Sentenced to death là gì

Photo byEddi Aguirre

"Put [one] to death" = Đặt ai vào chỗ chết -> Xử tử/giết ai.

Ví dụ
Tharpe was sentenced to death three months after his conviction. In his appeals, he did not deny killing Freeman but sought a stay of execution based in part on racist comments from a juror [ban hội thẩm] who voted to put him to death.

Based on information received from sources, it has been learned that the younger sister of the deceased girl has told the police that Ramu, who lives in her neighborhood, put kerosene oil [dầu lửa] on her elder sister and set her on fire has put her to death. Innocent said that the accused had executed the incident in front of his eyes.

In Arkansas, new evidence has emerged bolstering [ủng hộ, giúp đỡ] the claims of Ledell Lee, a condemned prisoner who was put to death in April 2017 even as he professed his innocence [sự vô tội]. A Freedom of Information lawsuit filed on behalf of Lees sister by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Innocence Project argues no physical evidence directly tied Lee to the 1993 murder for which he was convicted, and casts serious doubts on the claims of forensics experts [các chuyên gia về giám định pháp y] who testified at the trial.

Ka Tina

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