Have lessons là gì


Thông dụng

Danh từ

Bài họcto learn one's lesson by hearthọc thuộc lòng bài học

Lời dạy bảo, lời khuyênnever forget the lesson of Leninkhông bao giờ được quên những lời dạy bảo của Lê-nin

Lời quở trách; sự trừng phạt, sự cảnh cáoto read someone a lessonquở trách người nào

Ngoại động từ

Quở trách, cảnh cáo, lên lớp [ai]; trừng phạt

[từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ] dạy, ra bài cho [ai]

Cấu trúc từ

to give lessons indạy [môn gì]

to take lessons inhọc [môn gì]

Chuyên ngành

Toán & tin

bài học

Các từ liên quan

Từ đồng nghĩa

nounassignment , chalk talk , class , coaching , drill , education , exercise , homework , instruction , lecture , period , practice , quiz , reading , recitation , schooling , study , task , teaching , test , tutoring , admonition , censure , chiding , deterrent , exemplar , helpful word , message , model , moral , noble action , notice , precept , punishment , rebuke , reprimand , reproof , scolding , warning , example , experience , text


Từ điển Collocation

lesson noun

1 period of teaching or learning

ADJ. good, interesting | boring | individual | private | driving, English, geography, maths, piano, swimming, etc.

VERB + LESSON attend, go to, have, take I go to Italian lessons at the local college. We had a history lesson followed by a double maths lesson. I'm taking driving lessons at the moment. | give [sb], offer [sb], provide, take, teach She gives singing lessons. They're offering free lessons in computing. I had to take a biology lesson this afternoon because the biology teacher was away. He doesn't teach very many lessons these days. | get Pupils get lessons on how to organize their study time. | prepare The trouble is that teachers don't prepare their lessons carefully enough. | skip He got into trouble for skipping lessons.

PREP. during a/the ~ No talking was allowed during the lesson. | in a/the ~ You can't expect to learn all there is to know about the subject in a 45-minute lesson. | ~ about a lesson about the Civil War | ~ in He took lessons in Thai cookery. | ~ on a lesson on the Roman Empire | ~ with They've got a lesson with Mrs Evans at two o'clock.

2 sth learnt through experience

ADJ. important, salutary, useful, valuable | bitter, hard, painful It's a hard lesson to learn. | clear

VERB + LESSON draw, learn What lessons can we draw from this unfortunate experience? | teach sb It taught me some valuable lessons about working with other people.

PREP. ~ from There are important lessons to be learnt from this mistake. | ~ in I learned a lesson in harsh economics when I was made redundant.

Từ điển WordNet


  • a unit of instruction

    he took driving lessons

  • punishment intended as a warning to others; example, deterrent example, object lesson

    they decided to make an example of him

  • the significance of a story or event; moral

    the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor

  • a task assigned for individual study

    he did the lesson for today

English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

syn.: assignment course exercise instruction study teaching

Ý nghĩa của lesson trong tiếng Anh

Các ví dụ của lesson


The lessons we can learn from them will be needed throughout the rest of the book.

In this regard, we have shared our lessons and experiences with others, and are happy to do so.

Let us turn now to the exploration of those problems in the particular "lessons" within the frame.

They included taking lessons for her advanced driving test, watercolour painting and gardening.

Secondly, it would seem sensible to suggest that lessons can be learned from the experience of other jurisdictions, by adopting a comparative approach.

There may also be a desire to utilise comparative studies for practical policy considerations by attempting to derive" lessons" from overseas experience.

The books are graded and individual lessons often numbered and sequenced.

The lessons learned from these trials are considered in the following paragraphs.

Do the lessons of the 'logic of managerial enterprise' also apply to the first industrial revolution?

Architectural traditions are rich in potential lessons and alternatives.

There are two lessons to be drawn from this example.

Thus, what are the lessons of the 1990s?

However, the lessons from previous policy and implementation in this arena raise two issues that need to be addressed.

Legislative policy making and lessons for developing practice guidelines.

There are several lessons to be learned from this piece.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Các cụm từ với lesson

Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với lesson.

Bấm vào một cụm từ để xem thêm các ví dụ của cụm từ đó.

acting lessons

She has taken private acting lessons since 1999.



Ví dụ này từ Wikipedia và có thể được sử dụng lại theo giấy phép của CC BY-SA.

ballet lessons

A girl had studied classical ballet, so she directed our ballet lessons.

Những ví dụ này từ Cambridge English Corpus và từ các nguồn trên web. Tất cả những ý kiến trong các ví dụ không thể hiện ý kiến của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của người cấp phép.

Bản dịch của lesson

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