Find negative numbers in list Python

Count positive and negative numbers in a list in Python program

PythonServer Side ProgrammingProgramming

In this article, we will learn about the solution to the problem statement given below.

Problem statement We are given a list iterable, we need to count positive and negative numbers in it and display them.

Approach 1 Brute-force approach using iteration construct[for]

Here we need to iterate each element in the list using a for loop and check whether num>=0, to filter the positive numbers. If the condition evaluates to be true, then increase pos_count otherwise, increase neg_count.


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list1 = [1,-2,-4,6,7,-23,45,-0] pos_count, neg_count = 0, 0 # enhanced for loop for num in list1: # check for being positive if num >= 0: pos_count += 1 else: neg_count += 1 print["Positive numbers in the list: ", pos_count] print["Negative numbers in the list: ", neg_count]


Positive numbers in the list: 5 Negative numbers in the list: 3

Approach 2 Brute-force approach using iteration construct[while]

Here we need to iterate each element in the list using a for loop and check whether num>= 0, to filter the positive numbers. If the condition evaluates to be true, then increase pos_count otherwise, increase neg_count.


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list1 = [1,-2,-4,6,7,-23,45,-0] pos_count, neg_count = 0, 0 num = 0 # while loop while[num < len[list1]]: # check if list1[num] >= 0: pos_count += 1 else: neg_count += 1 # increment num num += 1 print["Positive numbers in the list: ", pos_count] print["Negative numbers in the list: ", neg_count]


Positive numbers in the list: 5 Negative numbers in the list: 3

Approach 3 Using Python Lambda Expressions

Here we take the help of filter and lambda expressions we can directly differentiate between positive and negative numbers.


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list1 = [1,-2,-4,6,7,-23,45,-0] neg_count = len[list[filter[lambda x: [x < 0], list1]]] pos_count = len[list[filter[lambda x: [x >= 0], list1]]] print["Positive numbers in the list: ", pos_count] print["Negative numbers in the list: ", neg_count]


Positive numbers in the list: 5 Negative numbers in the list: 3

All the variables are declared in the local scope and their references are seen in the figure above.


In this article, we have learned how to count positive and negative numbers in a list.

Published on 23-Dec-2019 07:48:37
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