Student employment bureau IELTS Listening answers

PRACTICE TEST 5 PART A. LISTENING [50 points] Section 1. [10 points] Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU STUDENT REGISTRATION FORM Faculty: Science Example Given name: Charlotte Surname: [1]__________ Address: [2]__________ Heathfield St., Maryland Telephone numbers: Home: N/A Mobile: [3]___________ Number of hours preferred: [4]____________per week Employment experience: [5]______________ Section 2. [10 points] You will hear a radio interview with a student called Leanne Wilson, who is talking about her first weeks at university. For questions 6-10, choose the best answer [A, B or C] 6. What advice does Leanne give about getting to know people in the first weeks at university? A. Join a lot of different sports club. B. Avoid judging people on first impressions. C. Make friends with people studying the same subject as you. 7. Leanne chose not to live at home because____________.

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