Viết về thói quen an uống của bạn bằng tiếng Anh

viết đoạn văn ngắn về thói quen ăn uống của mình bằng tiếng anh

My eating habit distinguishes me from other people. In the morning I drink a cup of warm honey lemon liquid, which is really good for digesting. Then I eat some rye bread and drink a cup of plain milk. For lunch I eat chicken breast because it's rich in protein. I also eat some vegetables such as spinach and lettuce. In the evening I eat fruit and yogurt. Sometimes I eat a bar of chocolate and then go to bed.

-Đoạn văn tham khảo:

Every morning, I wake up early to enjoy my breakfast. Because people say breakfast is not the main meal, but breakfast is very important, it affects our energetic day, so I eat breakfast every day. At noon, I usually eat at home, in my house I cook delicious food. And in the afternoons, my family rarely had dinner, so my family never ate me at home.

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