Lenovo laptops are garbage

Just a heads up.

If you're dealing with faulty Lenovo Hardware, good luck getting a return.

Back story...

So my company gives it's employees a discount on Lenovo computers when you buy direct from the manufacturer, around 15% if I remember correctly. Anyway, I had seen the Yoga 2's in Best Buys andwas impressed with the build quality. Seemed like they were pretty solid little laptops. I convinced my girlfriend who was in the market for a new laptop to go with one.

We started seeing pretty serious hardware issues within a couple months of the purchase. She did what any sensible consumer would do. She called Lenovo and requested a return.

I get a phone call from her at 10:30pm, she's in tears. Apparently she had been on the phone with Lenovo for over four hours, being juggled between different departments. Some of them would make her jump through arbitrary technical hoops, [reinstalling the OS, installing and running their shitty diagnostic utility, etc.]. Lenovo refused to refund her. I work in the software dept of a company with a pretty extensive call center infrastructure so naturally I think, "Oh, we're just not asking the right questions, or the elevating to the right employee". The next night I try my hand at the getting a refund. I spent three infuriating hours on the phone with their offshore call center, get the same reach around bullshit they were feeding her.

The hardware issues are getting worse. She gets a BSOD at least once a week now, and now the screen is cutting out in the middle of her work:

She tried calling them today and once again they refuse to help her. We don't know what to do. This laptop is only 7 months old and she spend around $700 dollars on it. Not chump change for people who are relatively new to the work force. Does anybody have any advice on recourse? We're desperate.

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