Spotify playlist too big

The #1 Secret to Getting on ANY Spotify Playlist

Most everyone who is releasing music today, is trying to do the same thing: get discovered by new fans by being included on a BIG playlist

This could be an editorial [curated by the staff at a DSP like Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, et al] playlist or even a user playlist that has developed a following around a niche. But, you are probably thinking about this all wrong.

The BEST way to get on a big Spotify Playlist is to make the exact kind of music that is already on that playlist!

As the old saying goes you cant fit a square peg in a round hole! Its just not going to work.

The purpose of a playlist for a DSP, is only to increase listening time, not primarily for the discovery of new artists. They want listeners to come back to a playlist again and again and listen to as much music as possible every time.

From the artists point of view, playlists look very different. They look and feel like a chance to be discovered by a whole new audience that of course is going to like your music, because you are just as good as anyone on that playlist, right?

Many artists will wrongly assume that because they think a certain track is the best or the most interesting that it will be included on a playlist. But perhaps the more efficient and effective choice, is to change your selection criteria too most likely to be added to _____ playlist

We have found again and again, that tracks that the artist does not focus on, but are appropriate for a certain type of playlist, are much more likely to get added.

Before you pick your singles or target tracks, do some research on the playlists in your genres niche [across all platforms, not just Spotify]. Then ask:

  • What are the big playlists like?

  • What types of songs do they tend to program?

  • Can you ascertain something about the curators taste by the selections they make?

  • Is the playlist meant to be consumed actively or passively? [Hint: many of them are supposed to set a mood or vibe in the background, not the center of attention]

  • Which of my songs would fit best with these different playlists? [Skips of a song are the enemy, you want your track to seamlessly blend in with the rest of the playlist]

If discovery via playlists is what youre after, be sure to select songs to pitch that are most likely to get added. That is, songs that are most like the songs that ave already been included. Make the curators job easy! Good luck!

NICK FINZER is a GRAMMY nominated jazz artist, professor, author, music marketing consultant and creative entrepreneur. To learn more about Nick, visit his website.

Music Business, Social Media, New ReleasesNick FinzerAugust 7, 2021Spotify, Playlists, playlisting, Tidal, apple music, music marketing, music discoveryComment
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