Remote Desktop auto logout

I seem to have a problem with my server logging out the user 1 hour after the RDP session has closed. I want the user to always stay logged in so I can have an application running 24/7. I've tried a few different things that I saw online:

1] I've changed my Administrator User's "session" tab settings to have no time limits:

Edit Tried to post image, but I don't have enough rep.

2] I've looked at my local policy settings [both computer and user] for session time limits. Everything is set to Unassigned, and it says in the policy description that if unassigned the default is unlimited session time:

Edit Tried to post image, but I don't have enough rep.

3] In the windows system event log I always see the 7002 winlogon event ["User Logoff Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program"] always around 1 hour after I've closed out of the Remote session. So I tried turning off the customer experience improvment program using the steps outlined in this post:

User Logoff Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program

So far nothing has worked, it still continues to log the user off 1 hour after closing out of the remote session, and the application closes when the user is logged out. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

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