Qualtrics Sample contact list


Qualtrics: Get a Contact List

A contact listincludes the names and email addresses ofindividuals to which a survey is sent. There are a variety of different ways to get a contact list. Below are some options recommended by the University.

External Contact List [Users Outside of UMN]

  • Qualtrics: Respondents can be purchased directly from Qualtrics. The Office of Measurement Services [OMS] has secured discounted pricing for purchasing Qualtrics respondents. Discounted pricing is available to faculty, staff, and students. OMS can also assist with designing and building your survey as needed. To learn more about this service or purchase respondents, fill out the respondents request form.
  • Dynata: Dynata is one of the global leaders for survey sampling.
    With access to participants in over 90 countries, they can help you find
    the perfect sample for your project. Dynata will allow you to build your
    own survey, but requires that they distribute the survey on your behalf.
    The Office of Measurement Services [OMS] can work with Dynata to build the survey, obtain the sample, and coordinate distribution through Qualtrics. Request a quote from Dynata.
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk [Mturk]: Mturk is an online marketplace where you can recruit and pay individuals to take your survey. Mturk is usually a cheaper alternative than paid samples, but it does have limitations: It's difficult to determine the validity of the sample, and it can be a challenge to apply eligibility criteria. Find out how to use Mturk with Qualtrics.

Internal Contact List [UMN Community]

Please note that internal contact lists should only be used if your survey project requires that you collect data specifically from students, faculty, and staff at the University of Minnesota. It is rarely appropriate to survey an entire group or University population. Before you request an internal contact list, make sure to review information on sampling best practices.

WARNING: Oversampling [sending your survey to more people than you need to ensure your results are representative of the population] leads to institutional survey fatigue and decreased response rates, and negatively impacts data quality. Survey fatigue is an issue with many causes and consequences. Response rates for online surveys conducted at the University are lower than desirable, which can create difficulty in extrapolating meaningful and representative data. The issue of low response rates both contributes to and is an effect of oversampling.

  • UMN Office of Institutional Research: If you have a survey, but need a list of participants, the Office of Institutional Research may providecontact lists if your project satisfies a Universitybusiness or educationalneed.Fill out the U-SAT Approval & Assistance Form to request a Contact List.

  • Note:The Office of Institutional Research can release public data, but cannot release private data [learn more about the differencebetween private and public data].
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