waltham là gì - Nghĩa của từ waltham

waltham có nghĩa là

Waltham -N. - Home to the greatest of Bostonians, with the truest Boston accent. Home of Bentley and Brandeis. Home of Waltham the Band.
We are commonly called Walthamers, Walthamians, Walthamites, and sometimes even Hamians.
We like to sit around praise our great city and reminisce about the good days when we were actually good at something.
[the Wal-lex, Norumbega, Arbys, Steph P., among many other things]
And with having the greatest number of hotel rooms in any city outside of Boston there are plenty of possibilities.


Waltham is a big city with a small town feel.

waltham có nghĩa là

A city in Massachusetts. All the kids go to freeskate on friday nights and then go to friendly's. The town is so diverse, down at the south is were all the spanish and blacks at. Warrendale and Ceaderwood are the where all the white middle class people are. Pigeon Hill is where the white and Armenian's live and all drive around Benz's. Half of the kids are lax bro's, walking around with a snapback backwards and knee high socks with flip flops. All the ghetto girls complain of how fake everyone else is on facebook, threaten to "smack a bitch". At night all the "cool" Waltham high schooler's go drink at Petco. South side kids just walk around and play bball. Warrendale kids go down the park and play strockey on the baseketball courts.Waltham hockey kicks-ass. Waltham is a city with a lot of diversity, boring as hell most of the time.


Person 1: What part of Waltham are you from?
Person 2: Ceaderwood.
Person 2: Shit... I'm from the south side, you must be rich.

waltham có nghĩa là

Waltham-n.-aka "The Ham", home of annoying Bostonians who do nothing but drink their lives away and swear the sox will bring it home again. In..."The Ham" we like to praise Waltham and reminisce about the good days when we were actually good at something.


We are all alcoholics and go to school drunk everyday.

waltham có nghĩa là

A hell-hole in Massachusetts. Drunks are too common and the school system is terrible. The few that escape the meaningless life of this town are the lucky ones who will achieve something unlike the rest of them left behind.
Home of the American Industrial Revaluation and thats all that we've done since this country was born.


Waltham in a bottomless pit of uselessness

waltham có nghĩa là

One of THE biggest dumps in Massachusetts. Home of the scumiest, trashiest, dirtiest people you will ever meet in your entire life. The majority of its inhabitants are drunks or criminals. If you can escape the drugs and violence, get out of that waste-yard before it is too late.


If you're from Waltham than why are you sober?

waltham có nghĩa là

A tough town outside Boston proper. Most of it is working class, though the southside [also called sur dub or so. wal.] is wicked rough. It's mostly a mix of Irish, African-Americans, Italians, Dominicans, Guatemalans, Haitians, Indians, Ugandans, and Chinese. On a Waltham street it's common to hear old-timer talk [hawayah=how are you?, supdood=hi, yah fuckin ritahhded ked= you're stupid, etc.], next to spanglish [eyyy que tal mang= what's up man, el dijo to me= he told me, cabron you creysee= you're crazy, etc.], next to ghetto slang. Oh and you cant forget mumbling drunkard/junkie, a favorite dialect on the southside. Locals get offered drugs a lot because its a thriving business here. Also every fucking kid in Waltham now is either a gangbanger or wants to be one so there are a growing numbers of Locs and Latin Kings. Waltham is actually just kind of a sad story because what used to be the birthplace of the American industrial revolution is turning into a broke ass shithole. And yet people here are so damn proud and won't let you for get they were "born and raised in tha ham". Rule number one in Waltham is ignoring our problems and pretending gangs,drugs, and broken homes are only in ghettos like The Dot, Roxbury, Murderpan etc.


Carlos: "My moms got fuckin jumped in Waltham last night."
Julian: "Figures my dude... they hear change in your pocket in that town and you good as dead. Fucking barrioteros."

waltham có nghĩa là

A place where a lot of inscanely hot people live and hang out with the odd emo floating around. Some People Call it Bishy or Bishy Waltham Rec


Yo, You Gonna be at Bishops Waltham Rec For Training Tonight?

waltham có nghĩa là

To move about from place to place. Specially when in Waltham, broke, between jobs, and between housing.


Did The Waltham Shuffle when between jobs. Out of theMansion, first stop,Mickey-D's or may be the Common Grounds. After a while, ready for a nap at the gay church near moody[might take a nap at the library.] Already dinner time? 'tis time to go to the Cantina on Moody [not far from the gay church]. First real meal of the day, ready to go to the Mansion....9 0'Clock..

waltham có nghĩa là

The remains of a cigarette after it has been split open and its contents used to roll a joint [mainly cannabis].
i.e The filter and the bit of white paper that has been licked down one side.

Someone had to come up with a name for it, as it was potentially as incriminating as a pack of king size Rizla, or worse a joint butt, and worse still - your stash of hash !!

The memory of exactly how this came into existence is somewhat hazed, due to being very stoned at the time. Driving through Waltham-Stow in the back of a smokey white Ford Sierra circa 1991 - 1993 comes to mind.


Shit it's the cops !!! hide all the evidence and don't forget the Waltham-skins !!!

waltham có nghĩa là

a city in Massachusetts that’s full of Hispanics, whites, or blacks. Schools in Waltham suck and the education is trash. There’s two middle schools and one high school. The middle school kids now are like high schoolers or try to act like it if they aren’t as “cool” as the high schoolers. People here typically roam the streets and do stupid shit. Drugs get passed around and everyone here fights. Bitches think their shit, niggas think they’re everything. Preppy white girls are always complaining. It can be really rough in Waltham tbh and it’s one of the worst city’s in mass. High school kids think they are so big especially the freshman. There’s a bunch of kids with anger issues at Kennedy and theres always problems there. One of the best party towns and some
Of the best memories. People that live in this shitty place make it lit as fuck.


1.] Dont fuck with her/him on dead dogs I heard she/he’s from Waltham. 2.] Did you hear about the party in Waltham? 3.] The peeps from Waltham are hoes so watch out man.

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