosis, or winning the lottery are all examples of nonnormative influences on an individual.

Is puberty a normative age graded influence?

Normative age-graded influences are those biological and environmental factors that have a strong correlation with chronological age, such as puberty or menopause, or age-based social practices such as beginning school or entering retirement.

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